Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 348: Marriage, something big

Chu Xifeng sent Gu Beiyue to Gufu. He did not go in and immediately rushed back. He wanted to know what his family would know after Gu Beiyue was fine.

He felt that Han Han had no need to use other methods to provoke his grandmother to be unhappy. He saved Gu Beiyue and could touch the bottom line of His Royal Highness.

When Chu Xifeng appeared in front of Qin Wangdian, when he saw him quietly watching the secret letter, Chu Xifeng was very surprised. He sneaked a testimony. "His Royal Highness, Gu Beiyue has already gone back, and he is safe and sound..."

"Yeah." The dragon is only a faint night.

that's it?

Chuxi wind fox is suspicious, no reason!

His Royal Highness stared at the North Moon for a long time. It was rare to have this opportunity. He also paid such a big price. Doesn’t his temper have a temper?

What happened?

Chu Xifeng retreated and immediately asked Zhao Wei to ask, Zhao Wei laughed and couldn't close his mouth. "Wang Hao Niangniang has a way to rule the temple!"

"You just blow it! What the **** is going on?" How could Chu Xifeng believe?

As for the temper of His Royal Highness, even if he faces a woman who likes him, he is very calm.

"Wang Hao's maiden has a trick, and she is absolutely obedient to the post!" Zhao Wei is in a good mood.

"Zhao Wei!" Chu Xi was in a hurry.

Zhao Wei only whispered to explain to him that Chu Xifeng was stunned and couldn’t believe that there would be women in the world who would dare to play this way.

He muttered to himself, "No wonder he didn't pursue anything..."

He couldn't help but think that if one day Han Han burned the Qin Wang House, could it be a kiss to get the Highness?

Woman, really strong!

The secret letter of Tangmen continued, and it was too late for the dragon to come to the night. It was only for Tang to ask for more happiness.

God knows that Tang will know the reason why Long Fei suddenly came back from the night, will he be depressed?

At night, the clouds and the palace are dark and people are not sleeping.

Han Hao leaned against the window, holding his chin in one hand and rubbing his lips in one hand, still so stupid.

That guy is mindful.

Mindful of this thing, can be meant to be unspeakable.

Han Hao used to care about Duanmu Yao. She couldn't help but wonder if Long Fei is the same feeling as she was at the beginning.

It’s really a happy thing to be minded by people who have been around for so long. It’s like finally discovering that people you like also like yourself.

Time is quiet, with Jun language; world disputes, and conspiracy; prosperous, and old. I hope to have one heart, the white head is not separated!

Dragon is not night, if you mind, it is sunny.

In the palace, the dragon was lying on the rocking chair in the night, with a wine cellar in his hand. He looked at the window silently. He didn't know whether he was looking at the cloud, or looking at the crescent of the treetop.

After a long time, he faintly said, "Is there a message from Xiongchuan and Mitian Honglian?"

Snake fruit, Xiongchuan, and Mi Tianhong, these three medicines are used to solve the poison of the mother-in-law. At present, nothing is more important to him than to find the three medicines.

The only certainty is that the snake fruit is in the hands of the ancient seven brakes, and the other two flavors have never been heard.

The dark guard emerged from the darkness. "His Royal Highness, there has been no news. Only Xiongchuan has been found in the auction site, and the details are still being investigated."

The dragon waved his hand to indicate that the defender had retired. He knew that the herbs were not easy to find.

Now, he is waiting for Tang to take off the rain pear flower, snake fruit, he is bound to get...

The night was deeper, but there was a figure that had been swaying around the Qin Wangfu.

The glamorous red dress has a kind of glamorous in the night.

The beauty, like the flower that blooms slowly in the dark, is mysterious and noble.

It was not until the day was bright that the red shadow fell on the roof of the nearby inn.

Dare to walk around the Qin Wangfu for so long, there are few in this world, Gu Qi is one.

He stayed for one night and couldn't escape the secret guard and sneak into the royal palace.

He remembers how many times he went in a few months ago, and he knows when the dragon will strengthen defense.

"Hey, think about my family's poison!"

He muttered to himself, slouching his hands and lying on the back of his head and lying on the roof. Of course, he not only wanted to poison the hoe, but also to tempted. As for what he was testing, only he knew it.

After not sleeping for a long time, the pigeons awakened him, and Mu Linger wrote a letter.

Mu Linger promised him to find Xiongchuan and Mitian Honglian. He did not know where Mu Linger was going to find it. In short, after that time, he never saw Mu Linger again.

Gu Qishao started a secret letter and wondered if he asked Mu Linger to find a medicine that he could never find. Then the girl would never bother him?

Thinking about this, he laughed himself.

In the next few days, Long Fei did not leave Qin Wangfu. He was in the government, and Han Han basically did not go out.

For the first time, Han Wei saw the dragon non-night sword. He dressed in white and loaded with silver and white swords. People walked with the sword, and sometimes they were tempted, smashing, puncturing, pointing, wearing, picking, and lifting. It’s crisp.

Han Hao actually can't understand, she only feels handsome.

It’s an afternoon for Long’s night training, and Han’s look is an afternoon.

If she is not unable to repair her own strength, she must let the dragon teach her swordsmanship at night.

Seeing that the dragon stopped at night, she immediately handed in the water, like a small follower.

In fact, she has a lot of things to do, but he is very rare to stay in the house, she wants to kneel beside him.

“Is the Bailey Musk medicine still going well?” Long asked for a night.

After the "mining" of the day, he was basically the same, no special changes, as if nothing had happened.

Of course, outsiders look like this, but Han Wei feels that they are close to each other. At least, she can harass him more unscrupulously.

“It’s all very smooth, just...”

Han Yu hesitated, still said, "His Royal Highness, this girl is not easy, I want to try to save her."

Although no one knows what the beauty of the scent will be after the blood of the beauty, but with the knowledge of the scorpion of Han Yu, it is estimated that the thyme is not alive, but the law of death is uncertain.

Seeing the dragon's non-night eyebrows, Han Han quickly explained, "The guarantee does not affect the beauty of the blood."

Dragon is not the night, this gave three words, "You are free..."

The thyme is fragrant to him, but it is one of the many subordinates. He even forgot what she looked like.

"His Royal Highness, is there a news from the mother-in-law?" Han Yu has never forgotten this matter, and has always remembered the white man of the movie family.

As for her life experience, it seems that with the disappearance of the dumb mother and the white son, there is no news.

Sometimes, she would rather be just the daughter of Han Cong'an, the Korean family's young lady, not so much secret.

There are more secrets, more conspiracy, and more danger. She still suspects that Mrs. Tianxin’s dystocia is something that has been moved and killed in her mother’s womb.

I don't know what happened to Mrs. Tianxin in the past. What kind of person is her father? How can she feel at ease?

"No news, the possibility of finding is not big, you better not have too much hope." Long Fei said faintly.

Han Han did not speak,

I think of my mother-in-law, and I am full of guilt.

She faintly said, "His Royal Highness, the snake fruit has been found in the three herbs."

When the words came out, the dragon’s quiet night light flashed through a trace of fineness, “Snake Fruit?”

Han Han took out the things. "When the little things are taken out, God knows how many good things it still has!"

Long Fei night took some look, I can't be sure that this is the snake fruit, which is bigger than what he saw in the ancient seven brakes!

"His Royal Highness, you take it, the other two medicines, I am afraid it is not easy to find." Did not find the dumb mother, but first find the medicine, Han Hao has no strength, too lazy to keep the snake fruit.

Long Fei night silently in the income sleeve, did not say anything.

His eyes flashed a touch of cold, ancient seven brakes, this time the king will definitely accompany you to play!

While talking, Chu Xifeng rushed to come, "His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness!"

The most disliked by Long Feiye is that the people under him are flustered. He is not eager to ask, "How big is it?"

"The Prince has an accident!" Chuxi said with a breathless breath.

The dragon is not at ease with the night. The Prince is a person who knows the current affairs. In the current situation, the Prince did not make any extraordinary things, and the Emperor of Heaven and the Emblem will not take the Prince.

The best way for this father and son is to join hands.

"What's wrong?" Han Wei was quite curious.

"The emperor gave him a marriage, and gave him the Mulu month of the generals!" Chu Xifeng said seriously.

When this was said, Han Han was paralyzed. Mu Haoyue, Chu Xifeng did not mention, she almost forgot this person.

This girl used to be the most good girlfriend of Changping Princess. It was a slap in the face. Later, she was bet on her gambling and lost her promise. She did not dare to go out.

I thought that at the beginning, her brother Mu Qingwu took off his shirt and ran for her on the street.

Such a woman, even if she is born, is not married to a good family. Aristocratic family, the famous family is not the same as the married daughter, married daughter or will look at the other's family, but the most important thing for the wife is the reputation.

Does the prince actually marry such a woman? No, to be exact, the Tianning royal family will actually accept such a woman?

Han Wei is incredible!

Undoubtedly, this incident also came beyond the expectation of the dragon and the night. He asked coldly, "What do you mean by General Mu Da?"

"The news that was just sent out in the palace, this time it is estimated that the imperial decree was sent to the generals." Chu Xifeng answered truthfully.

"Right, my Highness, a few days ago, I and Chu Xifeng saw the Prince to go to the military office, and Mu Qingwu."

Han Yuning believes that Prince Tai Tianmo took the initiative to find Mu Qingwu, and he is not willing to believe that Mu Qingwu took the initiative to take the Prince because of military affairs.

The Guofu House behind the Prince really has the strength to provide military and food to Mu Qingwu.

"Is the time limit for Tian Hui to Mu Qingwu?" Long asked at night, not that he forgot about it, but in his view, under such a situation, the Emperor of Heaven and the Emblem did not really know what Mu Qingwu was doing. He is too late to win the generals!

"The first two days have arrived, and I have not seen the Emperor of Heaven and the Emblem of Mu Qingwu!" Chu Xifeng said.

In any case, the emperor of the Tianhui emperor is a kind of swaying behavior. At present, it depends on the meaning of General Mu.

Once the military and the National Palace are stationed together, it is really a big threat to the dragon and the night!

This matter can only be temporarily observed and changed.

After a few more days, Tang Li was finally here. He was a servant, and he was still wearing a groom's suit. He knew how he had experienced a life-and-death escape.

When he first entered the door, he did not see Han Wei. The dragon pulled him away at night, "Go to the Medicine Valley!"

(End of this chapter)