Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 385: Wang Hao Niangniang Weiwu

The attendant is ready to kill the sword. As long as the dragon kills at this time, his troubles are even bigger!

But who knows, the dragon is not a night sword, so the attendant is thrown empty, he stepped on the bodyguard who rushed to the body, cold eyes glanced at the crowd, and sighed, "This king is coming to send food, who is again Going one step forward, the particles are not given!"

When this words came out, the people who were still silent, the more silent, no one really dared to move again.

Is the Royal Highness of Qin King really coming to send food?

What the people want is food. If you listen to this, who will move? However, Nan Guomingde and Yu Daren are not the same.

They looked at each other silently through the crowd, and their eyes covered the tacit smile.

How much food is in the several manor houses of the King of the Kings in Qinnan, how much has been used, and the people on the top have been very clear.

What they can be sure of is that there is not much food in the hands of His Royal Highness, and he has silver in his hand. However, he can't buy food at this festival. Even if he buys it in the black market, he can't buy so much food.

The large quantities of food in the black market are all gone out of the country government. How could it be sold to His Royal Highness Princess Qin?

Nan Guomingde and Yu Daren laughed because their purpose was achieved!

They incited the people's riots, that is, they forced the King of Qin to have no way to retreat.

His Royal Highness did not choose to escape. Instead, he said such a thing. It is undoubtedly asking for trouble. Once he can't deliver the words he just said, the anger of the people can be imagined.

At that time, maybe they will not be incited, and the people themselves will not let go of Qin Wang!

This is not, Nan Guo adults and Yu Daren have not moved yet. There are people who are restless in the silent crowd. "Don't ask how much the King of Qin wants to send?"

Both Nan Guo and Yu Daren are sneak peeks, especially Nan Guo adults. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that his robbery was escaped!

He can watch the play with peace of mind. Seeing the wise Ming, the confused King Qin will deal with the problems of the victims.

He thought that this high-ranking king would soon be regretted to provoke his baby son.

"How much is allocated under the treasury, how much is sent, Ningnan County is a big county, and the food that is transferred will not be less." Long non-night coldly replied.

When the words came out, many of the victims were happy. Some people were overjoyed and questioned. "Do you want to be true to the words of the Royal Highness of Qin?"

However, the dragon is not related to the night, and the sentence is cold and cold. "Really!"

Upon seeing it, everyone’s courage is getting bigger. “Don’t ask the Royal Highness of Qin, when will you send food?”

"Yes, yes! Your Royal Highness, will you send food in these few days?"

"Can the King of Qin can quickly send food? Everyone has not touched the grain for several days!"

Seeing the people are excited, Nan Guo Mingde sneered under the heart, did not expect Qin Wang dare to lie in front of so many people, he would like to see how Qin Wang when the time to round this lie.

At this time, the adults who are invisible in the crowd are sneering constantly. He can't wait to see the lie that exposes the king of Qin. He wants to see how the king of the world can be drowned by the people!

It’s exciting to think about it!

Behind the adults in front of the person hiding, can not help but say, "His Royal Highness, it is better to give everyone a clear time, so as not to avoid disappointment!"

The cold urgency of the dragon is smashing in the past, cold, "I will send it right away!"


This one

Out, the audience suddenly cheered and deafening.

Nan Guomingde and Yu Daren are shocked, how can it... This lie is too much to say!

How can I send food right away, where can I find food?

"His Royal Highness, what about the food? Isn't that what Nan Guo Daren has found?" Yu Daren really couldn't help but ask.

This returning dragon did not answer him because of the night, because there was a burst of exclamation behind the crowd. "Food is coming! Come on! Let's have food!"

what happened?

Everyone turned around and looked back. Nan Guomingde and Yu Daren are no exception.

However, there are too many people, and everyone is seeing people.

However, the cheers in the distance are more than a wave, deafening, "The food is coming! We have food! A lot of food! Everyone has food!"

"The Royal Highness of Qin, Chitose, Chitose, Chitose! Wang Hao, Niang, Chitose, Chitose, Chitose!"


How can I mention Han Wei? She didn't show up!

Nan Guomingde and Yu Daren are all looking blank, like Zhang Er’s monk can’t find his head.

Gradually, the cheers are getting closer and closer, and the victims who originally surrounded the dragon and the night all rushed behind and wanted to see what happened.

What happened in the end? Everyone said that there is food, what is going on?

Yu Daren and Nan Guo adults are itchy. Nan Guo adults can't walk away. The adults hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but follow the victims to rush.

However, he soon stopped suddenly, because the victims who rushed backwards all consciously walked to the left and right, giving way to a very spacious avenue!

I saw a team of horse-drawn carriages coming from far away. Every carriage was covered with a bag of grain. Like a long dragon, Haohao soup came from the crowds of tens of thousands of victims. ,style.

The head of the grain transport team is a woman. She is dressed in a purple dress and rides on a high-rise big horse. She is high above the sky and looks like a queen. It is noble and elegant and inviolable under the eyes of the public!

This woman is not someone else, it is Qin Wang Han Han!

"Really food!"

"Wang Hao Niangniang, that person must be Wang Xiang Niangniang!"

"Wang Hao Niangniang is sending food to everyone!"

"A lot of food! A lot... a lot of food!"


As the team approached, the victims were all excited, dancing and dancing, joyfully! It is necessary to know that Qin Wang’s escorting is nothing else, food, hope, and their old life!

There was no incitement and no falsehood. Soon, a large blockbuster of the victims spontaneously squatted and shouted, "His Royal Highness, Chitose, Chitose, Chitose, Chitose, Chitose, Chitose, Chitose!"

At the end of the day, everyone was all squatting.

Imagine that tens of thousands of victims are all over the streets and alleys of the city, and the scenes of all the squats should be magnificent!

Nan Guo adults squatted in the same place, staring at the food of the car, how can it alleviate the gods, he can not believe his eyes, how is this possible!

Even if there is more food under His Royal Highness, where can I get so much food!

In addition to the National Palace, who will get so much food under this day, but ... it is absolutely impossible for the National Government to sell the food to the King of Qin!

Nan Guo’s adult was stunned, and Yu Daren was shocked and stiff and unable to move.

Even everyone around him has fallen, he

Still stupidly standing in the same place, slowing down God. How should he believe his eyes?

This must be a dream!

In the worship of Wanzhong grateful Dade, Han Wei delivered the team smoothly. She jumped out of the high-headed horse and specially arranged the clothes before she boarded the high steps of the county government.

"His Royal Highness, the courtiers do not disgrace the mission, 1.5 million to bear the grain, all sent, please accept the acceptance of His Royal Highness!"

Han Hao’s voice was not big, but it made everyone in the room hear clearly.

One hundred and fifty thousand quintals!

God, no wonder there are so many carriages for this kind of grain, I didn’t expect that there would be so much food!

1.5 million tons of food, enough for all the victims in Ningnan County to eat for two or three months!

The cheers of the common people, the gratitude of the louder and louder, the waves and the waves, the deafening can not describe!

At this moment, they only know that they have food, real food, and the food they can see! As for those rumors, they have long forgotten!

His Royal Highness King Qin and Qin Wangxi are their great benefactors. How could they be corrupt? Corruption must be someone else, and the Royal Highness of Qin must come to arrest corrupt officials!

"Nan Guo adults, why not you check the inventory?" Long non-night cold cold opened his mouth.

Nan Guomingde’s legs were soft and he went straight down and didn’t know the answer.

At this time, the great talents have slowed down and are eager to kneel down, but it is already late, because Long Fei has noticed him early.

Since the Xixi Wind has already found out where the victims have gathered, how could it not be found that the people who ignited this scene are the adults of the Ministry of Housing?

"Yu Daren, or are you going?" Long asked coldly.

When the adults squatted on their legs, they also went straight down, but after the adult was the one who was the best in the country, it was still quite stable.

"How much is the king of the goddess Wang said! The royal king of Qin finally sent the grain, and the royal king of Qin is still the blessing of the victims, the blessing of Tianning! The lower official appreciates the languageless table..."

The adults were more excited than the people around them. When they talked and said, they bowed up and shouted at the victims. "The Royal Highness of Qin, Chitose, Chitose, Chitose, Chitose, Chitose, Chitose!"

When Nan Guo’s adult saw it, he cried his heart. He could not imagine what would happen next.

For the performance of adults, the dragon is not a night.

He looked at South Guo Mingde and asked, "Nan Guo adults don't want to know where the food is from the king?"

Nan Guo adults want to know, and adults want to know that Nan Guo’s adults are stupid. “It must have been bought by the disaster victims.”

"Exactly!" said the dragon non-night.

Nan Guo Daren and Yu Daren are panicked. I don’t know what the Royal Highness of Qin said.

Who knows, Han Yu smiled. "Your Highness, these foods are bought. What is the food that the court smashed? The people who came to the court heard it. Someone just asked me where the food of the catastrophe was going, and the courtiers couldn’t figure it out. It is clear that the adults are in charge of the disaster relief food, how can they ask the temple?"

Most adults dare not look up to see Han Han, and Nan Guo adults are also very quiet, the people can listen, and those who are inciting do not dare to speak.

Where is the food for disaster relief?

The dragon was cold and cold, and ordered, "Come on, search the county government, a grain is not allowed to let go!"

You know, just South Guoguo has already stated that the food in the county government has all been taken out, and there is no food. If you find it again...

(End of this chapter)