Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 350: Has the human heart changed?

The ancient seven brakes made the snake fruit into two petals. It was thought that the dragon would stop at night, but who knows, the dragon is not stopped at night, and the other foot has come over at the same time.

This moment, the ancient seven brakes are dumb!

And the dragon is not the night, so the volley squatting on the belly of the ancient seven brakes, borrowed the power, the volley turned over and fell in front of the ancient seven brakes.

Time seems to stop at this moment, the courtyard is silent, everything is still.

The ancient seven brakes stood still, but soon, the snake fruit on his hand slowly slipped down, and he slammed and broke the ground.

The dragon didn't look at it at night, but stared at the ancient seven brakes. Soon, the door behind the ancient seven brakes slammed and broke open.

The ancient seven brakes slowly lowered their heads and looked at the snake fruit on the ground. They could not believe it.

"Dragon is not night, you..."

When the words had not been finished, he squirted a blood, and it was wet and black.

The dragon is not threatened by the snake fruit at night, is it not that he does not want snake fruit?

how come?

The ancient seven-brake only felt **** and chaotic, and soon he spurted another blood. The dragon and the night are definitely not white!

Finally, the ancient seven brakes could not hold, and the one knee fell heavily!

At this moment, the ancient seven brakes could not help but pop up the medicine seeds. You must know that his medicine seeds can be used in any place where the dragon is not in the night.

However, he did not move after all.

The dragon was not stunned by the night, and the cold masked the mask of the ancient seven brakes. I saw that it was a pale face that could no longer be pale, and the blood blurred the corners of his mouth.

This face, as expected by the dragon, is very young, but he does not know.

However, the dragon didn't look up until it was a night. "There are two feet. You can use two drugs to change the old man. If you want to die, choose your own."

He is high on the top, and his voice is as cold as ice. Like the highest king in the world, no one can offend.

The ancient seven brakes were defeated. However, he did not see the wolverines of the losers. His **** mouth always evokes a sinister smile. "The royal king of Qin must have two kinds of medicines, although the old man is afraid of death. Very!"

"Xiongawa and Mi Tianhong." The dragon is very direct at night. He is not so simple to avenge himself.

This world is more likely to find medicine than the old drug ghosts. It is estimated that there are no more than three people. If the old drug ghost is not found, he will not find it.

"Xiongawa and Mi Tianhong Lian... Hey, the eyes of His Royal Highness King are so good!" Gu Qilu felt it.

"Limit your time for one year." Long said coldly at night.

The ancient seven brakes did not mind, asked with great interest, "Snake Fruit, Xiong Chuan, Mi Tian Hong Lian? What kind of prescription is this? The old man heard it for the first time."

The dragon didn't answer him at night, but warned, "Don't eat, unless you live for a year."

"Oh, the Royal Highness Qin also knows that this medicine is not easy to find!"

Long is not a long time for one year, and these two drugs may not be available for three years.

"How?" Long non-night must have a positive answer.

“I have an opportunity for the elderly to say ‘no’?” Gu Qishu laughed.

Long non-cold cold cold gave him a look, no more nonsense, turned and left.

"His Royal Highness, talk a few more words."

"Hey, snake fruit, don't you?"

"Dragon is not night..."

Let the ancient seven brakes shout, the dragon is not back at night.

The land disappeared at the gate.

After confirming that the person left, the ancient seven brakes stepped back two steps and almost fell down. He licked his abdomen and his brow was tightly locked.

Really hurts his mother!

Dragon is not night, you better not have a day that falls on the hands of Lao Tzu, otherwise, I want you to die like death!

At this time, the frightened old housekeeper was in a hurry. "Master, are you okay?"

"I'm like nothing?" The smile of the ancient seven-browed mouth has disappeared without a trace, and it is very uncomfortable.

The old butler consciously shut up, and did not dare to swear again.

Gu Qishu looked at the snake fruit on the ground, muttering, "Which **** give him snake fruit?"

The dragon is not a snake fruit for two nights. It is impossible to say that you don’t want it. It must have been obtained.

Gu Qishu hated and thought, if he knew who gave the dragon non-night snake fruit, he must let the guy live better than death!

It’s just a bad thing for him!

The old housekeeper saw the blood of the mouth of the main man’s mouth flowing, and he couldn’t help it. He opened his mouth again. "Master, first heal."

"Can't die!"

The ancient seven brakes were irritating, turned and entered the door, and lost their personal skin masks, and they were lying on the face of the old housekeeper.

There are three caves in the Rex Rabbit. He is a human skin mask for the ancient seven-seat, and he wants to see his true appearance, and there are no doors!

Long non-night, looking for medicine with Han Wei, I will help you find the old man as soon as possible!

Long Fei, who has been looking for medicine for the night, does not know that, in the days when the dragon is not in the night, Han Yu often harassed Tang and asked him to hide.

Although the dark weapon of Tang’s body was used up, it was very simple for him to secretly come from the Tangmen tremographer. Who would let him have a mother who loved him so much?

A few days later, the dragon came back from the drug ghost valley. Chu Xifeng immediately smashed a bad news. General Mu and Mu Qingwu took the initiative. The marriage of Mu Haoyue and Prince Long Tianmo was scheduled at the end of the month.

"General Mu Da can have a sanctuary in the near future?" Long asked at night.

Chu Xifeng’s investigation was very clear. “No. That night, the emperor and Wang Xi’s maiden smashed into the prince and Mu Qingwu at the back door of the general’s house. It is impossible for this marriage to be Mujiaqiu!”

Mu Qingwu could not complete the task of the emperor of the Tianhui Emperor. In the middle of the DPRK, the Royal Highness of Qin and the Grandfather of the State could help him. Mu Qingwu was rejected by His Royal Highness, and he could only find the grandfather of the country.

The dragon did not speak at night, but Han Han immediately denied the speculation of Chu Xifeng. "Mu Qingwu is not such a person. What's more, the Emperor of this festival may not really dare to take the generals?"

Long non-night asked, "So, do you think this is the Emperor of Heaven and Earth to take the initiative to draw Mu General?"

However, Han Han still denied, "No, I think this is a prince initiative, Prince... is a personal thing!"

Long no night nodded with no interest, he suddenly found that this woman is not smart but smart.

General Mu Da was a gift at the Queen Mother’s Birthday Banquet, but it was an ordinary gift. It was not high-profile. General Mu Da went through the emperors of the two dynasties. He was always in the middle of the dispute in the throne. He was not humble, he was good at himself, not conservative or radical. .

You must know that anyone who can be a good person must have a chip in his hand.

If the Emperor of Heaven and the Emblems had won the General of Mu Dajun, he would not use the means of asking for military sects to suppress Mu Qingwu.

In other words, this time, the prince brought the general of Mu Dajun, and the Emperor of Heaven and the Emblem in order to deal with the dragon and the night, can only let the power of the Prince be strong.

Long non-night

What I don't understand is how the Prince and the State Council persuaded General Mu.

"This thing must be flawed. Is it difficult for Mu Qingwu to have any handle on the hand of the Prince?" Han Yu couldn't figure it out. She secretly wondered if she should go see Mu Qingwu?

At the end of the month, the wedding period is ten days.

Han Yu hesitated for a few days, and finally agreed to Mu Qingwu, about in the restaurant.

Han Yu did not forget that Mu Qingwu’s expression of indignation after he learned that the disaster relief food had been corrupted by the National Government.

She always believed that Mu Qingwu was the most arrogant person in the DPRK, and his bright and glamorous dawn would not be deceiving.

Mu Qingwu has not come yet, Han Han has thought of countless possibilities.

However, Mu Qingwu gave her an answer she could never imagine. He said, "Wang Hao Niangniang, she is older."

Mu Haoyue’s reputation is ruined. If she wants to marry, she can only marry a person who is lower than the general’s house. However, she is so angry with Mu Haoyue’s heart, how can she accept it! This has been ridiculed, and then married to the average person, wouldn’t it be a laughing stock?

Han Yu knew that Mu Qingwu and General Mu Da were very painful. She frowned and shook her head. "Do you think that Mu Muyue will be happy when he marries the Prince? She will become a tool!"

"Wang Hao Niangniang, what the moon wants is just fame, at least it will be better than marriage." Mu Qingwu said faintly.

"So, for the so-called happiness of Mu Yuyue, are you willing to be in harmony with the National Palace?" Han Hao was angry.

Mu Qingwu did not answer, avoiding the sight of Han Han.

Han Hao is anxious, "You!"

Should she regret to save the wrong person, see the wrong person, and save the wrong? Or is it that the feelings of the people become too fast?

Once upon a time, the straight young general in front of her eyes said to her more truthfully, "Wang Hao Niangniang, if he needs a minister in the day, please be sure to speak."

Now, he has stood up to the opposite side of Qin Wangfu.

Mu Qingwu lowered his head and said nothing.

Since he made such a choice, Han Yuning could just argue with her arbitrarily, but he said nothing with his head down, like a tortoise, Han Han couldn’t stand it.

"The young general, I haven’t been here today."

Han Han was extremely disappointed, and he got up first.

Although it was very unexpected, I thought that Mu Qingwu could take off his clothes and run for the Mulu month. This is not impossible now.

For a long time, Mu Qingwu slowly looked up and looked out the window. He looked at the back of Han Yuyuan and gently spit out his mouth.

"Wang Hao Niangniang, I hope that Qing Wu will be able to help you one day." He muttered to himself, his voice so low that he could not even hear.

No one knows that for this time, the cooperation with the Prince has caused a big fight in the general.

On that day, the prince took the initiative to find him, indicating the meaning of pulling, willing to collect silver and grain for him.

He knew that the opportunity had come, and he thought he would agree without much thought.

In order to recover the food that should belong to the common people; the second is to help the Princess Wang Niang, and repay the life-saving grace.

The month of Haoyue is actually the idea he gave to the Prince. The Prince went to persuade the Emperor of Heaven to give a marriage, and he used the vanity of Haoyue to convince his father.

To this end, Haoyue had three days and three nights, threatened with suicide to force his father to accept, and the imperial edict, the father of the heart and soul did not have to choose.

It will arrive soon at the end of the month, he only hopes that everything will go well...

(End of this chapter)