Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 337: Scared snake fruit

The little things no longer dare to clamor, and it sits quietly and looks at each needle.

For a long time, the ramie is acupuncture, but the son is still not awake.

Its fleshy little claws wiped his face, wiped away the tears, and then jumped out of the bed, and the smoke disappeared.

Not long after, it took a large package of herbs, all down to the son.

Han Yu is resting on the bedside, and is scared by small things. This little guy has hidden so many expensive herbs, and one of them is actually a very rare snake fruit!

In the prescription for the treatment of dumb mother-in-law and viciousness, one of the medicines is snake fruit!

As for the growth environment of this medicinal material, it is estimated that there can only be three at the top of the entire cloud-empty continent. I did not expect that the small thing actually hides one.

When Han Hao was shocked, he felt normal. After all, the little things lived for so many years, and it was pointed out that this snake fruit was hidden very early and long ago.

The tired Han Han reached out and picked up the snake fruit. When he saw it, the little thing stood up and widened his eyes.

"Small things, you can't save Gu Beiyue, you can only wait for him to recover, and then give him a body, understand? This snake fruit can't make up the body, can save others, I will accept it first." Han Yu moderately explained that he had two people when he was just applying the needle.

She was just anxious, and the most taboo was disturbed when she applied the needle.

The little things don't blame, but it doesn't understand what it means. It thinks that snake fruit can save the son.

It saw that the mahjong snake fruit was in the sleeve and was immediately unhappy.

It jumped to Han Han’s arm and scratched it.

Han Han was helpless, and he took out the snake fruit and shook his head against Gu Beiyue. The little things just understood, and he jumped and huddled to Gu Beiyue.

"Zhao Wei, all the medicines are collected." Han Yu faintly told.

Zhao Wei picked up a lot of treasures, and didn't look at the little things. He curled up beside Gu Beiyue's big hand, and the little head smashed his back and buried it.

I can't see the laugh of the son, it's so sad.

Han Wei looked at it, but he was helpless, how could this little thing be like Gu Beiyue? I was not afraid of being born when I saw him for the first time.

"Small things, don't worry, he won't have life and worry, he needs time to recover." Han Yu said lightly.

Gu Beiyue is hurt too much. He needs not only ability but also sleep. Perhaps fainting is good for him, but he needs to supplement food and water.

"Wang Hao Niangniang, the medicine is cold, the old slave to feed it." Zhao Wei whispered, his mood was heavy.

At this time, Chu Xifeng came in. "Wang Hao Niangniang, Gui Yan is losing her temper."

Gui Yan has already waited for an hour.

"Let her wait." Han Yu said coldly.

Before the palace, the Queen Mother was not in a hurry; now here, she is not in a hurry.

Under the command of His Royal Highness, there is nothing to be afraid of, and Chu Xifeng laughed, "Good!"

Just about to leave, Zhao Wei called him. "You come over to help and pick people up."

In the house, Wang Hao and her mother, Zhao Wei worried about Wang Hao's maiden, who did not pay attention to what men and women gave and did not kiss.

In the Empress Dowager, fortunately, Guiyu came out late, otherwise I saw that scene, and God knows what the rumor will be.

Zhao Wei had a look, and Chu Xifeng understood it. He had a small embarrassment in the past to deal with Gui.

Gu Beiyue is a serious coma, and the drugs are difficult to feed. Zhao Yu and Chu Xifeng have been tossing for a long time before they barely feed a few mouthfuls.

Han Hao finally calmed down and saw an anxious moment. "I am coming.

! ”

She said that she was going to take the medicine from Zhao Wei’s hand, and Zhao Wei quickly avoided it. “Wang Hao Niangniang, don’t be too embarrassed, don’t be embarrassed!”

"You are stupid, take me to feed!" Han Hao anxious.

Zhao Wei didn't dare, "Wang Hao Niangniang, the patients are like this. The old slaves have experience to let the old slaves come."

"What about nonsense! How much has it been fed in most of the day?" Han Hao screamed.

Who knows, the little thing suddenly jumped on Zhao's arm and suddenly absorbed a large bowl of medicine.

The three people in the room were shocked. What did the little things do?

I saw a little thing jumping to Gu Beiyue, leaning over and feeding him with his mouth.

The little things were fed slowly and slowly, but the medicinal juice did not flow out at all. Han Hao, they all looked dumbfounded, and did not expect small things to have this ability.

When the little thing was finished, it was half an hour later, its head was almost stiff, but when I saw that the face of the son had recovered a little bit, it was very happy, and I was on Zhao’s arm. Want more medicine.

"Zhao Wei, fast, pour some warm water, and tell the fire room to lick some rice soup." Han Yu quickly confessed.

Gu Beiyue needs medicine and food. At this time, he can only drink some rice soup, eat too much, or eat nutritious things will be counterproductive.

Zhao Yi immediately went, the little things stupidly followed the door and found that something was wrong, and immediately folded back.

What does it do with it, it has to guard the son!

In this way, several people are guarding Gu Beiyue, completely squeezing Gui Gui in the guest hall, and the Chen Tai doctor is still in the guest house.

The Queen Mother waited in the palace and sent several people to urge him. They were all stopped by Han Han for a reason.

Han Wei said, "Go back to the Empress Dowager, the medicine Juanjuan fan is closed, and the courtiers can't find it, so he has to wait for His Royal Highness."

In fact, Han Yujin entered the palace with a medicine fan. At this time, the medicine Juan fan was placed in the room where Gu Beiyue lived.

The Queen Mother was so angry in the palace that she had to throw things away. She knew that she would not let Han Han go back. However, where did the world know so much?

She can only wait for Gui Gui.

Gui Yan waited until the evening, Han Han finally showed up.

Gui Yan hurriedly asked, "Wang Hao Niangni, so late, His Royal Highness is not coming back?"

Han Han looked innocent. "His Royal Highness is gone, it will take a few days to come back. Didn't I tell you?"

After waiting for a day, Gui Yan had already had a fire, and when he heard this, he was angry. She didn't hold back for a moment, "Wang Hao Niangni, you deliberately!"

"Let's relax!" Han Yu said coldly. "Do you dare to talk to this king?"

In this case, Gui Yan listened to familiarity. It seems that Han Yu was in Qiankun Palace, and the Queen Mother said the same thing.

Suddenly, Gui Yan regretted it.

Unfortunately, she reacted too late.

"Come, come out of this daring slave, and blame the 50th board!" Han Hao cold.

Playing the dog to see the master, before opening the nightmare of the Queen Mother, Han Han must first hit her old face!

"Wang Hao Niang Niang is alive! Wang Hao Niangniang, slave is wrong!"

"Wang Hao Niangniang, the slaves are not dare! I beg you to take it back!"


When Gui Yan shouted and was dragged out, he asked for no reason and turned to warning.

"Qin Wangxi, the old slaves have been waiting for the Queen Mother for more than 30 years. You have to dare to move the old slaves to a hair..."

The words have not been finished, Xiaoxiao’s big board will go down, and all the screams of Guiyu will become a scream, “Ah...”

Chen Tai, who was kneeling in the house, was frightened and frightened.

Gui Yan

He was beaten with only half a life, and Han Han blew her out with Chen Tai.

The next day, this matter was spread in the Imperial Capital.

Like the last time Qin Wang was fined by Xue Gonggong, the most favored emperor of the emperor, this incident was rumored. Although there was no influence of the Xue Gonggong incident on the political situation, at least many people knew that Qin Wangyu was even worse than before. I am so irritated.

The matter spread to the ear of the dragon, which was far away from Tangmen, and the dragon was quite satisfied with the night. "Play well."

Of course, he secretly sent people to Chu Xifeng, optimistic about Gu Beiyue!

The Queen Mother was almost mad at the gas, and she continued to take three savers to ease.

She can't wait to break the corpse of Han Han, but unfortunately, Han Han hit the famous teacher and did not drop any handle.

The Queen Mother’s wait is three days.

Because this matter is in her heart, her insomnia is more serious. She is insomnia until she falls asleep in the middle of the night. These three days are insomnia until I can't sleep in the morning.

I am exhausted, I can't fall asleep when I can lie down. The more I lie on my head, the more painful I am, the more I feel upset, and it is extremely painful.

Finally, on the fourth day, she couldn’t help it. "Come, prepare the sedan, and the mourner will go to the Qin Wangfu!"

The abominable Han Wei, don’t give her some color, is she really so mad at the Queen Mother?

However, just before the Queen Mother came out, Han Hao came.

She is just too angry, so how can she really wait until the dragon comes back at night to take out the medicine fan?

Everything pays attention to a degree, and to torture this old thing, we must pay attention to it, not only to hang her, but also to completely provoke her.

Of course, the most important thing is that the medicine fan is not given to her, how to open her nightmare?

Upon hearing the eunuch's notice, the Queen Mother immediately folded back, sat down on the warmth, sorted out the clothes, and sorted out the emotions. It looked like the old **** was there, and he was calm and relaxed.

She was quite surprised by the arrival of Han Han, but she also felt reasonable. After all, she is respected as the Queen Mother, and Han Han is only Wang Hao.

"Oh, she finally knows that she is coming! The mourner is waiting!"

When the Queen Mother just finished speaking, Han Han came in. She was as usual, and she was calm and generous.

"Chen Chen gave the Queen Mother the Queen, and the Queen Mother was well."

"Hurry up." The Queen Mother smiled.

Between women, no matter how old they are, they are better than others, and they are more patience than self-cultivation.

In this tone, whoever sinks to the end, whoever wins.

Han Han was together, and the Queen Mother asked her to sit. "The sorrower thought that he would wait for Qin Wang to come back, and you will come to see the mourner!"

“How come?” Han Xiaowei smiled and asked, “Is the Queen Mother’s body better?”

Is this not a pain in the Queen’s Day?

The Queen Mother’s heart was raging, but she was still beautiful. “It’s much better.”

"Sleep well?" Han Yu looked concerned.

The hands hidden in the sleeves of the Queen Mother were clenched into fists, and their faces remained the same. "It’s much better than the previous days."

Han Hao was very satisfied. "That's good. I arranged the clothes of my Highness last night and actually saw something. What is the Queen Mother's guess?"

Han Wei said, Zhao Wei went forward and presented a red envelope.

The Queen Mother knew that Han Yulai was coming to deliver things, but she was so excited that she had been waiting for so many years and was at her fingertips. As a Queen Mother, she is also an individual!

"This..." The Queen Mother was excited.

"The Queen Mother, hey." Han Han always smiled.

The Queen Mother can't wait, pick up a red cloth...

(End of this chapter)