Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 395: Do you want to surprise your Highness?

The only prescription for the scorpion venom in the mute mother-in-law is the three-flavored medicine, snake fruit, Xiongchuan and Mi Tianhong.

Nowadays, snake fruit has already been in the hands of the dragon, and the red lotus is determined to be in the mudhouse of Mujia, and the whereabouts of Xiongchuan is unknown.

Mu Linger’s eyes passed over a slap, and he smiled. “Seven brothers, do you say that I will be better than Gu Gu Gu’s ancient seven brakes in the future?”

"Yes!" Gu Qixiao is very sure.

"Oh, the world has only one flavor of Xiongchuan, the ancient seven brakes do not know the whereabouts." Mu Linger mysterious.

"Don't you say?" Obviously, Gu Qi's patience is coming to an end.

When Mu Linger got to her ear, she said four words, "North Likang Wang!"

"Jun is evil!" Gu Qixiao was very surprised. "How do you know?"

Since the last defeat of the medical city, Jun Yi has been low-key, but Gu Qishao has not forgotten this person.

He has always avenged his enemies, and his own enemies will report, and the hatred of the poisonous **** will be reported!

Even if Jun is evil, he will never be able to solve the poison, but it is the poisonous girl who avenges himself!

Gu Qi Shao has been waiting to help the poison girl to avenge again!

"This thing is raised in the poisonous grass bank of Baidumen. I spent a lot of money to buy the news from my friends."

Nothing is better than the ancient seven brakes. The ancient seven brakes are all enemies in the medical circle, while Mu Linger has many friends. The news is very well-informed.

"Seven brothers, when we find the meditation red lotus, we will go to the poisonous grass bank of the scorpion door, can we?" Mu Linger is very excited.

She did not tell the seven brothers about this in the letter, just want to find him personally and ask him to promise it!

The happiest thing is to take risks with my seven brothers, and to live and die together.

"Jun is evil!"

Gu Qixiao rubbed his chin and pondered for a long while. "No hurry, first find the Mitian Honglian."

As long as he determines that Xiong Chuan is in the Jun and evil, he is relieved.

"Seven brothers..."

Mu Linger still said, but suddenly sneezed.

The body was wet, and the wind was so cold that it was cold.

"Hey, take the clothes first, I will help you."

Gu Qixiao’s mouth has been hanging with a smile, and his mood is very good. A casual “乖” word makes Mu Linger really embarrassed.

She is very happy, "Good!"

When Mu Linger picked it up, Gu Qixiao leaned on the wall, one hand resting on the back of the head, and one hand rubbed the smooth jaw. The narrow and narrow eyes seemed to be planning.

"Seven brothers, what do you want?" Mu Linger instinctively this guy must have something.

"It's nothing."

Gu Qi Shaoqi got up and came up, "Let's add up, split up."

Mu Linger is happy, she can be with her seven brothers for a long time, anyway, there is time to ask again later.

Apart from the places that have already been found, there are more than half of the vast family of herbal medicines that have not been found. This is a daunting task.

The two negotiated a good route, split the action, and met at night. This is more than two months.

After more than two months, it has been closed until the end of the year.

There is not much left in the Tianning disaster area. In the past two months, there have been many donations of food all over the country, but after all, it is still a drop in the bucket.

Under the support of the Emperor of Heaven and Earth, Tianning was all over the country, and both inside and outside the ruling and the real world were concerned about the disaster relief in the disaster area.

However, Qin Wangdian, who hosted the disaster relief event

It is already out of the disaster zone.

"The emperor, the spies of Ningnan County sent a message, and the Royal Highness Princess Qin left Ningnan County!" Luo Gonggong truthfully told the truth.

"Where?" The Emperor of Heaven and Earth was very surprised. It was he who sent Qin Wang to the disaster area, but he was the one who was the most uneasy.

Luo Gong publicly replied, "The spy is still looking for."

When the voice fell, the Emperor of Heavenly Emblem was angry, and a slap in the table, "Waste! A bunch of waste! So many people stare at one, but they can still stare!"

For the Emperor of Heavenly Emblem, this is the last fight, he must be extra cautious.

"The emperor, the Royal Highness of Qin will not be a secret to find food?" Luo Gonggong asked suspiciously.

I haven't found food in these two months! Emperor Tianhui has always been concerned about the every move of Qin Wang and Qin Wangxi in Ningnan County.

In fact, it is not just the Emperor of Heaven and Earth. Everyone is concerned about it. They all think that His Royal Highness Princess Qin and Wang Xiang will be eager to find food everywhere.

But who knows, for more than two months, His Royal Highness King Qin did not find a grain of food. He and Wang Xiang lived in the village of Ningnan County, and lived in a simple place, like a vacation!

"I didn't look for food two months ago. Where can I find this bone on the festival?" The Emperor of Heaven and Earth was not pleased.

This year's harvest is generally not good. When it comes to the year, it is the use of food, where there is a shortage of food.

"That... where are they going?" Luo Gonggong asked thoughtfully.

The Emperor of Heaven and the Emblems sighed in the past, and they were so angry that they couldn’t speak. Luo Gonggong asked him, who did he ask?

Luo Gonggong slammed into the eyes of the Emperor of the Heavenly Emblem and was so scared that he quickly retreated and closed his mouth.

Emperor Tianhui patted the table, "Look! You have to find out the three feet to dig the ground! Otherwise, everyone will think about it this year!"

Luo Gonggong was frightened and quickly went to pass the purpose.

Where is Long Fei Ye and Han Yu?

The Emperor of Heaven and Earth is so concerned, but it is not him who is hiding in the night, but Tangmen.

Ten days later is New Year's Eve. Long Fei received the news of Tangmen in advance. Tang Zijin has already dealt with Tang's escape from marriage. He is going to personally go to Ningnan County Shoufu to invite him and Han to go to Tangmen for the New Year.

Ningnan County is not far from Tangmen.

On the night of the night when he received the news, Long Fei night took Han Han to leave overnight.

It is easy for him to make excuses when he does not go, but he is too lazy to find.

"His Royal Highness, where are we going to go?" Han Han is still confused, not knowing what happened.

"New Year." Long non-night said lightly.

"Is it back to the emperor? Is it too late?" Han Yu was shocked.

According to the rules of the Tianning royal family, even the emperor, prince, and king of the king must return to the emperor, let alone the most distinguished prince of the dragon non-night?

However, it is not easy for the Emperor of Heaven and Earth to put them in the disaster area. How can they easily let them go back?

There are still more than ten days to go through the New Year, and I can’t go back.

Long Fei night originally had to say, but suddenly stopped, "Sleep, you will know when you arrive."

In the past two months, he has been tracing the whereabouts of the descendants of the seven aristocrats, and Han Han has been immersed in the detoxification space, trying to solve the antidote to the poison in Baili.

The two really did not worry about finding food. In the eyes of outsiders, they are like vacations, how busy they are.

Because she has been immersed in the detoxification space, Han Yu’s spirit has not been very good, and as the day gets colder, she is more and more sleepy.

"His Royal Highness is not going to give a surprise to Chen.

? Han Han asked with interest.

Surprise her? Is this counted?

Dragons and nights never know how to please women, how to surprise them.

Maybe, that's it.

"You will know when you get there." He still said that.

"The courtiers are... looking forward to it."

Han Wei sneaked at him, and the sight of the dragon's night was just drifting over. Seeing that she was watching him, he immediately removed his sight.

Han Han wrapped in a white fur collar and a big fox, continued to sit on the side, closed his eyes and raised his spirits.

It should have continued to enter the detoxification space, but unfortunately, she was unable to concentrate on the spirit of the dragon and the night.

In the world, the man can do it by the side, so that in a few words, she will stir her calm heart and disturb her for a long time.

In the New Year, you can count on a big event, family affairs, and have to go with your family.

It’s impossible to return to the emperor. Is it difficult for this guy to take him to see his family?

Going to Tangmen?

He said that his parents are all in Tangmen.

Although Han Han didn't like to see Ru's abominable face, she was very happy if she could go back to Tangmen with the dragon to go to New Year's Eve.

After all, it’s like being as grand as going back to seeing a parent. This shows that he has completely brought her into his world.

Although he did not say, she did not ask.

However, she is still looking forward to it, looking forward to seeing more of his secrets.

He said that life experience is a thing of the past, a matter of the older generation, and it is necessary to look forward and look at it.

However, if you don't understand a person's past, how can you understand him, hurt him, protect him, love him?

When Baili Musk is so small, it begins to raise human blood. Then, at what age is it, there is a heart for the world? Will it be tired?

Dragon is not night, my past is Han Han, whose soul is dead. I can't care. However, your past, that is, you came personally one day, how can I not mind?

Han Wei secretly opened his eyes and saw that Long Fei was holding a book and listening carefully.

He wore a singular white robes and a luxurious fox robes. The whites were spotless, the Tsinghua was elegant, the purple was noble and extraordinary, not like a mortal.

In such a quiet and concise scene, a curiosity of a painting is always engraved in the heart of Han Yu.

Dragon is not night, I am looking forward to... I am looking forward to being closer to you, closer.

One hundred steps, I will definitely finish.

The carriages are all hidden roads, and the speed is not fast. When they arrive at the destination, they are two days away from New Year's Eve.

I don't know how to get into the habit. When the two ride in the carriage, he always goes down first, then personally takes her down.

This time, she closed her eyes and touched the door and almost fell. When he saw it, he quickly stopped, "What?"

“Is it a surprise?” Han Yu asked with a smile.

She kept remembering that he forgot.

Han Wei waited, but I have to see how he answered this time. It’s a pity that she waited, and the dragon didn’t talk late.

Waiting for a long time, Han Hao’s original goodwill is inevitably hit.

Ok, she has to do it all the time. This guy who is as cold as an iceberg can’t even make a joke. Where can there be such interest?

He didn't answer, she answered it by herself. "Oh, look at it with a wink!"

Han Hao said that he would wink. Who knows that the dragon is not at night but suddenly reaches out and grabs her eyes. "Wait!"

(End of this chapter)