Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 352: Big marriage to show off wealth

Mu Haoyue was tortured to the shopkeeper again and again. When he heard the mourning of the guard, he immediately rushed out and was about to ask what happened, but he first saw the face she would never forget.

"Han Han!" Mu Haoyue was very surprised.

Han Hao arms around his chest, the old **** is standing there, "Oh, it turned out to be Miss Mu, I haven't seen it for a long time!"

It’s been a long time since I saw it.

After losing the bet, Mu Haoyue basically did not go out, even if he went out, it was sneaky. Before I took the Princess Changping, there were so many offended people. After the infamous, anyone who laughed had to laugh at her.

Today is her first time to go out in the bright future, who knows that it is good to die and actually hit Han Han!

After hiding in the family for so long, Mu Yuyue learned a lot of cleverness. I glanced at the guards on the ground and looked at the crowds around me. She had a lot of thoughts.

She did not have a conflict with Han Han, and in a few days she would marry the Prince.

She wants the generals of Mu Da to help the prince to board the throne. She wants Qin to know that if she marries her, she will have the whole army of Ning Bubing, and she will regret the Han Wang, a woman who has no power!

"Wang Hao Niangniang, my guard has offended you?" Mu Yuyue asked.

Han Hao did not make a sound, Zhao Wei replied coldly, "great disrespect, offended."


Mu Haoyue was serious, went to the side of the guard, and slammed the past with a slap in the face, "啪" a crisp!

"The fight! If you don't have enough lessons, Wang Hao Niangniang will teach you a lesson!"

Mu Haoyue said, and he raised his hand and the guard did not dare to swear.

Zhao Wei was shocked and stunned at the side. Although she was very heavy, she didn’t have a slap in the face! Two slaps, let the guard's face become red and swollen on the spot.

"Wang Hao Niangniang, is it deflated? If you don't understand it, hit it again! It's up to you to be happy." Mu Yuyue's attitude is sincere.

Han Hao’s eyes passed a strange look. I didn’t expect that the change in this girl’s head was so big in a few months, it’s not smart, but at least it’s not stupid!

In the face of so many ordinary people, let Mu Haoyue fight again, it is estimated that she will soon be accused by public opinion. I don’t know if she likes to be abusive.

Han Wei looked at the face of the guard. He said, "Hey," he said, "Yuyue, you have a girl who has been so strong in the hands of the girl. After that, he still has less people. The matter of today’s Zhao Wei has been taught."


The meaning of this statement is clear that she usually lays down people.

Mu Haoyue wanted to refute, but she did not fight in the last two, she could not argue.

She turned her head and reprimanded the guard. "Isn't it too grateful? Wang Hao's mother is in a good mood today, otherwise she can't care about you?"

The meaning of this is that the mind of Wang Xi’s niece is small, and she even cares about the next person.

Mu Zhenyue is really not to be outdone.

Han Yu smiled. "Yes! This is a good mood for Wang Hao, otherwise, this matter, don't say the next person, that is, you are the master, this Wang Hao is also heavily punished!"

As soon as the voice fell, Zhao Xiaotou smiled, and a few laughs came from the crowd.

Mu Haoyue was clever and wrong, and he plunged himself into the end.

Mu Haoyue’s face was black and black. Except for “Xie Wang’s maiden’s unbridled grace”, what else can she say?

Originally, as long as the guards can be grateful, now she has to follow the thanks.

"Bat the body." Han Yu calmly waved his hands.

Han Yu’s fangs and fangs are not even rivals in the Queen’s Day. Although Mu Yuyue has grown up, he can still be tender after all!

If you are not in front of so many people, Mu Haoyue couldn't help but worry!

She told herself to be patient! Can not be counted in China and South Korea.

After receiving the sacred sacred gift from Emperor Tianhui, the first thing she did was to find a new group of guards and buy a new sedan chair. Her current status is different. She is a quasi-prince. Her words and deeds are related to the East Palace. She can't lose her identity, she can't lose her face, and she can no longer be a joke of public opinion.

Mu Haoyue got up, "Wang Hao Niangniang, there are still things in the moon, not much to accompany."

Walking is the best choice!

Han Xiao smiled and nodded, and seemed to have no plans to do anything.

Mu Haoyue really left, but he was about to go to the sedan. Han Hao suddenly said a sigh of relief. "Yes, Miss Haoyue, let’s bet on the last time, have you not fulfilled your promise?"

When this was said, Mu Haoyue was not good for the whole person.

This matter has passed! It’s over! Why did Han Han mention it?

In a few days, she will marry the Prince. Now all the people in the emperor are talking about the marriage of the Prince. Han Han’s old things in this section are clearly mentioned. It is intentional!

Mu Yuyue wanted to be more and more angry. After all, he couldn’t resist it. He turned back and screamed. "Is my brother not running the street instead of me? What do you want?"

"If you lose the gambling, you will not see it. I have only seen you so far. I thought you didn't talk about credit!" Han Yu smiled very harmlessly.

At that time, the incident was full of troubles, especially when Mu Qingwu took off his shirt and ran the street, so that ordinary people knew it.

"It was this Miss Mu who was going to marry the Prince!" The crowd did not know who shouted, and the arguments around him rose.

Mu Haoyue’s face burned up. She rushed to the sedan and slammed the curtain. “Go!”

Looking at the back of the wilderness, Han Yu’s mood for a few days has changed a lot.

In fact, she is not specifically looking for Mu Haoyue's embarrassment, but even met, Mu Haoyue hit her gun.

See Han Xiaoxiao, Zhao Wei advised, "Wang Hao Niangniang, Shu Tan, right? The generals insisted on doing that, let us go with him. People pay attention to fate, the young generals don't want to be friends."

Although Zhao was very much chanted in the past few days, she knew that Wang Hao’s mother was very uncomfortable.

Wang Hao Niangniang has few friends in the Imperial Capital, Mu Qingwu is also considered one.

"I didn't care about Mu Qingwu. The thing that I bet was that Mu Haoyue owed me a confession!" Han Hao looked like a handsome person, as if he really didn't care.

Han Han did not go shopping, with Zhao Wei and Su Xiaoyu heading for the direction of the North Korean family.

Who knows, in the alleys on the way, I met the imperial chair of Mu Haoyue.

Is this gimmick gone? How could it be here, and still in the opposite direction of her, the daring is to find a special trip.

The alley is very narrow, the carriage and the sedan are very careful at the same time, otherwise it is easy to get stuck.

The carriage and the sedan chair stopped. It was different from the performance on the street. At this time, there were no ones. Mu Haoyue did not care about it and was extremely arrogant.

She didn't get off the bus, but she picked up the curtain and smiled. "Han, you are coming out!"

Han Hao was too lazy to play with her, and she slammed the curtain and asked coldly, "What is it?"

"I just forgot to tell you that the Prince will give me a grand wedding and will personally come to the General's House to marry me! Also, the royal family's offer to my family can be filled with a street!"

Mu Haoyue said proudly that she had to go back, but the more she wanted to be more angry, the more she wanted to be more reluctant, she couldn’t help but turn around and chase Han Han.

"What is it about me?" Han Han asked coldly.

"Please be sure to attend!" Mu Haoyue laughed. "You are also married to the royal family. Unfortunately, there is no wedding and no gold. I heard that Qin Wangfu went to the wedding to welcome a relative, and the team that welcomed you was hired by your own Korean family. Oh, it’s pitiful. You haven’t seen the scene of the royal family’s welcoming. Let’s have a good time! I want to know how many gifts the royal family gave me, and when I come to see my family.”

When the words came out, Han Hao suddenly quieted down. She asked faintly, "Is there anything else?"

"On this matter! Let me know you!" Mu Haoyue smiled even more brilliantly.

Han Wei is very calm. "If you have nothing else, let it go, don't block."

Mu Haoyue showed off a lot, and the mood was particularly good. She slowly lowered the curtain and the sedan chair slowly passed from the right side of the carriage.

At this time, Han Yu said quietly, "Even if it is a prince, you have to call this king a singer, and the next time you call the name again, I will not be merciless."

Through the curtains, Mu Haoyue snorted, "Imperial? Oh, I will never call!"

The sedan chair passed by the carriage and went away.

Han Hao’s carriage stopped in place for a long time, Han Han’s whole man was terrible, and Zhao Wei and Su Xiaoyu were scared, and they didn’t dare to speak out.

Mu Haoyue did not say anything wrong. When Wang Xi’s mother married the royal family, there was nothing. Compared to the wedding of Mu Yiyue, it was a mud, a heaven.

A woman who is open-minded, can I really care about such an important thing as a wedding?

Zhao Wei thought that Wang Hao’s maiden would be angry and would be terrible, but who knows that Han Han does not.

She leaned on the high pillow and thought quietly for a long time before she asked me, "Zhao Wei, is the birthday of Yi Taihao just these days?"

Zhao Wei is suspicious, what is the story of Wang Hao Niangniang? How did you suddenly ask about this?

In the past years, Yitai’s birthday will be celebrated. It’s all arranged by Murong. When Murong Wan is so long as he can’t sleep, after the emperor’s retreat in the temple, no one has ever mentioned it.

Zhao Wei counted it and replied, "It will be three days later. Wang Hao Niangni, you plan..."

Han Hao’s eyes passed a touch of fineness, and he smiled coldly. “Going back to the government, I intend to discuss things with my Highness.”

Zhao Wei is nervous, what happened to this female master? Will not be stimulated by Mu Haoyue, intend to go back to the Royal Highness of Qin Wang to discuss the bride price?

With her temper, not to be! What does she want to do?

At this time, the dragon is not in the night and the Tang is away from the temple.

After returning from the drug ghost valley, he did not leave the emperor. The marriage of the prince did threaten him. Of course, he had secretly started to work on the government before the marriage.

"The master has already checked out that the disaster relief food has a total of 400,000 baht, the state treasury has 200,000 dans, and the national bureaucrats and wealthy businessmen have raised 200,000 tons, which are actually distributed to the victims, but 100,000 baht! How much has been eaten by the government, and is still under investigation." Chu Xifeng truthfully told the truth.

Long Fei clenched his fist at the table and knocked on the table. He was about to speak. Han Han came over...

(End of this chapter)