Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 358: The king remembered

Three days later, the wedding of the Prince arrived as scheduled.

Chu Xifeng said that the royal family of Qin Wang is personally chasing the business of grain merchants and the country government, and may not be able to catch up with the emperor. Under normal circumstances, the dragon is not at night, Han Han is not very fond of entering the palace, but this time she is very interested.

She is not the kind of woman who hides behind the man and does nothing. It is not the kind of woman who hides behind the man when she depends on it. She is a woman who can fight with men!

The dragon does not go to night, she dares to enter the palace.

Who knows, when she and Zhao Wei were going to the carriage, the dragon came back late.

"His Highness, I thought you were not coming." Han Han was very surprised.

The dragon didn't look at the carriage at night, and his attitude was cold. "This king thought you would wait."

So, is her fault?

Han Yute was very happy and said quickly, "His Royal Highness, will the ministers wait for you?"

Looking at Han Yu’s smile, Ying Long’s night was a little flustered. He didn’t answer her question directly, but he was cold and cold, “Get on the bus!”

Han Hao’s eyes passed over a slap, and immediately followed, Zhao Wei’s last one went up, and he was embarrassed at the bottom of his heart. How did she look more and more, feeling that Wang Hao’s maiden was playing the royal king of Qin?

If Wang Xiiang is going out alone, Zhao Wei will sit in the car with her. However, if Qin Wang’s Highness is there, Zhao Wei is still very conscious, and he is sitting with the driver.

From Qin Wangfu to the Imperial Palace, it is necessary to pass the most prosperous street in the Imperial City. The carriage slowly moves forward and Han Han looks out on the window sill.

From the palace to the generals of Mu, the temple must pass through the Qin Dynasty. There is no longer a residence in the Imperial Capital than the Royal Palace. Han Hao specially inquired about the time of the welcoming family. This time the Prince should come to meet him!

There seems to be no movement on the street.

Han Yu was bored and looked around.

The dragon is not lazy and leans aside, seeing it and asking, "What are you looking at?"

Han Hao looked at it and replied, "Welcome to the pro! Prince will be out of the palace at this time."

Obviously, the dragon is not interested in night.

Han Wei was quiet for a while, but suddenly looked back and smiled. "His Royal Highness, in fact, the courtiers want to wait for you, but after counting the time to meet, I decided to go first."

Long non-night, this is a faint question, "What good looks are there for the wedding?"

In his impression, this woman is not a person who loves to join in the fun.

Han Yuzheng wants to answer, but I still think about it.

She also feels that there is nothing to look at in the wedding, but that is why Mu Haoyue is so provocative and arrogant, how can she not take a good look?

It’s very boring behavior between women, squatting, showing, showing off, and showing off in the eyes of men. Han Hao wants to be busy, people should be too lazy to listen to these things.

Moreover, she is not a person who likes to complain.

She smiled. "I just want to see how everything is simple!"

Who knows, Zhao’s voice suddenly came from the outside, "His Royal Highness, this is not the case!"

Han Hao has not responded yet, Zhao Wei has complained. "His Royal Highness, Mu Haoyue stopped Wang Hao’s carriage in the Hutong in the past few days, saying that it was a special trip to tell Wang Hao, how grand the wedding was, and the gold How many, she also said, Wang Hao Niangniang married into the Qin Wangfu, the welcome team is all hired by the Han family."

When Zhao Wei came back from the street that day, he wanted to complain, but

I have never dared, because no matter what way she said it, there is a suspicion of blaming the title of His Royal Highness by the mouth of Mu Haoyue!

She originally thought of Wang Hao’s maiden, but today I couldn’t help but eavesdrop on the conversation between the master and the son.

In addition, the car curtains are separated, and it is not necessary to directly face the Royal Highness of Qin, she will venture out.

She thought that if the Qin Wang was not happy because of the marriage, it was not good to be in the street, and Wang Hao is in the car, she should be able to block her for her!

When Zhao Wei said this, Han Hao was shocked!

This is the call of Zhao Wei, she said that Mu Haoyue can do anything, why do you want to hire the Korean family to hire the team! How much does this make her?

Long Fei night will not think she is still complaining about it?

With the silence, the atmosphere inside the car gradually smashed up. In this case, the **** Zhao Wei actually did not say anything.

Han Han kept looking out the window and couldn't wait to find a car to sneak out.

In the marriage event, she admits that she is mindful in her heart, otherwise she will not retaliate against Mu Haoyue, but the mind does not mean complaining.

She had a complicated conflict of interest in her marriage to the dragon and the night. She understood.

It is strange to blame him for being the king of Qin. She is the daughter of the Queen Mother. She was only fortunate that she did not become a masterpiece of the Queen Mother. They did not become enemies.

Just as they were silent, the joyful gongs and drums came from far away, and the pedestrians on the streets also let go.

The team that welcomes you is here!

"His Royal Highness, Princess Wang, and the team of the princes!"

When Zhao Wei, who was frightened, finally found the opportunity to resolve it, Han Han immediately said, "I am really here! I thought I would miss it."

Well, although she pretends that nothing has happened, she wants to look back at the look of the dragon and the night.

Zhao Wei did not say it, but now that he has said it, the Royal Highness of Qin, do you really have no reaction at all?

Waiting for a moment, still silent.

After all, Han Han’s heart was so faintly lost, so he excitedly probed out to see the team.

However, everything she saw was enough to make her smile.

The team that welcomes the family is simply not called the team!

Although thanks to the couple, the wedding of the Prince is simple, but don't be that simple!

In the Imperial Capital, the wedding of a wealthy family can compare the prince’s welcoming team!

I saw the Prince riding the high horse and walking in the front, behind the scales of a sedan chair, the sedan chair followed by a Xi Niang, behind the sedan chair are a few musicians, and then ... and then there is wood!

Even if you lift the sedan, this is no more than twenty people!

Han Yu couldn't help but worries about Mu Haoyue. In this situation, Long Tianmo is quite ruthless about this Prince.

In this way, he is not afraid that General Mu Da will mind. In other words, although Mu Muyue is a slap in the face, it is actually another threat, and it can be described as Enwei.

In the future, the days of Mu Haoyue are so good, so look at the performance of General Mu.

The team that greeted the parents was not big, and the headlines of these days were all robbed by the charity auction, and the sensational effect was gone. It was completely incomparable with the tens of thousands of people who had been married to the Qin Dynasty.

Han Wei admits that she sometimes confesses her. At this moment, she especially thinks about Mu.

The military government went to see the moon, but it was not urgent, anyway, it will definitely be seen in the palace.

The dragon didn't make a sound at night, and on this road, Han Hao looked at the window and looked at the outside. Zhao Wei put his ears on the curtain outside, but unfortunately he never heard anything.

Soon, they went to the palace gate and got off the car to change the sedan chair.

Han Yu is anxious to get off the sedan first. The dragon is pulling at night, but he silently goes down first, then personally reaches for her.

What does this guy mean? Didn't the thing just happened?

Well, Han Han admits that she is worried about what she just said. She put her hand on the hand of Long Fei, and she lowered her head and got off the bus, absent-minded.

Who knows, the dragon is not omnipotent in the night, "Marriage... You retaliate very beautifully."


Han Hao looked up and looked at it. He didn't pay attention for a while, and the foot actually stepped on the air. The whole person immediately fell to the rut.

Long non-night hurriedly hugged her slender waist and lifted her up from the carriage.

Han Han was not deliberate. Under the panic, her hands naturally caught the neck of the dragon.

If the dragon is holding her circle in the night, this scene will surely be beautiful!

Long Fei didn't do this in the night, but this scene still attracted countless people to watch. Zhao Wei and the coachman did not say it. All the guards on the upper and lower gates of the palace were all brushed up.

This action, the dragon can only look up to see Han Han, and Han Han can only look down.

This is the first time for them for their lives!

For the first time, Long Fei night looked at a woman from the perspective of looking up, and Han Han was the first time to look at the cold king under the gaze.

Not to mention, they seem to be quite used to such a perspective, the two embraced each other, looked at each other, quiet for a long time.

If no one is bothering, it is estimated that Han Yu will always look at the dragon and the night until the team of the Prince welcomes.

However, the dragon was soon to slow down the night, and he did not say anything. He actually hugged Han Han in the way of the princess.

Zhao Wei is dumbfounded. Isn’t her family owner conservative in men’s and women’s affairs? Even Wang Xia Niangniang will be angry when she takes off a pair of socks, but he is now in the public, and all eyes are like this...

His Royal Highness Princess Qin, Princess Wang, and the day of the wedding of the Prince, are you so loving and loving at the gate of the palace, is it really good?

Long non-night bullying is no problem, Han Han this woman actually did not respond, but very enjoyable to let him hold, she looked at the dragon non-night, joy is all in the eyes, no hiding.

Anyway, she admits that she likes to be held by him and will not die. She just likes it. What kind of wedding is not a wedding break, the past has passed.

Her Han Han has always only enjoyed the present, just look forward!

Han Wei was relieved. However, after she was in the sedan chair, she was lying in her ear and said, "Han Han, the king remembered."

The familiar temperature in the ear has not returned, and the dragon has already withdrawn from the sedan.

He, what did you remember?

Picking up the sedan, the sedan chair entered the palace one after the other, no one saw it. On the edge of the palace wall, a white man always looked at them.

Even if he was covered with white masks, it was difficult to hide the temperament of a clean and tidy, his eyes were clear, but his face was weak and exhausted.

It was not until the sedan chair disappeared at the gate of the palace that he turned and left.

(End of this chapter)