Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 349: Never go back from now on

Tang was out of messy hair, and a happy groom was unbearable. He hasn't taken a breather yet, and he was pulled out of the Qin Wangfu by the dragon.


Well, he still took the breath and talked again. He fled on the road of welcoming his family. He followed the route arranged by the dragon and the night. He had already walked steadily, but he was still in an ambush, not from the ambush of Tangmen, but from The ambush of the woman.

The father told him that his jealous woman's maiden is powerful, but he has never been relieved, even the background of the other party, the identity of the bride is not seriously listened to, and it is still unclear.

However, after being ambushed, he was really curious about the other side's coming.

It is too powerful!

Fifty first-class masters came out, and the dragons and non-nights were completely annihilated. He used the raindrops to get out of the encirclement.

In the past few days, he has not been able to eat and drink, and he only knows that the escape of power is not caught up. Even if he entered the Tianning Emperor's Gate, he was still full of guards. Only when he arrived at the Qin Wangfu, he dared to relax.

After a few breaths, Tang was about to talk, but helpless, he was so tired that he was dizzy.

From the Tangmen to the Tianning Emperor's distance, you can run two horses, not his weak, it is beyond the physiological limit!

Seeing Tang’s dizziness in the past, the dragon couldn’t help but frown, “useless things!”

Although not happy, but Long Fei night personally will return to Tang, and placed in the guest room.

The last secret letter from Tangmen’s pigeons said that Tang had encountered an ambush on the road to escape, but the specific situation did not elaborate.

After waiting for a few days, I did not receive the follow-up secret letter. Long Fei night was worried. I sent a dark guard investigation. The dark guard has not returned yet. I saw Tang’s return from no pain and no pain. The dragon is not good at night. Worried.

No matter how much it costs, as long as Tang is successful in fleeing, he does not mind.

This time, he not only wanted to save Tang, but more importantly, he did not want Han to go to Tangmen, so he sent a lot of manpower to rescue Tang.

Tang stayed in this sleep and slept for a day and a night. The dragon didn't feel relieved to ask the doctor to take the pulse. Fortunately, it was just fatigue and nothing.

Finally, when the day was bright, he woke up.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw that Long Fei was alone at the window and drinking tea. Tang was so sleepy and asked, "I am not dreaming?"

"What about the rain pear flower?" The dragon was cold and cold, and he searched and found it.

Tang is a good grievance, "Brother, you don't care what I experienced?"

"Don't you escape?" Long asked the night.

"You are not curious about how I escaped?" Tang asked again.

"It’s good to escape." The dragon is cold and cold at night.

There is no follow-up secret letter indicating that the dark guards have been killed. Can you bury the Tang dynasty and kill him? Who is it, except for Tang Zijin and Ru Yun who know his secret guard?

He was not interested in Tangmen, especially the things of Tang Zijin and Ru Yun, and only asked for results.

Tang Li certainly knows the temper of the dragon and the night. He said faintly, "Brother, not me and Ru Yun, is the power of the woman! Fifty one-class masters, I have used all the hidden weapons on my body. I just escaped."

When the words came out, the dragon was not seen at night, "woman?"

"The road you arranged, I didn't think of Ruo and Ru, I don't know.

How did the women's gang find out, not an accident, they have been ambushed! Tang said seriously.

"What is the head?" Long is not serious at night.

"I don't know, I want to ask you!" Tang was very helpless.

Long Fei lost a sharp gaze in the past, and he was too lazy to say that the bridegroom officer did not care about the bride, how could he care?

Well, the two brothers did not reassure the marriage at all. Anyway, regardless of who they are, Tang Li is ironic to escape marriage.

The woman is so strong, the dragon will send someone to investigate.

“What about the rain pear flower?” Long Fei night cares about this problem.

"Don't you say... all the hidden weapons on my body are used up?" said Tang Li.

“Including the rain pear flower needle?” The dragon was unexpected again.

Tang did not know that Long Fei had to take him with the rain pear needle. He only knew that the dragon must be used in the night, but now his reaction seems to be less important.

"It seems that your fiancee is not too small to come." Long is not really curious at night.

As for the ancient seven-brake, he has got another snake fruit, and he is not worried about being threatened by the ancient seven-snake snake fruit. It is more than enough for him to deal with the ancient seven brakes.

He wants Tang to go with him but he just wants to kill the ancient seven brakes in one move. It doesn't matter if there is no rain plum blossom needle, he can play slowly.

Seeing that the dragon was not pursued in the night, Tang left a hundred hearts.

If Tang Zijin knew that Tang had used the light of the second rule of Tangmen, or used it to escape marriage, he estimated that he would die.

Tang told himself secretly, never go back, it is terrible.

"Is it a killer city?" Long asked at night.

Both the daughter city and the leisure city are killer cities. These two forces are not to be underestimated. Tang Zijin has always wanted to win, but the dragon is not happy at night.

"No matter who it is, I will never go back anyway."

Tang left the room and looked serious. "Brother, I want to be clear. I will be mixed with you from now on."

After experiencing this life and death struggle, Tang has become more and more disgusted with his father. His father’s forced marriage is not really anxious to hold his grandson, but he wants to borrow his marriage to win the great power of Tangmen.

He suspected that his father and Ru was not loyal to the dragon and the night, but only loyal to their hearts.

Seeing that the dragon did not speak at night, Tang left the voice low. "Brother, the movie family, I will press it with you!"

During this time, the dragon stayed at the side of the night, while staying at the side of the Han, while trying to press the movie family, not let anyone know, but also has been pursuing the movement of other nobles of the seven nobles. What he wants to do, Tang is the clearest.

He wants the power of the poisonous sect, but also wants to erase the identity of the Han and Xihuang royal families forever!

The dragon didn't talk at night, only cold and cold looked at Tang. Tang is still happy, from small to large, the dragon is not the basics of the night is basically the default.

Not long after, Han Han heard the news.

When Tang came to see how Han Hao felt comfortable at this moment, he really wanted to find a woman who couldn't like it and liked it. He was so angry with his father.

“Successful marriage escape?” Han Wei smiled, this thing was revealed by Zhao Wei and her.

Tang did not know when he was not there. The dragon was not the night and the woman developed to the point where he only "hmm", cautious.

"His Royal Highness, Ning removed ten temples, not destroying one door." Han Yu joked that she guessed that it was the night that saved the people.

"There is no temple in his marriage." The dragon is cold and cold at night.

"Who is the one who wants to marry?" Han Han went to gossip.

"Ask him." The dragon is still cold in the night.

Tang is suspicious, and always feels that there is more between the two people. The dragon has not changed much in the night, but it is still cold and clear, but Han Wei has relaxed a lot compared to the past.

I remember that this woman had more or less retired in front of the dragon and the night. She had never seen her joking. If there were no important things, she would not talk to the dragon and the night. The two people lived in two worlds. It is a bit like a man of the world today.

Tang is not puzzling, what has he missed?

"Hey, who are you going to marry?" Han Yu asked again.

Tang has subtly avoided it, "Don't be married in the premise of this young master!"

Han Wei was there, and the matter of going to the drug ghost valley was not mentioned. It was night, and the dragon went to the drug ghost valley alone.

A few days later, the dragon was not seen in the courtyard of the ancient seven-night, but the ancient seven brakes were not.

"This king waits."

Long Fei’s words scared the old housekeeper off, and the Qin Wang’s Highness was very overbearing, and the drug ghost old man was particularly savvy and poisoned, and in one sentence he could ignite the anger of His Royal Highness King Qin.

Even the old butler thinks that the old man of the drug ghost is looking for death! Fortunately, if the drug ghost old man can not limit the dragon to the night if there is no snake fruit in hand, otherwise, the consequences are unimaginable.

Long Fei night really waited, the temple came to the statue of the Buddha, the old butler did not care for a moment, immediately flying pigeons to the ancient seven brakes.

The next day, the ancient seven brakes came back.

He is still a black robe cover, laughing and yin and eccentric, "Oh, the King of Qin Wang is not trying to figure out, especially to the old man's foot?"

After playing twice, the ancient seven brakes have smashed the precious snake fruit into two petals to threaten the dragon and the night, for always "smashing him a foot"!

The dragon has not answered yet. The ancient seven-brake trail laughs happily. "His Royal Highness, now the snake fruit becomes two petals. Which one are you going to?"

All of them know that only two petals of snake fruit can be used together, and they will have efficacy!

Ancient Seven Brakes This is the ** naked provocation!

The dragon is not a night owl, but the old housekeeper is almost frozen, but the ancient seven brakes are still smiling. "Of course, if the royal king of Qin wants to lick the old man's feet, the two husbands The petals of snake fruit are all ... rewarded to you!"

When the words came out, the old housekeeper couldn’t help but shudder. Can’t help his master and the royal family of Qin Wang not have a total of hatred?

Or is it so provocative and insulting?

Finally, the dragon was cold and cold, and "two feet, isn't it?"

"If you like the three feet and the four feet, your Royal Highness King is no problem." The ancient seven brakes are very generous.

Long did not answer the night, suddenly volley leaps, a stroke of shadowless legs smashed toward the ancient seven brakes, the momentum of the fierce, so that the surrounding air has fluctuated!

The ancient seven brakes had been with him twice, and he was still wary. He kept going back and finally reached the door.

There is still time to escape, but the ancient seven brakes did not escape, but took a snake fruit from the sleeves, and he was serious. "If the royal king of Qin intends to marry my old man's four feet..."

He didn't say it, but he was trying to split the half of the snake fruit into two...

(End of this chapter)