Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 238: Han Yu, who lost his fuck

Grasping this kind of thing, the competition is entirely luck.

Han Hao’s luck has always been good, but this time... well, the note on her hand says “first”, while the three elders write a “post”.

She first! Now how to do?

The house leaked to the night rain, Han Han looked at the note in his hand, and his face was slightly pale, and he couldn’t see what was in her heart.

Looking at the "first" word in Han Yu's hand, the three elders smiled and were very satisfied. He deliberately retired from the bed and gave Han Han a position. "Qin Wang, please detoxify!"

"Oh, is it a solution to the poison, will the Prince of Heaven be healed?"

The pity lady asked with a sneer, just waiting to see Han Han admit defeat, who knows, Han Han is even one sentence, "nonsense, this still ask?"

I am a pity, my wife, I don’t know how to refute, I can only eat this dumb loss.

Han Wei said, striding to the bedside, "three elders, that younger generation is not welcome."

Seeing the situation of Han Yu, the three elders and the pity of the lady looked at each other and did not agree. He did not believe that Han Han could really toss something out.

"Please, please." The three elders said loudly.

Han Han sat down on the bed, and looked at Long Tianmo up and down. At this time, Long Tianmo was exhausted, not as fiercely struggling as he was, only to linger.

See Han Han just watch, did not move, the three elders and the pity of the lady did not say anything, after all, is the superior, this patience is still there, but they are even more disapproving in their hearts, the four elders do not speak, Capricorn beard, no Glimmering.

As for Luo Zuishan and Yu Yubo, both of them are immersed in their own world, and they don't care about Han Han. After all, in their hearts, this girl is nothing to toss.

Gu Beiyue was the closest to Han Han, and behind him, his hands clasped his gentle and quiet face, and Han Han’s reaction made him very worried.

He knows what this woman must be.

After a while, Han Han still only looked at it, and Mrs. Pity could no longer give her time and start to suffer. "Qin Wang Hao, can't your eyes be detoxified?"

Who knows, Han Wei is still looking up and down Long Tianmo, Shen Sheng, "Yes."


This gimmick film, dead to the end, actually still hard.

"Okay, then you can solve it!"

Han Hao didn't look at her, and took a golden needle from the medical bag. The hand was gently raised, and the needle sleeve was slowly spread out on the edge of the bed.

I saw that the long strips of needles were inserted with gold needles of various sizes and thicknesses. Although they were densely packed, they were also orderly, and there were also a thousand.

Not professional, the first look at the line, the insider is more aware of the line.

As soon as this set of gold needles unfolded, everyone in the room was shocked. Even Gu Beiyue was no exception. Even he had never seen Han Hao have such a neat gold needle, and the absent-minded Yu Yubo and Luo Zuishan also had time. I came over.

Although everyone was shocked, they were all secretly shocked in the heart, and no one showed it, especially the three elders and the compassionate wife.

Unconsciously, the room became particularly quiet.

"Gu Tai doctor, trouble to help a hand." Han Hao whispered.


At this moment, Gu Beiyue’s heart suddenly quieted down. Like his quiet face, he thought that Han Han must be sure.

This woman, sure enough, will not disappoint.

I thought that Han Han would let him take the needle, but who knows Han Han said, "Help him take off his clothes."

The presence is big

It is normal for the patients to take off their clothes, but what Han said is "all off."

"This... Detoxification needs this? Qin Wang, you are a woman!" Mrs. Pity reminded me incredibly.

Han Hao was too lazy to pay attention, and glanced at Gu Beiyue, indicating that he would hurry.

Gu Beiyue is hesitating, so it is not very suitable.

"He has twenty full-body joints in his body, and all the toxins in the two hundred and ten joints have been collected. They must be discharged as soon as possible. If I don't take off, how can I detoxify him?" Han Yu seriously asked.

When this was said, everyone seemed to default to the fact that Long Tianmo was poisoned. The face was opposite, the audience was silent, and no one retorted.

Gu Beiyue understood it, but he was not tied to the number of ceremonies. He quickly took off his clothes for Long Tianmo and left only the trousers.

As soon as the clothes were taken off, Han Han began to start from the big joints, looking for acupuncture points to prepare needles.

However, when she picked up the first gold needle, the three elders couldn't help but say, "How can you use the needle directly?"

The three elders are not unseen people. Of course, they have heard of acupuncture and detoxification. They have also seen it. Just, and do not say acupuncture and detoxification, they say the most common acupuncture treatment. Before the needle is removed, the gold needle should be treated and disinfected to prevent infection.

Ancient gold needle disinfection is used to cook, this is the most basic, the medical doctors just started to know, Han Han actually do not understand.

It was just caught by Han Yu’s full set of golden needles. The three elders and other people have all returned to God. In this year, the swindlers who frightened people in the line have gone.

"Pretend, the golden needle of Qin Wangxi is a rare thing, do not need to cook." Mrs. compassionate face sarcasm.

Unexpectedly, Han Yu’s tone is more disdainful than her. “No, I’m sure the five elders will see this disposable needle for the first time?”


Disposable needle?

This word is not only unfamiliar to the pity lady, but also strange to everyone present.

What does it mean?

"The things that are on the side of the door, my mainstream decent nature does not understand." Mrs. pity retorted.

Han Hao lowered his head and did not explain much. Instead, he smiled lightly and took the gold needle to find a hole.

At the beginning of the acupuncture points, the people present were still able to understand, but after a few needles, even the elders of the medical sanctuary could not understand, and they did not know the existence of those acupuncture points.

As the golden needles get more and more, the faces of the people are becoming more and more complicated. What is Han Han doing? Where is the search for acupuncture points, it is simply a mess!

If you do this, you will be killed.

The three elders couldn’t help but remind, "Qin Wang, if you break into the needle, you will be at your own risk!"

Han Hao looked up at the three elders and smiled. "Well, I will be responsible."

She said that she took a long needle and closed her eyes and slowly inserted it into the acupuncture point of Long Tianmo. When the needle went down, I saw that the skin around the joint was slowly bleeding, black blood. .

Black blood, toxic!


The three elders did not consciously whisper, how can he not believe his eyes, but everything in front of him is the fact.

The joints of Long Tianmo are really poisonous.

Not to mention what disease is there in Long Tianmo, at least, Han Han is not wrong, he is wrong, Long Tianmo is poisoned.

The pain in his joints is caused by poisoning.

The silence in one room was terrible, and the lady's face was pale and pale, and everyone else was shocked. Gu Beiyue, the beautiful mouth slowly screamed and laughed.

In the silence, Han Han opened her eyes and let the joints bleed. She began to deal with the second big joint. Soon, the second big joint was also poisoned.

Slowly seeping out, and the whole house, the more silent, even the breath of Long Tianmo is gone.

Up to the three elders, down to the little doctors, all of them are not consciously approaching, stunned to see Han Han looking for acupuncture points, only to see Han Han's movements as flowing, smooth and elegant, between the hands and the other, there is a saying Not coming out of the wind.

Long Tianmo has more than two hundred joints of body and size. Han Han has not let go of any joint. One joint and one joint are carefully detoxified. Try to use acupuncture to remove the bone poison.

When she reached the last joint, she was sweating.

Gu Beiyue took Khanpa, gently wiped her for her, and her professional habits made it. Han Han did not refuse, and was not disturbed. She still lowered her head, squeezing her eyes and taking the needle seriously.

However, some people on the roof slowly picked up their eyes and chilled.

In the silence, time passed very fast, and half a day passed. Long Tianmo was covered with golden needles, and the poisonous blood also flowed a bed.

Finally, after putting the last shot, Han Han stopped.

At this time, the three elders were surrounded by Han Han, and they all looked at it. Han Han twisted his neck and moved his hands and deliberately glanced at the three elders.

The three elders immediately avoided her gaze, and when they saw it, Han Yule took a light smile and began to receive the needle. The poison that can be discharged by the golden needle in the dragon's ink joints was basically discharged.

Han Yu applied the needle to the action, such as the flow of water, the action of the needle is more sloppy, so people can not see clearly.

However, I can't see clearly, but everyone still tries hard to watch seriously, for fear of missing something.

There are more than two hundred acupuncture points, and at least five gold needles in one acupoint. It is conceivable how many gold needles there are, and nearly one thousand should be there.

These golden needles, she did not retract the needle sleeve, but she was thrown aside and lost a lot.

Soon, all the golden needles were taken away. Han took the last long golden needle and got up. He smiled at the lady who was pity. "Hey, this is not a side-by-side. The one-time use of the needle means that you don’t use it once. Lost!"

She said, throwing the gold needle aside, the movement is elegant and chic.

A full set of gold needles, nearly a thousand pieces, actually lost like this, it is simply violent! Is it difficult to have a lot of sets on her hands?

The pity lady looked at the pile of black blood, and then looked at Han Han. I didn’t know what to say for a while.

The three elders have been watching those black blood, and there is nothing to say.

Han Hao had already gone to the side to wash her hands. She was very careful and focused, as if nothing had happened.

After she was washed, she was only seen by the Prince of the glory. "When the Prince is honored, he will wipe the body of His Royal Highness and put on his clothes. After two days, I will review it again."

Rong Rongwang looked silly, and the Emperor of Heaven and Embassy said this woman is useless, but now it seems that this is not the case!

After leaving a room that was too late to return to God, Han Han sorted out the clothes and turned to go out.

Gu Beiyue followed, and after leaving the yard, Gu Beiyue opened his mouth. "Wang Hao Niangniang, you just... Hehe, I thought it would be impossible to solve this problem."

The previous dispute made him squeeze a cold sweat.

Who knows, Han Han stopped, looked helpless, "I can't solve it, I just detoxification first."

As soon as I heard this, Gu Beiyue was finally like everyone else, and he was embarrassed.

Han Hao shrugged and continued to move forward. There was no detoxification and no detoxification. She would not admit this kind of thing!


Well, she admits that she is off the hook, but she did not say that she has detoxified, it should not be lying.

There are still two days, what should I do?

(End of this chapter)