Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 386: However, he is not happy

People are deceived by people, and Ma Shan is riding.

Sometimes the more silent, the more forbearing, the more people think that you are bullying, the more you get the rule.

However, sometimes it is not the case.

Nan Guomingde and Yu Daren have been doing the movie for so long, and Qin Wang has been silent. These two are really fascinated by the drama, and they are so insatiable. Is it true that Qin Wang’s Highness is bullied?

This is not, the consequences are unimaginable?

Chu Xifeng has personally brought people into the county government to search, and all the people in the audience are waiting!

Nan Guomingde's face was white and white, and his body was shaking. He stared at the gate of the county government. He couldn't speak nervously. Although he is desperate, he still has a chance to survive, and he hopes that the food in Mikuli will not be discovered.

After a long time, Chu Xifeng did not come out.

South Guo Mingde is more and more lucky, perhaps, he is still lucky, Miku is so hidden, Chu Xifeng is not familiar with the county government, how can you find it?

After a while, Chu Xifeng finally came out. Everyone looked at it all the time. There was no food in the county government. It will be revealed soon.

Chu Xifeng inadvertently stunned Nan Guomingde, disdain and snorted.

Nan Guoming Deyi was shocked, and the hand hidden in his sleeve was tight and tight.

Who knows, Chu Xifeng screamed, "His Royal Highness, the subordinates did not find food in the county government."

Didn't find it? Is it difficult for South Guo Mingde to have no corruption?

The people in the room were inevitably somewhat lost, and Nan Guomingde relaxed all of a sudden. He will know! I know that the secret library is not so easy to find!

It’s finally escaped!

But who knows, Chu Xifeng said the next sentence, "His Royal Highness, subordinates did not find, but Nan Guo Gongzi is willing to guide you, according to him, the county government has a large secret database, all inside is food!"

When the words came out, the audience was in awe.

Chu Xifeng will not be stupid enough to go to the county government to search, he just threatened Nan Guojun only, Nan Guojun is a strong outside, who can withstand intimidation? No two or three sentences have all been recruited.

Nan Guomingde is like a five-thunder, like a stiff, in the same place, he never thought that he would eventually be sold by his own son!

What is Pothole, that's it!

Long Fei’s mouth was snarled and asked, “Nan Guo Daren, you are not saying that there is no food on the house?”

If you don't see the food in Mikuli, then Nan Guojun's sentence is the best evidence!

The people around him angered and accused them, and the rumors were once again overthrown. The Royal Highness of Qin did not only have no money for corruption, but also no food for corruption.

South Guo Mingde, the so-called "parent official" is the biggest locust! I said that even the old mother’s rations were taken out, and they were completely empty!

Soon, the guards brought in by the Chuxi wind moved out a bag of food, and soon they piled up a hill at the gate.

Han Wei looked at it, his brow was locked, and how many elderly and children in the disaster area were starved to death. This group of people had so much food waiting to rise.

I really don't know how the hearts of these people are so embarrassing? This South Guo Mingde, a hundred deaths are not enough to redeem!

In the roar of the public, Nan Guomingde squats and trembles. He has always turned his eyes to the adults. However, at this time, it is difficult for the adults to protect themselves. Where can they still care for him?

Yu Daren is not just not Bao Nan

Mingde, even falling into the stone.

"Nan Guo Mingde, this official is wrong with you! I did not expect you to be such a person! The disaster in Ningnan County is the most serious, and the food that is distributed is also the most. I did not expect you to dare to do these things, you How to be worthy of the people?" The question of the righteousness of the adults.

"Yu Daren, you..."

Nan Guo Mingde is about to defend, and the adult has robbed him first. "Nan Guo Daren, you are also a young man with a young grandson. How can you bear to watch so many old people and children being starved to death? What is your heart?" made?"

This sounds like a good one, and it can be carefully thought out. It always feels a bit strange.

Other people can't understand, but Nan Guoming's heart is very clear. Yu Daren is taking his old mother and younger grandchildren to marry him!

In his hands, he controlled the data of the actual food that was sent to Ningnan County. Although he was corrupt, he could have been greedy for the food originally allocated to Ningnan County.

The meaning of Yu Daren is that he wants to sown all his sins, and he has to be tired of the people above him.

Although Nan Guomingde was unwilling, his heart knew very early that this robbery would not pass. He must be the abandonment of the top, and he must die.

What else can he say? His forehead was against the floor and completely silent.

"The royal king of Qin, wise, for the people of Ningnan to seize such a large locust, it is still the people's blessing!" Yu Daren turned to flattering.

However, the dragon didn't look at him at night, but he was cold and cold. "Come, let Nan Guomingde hang to the gate of the city and go hungry for three days and three nights!"

The food of the victims of corruption is right, let him taste the taste of hungry!

If Nan Guomingde has already accepted his life, he will be afraid of it!

He was so scared that he pleaded again and again. "The royal king of Qin has spared his life! Forgiveness! The lower official will not dare any more, and ask the king of Qin to open the net!"

What kind of clever person is the dragon and the night? Since childhood, he has been a swindler, and he has grown up in the dark, and he has just threatened Nan Guoming’s words. He understands it as soon as he hears it.

He has a way to keep Nan Guoming's mother and young grandson, and let Nan Guomingde supply the exact amount of food for Ning'an County.

However, he is not happy!

Nan Guo Mingde is in charge of Ningnan Dajun. Without his cooperation, how much can he be greedy in the adults and the upper head?

If the sin deserves it, the dragon does not like to give more opportunities.

He completely ignored Nan Guoming's pleading for mercy, cold and cold, "Come, just drag it down!"

"His Royal Highness! Forgive me!"

"His Royal Highness, the lower official knows the wrong! Know the wrong!"


Soon, Nan Guomingde’s pleading voice was drowned in the screams of the people. The two guards carried him to the city gate, and he did not know who had thrown stones, and the people all along the way.

Nan Guomingde has not yet arrived at the gate of the city. He was injured by the stone and his head was several bags long.

Nan Guo Mingde really regrets, if he can, he would rather offend the country grandfather, and not at this time to offend the king of Qin!

If he has not been so inciting the emotions of the people, is it possible for His Royal Highness King Qin to be merciful?

Well, there is no cure for regret in the world.

Looking at the back of Nan Guomingde's wolf, the whole back of the adult is cold sweat. He only celebrates that Nan Guoming is still acquainted with the current affairs and has no need to supply too much.

He looked at the food around Chengshan and quickly pleaded with him. "His Royal Highness, the lower official, this has specific data for the victims of Ningnan.

The lower official is willing to do everything in his power to assist His Highness to send food! ”

However, the dragon did not pay attention to him at night, and completely regarded him as the air.

Seeing the situation, the adults did not dare to speak again, and his heart groaned, the more the King of Qin Wang ignored him, the more he was in his heart! I don't believe that the Royal Highness of Qin will let him go.

He was afraid and respectfully respected and did not dare to leave.

Long is not cold and cold at night, "Chu Xifeng, arrange it, go to the county by country, distribute food according to the population, tell the people below, and then dare to corrupt, even if it is a grain, Nan Guo Mingde is the end!"

"Yes!" Chu Xifeng took the lead,

Then a large number of grain, distributed and still have to rely on the officers and men of various squadrons to organize, the dragon is not the night with not many people.

Nan Guo Mingde hangs at the gate of the city. Don't say that the people below don't dare to come again. The people on the top are also anxious.

After the ordinary people dispersed, Long Feiye and Han Yu lived in the village of Ningnan County. One hundred people were unwilling in the heart of the adults, but they had to follow.

He really couldn't understand, where is the king of Qin Wang going to find so much food.

Of course, at this time, he did not care too much. He secretly told himself in his heart that no matter how King Qin’s Highness asked him to ask him, he must hold it and must not provide the actual data of the food.

Well, he is also a member of the four majors of the Ministry of Housing. There are also the princes of the country, and the ambassadors of the emperor’s family. As long as the royal king of Qin has not found the true data of the grain, he can’t take him.

However, the facts soon proved that the adults were too underestimated by His Royal Highness.

When asked by the Royal Highness of Qin, he did not ask for the grain data, but directly ordered, "Yu Guangfu is the ambassador of the grain, let Ningnan County keep the corruption and plague the food, knowing not to report, sin plus three! Come, will be Guangfu Go to prison, the king wants to be judged!"

When this was said, Yu Guangfu was stupid. Why didn’t he think that Qin Wang’s Highness would give him such a charge!

"His Highness, Your Highness! The next official! The lower official is just going to Ningnan County, and the next official is not clear about the situation here!" Yu Daren immediately defended.

The dragon sneered in the night, "Where were you before?"

"Lower officials... the lower official is in the west of the county!" Yu Guangfu quickly replied.

"Wuxi County really has less food in the hands of the victims than Ningnan County. How many victims are corpses in the night. So far, there have been two riots in the county of Wanxi. Do you know anything about the king?" .

When the adults were shocked, they hurried down. "His Royal Highness, the lower official just gave a grain assessment according to the actual situation of the disaster. As for where the food went, the lower official was... the emperor only asked the lower official to distribute the food. This is not the case. The duties of the lower official are."

Did you push the Emperor of Heaven?

The dragon’s eyes are covered with a touch of disdain and coldness. “The king is not pursuing the fact that you are not distributing food, but you are not reporting it! Come, don’t go on!”

"His Royal Highness, the official does not know what the situation is!"

"His Royal Highness, the lower official is the ambassador of the emperor, you can't..."

"His Royal Highness..."

Because of how the adults defended and begged for mercy, even if the emperor of the heavenly emperor was moved out again, the dragon was not indifferent to the night.

When he arrived in the disaster area, everything was all he said!

He waved his hand and motioned the guard to take him away...

Han Yu looked at the adults who were struggling to go all the way, could not help but scream and laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" The dragon asked coldly at night.

(End of this chapter)