Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 306: In fact saved her

Chapter 306 actually saved her.

"Han Wei, you stop!"

"I warn you, if you don't let go, you will be at your own risk!"

"Han Han, you heard no, stop!"


I have been guilty of Han Han’s hand, and Chu Qingge still has such a waste of time and waste.

Han Yu’s mouth was hooked with evil smiles, and the clothes belt was slowly pulled. Soon, the bow was gently pulled, the belt was completely opened, and the overlapping plackets were wide open, revealing a white blouse.


Chu Qing song immediately screamed, Chu family tutor is conservative, her self-respect is proud, how can I suffer from this kind of thing? Soon, tears wet her eyes.

Han Han is really bad. Seeing people crying, she laughs even more harmlessly.

This Chu Ching song is really scared, and quickly pleaded, "Han Han, I beg you! I beg you to let me go!"

"Han Han, I am wrong with the poisonous grass in the library. You let me go."

Chu Qing song was frightened, scared to let go of all pride and admit defeat to Han Han.

You must know that this is the Tianning Emperor. She is the representative of the Western Zhou Dynasty with Duanmu Bailu. Once the clothes are really taken off, things are too big. What she lost is not only the face of the Chu family, but also the face of the Western Zhou Dynasty. Yeah!

And herself, this life will be finished!

The cold beauty is begging for mercy, how can Han Han continue to be happy?

She smiled and personally tied the clothes of Chu Qingge and patted it. "What is nervous, I am just joking. Miss Chu is still serious. Is it like a man who is so a master?"

Ok, Han Han is not so beautiful, she just has some scruples.

After all, Chu Qingge’s return to Tianning is the identity of the outside. If she makes things big, the Emperor of Heaven and Earth will not marry her little nephew? The things in Xishan have not been dealt with yet. You can’t lose the little scorpion to others.

Besides, the gambling contract between her and Chu Qingge is a matter of poisonous grass. After all, this woman is provoked, and she has to smash the poisonous grass bank. Can she not be offended by the medical city?

Han Han is not a quick person, she knows the size.

Besides, there is still a Mu Linger on the side. This girl is not a good temptation. Give her a chance. Maybe she can kill the Chu Qing song.

The Chu Qing song was panicked and his face was pale and pale. Seeing that Han Han really stopped, her heart hung in the air.

Will she be willing?

The most hated person is the one who stepped on her pride. If it was before, it was upgraded to resentment!

She did not dare to show it on the spot, but secretly vowed that this hatred would not be reported, she would not surname Chu!

Mu Linger was originally shocked and very eager to see. Han Han did not really start, and suddenly had no interest. She thought that if she could move at this time, she would not be able to sing a few songs.

"Child, come over." Han Yu gently rushed to the side of the little beckon.

Xiao Yan immediately ran over, and she looked at Han Han, and the **** and white eyes shone with grateful light.

Mu Linger saw that her face was sinking. It was obvious that she was holding a small forgiveness. Han Han was just taking the opportunity to take revenge!

Han Wei handed a drug to Xiaoyan and smiled. "The poisons in them are different, but this antidote can detoxify. There is only one, you want to give yourself a look."

Han Yu’s voice fell, and Chu Qing’s song was immediately over his eyes. “Han Wei, you!”

Xiao Yan will certainly save Mu Linger! In this half hour, she still can't be torn by Mu Linger?

Mu Linger was very surprised. Looking at Han Han, Han Han was also looking at her. The two men looked at each other for a moment and did not speak. They avoided each other's sight.

Han Hao touched Xiao Yan’s head and joked. “I am gone. You can also give this antidote.”

This is just a joke, how is it possible? The little girl is not a fool.

See Han Han downstairs, Chu Qing song yelled, "Han Han, you come back, you can't do this, you come back!"

Xiao Yan immediately moved the stool to the side of Mu Linger and fed the antidote into Mu Linger's mouth. "Sister, thank you, my name is Su Xiaoyu."

She said this sentence, can't care if Mu Linger will continue to ask Chu Qingge to apologize, jump off the bench and rush to chase Han Han.

This time, Mu Linger and Chu Qingge are left on the second floor. Mu Linger’s body is recovering, and it will take a while to move.

Seeing that Mu Linger came to the front, the heart of Chu Qingge jumped wildly. "What are you going to do?"

Mu Linger is a very loving person. If you like it, you don't like it. If you don't like it, you don't like it.

"What do you want me to do?" she asked seriously.

"I warn you, you dare to..."

The words of Chu Qingge have not been finished yet, and Mu Linger will slap in the past, and “啪” will be clear and bright!

Just like Chu Qing’s slap on the face of Su Xiaoyu, the five blood-colored finger prints are clearly visible and shocking.

"You don't have to apologize now, happy and unhappy?" Instead of letting her apologize, it would be better to give her a slap!

Chu Qingge only felt that the whole face was hot and hot, and it burned up quickly. However, this is far from the hot heart of her heart, and her heart fire has long been ignited.

"Smelly head, there is a kind of newspaper you come up!" She was angry.

"Pharmaceutical City Mujia, Mu Linger! How?" Mu Linger immediately answered, do not change the surname, do not change the name, bright and upright!

"You!" Chu Qingge was very surprised. I didn't think it would be the genius pharmacist of this drug city. But what about the people who are Mujia?

"Mu Linger, you better kill me with a knife, or I will make you die very hard!" Chu Qingge coldly warned that this is the first time in a lifetime that a woman is beaten or beaten.

"Do you think I dare not?" Mu Linger asked aloud.

Han Hao is not a quick one, but this girl is an absolute impulse, can not hide words, can not stand things.

When she said nothing, she pulled down the clothes belt of Chu Qingge.

"Mu Linger, you give me a hand, stop!"

"You heard no, you stopped! Are you tired?"


Let Chu Qingge scream and scream, Mu Linger turned a deaf ear, she used both hands, and suddenly took off the coat of Chu Qingge.


Chu Qing songs are crazy, desperately yelling, scared to forget to beg for mercy, but, if she is begging for mercy, Mu Linger will not care.

Soon, she took off the long skirt of Chu Qingge. "Dare to swear to the girl, this girl lets you know what is tired!"

"Help... oh... help..."

Finally, Chu Qing’s song scared and cried, and he stood in a basecoat and couldn’t move.

Who knows that Mu Linger has not yet planned to stop, she actually pulled the belt of Chu Qingge.

Han Wei has scruples, she did not!

Han Hao does not do, she will do it!

"No..." Chu Qingge is on the verge of collapse.

Who knows, at this time, suddenly a figure passed by, and Chu Qing songs will be taken away in an instant.

Mu Linger immediately chased, but unfortunately, after catching up, the window could not see the figure, she was cold, "I count your life!"

Mu Linger stood at the window for a while, and her mood gradually calmed down. She looked back at the room and looked at the place where Han Han had just sat.

She knew that Han Han was deliberate, well, she admitted... the woman saved her.

Who is the person who saved the Chu Qing song? Mu Linger is also too lazy to think about it, she is in a good mood today!

At this time, Han Han has been entangled by the little singer named Su Xiaoyu.

Where Han Han went, she silently followed.

"Child, how are you willing to go? What do you follow me?"

It’s not that Han Han is not kind. She has given Su Xiaoyu a bag of money, enough for her to survive in the emperor, but she still does not leave.

Su Xiaoyu smashed the **** and white eyes, and the little lips clung tightly, not talking, but not dare to say.

Han Hao sighed and squatted down and asked the temper. "Well, what do you want to do?"

This time, Su Xiaoyu opened her mouth. "Big sister, I think... I want to be your slave, you accept me."


Han Hao did not know how to answer, she was very uncomfortable listening to these two words.

Although she is from modern times, she does not have the idea that everyone is equal in modern times. She knows that the king is defeated, and the strong is destined to be higher than the weak.

Just, I don't really like listening to a child saying these two words.

"Wang Hao Niangniang, I don't know who I am, who is the mother, I have always been a person, I can't use so much money." Su Xiaoyu returned a bag of money to Han Yu, "Big sister, you accept me." When I am a slave, I can eat and live. I am very diligent."

The female doll is early, but this is only seven or eight years old.

Looking at Su Xiaoyu's pure eyes, Han Yu felt distressed. She hesitated and nodded. "Go, go back with me!"

Anyway, Yun Xiaoge is an old man in Zhao Wei, and many small gimmicks are also good.

Han Yu took Su Xiaoyu back to Qin Wangfu. As soon as he reached the gate, Su Xiaoyu stood in the same place and looked dull.

"Let's go." Han Yu is not too dirty, has been holding her hand.

"You are Wang Xiang Niangniang?" Su Xiaoyu asked timidly.

Han Xiao smiled. "Why, don't you be a slave?"

Su Xiaoyu shook his head quickly, "I dare!"

After entering the government, Han Yu first handed Su Xiaoyu to Luo Guanjia for a few days, and told him to send it to Yunxue Pavilion in a few days.

As soon as she went to the Yunxue Pavilion, Chu Xifeng chased it. "Wang Hao Niangniang, where did you come back?"

Han Wei said about the restaurant, Chu Xifeng heard the mouth and smoked, he did not say anything, he must privately investigate Su Xiaoyu's coming.

Anyone who is not personally named by His Royal Highness must go to the Qin Wangfu to investigate, even if it is a child.

"His Royal Highness, when will you come back?" Han Yu asked seriously.

The day after tomorrow is the birthday of the Queen Mother. Although the dragon is not in the night, he has made a public knife, but he will not attend it.

"I don't know." Chu Xifeng is really unclear. He only knows that his Highness is still coming back every night.

Two days later, on the day of the Queen Mother’s birthday, Han Hao waited until noon from noon, and the dragon was not present at night!

The birthday banquet is a dinner party. Most of the emperors will go to the palace at noon. The dragon is not early in the night, but it can't be late!

As night fell, Han Han sat at the door of his bedroom. The more he waited, the more worried he was. What happened to the guy, wouldn’t it happen?

(End of this chapter)