Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 366: Stay close to you

"This king also wants to know who he is." In the face of Han Yu's question, Long Fei night answered.

He believed that Chu Xifeng and Tang Li would not be stupid enough to reveal the secrets of the prisoners in the Chamber of Secrets, and to open the secrets of the prisoners in the Chamber of Secrets. As for the black assassin, Long told the Han Han without reservation.

"Impossible! This is far more than the physiological bottom line of the human body!"

Han Yu said, after thinking about it, he denied his opinion. "His Royal Highness, perhaps it is not impossible to have such a person. Isn't it a impossible existence?"

The physique of thyme is the same as the normal physiological laws of the human body.

There are too many unexplained things in the cloud and the mainland.

"What kind of constitution is that?" Long asked for a faint night.

Undoubtedly, Han Han does not know, "His Royal Highness, why did the assassin stab you? Is it your enemy?"

"This king also wants to know that he will have the second time when he comes first."

The dragon is not very curious about the physique of the black assassin. Of course, he is even more curious as to how the black assassin will know the person in the secret room.

As long as the person is still in the secret room, he is not afraid that the black assassin will not come.

"It seems that the prevention has been strengthened." Han Yu is very serious and knows nothing about the truth.

The dragon didn't talk at night, but his hand gently patted her back. This action made Han Han's attention return to the two.

Her face was stuck on his chest, and he couldn't see his expression. She imagined that the dragon and the night that caressed her back must be quiet and gentle.

She really wants to let him hold for a while and enjoy the warmth of the moment.

However, it turns out that she is also a calm and rational person, she is very clear that it is not a time to be crazy.

"His Highness, you will not let me go, I guess you have to stay on the couch for more than a month." Han Yu said seriously.

The injury from Long Fei’s heart was painful. He knew that if his injury was aggravated, a lot of things would have to be delayed. Helpless, seeing Han Hong’s eyes, he couldn’t control himself and didn’t want to let go of her.

Seeing that the dragon did not respond to the night, Han Han was serious. "His Royal Highness, please let me go!"

The dragon didn't distract from the night, and he immediately let go.

His lips are helpless, and this woman has a time when he is serious and serious.

Han Yute carefully climbed up from the dragon and the night, then immediately checked his wounds, and determined that there was no crack, she was relieved.

"His Royal Highness, let Gu Tai doctor come in for a follow-up visit?" She still pleaded with the advice of Long Feiye.

The dragon only nodded at night and didn't say much.

At this time, Tang was still worried about waiting at the door, and she was shocked when she saw Han Han’s cold door.

"Wang Hao Niangniang, what happened to His Highness?"

Chu Xifeng was asking, and Tang had already stepped in and stepped in.

"Wake up, Gu Tai doctor hurry in."

Han Yu’s voice fell, and Chu Xifeng immediately rushed in.

Gu Beiyue immediately noticed the eyes of Han Yu’s eyes, and the woman cried.

A sigh of pain over his clear eyes, but was quickly replaced by joy, he also hurriedly entered the door with Han.

When I saw the dragon and the night, Gu Beiyue was still not humble, respectful and courteous.

He asked the dragons for the night, and asked a few questions, and soon he smiled. "The King of Qin King only

There is a heaven, no worry! ”

This is a nonsense for Long Fei night, he does not have to worry about the North Moon, he knows.

However, the dragon is not a night.

Gu Beiyue also carefully examined the wounds of the dragon and the night. "His Royal Highness, the wound has just begun to heal. The wound is deep and the injury is heavy. Please also teach your temple for one month. Do not use your right hand, especially the sword."

Can't use a sword for a month?

Chu Xifeng and Tang looked at each other and looked worried about the dragon.

For a swordsman, you can't use a sword for a month, which is definitely a very troublesome thing.

What if I encounter an assassin again?

Long Fei night is still quiet, waiting for Gu Beiyue to continue.

Gu Beiyue did not say anything more. He opened the prescription to Han Wei. "Wang Hao Niangniang, this applicator has to spend one month, the first half of the month to change the medicine, the second half of the month, two or three days, depending on the situation And set."

Han Wei is still very serious. She did not accept the prescription directly, but took it seriously and accepted it.

All these dragons are seen in the night, and Gu Beiyue’s prescription may not be used, but Han Yu’s purpose can be used with confidence.

When Gu Beiyue packed up the medicine box and was ready to leave, the dragon opened his mouth coldly at night. "This king is so seriously injured and lives on the line. Gu Tai doctor can still save it. Gu Tai doctor is the head of the hospital."

This is a question of praising the medical skills of the North Moon.

He was hurt, even he thought he would not be able to save it.

"His Royal Highness, this time thanks to the death of Wang Xiiang Niangniang, if the Queen is not assisted by the Queen, the lower official can not help."

Gu Beiyue said that it was really the same thing, at least in the eyes of everyone, the most difficult part of the treatment of the dragon's night is indeed the part of the hemostasis.

In Han Yu’s view, treatment is far more difficult than stopping bleeding. She is only modest when Gu Beiyue.

"Come on, appreciate the doctor's gold one hundred and two." Long is not a big night.

"His Royal Highness Xie Qin."

Gu Beiyue does not refuse, he also seriously confessed, "His Royal Highness, this month is the critical period of wound healing, do not force too much, if you can avoid, it is best not to force."

He said, he went up one step and whispered in the ear of Long Fei. "His Royal Highness, I would like to say a word to the lower officials, and I would also like to sue for one month."

If this sentence was heard by Han Wei, I don’t know what reaction she would have.

In fact, he was wounded like this. It is very normal for Gu Beiyue, who is a doctor, to confess such a thing. If he does not confess, he will lose his professional level.

The dragon is very quiet at night, calm and calm, "Well, this king will."

The meaning of this answer is not difficult...

Gu Beiyue was a little stiff, but he quickly returned to normal. No one noticed his strangeness. He smiled softly and went to pick up the medicine box.

Everything is clarified, and Gu Beiyue has no need to wait for a long time.

"Chu Xifeng, send Gu Tai doctor back."

The dragon is not a night command, Gu Beiyue must leave.

Han Hao sent it to the door. "Gu Beiyue, I really appreciate this time."

"Wang Hao Niang Niang is polite, I thought it was in the lower.........hehe, His Royal Highness has its own natural world!"

Gu Beiyue didn't say anything, but Han Yu understood.

According to Gu Beiyue, if the dragon did not wake up that night, the basics would not be saved.

"Yeah, His Royal Highness has his own body!"

Han Yu thinks that the dragon is not a big night.

She did not know that Gu Beiyue had already decided that the dragon would wake up at night, just to hide medical skills, he said a lie.

Gu Beiyue is well-prepared, the dragon will not wake up in a month, but he did not expect that the dragon will not wake up in advance, but will be so many days in advance.

I have to say that the dragon's body is not terrible!

In the time when Han Han sent Gu Beiyue, Long Fei had already learned everything from Tang Fei.

"Brother, this Gu Beiyue should not be an enemy."

Although Tang is impulsive, he is not stupid. In his view, Gu Beiyue is not simple, but he is not hostile to them.

"Not an enemy, not necessarily a friend." Long non-night has his own considerations.

Han Wei sent Gu Beiyue and immediately returned, and Tang Li did not say much.

"His Royal Highness, you have to rest for a month anyway!"

Han Wei is very serious. She knows that there are many major events on the hands of Long Fei, but the things of Tian Da are not more important than his body.

She widened her eyes and seemed to have more puffy eyes.

"You are crying!" Tang left the mouth and noticed Han Han's eyes.


Han Han immediately avoided, calm down, she felt that tears were a special shame.

As if she did not hear Tang’s words, she continued, “His Royal Highness, or just cultivate in the secluded place, it’s clean here.”

Long Fei night has not yet answered, Tang Li has made a sound again, and he also deliberately walked around Han Han to see, "You are crying!"

In the impression of Tang Yi, it is impossible for Han Han, the female person of "heart poisoning hand poison", to cry!

Han Hao was bothering him, and he pushed it away with no anger. "What is the cry? You have to beat someone before you are crazy?"

This guy actually wants to pay attention to the North Moon, it is really hateful!

"That is because I am worried about my Highness, care is chaotic, understand?" Tang has never expressed his "love" to his dearest cousin.

"I can't care if it's messy?"

In this way, Han Wei retorted in the face of the dragon and the night.

Tang was very surprised, how long did he leave, and Han Han’s woman dared to say such things in front of Long Fei’s night?

He glanced at the dragon's non-night, and saw the dragon's mouth at the corner of the mouth, not moving.

Why does he have the feeling that these two guys are loving in the show?

Although he knows that the position of this woman is in the heart of Long Fei, it is only now that the situation is going to be too fast.

"Can! Of course!" Tang smiled and said meaningfully, "You are his woman, you don't care, then you mess, who cares, is it mess?"

He said, laughing and gonna retiring, leaving Han Han and the dragon to be alone at night.

When Tang was away, Han Yudao was calm, but when Tang left, the room was quiet, and Han Han did not pinch.

She sneaked into the dragon and looked at the night, only to see the dragon and the night staring at her with interest.

She decided to calm down, let the dragon look at the night, she did not speak.

As it turns out, her strength is far less than that of the dragon. Not long after, she is somewhat unbearable.

"His Highness, rest first, I will prepare the medicine, I will change the medicine for you."

Han Wei said that he would run away. The dragon was beckoning at night, "You come over."

Upon seeing it, Han Hao was anxious. "His Royal Highness, you can't mess with your hands!"

(End of this chapter)