Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 263: Midnight, who is here?

Seeing Han’s eyes and laughing, the little squirrel finally breathed a sigh of relief. It thought, the new owner laughed, and must forgive it! So, it has also been together, the smile is more brilliant, the two big front teeth are looming.

Han Yu stared at its big front teeth and thought that the poisonous beast's blood could solve a hundred poisons. However, if it was bitten by it, it would be poisoned and killed. What is the existence of this contradiction?

If its blood can solve a hundred poisons, then its blood must be non-toxic. It is difficult to make this little thing like a poisonous snake. Under the root of the tooth, there is a poisonous gland. When biting, the venom will be ejected from the tip of the tooth.

What kind of poison is its venom?

Anyway, her detoxification system must have not been recorded, so she could not detect its existence. There was no such monster in modern history.

Well, I have to find a way to get the venom to study it. However, the most important thing in the moment is to get the blood of it, and the blood that can help save lives!

Han Xiao smiled and took out a small porcelain bottle.

Hey... the porcelain bottle with the potion?

Is it difficult to be a new master to give it something delicious? The little squirrel's inverted triangle's nose slammed and sniffed as it crawled closer, but unfortunately did not smell the poison.

It stopped in front of Han Han, staring at her with curiosity and eyes, what was in the bottle?

Who knows, Han Hao showed a small knife in the other hand, and the blade was sharp and dazzling.

The little squirrel was a glimpse, and then jumped up in fear and hid far away.

New master, what do you want to do?

Han screamed and laughed. "Small things come over and come out and mix."

The little squirrel is crying scared, and the new master won’t want to bake it. Do not do this!

Seeing the little squirrel in the ground did not move, did not escape, Han Hao secretly fortunate, she cut a hand with a small knife to pick up some blood in a small porcelain bottle, to demonstrate the little squirrel.

The little squirrel looked at it seriously and shook his head.

Ok, it's smart and spiritual. It sees it, but it refuses.

Han Yu hesitated a moment and took out a poison from the medical kit.

Upon seeing it, the little squirrel was suspicious, and the poison in the cloth bag had long been eaten by it. Now how come again? Where is it coming from?

Of course, it is taken out in the detoxification system. The medical kit is nothing but a cover.

Han Han spread his fingers, the poison was scattered in the palm of his hand, the little squirrel sniffed, suddenly a spirit, excited to stand up!

Still the original taste, or the original formula!

This poison is nothing else, it is the delicious taste on the shoulders of Jun Yixie!

The little squirrel did not hesitate, and the flight generally rushed over. However, Han Han avoided it, smiled at it, and showed a small knife.

"Just a small bottle of blood, will not want your life, can't change?"

Han Yu knows that the little squirrel will understand, but he does not know that this little thing will be so unimportant.

It not only did not hesitate to nod, but also got into her medical bag and pulled out a small porcelain bottle.

This means... Want two poisons for two bottles of blood?

Will it be anemia?

Han Hao couldn't help but laugh, and he took out three poisons and threw them to the little squirrel. I looked at the medical kit and looked at the things in Han Yu’s hand. It was too confused. I just saw it and I didn’t see anything.

Ok, it doesn't care so much, it has to eat and eat!

The little squirrel wiped out all the poisons at once, fearing that Han


Of course, if it is eaten up, it still consciously pulls out the third porcelain bottle. If you eat three poisons, you have to return three bottles of blood.

Han Xiao smiled and shook his head, grabbed the little squirrel and let go, and learned, "Small things, a bottle is enough. You must know how to love yourself, distress yourself, remember?"

The little squirrel seems to understand, the black sly eyes thieves, some timidly looked at Han Hao's knife, and immediately regained sight.

After eating, I know that I am afraid, and I don’t know where the new owner will cut it. Will it be very painful? It was said for the first time by a knife.

Seeing the little squirrel, Han Han couldn't help but snicker.

Of course, she won't make it too painful.

However, she will let it run temporarily!

Han Yu chose the legs of the little squirrel, gave it a calf, and immediately treated the wound with a small bottle of blood.

In fact, the knife mouth is very small, but she deliberately bandaged very exaggerated, gauze bundled several times, and also told the little squirrel with a serious face, "Do not mess, otherwise you will be killed!"

The little squirrel didn't understand what she said, looked at her so seriously, and then looked back at her own leg, and immediately turned white and fainted.

Looking at the little squirrel that passed out in his hand, Han Han was a little dumbfounding.

People in the world must know that this is the fierce poisonous beast in the legend. Will it be considered that the legend of the poisonous beast is fake?

A long time later, when Han Han saw the fierce side of the little squirrel, she knew that she had looked down on it. Of course, this was a follow-up.

Han Hao looked at the sky, less than half an hour to the midnight, from here to the medical school, even if there is Luo drunk mountain to take her close, it will take a long time, she is too late.

However, she did not even hesitate, put the little squirrels into the medical kit, cleaned up, and resolutely picked up the unconscious white man to go in the direction of the road.

Not give up!

Knowing the medicine means that Long Tianmo's life can be saved, which means that she and Gu Beiyue's crimes can be washed away. It also means that she can gamble to win the three elders, which means that she will not be tired of the Qin Wangfu, no What will you owe to the man again!

In any case, she can't give up, she has to go back!

Han Han put the white man's hand on his shoulder, and the thin shoulders hold up the weight of a big man.

Not long after, her straight waist was bent, and all the white men’s weights sank, and she couldn’t do it straight.

However, she did not wrinkle her brows, she could not stand the waist, even if she bent down, she must persist!

At the beginning, she went quite fast, but gradually, her footsteps became sunken, and the steps were slower and stepped deeper.

This speed must be too late, what should I do?

give up?

Late, in fact, the same can save the dragon Tianmo, the three elders even diagnosed mistakes, it is impossible to save Long Tianmo.

However, if she is late, she won’t win.

How about winning? She has never been a good person to win.

Give up, rest for a night to raise the spirit, wait for the white man to wake up, and then go back no later, anyway, Long Tianmo has a few days of life.

However, if you don't win, you will lose. The people in the world will not only know that Han Han lost, but also know that Qin Wangxi did not say it. Qin Wangxi was blacklisted by medical school and could never enter.

Thinking about this, Han Hao, who is so tired that he is squatting, bites the roots, and does not know where to come.

Power, perhaps, just for the pride in your heart. Her Han Yu detoxification saves people, never misses!

Perhaps, just for that one, don't owe it. Dragon is not night, I will return you a clean "Qin Wang Yu" name, from then on, you can clear it, do not owe each other?

Han Han, who could not move, tightened the hand of the white man, and once again took a step, step by step, getting faster and faster, and the mountain wind was cold at night, but she was already sweating.

Is she too late?

Very tight schedule!

At this time, the backyard of the medical school's consultation hall has long been overcrowded. The three elders of the Presbyterian Church, Rong Prince, Yan Yubo, Luo Dianshan, and many doctors, physicians, and doctors who came to see the drama.

Most of them did not know that the poisonous tiankeng had a big event, the tiankeng was destroyed, the poisonous beast was missing, and the top officials were busy.

All night, they are still full of energy, especially the three elders and Yan Yubo, because Gu Beiyue has been missing for two days, Han Hao has disappeared for a day, and just the end of the Long Tianmo is sick again, sore Full bed crawling.

Everything shows that Han Han and Gu Beiyue fled!

"Oh, Qin Wangxi was originally a liar! At this time, I see that she will not come to review."

"No, I thought that Prince Tianning was really poisoned. I heard that she applied poison to the detox that day and shocked the elders."

"I heard that she was holding a set of needles to scare the three elders. According to me, her needle is real, poisonous, huh..."

"Oh, unfortunately, Gu Beiyue and other talents, the good end of the doctor is not appropriate, how to hook up with that woman?"

"Oh, this kind of thing can't be said indiscriminately."

The spectators waited and talked a lot, and the words on this side were just finished, and the other side was misunderstood.

"What, Qin Wangxi and Gu Taiyi have a leg?"

"Really? It’s no wonder that Gu Beiyue’s people who are so loyal to the body will come in and come in, it’s .........”


The rumor is like this.

Seeing the child is coming, the voices of the people are getting louder and louder. The three elders who like to be quiet have never minded. He looks at the bright moon in the sky and counts his fingers.

After seeing Han Yu’s needle detoxification that day, the more he thought about it, the more he was unwilling, the more he thought it was wrong, the more he was blinded by that girl!

Tonight, Han Wei will definitely not come. Even if she is determined that she will not come, he will have to wait until midnight, lest he say that he is bullying the younger generation, saying that he will not give Tianning Qinwang face!

He has prepared the medical kit and diagnosed Long Tianmo's condition publicly tonight. On the third day, he turned over a lot of medical books and pondered many cases. He still knows a lot.

At this time, Mrs. Pity opened her mouth coldly. "Come on, bring out the Prince of Heaven, and in my opinion, Qin Wangyu is coming!"

Seeing that it’s midnight, is it not intentional to pity the wife?

When the voice fell, I suddenly laughed at it, and this was the point. The spectators were also welcome.

In the laughter, Luo Dianshan was anxious like an ant on a hot pot. He only knew that the Tiankeng cave was destroyed. As for the whereabouts of Han Yu and Gu Qishao, he did not know it!


Suddenly, Rong Rong, who was sitting on the side, stood up. His face was dark and ugly. When he stood for a moment, he said without hesitation, "Three elders, midnight is here!"

Yes, the night came, Han Han did not come.

However, a brief notice came from outside the hospital. "Tianning Qin Wang, drive!"

(End of this chapter)