Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 262: The person who refuses to accept, accept

Han Hao was anxious to find a golden needle. When she saw the white squirrel jumped to the white robes, she was shocked. How could this monster who came to the unknown still catch up?

What does it want to do?

The white squirrel looked at Han Han, and the light was pious, and the short, short, thick hands were held together, like a slap, and like worshipping her, and the tail swayed hard.

This time, Han Yu was serious about it, this little guy seems to be very friendly to her.

However, she is busy saving people, and she has no time to think about what it wants to do.

It is determined that the white squirrel is only standing by the body of the white man, and there is no harm. Han Han has rushed to find the golden needle.

The white squirrel looked at the messy golden needle and looked at the white man again. He suddenly turned around and ran, and the smoke disappeared.

"Weird!" Han Yu glanced at it and went with it.

Han Wei continued to find the golden needle, but fortunately she quickly adjusted the state, otherwise I do not know how long it will take.

She first protected the heart of the white man, and then helped him to protect his strength, and it took an hour to get it.

The habit of the doctor, she has always had emergency medicine in her pocket, there are drugs for temporary treatment of trauma, and there are also remedies for life-saving.

She has a long-awaited heart-protecting Dan, and she is not willing to use it, but now she does not hesitate to take it out.

However, Han Han hesitated when he took it out. Would you like to feed him?

If you feed him, it is bound to reveal his mask.

Looking at the white man's quiet eyebrows, the **** mask, Han Han was caught in the battle of heaven and man.

"Don't look... is it good?"

"Well, it's ugly, don't look."

This is what he said last time before his coma, so gentle voice, so that Han Han once thought of it, he could not kneel down and reject him.

"Hey, you must not be ugly."

She didn't know why she was so sure. She put Xin Dan in his hand and held his hand tight.

There is no way to feed him to take medicine, only a few more acupuncture.

Han Yu tied the white man's clothing belt and took off his coat to put on him. Anyway, she didn't care so much. From now on, she refused to obey the so-called certain women's avenues in this era.

When the clothes came off, Han Yu realized that the clothes wrapped around her were not hers, but just her white man gave her.

She spread out gently and found that the clothes were white and victorious. There was no pattern on the top, only a few bloodstains, like snow plums, deserted, lonely.

Words like people, clothes like people, in addition to gentle, what kind of man is he?

When Han Hao was bored before, he read the general history of the Yunkong continent and naturally understood the Daqin Empire.

The Daqin Empire, the two royal family, the seven nobles, the shadow family is the most powerful of the seven nobles, the most loyal to the royal family, but also the lowest tone. They are like their name "shadow", like a shadow standing on the other side of the light, guarding the owner and never showing up.

Han Han put on clothes for the white man, sat down beside him, murmured and asked, "Hey, why are you saving me?"

In the tiankeng, when Long Xiaoyue recognized that he was a movie family, she didn't think so much, but she just had to think about it when she was killed by this guy.

Western Qin Dynasty?

Is it related to her? No, how can she have a relationship with her? She is from the future, but she has the body of a Han family.

To be exact, it should be related to Mrs. Tianxin or her mysterious father.

Thinking about this, Han Yu’s mouth is a touch of joy.

I came to the medical school and got a sigh of relief. Fortunately, I still had some gains and met this guy.

When he wakes up, be sure to ask!

The joy is joy, Han Han can not recover the mood, she glanced at the sky, the eyes passed a touchless helpless.

After another hour, it will be dark, and it will get closer and closer to the child. It seems that she can't go back to the medical school. In fact, even if she can go back, she can't save Long Tianmo.

The poisonous beast didn't even see a shadow, and God knew it was hidden, or it was just a rumor.

Going back to doing something, facing questioning, ridicule, expulsion?

For the first time, Han Yu had such a strong sense of powerlessness. She stunned her eyes and thought so much. She was not afraid of things. When she decided that the white man was not serious, she went back and made a knot.

Suddenly, there was a rush of movement from the side, and Han Han immediately turned around and watched.

Unexpectedly, it was the little squirrel who came back and dragged a lot of things back.

Han Yu set the gods to look at it, stunned, this white squirrel is too smart, it has been a long time, it is difficult to become a fine?

I saw the little squirrel with a huge banana leaf bottom, filled with all kinds of poisonous grass, and then dragged the head of the banana leaf to drag it.

Han Hao swept away and basically analyzed the poisons above. Half of them were in her medical kit, and the other half was a very rare species.

Under the gaze of Han Han, the little squirrel dragged the poisonous herb to the side of Han Yu, and shook his tail and shook his tail.

Han Hao, who has been calm for a long time, finally carefully examined this little squirrel. Before she did not read it correctly, it seems to be on the shoulder of Yi Jun and evil. The shoulder is poisonous!

However, it was not poisoned.

In front of this pile of poisonous herbs, all of them are found, can it be that it can identify poison?


Han Han seems to suddenly think of something, scared to immediately protect the white man back.

This little thing will not be the poisonous beast!

Although it is very small and small, it can be squeezed to death with a small palm. However, looking at the various poisonous herbs he has dragged, Han Han can't help but doubt.

The poisonous beast of the poisonous scorpion can distinguish a hundred poisons and can eat a hundred poisons. Moreover, the blood can solve a hundred poisons. The most terrible thing is that the poisonous beast itself is also highly toxic. Once it is bitten, it is equivalent to a hundred poisons. Even the Da Luo fairy can not save.

For the time being, this little thing has at least two! If you are bitten, it will be lost.

Seeing the fear of Han Yu, the little squirrel is in a hurry, and he is even more eager to wag his tail, and he keeps on arbitrarily scolding it. It looks like how cute it is!

However, Han Wei looked at it with caution. He didn't believe that the poisonous beast could be so cute, wouldn't he insult the word "beast"?

It’s useless for the little squirrel to show up. It’s more nervous than Han Han’s, jumping around in place, and for a moment, plunging into the poisonous grass, his claws keep picking and picking.

Well, the new owner is angry!

It has to return the poison that it accidentally eats, and can't make the owner angry.

It slept in the secret room for a long time, and when he woke up, he found someone invaded and immediately summoned the eater.

Although it is locked by many mysterious irons, it can be reduced to escape freely into the Chamber of Secrets. This secret is not known to its old master.

In fact, it is not closed, but it is too lazy, lazy to come, let the medical school people just take medicine, and, the poison is its home, how can it leave?

It did not expect the blood of this woman to

To open the Xuan Jinmen, she must be its new owner.

It was originally hiding in the dark, peeking at Jun and evil, and smelling the familiar atmosphere. It immediately found her and sneaked into her medical bag.

It is precisely because of this that the Mole did not dare to approach her.

As soon as I got into the medical kit, it found a lot of delicious food. It was originally intended to eat a few mouthfuls of hunger. Anyway, it was outside, and most of it was poison. But who knows it can't stop eating it.

Well, it admits that when you meet a food, you often eat the realm of ecstasy.

It also didn't know what was going on around it. When it was finished, it took a look and saw the new owner being pulled in the arms of the bad man.

It was originally intended to kill him, but when he jumped to the shoulders of others, he discovered the New World. It was a poison that it did not smell, a new poison.

So, it almost forgot me.

The little squirrel picked hard, Han Yu was afraid, but also curious, she took a serious look and found that the poison that the little squirrel provocated was all lost in her medical kit.

It’s hard to be...

Han Hao did not want to understand, the little squirrel picked a large pile of herbs to go to Han Han, for fear that Han Yu did not understand, the little squirrel took a poisonous grass and went into her medical bag.

So, it...

Han Hao knows it, and immediately slaps the camera to the medical kit, and screams, "It turns out that you are messing with my golden needle!"

The poison has not been tightened, and the most hated gold needle is messed up and dirty!


The little squirrel did not resist, and curled up into a group of grievances.

Han Hao hurriedly took the hand, and the little squirrel immediately came out and fell on her arm, her hands clasped to her chest, a look of forgiveness.

Han Hao forgot to be afraid, angry and laughed, and lost to this little cute thing.

She carefully stretched her hand and scratched its small face. The little squirrel not only refused, but looked up and continued to sell it.

Han Yule, "You are the Mole?"

I don't know if the little squirrel can understand Han Han's words. It can still be pity in the first second. This second is a slap in the face.

Han Hao doesn't know if it understands it, and he doesn't know what it means to laugh like this. He can stare at it with suspicion.

The little squirrel saw her expression and slammed a few times and jumped back to the ground.

I saw it squatting in the air and smashing the gang. In a flash, the little body disappeared. Instead, it was a giant behemoth, a white squirrel the same size as the lion tiger. The four catches are short, fat, and bulky. I can't stand up on the floor, no matter which direction I look at, I feel like a huge white ball.

Han Wei was shocked! How could this be?

The appearance of the little squirrel is very insulting to the "beast", but it is so cumbersome and more insulting the word "beast"!

God knows how long it has not been exercised!

The Mole did not like his cumbersome look at all, and soon returned to the original shape, jumped back to Han Han’s arm and continued to grin at her.

Now, the new owner should know its identity, right?

Of course, know, no doubt, it is, Mole!

Han Wei didn't know why this little thing stuck to her, and she was good to her. Anyway, she did not refuse.

She blinked and smiled. "Small things, don't mind letting some blood be used for me?"

The Mole has a **** solution, and it takes no time to get it. Long Tianmo has saved it!

To the reader's words: Today's state is not good, and the third is to push you to tomorrow, and book it.

(End of this chapter)