Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 365: Dragon is not night, I miss you so much.

Another night, the night is still, the people on the couch are not awake, and the people on the couch are not sleeping.

Some people say that it is painful to get lost again. However, for Han Han, it is really not yet lost.

From the beginning, she used the pulse of the dragon for the night, and now she has been pressing on his pulse, always paying attention to the changes in his pulse.

She... afraid!

Although she is not a doctor, she has seen many cases and read more medical books. She knows very well that the dragon is not waking up at this time, nor is it dead. Then there is an 80% chance. It will become a living dead, that is, a vegetative person.

She knows, but she dare not think about it. She even dares not let Gu Beiyue come in. She is afraid that when Gu Beiyue comes in, she will give a diagnosis and will declare the end of everything.

With one hand in his hand, with his fingers, the other hand pressed his pulse, she sat on the bed and kept this position for two days and two nights, she was sitting on a statue.

She always knew that she liked this man very much, but she never knew how much she liked it. Now, maybe she knows it.

In fact, she hasn't slowed down yet, and she feels that this is a dream.

Even a dream, it’s all coming suddenly!

How she wished she would wake up quickly, and when she woke up to open the window, she could see the lights of the Dragon Night Palace.

Suddenly, the sound of the "咚咚咚" sound came and shattered Han Yu’s dream. Unfortunately, the dream woke up, and the dragon was still lying on the couch at night, and everything was still the same.

"Wang Hao Niangniang, two days, let's go in and go."

Gu Beiyue knocked on the door. His voice was mild and hoarse. His body bones had not recovered much, but he did not close his eyes for two days and two nights.

Han Wei stared at the dragon and watched it at night, and did not speak.

"Wang Hao Niangniang, you are also a person who studies medicine, and there are counts in your heart."

"Wang Hao Niangniang, the pulse of His Royal Highness is still the same as it was two days ago. Your Highness is out of danger. You are going to go in and go down."

Gu Beiyue is really cruel, and he is clearly saying that he is declaring the end of the dragon to the night.

Han Hao did not dare to look at the dragon non-night, his head buried very low and low, without a word.

"Wang Hao Niangniang, you are also a half doctor, you calm down." Gu Beiyue said.

Han Han tightly bites her lip. She knows what Gu Beiyue means. She is also a half-time doctor. She should have the calmness and reason of the doctor. In the face of this situation, there is no need to wait. How long will it take? In vain.

However, at this moment, she is not only a half doctor, she is the wife of the dragon and the night!

Lying in front of her eyes is the person she liked for a long time, how to calm her?

She has already resisted crying, how about her?

She pulled the hands of the dragon's non-night, against the lips, the whole person was a little quiet and angry, and the whole world seemed to follow her.

After a long time, there was no sound outside the door, and the room became quiet.

This silence is another day and night.

Time is the most ruthless.

Dragon is not night, have you counted? How many steps have you taken to you?

Dragon is not night, do you know that every step of the battle requires a lot of courage? If you don't wake up, where should you go?

Dragon is not night, do you even let the cockroaches take the initiative to go to you... don't you give it?


I don’t know how long the silence has been, Han Han muttered. "His Highness, you won’t wake up again.

You are not afraid of it... don't you? ”

Tears, silent and slipping, falling on the cool hands of the dragon and the night ice.

Hey, crying.

However, when the hot tears fell again in the dragon's hands, his hands trembled gently.

This action is very subtle, but Han Wei suddenly noticed it.

She was shocked, panicked, happy, nervous!

He was mad at heart, how afraid he was mistaken, and how worried he was, he would not move.

She forced herself to wait. After a long time, the hands of the dragon and the night really trembled, and the fingers moved very clearly.

Han Wei determined that she was not mistaken. She was ecstatic and forgot to call Gu Beiyue in. She was so stupidly staring at the fingers of the dragon.

This time, she waited for a long time, but the hands of the dragon and the night never moved.

However, his eyes moved!

He opened his eyes slightly, only to see Han Han sitting beside him, staring at his hand with his head down.

This woman... what happened?

Long Fei night only felt that his head was faint, and his heart was a little bit painful. However, his consciousness was still very clear. He remembered that he was stunned after being attacked by a black man.

When the dagger entered the heart, he could still survive. Was this woman saved him? However, this woman's medical skills are not as good as the doctors in the palace.

How long has he been in a coma? Can the disaster relief be delayed?

Who brought this woman to the secluded house? Do you know this thing in the secret room?

Just after regaining consciousness, there are thousands of thoughts coming to the dragon's mind.

He unconsciously raised his brow and stared at Han Han.

Where did Han Yu know that the dragon was awakened at night, she stared at his hand and did not move.

In this way, the two were quiet in their respective worlds for a while, and finally, the dragon was out loud, "Han Han, what are you doing?"

Han Hao suddenly looked up and immediately saw the dragon's eyes as deep as the night, although he just woke up, still very weak, but his eyes are still sharp and sharp, as if you can see everything.

However, he quickly locked his brow and the light was complicated.

Because, at this moment, the woman in front of his eyes is clearly crying, and the eyes are red and like a pitiful bunny.

The dragon sat up fiercely at night, and couldn’t care about the pain in his heart. He was so angry and fierce, he asked, "What happened, who bullied you?"

When he was so fierce, Han Yu was relieved, and the tears that had been lingering in his eyes had not been controlled and flowed down.

However, she immediately wiped it off, broke it, laughed, and laughed sillyly, just not talking.

The dragon's brow was locked tighter. "What happened to you?"

Han Hao really wants to cry, but also wants to laugh!

This guy woke up and really woke up! She knew that he would wake up, there is no reason, anyway, she firmly believes.

"Han Han, tell the king what happened to you?"

The dragon is not smart at night, but he can't really understand the woman's heart. This is laughing and crying. What is she going to do?

Who knows, Han Hao suddenly rushed over and rushed into the dragon's arms, holding his hands tightly, she said, "Dragon is not night, I miss you! I really miss you!"

It’s clearly in front of you, obviously staying by your side, but these days, it’s like the ends of the world, so think about it.

Long Fei’s night is held by Han Yu

Stopped. No one has ever embraced him like this, even if it is his biological mother, even if his adoptive mother is too embarrassed. Other people, no one has ever dared.

Han Hao buried himself in his neck, holding his hands tightly. Although she gave a sneer to the male and female, she was the first time she actively embraced a man and hugged so hard! Like being afraid of him to escape.

She is delighted to forget that the dragon is still seriously injured in the night!

The dragon stayed up at night and let her hold it. For a long time, she asked me, "How long have I been in a coma?"

"Three days, I thought... I am afraid..."

Han Hao did not dare to say it, just hold him tightly.

The dragon didn't understand the night. His eyes passed through the complex lines, and he was helpless. He said, "Can you let me go now?"


This is his usual style, cold and revealing a little serious.

Han Hao heard a lot, but at this time she was frozen, her hands were tight, and she immediately let go of the dragon and the night.

They all let go, she said faintly, "Yes."

She thought that she must be in a hurry. This step seems too big.

Han Hao bowed his head and a self-deprecating smack on her lips. She silently retired. The dragon saw this pitiful look at night. After all, she couldn’t help it. She took her over and pressed it on her chest.

Although the two men hugged like this, his heart hurts and hurts, but he still bears to see the woman's pitiful appearance.

Han Wei didn't understand what Long Fei night meant, and let her let go, but she hugged her.

She struggled to get up, and the dragon was so painful that she didn’t want to seduce.

It hurts?

Han Yu was shocked, and this reminded him of wounds in his heart! So hugged the iron will hit the wound, and he is still lying halfway, the movement of the arm will be involved!

Once the wound splits, the trouble is big!

Damn it!

Han Hao can't wait to slap himself.

Just pitifully like a little rabbit, this is a serious man, almost the tone of the command, "Dragon is not a night, let go, hurry!"

"Reassure, the king can't die." The dragon is not light at night.

Han Hao did not dare to move again, seriously persuaded, "You are still very dangerous."

"You saved the king?" Long did not seem to let go of the night, he opened the topic.

His own body is the clearest to himself. Although the wound is very painful, the current situation seems to have no life worry.

As far as the position of the wound is concerned, he feels that he can't escape death, and the person who saved him has a bit of real ability.

"Not me, Gu Tai doctor, Gu Tai doctor to help you take medicine, I will help you stop bleeding. Fortunately, it is timely, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

Han Hao was in the night of Long Fei, and he felt his breath and temperature. He just hugged so close, but he didn’t have time to feel it.

Gu Beiyue...

The dragon was very unexpected at night, but he did not show it. It was guessed that Han Han invited him to come.

Han Wei wanted to let the dragon open her at night, so it was not a way to hold it down. However, the dragon sighed at night and said that she could only move from him.

If he is fine, he can do anything.

"His Royal Highness, who hurts you, how is it so bad?"

Han Beiyue has been trying to understand the problem, Han Han does not understand, in the end who can hurt the dragon non-night?

(End of this chapter)