Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 338: Open nightmare mode

The Queen Mother couldn't wait to pick up the red cloth. I saw that there was nothing else on the plate, that is what she wanted most...

The medicine fan is oval, the fan is made of very fine and high-grade white enamel, and the fan handle is a precious ivory with purple tassels.

No matter which part of the medicine fan is thrown out alone, it is very valuable, but the value of money is not comparable to the medicine embroidered on both sides of the medicine fan. The front side is smoked vanilla, and the reverse side is purple lily.

Smoked vanilla is the most effective medicine for treating insomnia, and purple lily is refreshing.

Serious insomnia will be "fanned" in front of the drug Juan fan, and it is easy to use without any side effects!

This is far from being comparable to drinking medicine and acupuncture.

The Queen Mother liked it very much. She didn't consciously lean over and reach for it. However, Han Han first took her medicine in one step.

Han Yu’s slow fan of medicine, Juan Fan, “The Queen Mother, do you recognize this thing?”

"of course!"

The Queen Mother was very sure that the line of sight was not removed from the medicine fan. At this time, her neck suddenly tickles, and the itchiness and the small itching are not much different. She scratched her hand and did not feel relieved.

"The Queen Mother, the medicine that Grandma Gu’s grandfather gave you in the past is this fan." Han Yu asked again.

Han Hao said this question before, and the Queen Mother nodded. "It is this fan."

Han Wei is not giving it right away. Hold it in his hand and play it. "The Queen Mother, can you use it?"

"Yes, both sides, one side sleeps, one wakes up." The Queen Mother finally became impatient. "Hey, come and mourn."

Han Yu glanced at the hand that was too tickling in the back, and the bottom of her eyes passed a sarcasm. She put her hands on her face. "The Queen Mother, smile!"

The Queen Mother picked up the medicine fan, and the image that she couldn’t wait was like a fear of remorse. She turned the medicine fan up and down and immediately smelled the medicine and looked good.

Han Hao looked coldly, and his mouth snarled.

Smell it slowly, it’s a good show!

Han Yu was patient and waited for the Queen Mother to smell enough. He asked, "The Queen Mother, is this something not fake?"

"Oh, I still have the ability to do it!" said the Queen Mother.

"Is things not fake?" Han Wei needs a positive answer.

She has to do this thing, and there is no loophole for the Queen Mother to find her and Gu Beiyue.

The Queen Mother has never seen a real medicine fan, nor has she ever seen real smoked vanilla and purple lily. However, she knows these things too well. She saw it at the birthday party and knew that it was not fake!

The world can show different herbs on the same side of the same fan, and it can be done by the medicine fan.

Moreover, she has just fanned the opposite side of the medicine fan, the fragrance of the purple lily suddenly dispels the exhaustion caused by her insomnia in the past few days, and now she is refreshing!

"It’s not fake, it’s really a medicine fan."

The Queen Mother gave Han Han a positive answer. Although she had a lot of unpleasantness in getting the drug Juan Fan, she even missed the opportunity to blame Han Yu. However, looking at her favorite baby, the Queen Mother was secretly grateful to Han Yu in her heart. .

I have to find out that she has been looking for this for almost twenty years. No news at all! Although the Queen Mother is not willing to admit it, it is true. If there is no Han Han, she is not expected to find it in her life.

Of course, the grateful thoughts are only a moment, in the Queen Mother's heart, no matter who gets this medicine Juan fan must be given to her.

"That's fine, Queen Mother, Nachen.

I don't bother with it. "The words are clear, Han Han will leave."

The Queen Mother did not leave her much. She was polite and let her go.

When Han Han left, the surprise hidden in the Queen Mother was all on her face. She was so happy that she would feel better at once.

She carefully stroked the medicine fan and gently fanned it, so she couldn't put it down.

She can't even wait, I hope that the night will come quickly, so that she can try the effect of the medicine fan, and sleep well.

When she fanned the medicine fan, she did not consciously scratch it, where she scratched it, and Li Wei, who was newly promoted to replace Guiyi, met and asked with concern. "The Queen Mother, what happened to you, is it not? What dirty things have you encountered?"

"It may be just winter, the skin is too dry, hey, itchy after the back, and quickly scratch the mourner!"

The Queen Mother said that he was still looking at the medicine fan, and he did not notice the strangeness of his body.

Li Wei scratched her for a while, and she didn't itch.

After Han Han’s departure, the Queen Mother has been holding the medicine fan. If nothing is done, she will wait for the dark.

She has been insomnia for too long, and she forgot when she was going to sleep normally.

After dinner, she and Li Wei came back after a round in the Imperial Garden. She deliberately took a hot bath and laid the bed early.

"The Queen Mother, the old slave to help you fan!" Li Wei took the initiative to ask.

"No, you go to the night."

It is estimated that no one can take the medicine fan from the Queen Mother at this time. Li Wei can only lay the bedding and stay on the ground.

The Queen Mother was lying lazily, her face was leisurely, and there was no anxiety before she went to sleep. She turned the medicine fan to her face, and then looked at the smoked vanilla and gently fanned it up.

With her movements, the smoked vanilla has a faint medicinal fragrance that gradually dissipates and pervades the Queen Mother.

This scent has a magical effect of peace of mind and relaxation. Gradually and gradually, the movements of the Queen Mother became slower and slower, and her expression changed from leisure to enjoyment, and soon she changed from enjoyment to sleepiness.

Not long after, she actually fell asleep, her hand fell, the medicine Juan fan "plopped" on the landing, she did not wake up.

Li Wei looked incredulous. She waited for a long time and determined that the Queen Mother really fell asleep before she carefully picked up the medicine fan.

This night, she slept very badly, even though she often scratched it in the middle of the night.

On the following day, Han Yu asked Zhao Wei to make some money to inquire about the news of Qiankun Palace.

"Wang Hao Niangniang, the Queen Mother slept very early yesterday, and she felt dawn. All the slaves in this Qiankun Palace are rewarded!" Zhao Wei said truthfully.

"Hey, is it so good?" Han Yu’s mood is not bad.

"Can it be bad? Sleep is her life! Wang Hao, mother, you... are you so cheap?" Zhao Hao is not willing.

"Some people often say that happiness is built on pain, but in reality, pain is built on happiness." Han Yu smiled and looked harmless.

happy? pain? What does this have to do with the medicine fan? Zhao Wei is confused.

"Wang Hao Niangniang, the old slave did not understand what you mean?"

"Go and ask the news tomorrow." Han Yu is mysterious.

On the second day, when Zhao Yiyi got the news, he couldn’t wait to tell Han.

"Wang Xiiang Niangniang, this time the whole Qiankun Palace people are heart-wrenching, I heard that Li Wei, who had just been promoted, was disabled! The Queen Mother used the medicine fan last night, and she had to fall asleep. It was actually awake. It is said to be

The scalp is itchy, how to scratch it and wash itchy, it will not return to normal until the morning. ”

Zhao Wei is excited. "Wang Hao Niangniang, are you moving your hands and feet?"

Han Yu took a look at the past, a serious, "Bold slaves, then dare to smother this king, dragged out to feed the dog!"

Zhao Yu first was a glimpse, then she laughed, she understood.

The so-called pain is built on happiness, and the Queen Mother is not allowed to taste the sweetness of sleeping. How can she feel the pain of insomnia more deeply?

In the evening, in the Qiankun Palace, the Queen Mother just woke up and threw a night last night. She could only sleep during the day as before.

Yao Juan Ming Ming used it well, but I don’t know why her scalp suddenly tickles last night.

If the scalp itch is normal, she is also awake, how to toss. But last night she used the medicine Juan fan scalp to itch. In the case of drowsiness, no spirit, the scalp itch has to be scratched, had to wash his hair, how painful it would be. !

The most painful thing is not to sleep and sleep, but to sleep very well, to sleep quickly but not to sleep!

This is a nightmare!

The medicine Juan fan was used very well, and the Queen Mother did not think about the medicine fan. She looked for several doctors to come over, but there wasn’t a doctor who could tell me why.

Her hair has always been clean, and she has lived so much that she hasn't had scalp itching! Moreover, she is good all over the body, only the scalp is itchy.

Tai doctor also specifically studied the food that the Queen Mother had eaten these days, and did not find any source of allergies. I can't find the cause. Several doctors are all in Qiankun Palace, waiting to see the situation tonight.

The Queen Mother still cleaned up, like getting the first day of the medicine Juan fan, ready to fall asleep early.

She gently fanned the medicine fan, and soon she fell asleep again, but who knew that she was falling asleep happily, and the scalp immediately began to itch.

The Queen Mother was very sleepy and her consciousness was in a state of dissociation. She unconsciously scratched her hair and continued to sleep.

However, it didn't take long for the scalp to itch again, she scratched.

This time, no matter how the Queen is scratching, it is useless, and soon the scalp is as itchy as last night.

However, the queen's sleepy eyes can not open, sleepiness and itching coexist, how can it be painful?

"Come on... come here..."

The Queen Mother was unable to open her mouth, "Tickling... fast..."

The newcomer Xu Wei came to help her scratch it, but unfortunately, it is useless to grasp. Xu Wei can only call in the doctor.

The Queen Mother did not want to start, but had to get up and change clothes. When the doctor came over, she leaned on the collapse of her face, her eyes were half-closed, her arms were weak, and she did not want to say anything.

After some examinations by the doctors, they began to talk differently. They said that they were allergic to food. They said that they were infected with skin diseases. They also said that they were allergic to drugs, and they were also said to be poisoned.

Unfortunately, there is no diagnosis.

At this time, the Queen Mother just wants to sleep, and she still has to think about it.

"Go out... a bunch of waste, all go out!"

She pointed at the door, and although she was angry, she did not have the strength to lose her temper.

This stay, the Queen Mother tossed to the dawn, tickling and shampooing alternately, until the morning light lit up, the itching sensation receded.

The Queen Mother was exhausted, but she did not sleep again. Instead, she ordered it coldly. "Which night, the doctor said that the family was poisoned and passed in!"

The Queen Mother is too stupid to guess that something is wrong, and this must be separated from Han Yu.

Han Wei, you have to dare to poison, you are dead!

(End of this chapter)