Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 307: Queen Mother's Birthday Banquet (1)

Han Yu waited for a second, and the dragon was still not seen at night. Even Zhao Wei was suspicious. "Wang Hao Niangniang, it is difficult to be a temple... Don't want to go?

"I am afraid that he has three long and two short."

Han Wei still quite understands the current situation. In the interest of the truth, the Queen Mother’s birthday feast must be attended by night.

Yu Li, the first few days of the dragon was only a night of abuse of Xue Gonggong, and today missed the birthday of the Empress Dowager, that thing is really too much. Unless Long Fei wants to completely tear the face with the Emperor of Heaven and the Lord, a coup d’état, he will not do so.

In love, the Queen Mother is an elder, after all, everyone is calm and amiable. Long is not a night-time, and their marriage is promoted by the Queen Mother. If they don’t go to life for no reason, they can’t say it, let’s say, Yi Tai Already not going, the dragon is not good at night, but also has to show his face.

"Wang Hao Niangniang is more concerned, what can he do under the Highness? Let's go, let's go to the dressing and dressing up, maybe the temple is on the way back." Zhao Wei is still very confident about her master.

There is also an hour of birthday banquet, Han Han really should be ready to prepare.

Who knows that Han Han has just arrived at the entrance of Yunxue Pavilion, and the dragon is not coming.

He usually likes to wear black clothes. When he is free, he stays in the house and does not go out to wear white clothes. Tonight, I want to go to Heshou. He wears a purple dress. There are not many decorations that are very casual. However, this purple color will make his innate elegance and the compelling majesty of the day after tomorrow.

Han Han turned to see people, and did not consciously give a fool.

In fact, Han Yu is not at all mad, Gu Qixiao, the face of the city, she is lazy to see, perhaps, the dragon is the night is the escape she can not escape.

For Han Yu’s stupid expression, Long Fei night seems to be very helpless. He handed a big bag to Zhao Wei, and faintly said, “I am waiting at the door, packing her up and coming out.”

He said that he sat down on the swing in the yard, but Han Hao looked at it. She thought that for the last time she took the initiative, he seemed to have no reaction.

She still has some doubts that he has not seen her for so many days, is he deliberately avoiding? Who knows that this guy has never happened like anything.

In fact, he is still the same as before, cold and clear.

"Wang Hao Niangniang? We have to hurry up, slow."

Zhao Wei gently pushed her, she only returned to God.

However, the master and the servant went back to the house and opened the big bag of things that the dragon did not give at night. He immediately understood why he said that he would come slowly.

This is a very complete set of dresses, clothes, hair accessories, facets, shoes, and accessories.

Clothes are the most conservative Qufu. They are all exposed except the neck. Although conservative but dignified, the key is purple, and the dragon is not wearing a color.

There is only one set of clothes, but there are many sets of other accessories, all kinds of styles, all of them are precious things. Seeing Han Han and Zhao Wei are a bit dumbfounded.

They are not exactly the same as the ones that are prepared for the dragons and nights!

Of course, even if these things are not as good as Han Han’s own pick, she is also very happy to accept it, because this is the dragon’s night delivery.

"Wang Hao Niangniang, the old slave is also considered to grow up under the temple, he has never given a woman to pick something!" Zhao Wei was filled with emotion.

Han Yu looks confident. "I am the first and the last one."

Zhao Xin’s heart is haha, she dares to guarantee her life. This girl is absolutely afraid to say this sentence before the temple.


Put on the purple clothes, Han Han picked a set of purple jade in the purple jade ornaments and slanted into the bun, and a round pink purple jade was worn on the waist, simple and refreshing yet elegant.

Han Han came out of the purple coat and walked out as if he had entered the palace for the first time. She smiled. "His Royal Highness, pack it up, please accept it."

Long Fei night saw her for a long time like before, and did not express any opinions.

However, this time he did not leave without saying a word, but came towards her and took out a white jade crystal bracelet.

The bracelet is crystal clear, warm and watery, with little impurities, and a faint fluorescent white with purple, beautiful dreams.


He said a word, Han Hao and Zhao Wei on the side are scared!

This is jade stone!

Jadeite is the most rare kind of stone in the Yunkong continent. It is more precious than gold, jade and night pearl. Among them, this white jadeite with purple is the most valuable. The largest white jade spar discovered so far is also as big as the thumb, and is made into a ring in the hands of the emperor of the North.

Legend has it that if the dead man puts jadeite on his mouth, he can keep the bones from rot, just like a living person.

Where did the dragon come to find such a large jade stone in the night, it could actually make a bracelet, and there was no one at all.

This thing is not worth the price of the country!

Is he busy these days because of this bracelet?

See Han Han, the dragon pulled her hand at night and personally put it on her left hand.

Send her? The first gift?

Han Wei thought that Long Fei will say something at night. Who knows, he said nothing, took her away, and even did not even ask the medicine fan.

that's it?

The jade bracelet of the value of the country has given her a "give" word, which is like his temper. However, the matter of medicine Juan fan has to mention it?

She is seriously acquainted with the accompanying Zhao Wei must bring with him, Xishan that thing, she thought about it, and now the only way is to take the medicine Juan fan to talk with the Queen Mother.

On the way, Han Han couldn't help but say, "I took it with me."

The dragon is not faint at night, "Well, people in the palace tonight are so hot, and they are used."

Take the fan? So, he didn't have the idea of ​​playing the medicine fan?

Han Wei was curious, this guy reassures her, she would like to see how he intends to deal with Xishan.

When Han Han and Long Fei entered the palace and arrived at the Ganning Hall of the Empress Dowager, the birthday feast had already begun. Everyone was getting up with the Emperor of Heaven and the emblem, and accompanied the solemn ritual music to sing a message for the Queen Mother.

Yes, they are late!

The **** at the entrance saw Long Fei and Han Han coming together. He also saw a collective singer in the hall, and he did not know whether to report it.

Zhao Wei stepped forward and shouted loudly. "His Royal Highness, Qin Wang is here..."

This big trick actually covered the sound inside the temple, and everyone stopped.

Inside the temple, the Empress Dowager and the Emperor of the Heavenly Emblem are in the high position of the north, and there are three positions on both sides of the east and west. The royal family, the nobles, and the family, the civil and military officials are listed on both sides of the feast of the feast, which is overcrowded. At this time, more than one hundred The numbers all look toward the gate.

I have to say that it is really time for your Royal Highness King!

Under the eyes of the public, Long Feiye joined hands with Han Yu, and he walked in, and did not know what happened to the musician. He suddenly stopped, and the whole scene was silent for one time.

The sound of the needle landing is heard.

Long non-night purple clothes are distinguished, Han Han purple clothes dignified, a beautiful and beautiful, a beautiful and beautiful city, the two walked hand in hand on the red carpet, is a perfect match!

More than half of the women in the field saw one more than one eye, one more than one heart, no regrets wearing purple clothes, wearing purple clothes, and wishing to rush to stand with the Royal Highness of Qin.

Han Wei, Han Han, why do you have such a privilege in the world, and join hands with Qin Wang to share the purple clothes? And I waited for even Qin Wang to see it all.

Women’s attention is on Han Han, but men are concerned about what they are late.

Before the birthday banquet, the Emperor of Heaven and the Royal Highness of Qin Wang had long been turbulent. I did not expect that Qin Wang’s Highness would be late, what is the rhythm? What is implied?

Did His Royal Highness really come to the birthday today?

After the ceremony, the dragon was cold and cold at night, "Leger, continue."

At this time, everyone remembered that the message had not been finished yet. I don’t know if the musicians would be unlucky after the birthday party. However, if they don’t hurry to continue the round, it is estimated that the Emperor of Heaven will kill on the spot.

From the beginning of the ceremony, Long Feiye and Han Yu stood on the right side of the Emperor of Heavenly Emblem, and Han Han saw that the dragon was not in the mouth of the night. She shut up.

Suddenly, Han Yu felt a faint murderous murder. Looking at the foreign guests, I saw Chu Qingge sitting in the middle of Duanmu Baiqi and Chu Tianyin, staring at her with resentment!

Han Hao returned a slight smile, but turned her back to black. She unconsciously bit her lip and forgot to sing a message.

This scene was not only seen by Mu Linger on the side, but also by the Queen of the head.

Han Yu’s inadvertent view of Mu Linger’s view, Mu Linger immediately took back his sight and pretended not to see anything.

They were both stunned by Han Yu and the two of them, who would have the heart to seriously sing?

In the ritual and music, everyone is absent-minded, and most people’s eyes are still on them. I can see that the dragon is still cold and the night is still cold.

The singer sang, everyone was seated, and the Emperor of Heaven and Earth couldn’t wait to fight back the dragon.

"Come on, bring the drunken flowers of the six altars, and the royal king of Qin and Qin Wang are late, and the three altars are not compensated for the Queen!"

The matter of Xue Gonggong, the Emperor of Heaven and Earth is still stunned! Don't say that Long Fei night made a mistake tonight, even if he did not make mistakes, An An points, he will certainly find an opportunity to suppress the arrogance of the dragon and the night in front of the royal aristocrats.

The Empress Dowager was sitting in the ground, looking loving and loving, but did not say "do not have to".

You must know that the drunken flower is "drunk", but it is easy to get drunk. If you have a good amount of alcohol, you will be drunk in the three altars. Maybe the dragon can still hold the night, but what about Han Han?

Han Han is fighting on the plum blossom banquet, and the plum blossom wine is far worse than this drunken flower!

This is the martyrdom and demonstration of the Emperor of Heaven.

Everyone thought that the dragon would not refuse at night. However, he did not. He just said, "I am drinking for her."

When he finished, he picked up the jar of wine, and he sipped his head and sipped his hands. A jar of jars, Han Hao looked very distressed, and wanted to grab himself to drink.

However, soon the amount of dragons and non-night drinks is beyond everyone's expectations, he is not drunk! Even a little wine stain on the body did not stick.

He is very awake, "Thank you for your apprentice."

The Emperor of Heavenly Emblem is full of unhappiness, and the smile of the skin is not going to be continued. At this time, the Queen Mother stopped it...

(End of this chapter)