Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 324: You let Laozi kick

Medicine Ghost Valley.

The medicinal fragrance in the air is still so fresh, and the courtyard in the middle of the valley is still full of a large number of men, women and children.

In the spacious yard, the dragon is alone in the night, the black clothes are strong, the waist is covered with the sword, and the hand is standing. The ancient ghost of the ancient ghost is sitting on the high threshold, and the wide black robe is from the hood to the tail. Showing a pair of narrow eyes.

Sitting one by one, the two confronted each other. The dragon is not as cold as the night, and the body is full of a strong king's wind. The gas field is so strong that it is too close to let it go; the ancient seven brakes are lazy and casual, just like sitting in the doorway, if not The black robe is weird, and it is estimated that no one will look at him more.

"Ten tricks, the king lost the conditions to let you open, the king won, the snake fruit handed over." Long non-night cold said.

The ancient seven brakes screamed and laughed. He stretched out a thin, thin finger from the wide black robe and gently swayed. "I don't want to play."

The dragon is not cold at night, "The ancient seven brakes, the king is coming, what do you mean?"

It’s said that the ancient seven-brake is coming over. Is it difficult for him to temporarily withdraw?

"His Royal Highness, I am old, can't move!" The ancient seven brakes deliberately sighed with yin and yang, it is uncomfortable to hear.

The snake fruit is in the hands of the ancient seven brakes. The dragon can only resist the temper at night. He knows that things are not so simple. "What do you want?"

The ancient seven brakes suddenly squeaked and seemed to be very happy. He said, "I don't want to be like it. As long as you let me slap my feet, the snake fruit will be yours."

He said as he stood up and stretched out a leg from the black robe, and the action was more than a woman's thigh.

I saw that the legs were slender and well-proportioned, and the shoes worn on the feet were very expensive gold silk boots.

I can't see through the trousers whether the skin of his legs is as crumpled as the hand. However, as far as this bone is concerned, the old man of the drug ghost is not quite like the old man.

The dragon’s cold eyes glared at the night, and suddenly there was a murder in the surroundings. “If this, the king is not happy?”

The ancient seven brakes are still laughing, "roll!"

The coldness of the dragon's eye at night was suddenly turned into murderousness. He took the sword and started to scream.

The ancient seven-brews immediately rise to the sky, and at the foot, his house has been smashed by the powerful sword of the dragon and the night.

Gu seven brakes glanced, angry, "Dragon is not night, you dare!"

"Playing the king is a price to pay."

The atmosphere of the dragon and the night is enough to shock everything. He immediately rushed to the sky and approached the ancient seven brakes.

The ancient seven brakes were avoided. He took out the snake fruit in his sleeve and lifted it up. "Dragon is not night, you will go one step further. This adult promises to destroy the snake fruit!"

At this time, the dragon stayed on the roof and stopped at night. He had not yet opened, and the ancient seven brakes would be said. "The swordsman under the command of the royal king of the king of the sword is the master of the sword, and the sword is indeed good."

"Do you still want nonsense?" Long non-night patience is limited.

"No, the old man said what is very important!" Guqiu is very serious. "His Royal Highness Qin, you are a closed disciple of the Swordsman. I am looking for a man who will only be a three-legged cat." Too shameless?"

When the words came out, the temperature of the yard suddenly seemed to drop a few degrees, and the wind of Chu Xi, who was hiding in the sidelines, could not help but shudder.

Although he is the bodyguard of His Royal Highness, he can't help but want to call the ancient seven brakes to escape!

"Is it?" The cold and cold sound of the dragon became cold and evil. His mouth twitched with a chill of ice and a fascinating arc. "That king will take a look at how old the old man is!"

Sound, sword


The blade reflects a sharp edge that just shines on the eyes of the ancient seven brakes. The ancient seven-brake, which was originally a haha, is finally on the alert.

Of course, he can't beat the dragon for the night, otherwise he will be singled out with him!

So, he turned and fled.

The dragon stood still in the night, cold and cold, and the black lacquered eyes were deep and infiltrated.

The ancient seven brakes have escaped, but he is not in a hurry.

He raised his sword in both hands, and his eyes slammed, and the long sword suddenly slammed down. The power of the scorpion smashed out of the sky, and the sword rushed to the sea and rushed toward the ancient seven brakes.

The ancient seven brakes were being hit, and the black robe was torn apart. I saw him dressed in a night dress, his hands were still skinny, and he slammed on the floor and could not see his face.

Chu Xifeng looked nervous, rushed to the past to see the face of the ancient seven brakes, however, the dragon is still calm at night, his figure plundered, before the Chuxi wind fell on the side of the ancient seven brakes.

His sword is on the back of the ancient seven-brake. "The old man, do you need to marry you?"

The ancient seven brakes did not move, the dragon is not the night's mouth and the evil cold scorn, is about to stab a sword, who knows that the ancient seven brakes suddenly turned and sprinkled a black powder.

The dragon was self-prepared for the night, and he stepped back, but he saw the ancient seven-brace with a black mask, still showing only a pair of eyes.

"No need!" He still laughed and turned and fled.

The dragon is going to chase after the night, but who knows that suddenly a double flower, the line of sight is completely blurred.

He clearly avoided the black powder, how could it still be like this?

It is difficult to be poisonous, but he also avoided it?

"Chu Xifeng, chase!" Long is not cold at night.

However, the ancient seven brakes shouted in the distance. "His Royal Highness, if you don't detoxify in one day, the old man will guarantee that you will get rid of it!"

Chu Xifeng was shocked, "He will poison!"

Chu Xifeng Ming Ming saw the main son avoiding those black powder, so they are still poisoned, which shows that the ancient seven brakes can be poisonous.

This guy who came out of medical school actually poisoned it. If the medical school knows it, I will never recognize him.

The dragon's eyes are already stinging, and he has just shot too slowly. Once he comes over, he should stab the ancient seven brakes.

"The master, we must go back to find Wang Xiang!" Chuxi was in a hurry.

One day, at the speed of their master and servant, they have to rush back to the Tianning Emperor to find Han Han to detoxify, but it is very hanging.

Long Fei night looked at the ancient seven-brake to escape the farther and far back, the double fist clenched, the ancient seven brakes of this account book king.

The master and the servant are no longer delayed, and they are galloping to the Tianning Emperor.

The ancient seven brakes sneaked to the mouth of the valley. He stood on the hillside and looked away from the back of the dragon and the night. They laughed and squeaked, and the yin and yang were strange.

He muttered to himself, "Dragon is not night, except that you bring Han Han, otherwise you will not take the snake fruit."

On the second night of the night, Long Fei rushed back to Qin Wangfu.

In the dead of night, even the lights on the attic of Han Han were extinguished.

Time is tight, the dragon is not over the window at night, and the worried Chuxi risks to follow up. When he reaches the window, he realizes that he can't follow, and he has to brake back.

"Who!" Han Yu woke up and sat up at once.


When the dragon replied, he lit the lights and was about to talk about poisoning. When he saw Han Han, he stopped.

Although his vision was weakened by poisoning, he was very clear about this close distance.

I saw Han Han’s long straight

She was scattered on her shoulders. She was pure and pure, and she was wearing a pure white undercoat. The v-shaped clothes were loose and semi-open, and the deep spring was looming.

Pure and **** is a perfect blend of this sleepy woman.

The dragon's non-night gaze became hot and the throat was slightly tight. The restrained force that has always been proud of has the tendency to disintegrate for the first time.

Han Hao did not expect that Long Fei night owl would come in. She was shocked and soon received a reminder of the detoxification system.

This guy is poisoned?

She was anxious, and she was so anxious that she did not notice the heat of the dragon's eyes. She was anxious to call his name again. "Dragon is not night, your eyes are poisoned!"

At this time, Long Fei was only slowed down from indulging, and his heart passed a touch of irritability, and he never liked the feeling of losing control.

"Well, black powder, I avoided it, but I still haven't escaped." He explained the concise explanation and did not intend to let Han Yu know about his trip to Yaogui Valley.

"It's a ghost eye black powder!"

Even if Han Wei does not start the detoxification system, he knows what poison is in the night.

The toxins of the ghost eye black powder are hidden in very fine powder particles, although they seem to be avoided, they are actually poisoned.

However, it is necessary to take this poison up close.

Han Yu is suspicious, how is the dragon poisoned at night, who is this poison?

Of course, she has no time to ask more questions. After a while, if the toxins are not completely removed, the dragon will fall off at night.

She was in a hurry to stay, and she forgot that she only wore a nightgown, and she did not always have a calm, authoritative profession.

"Hurry up and lie down, I will apply the needle right away." She was anxious, for fear that the dragon would have a little flash of the night.

The dragon lay on the couch at night, slowly closing his eyes. The world, only this woman can let him completely relax the alert, give her the most vulnerable eyes!

Although Han Hao was anxious, she was more cautious. As her needle penetrated the acupuncture points around her eyes, the black hair like tears slowly flowed out of the eyes of the dragon and the night.

Upon seeing it, Han Yu was secretly relieved, and finally he was relieved. "It's okay..."

When I heard this, the dragon would have to blink in the night, and Han Han quickly stopped, "Don't..."

Her hand is very soft, because she just woke up and screamed; his handsome eyebrows are as cool as his temper.

Her hand was gently covered on his brow, hot and cold, giving each other a sense of touch that they could not ignore.

Both of them were silent for a time, and neither of them moved.

The temperature in the hand of Han Yu warms the cold eyes of the dragon, and the blood circulation, the original tightness gradually relaxes, and there is a kind of uncomfortable feeling.

He is eager for this comfort and simply does not move.

Han Hao sat beside him, and most of his body leaned forward on him. It was rare to see him so close, and he didn't have to be seen by him.

She likes this feeling!

Her hands were sour, but she didn't want to move away at all. She looked at it, and the other hand did not consciously cover it, gently... gently stroking his brows and trying to smooth his troubles.

The room is quiet and the room is warm.

The dragon did not notice the small movements on the eyebrows, but he did not stop it. He only felt that the whole head was relaxed. At this moment, all the duties, responsibilities, scruples, and forbearances of the past ten years were temporarily put down...

To the reader's words: genius little drug lord has public micro-signal, synchronous plot update information, quickly add to see what surprises, account: tiancaixiaodufei

(End of this chapter)