Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 396: Willing to have one heart

The dragon is not colder than the cold winter, but his palm is warm and hot.

The familiar temperature is on the eyes, and the warmth of Han Han has an impulse to never blink again.

Seeing the existence of this man is not as good as feeling his existence. Although he knows that it is impossible forever, he hopes that this moment will last longer.

Han Han closed her eyes and enjoyed a rare warmth, she waited.

Who knows, Long Fei night suddenly overbearingly cuddles her, striding into the door, "Don't blink."

Really have a surprise?

Obviously all the way is looking forward to, but when it is really there are still very unexpected.

She was nervous, and he let him go all the way, his eyes closed.

After a long walk, in addition to his hurried footsteps, she never heard another voice, she hung a heart and thumped.

After a long walk, Long is not the night to put Han Han down.

"His Royal Highness, can you open your eyes?" asked Han.

"Yeah." The dragon was faint in the night, and nothing was said.

Han Han immediately blinked, and in a flash he was shocked by everything in front of him. "Beautiful!"

She found herself in the middle of the plum garden, a world of silver, a plum blossom, and a fairyland.

Han Hao looked around and found that the beauty of the Meiyuan was not marginal. It is not so much a plum garden, it is better to say that this is a Meihai. No matter which direction you go, you can't see the end. There is only snow in this world, only Mei, only him, only her, purely like a paradise.

Just as Han Han was amazed, the dragon standing behind her gently picked up the poem.

"The wind and rain send spring return, and the snow flies in the spring. It is already a cliff with hundreds of feet of ice, and there are still flowers and flowers. Pretty is not vying for spring, only to report the spring. When the mountain flowers are rotten, she laughs in the bushes."

This poem, not exactly when Mei Mei was in full bloom last year, when she was invited to participate in the plum blossom banquet by Princess Changping, she was forced to make it temporarily.

In fact, it can't be said that she made it, because this poem is that she used the old hair.

It is this poem that gave a long slap in the face of Princess Changping and others. It is precisely because of this poem that the female Duanmu Yao can no longer write poetry.

That battle, she won very beautiful!

She always thought that in the days when the troubles were constant and he was alone, he never cared about one or two. I know, he actually wrote down this poem.

Han Wei looked back and there was a kind of surprise that couldn't be said. This plum blossom in the garden is not a surprise. His contempt is the real surprise!

"His Royal Highness, you know this poem!"

Han Han attacked the white dress that was spotless, covered with snow white fox, standing in the world of red plum blossoms, smiling, and reflected in the poem, she laughed in the bush!

This is not a surprise that Long Fei was deliberately giving. However, in this situation, he remembered the poem.

Last year, Princess Changping’s plum blossom feast, he really was secretly concerned.

"Have heard." He replied faintly.

"You are back?" Han Han asked.

Long did not look at her at night, did not answer, and moved to Meihai to take a deeper look at Mei.

Han Hao was in the same place, watching his back did not move.

Long is not far from night, see Han Han has not been to, this will stop, "poetry is good, by the way."

What is necessary is his sentence!

Han Hao is satisfied, and he is up and down. "His Royal Highness, where is this place, such a large garden is rare."

"Jiangnan Meihai, this garden is for you, when it is the ceremony, I will be here for the New Year."

The dragon is not a night to enjoy the plum, but he replies casually and seems to be talking about something that is irrelevant.

However, Han Han is stunned!

Jiangnan Meihai!

This is the most famous of the three gardens in the south of the Yangtze River. Because of the winter and spring, Meikai is named after the sea.

This garden covers three places as large as the Qin Dynasty. It takes at least three days and three nights to go to the entire courtyard. Its owner has always been mysterious, but unexpectedly it is a dragon non-night!

He just said that he wants to give this garden to her?

The first gift, sent her a bracelet worth the value of the country, the second gift, directly is an unevaluable garden.

Although they are legal couples, can this guy be so proud?

After Han Yu’s surprise, I was a little scared. How thick is this guy’s family?

The dragon is far away from night, and Han Han is still standing.

He looked back and hooked his finger, "Come here."

"His Royal Highness, it is too expensive." Han Yu answered truthfully.

"I don't like it?" Long asked at night.

Han Yu immediately shakes his head, a poem and a garden double surprise, she will not like it?

"Like it, it's all vulgar. It's nothing expensive and not expensive." Long said at night, while taking out the plum blossoms from the sleeves and stuffing them into Han Yu's hands.

The one who has this token is the owner of the Meihai. All the servants and guards in the garden have to listen to their orders.

The tokens were all in their hands. Han Yu knew that with his temper, she did not have room for rejection.

"Why is that nobleness expensive?" she asked curiously.

Long night looks back, "What do you think?"

Han Yu seriously looked at the dragon and the night, and did not hesitate to answer, "I hope one person's heart, the white head is not separated."

Dragons are not night, you also know that those are common things!

No matter how expensive it is, even if it is hired in this world, it is not as good as a step toward me.

Dragon is not night, in your eyes, how many steps are there between us?

Looking at Han Yu’s sincere and reluctant gaze, Long did not say anything at night. After a long time, he slowly brought Han Han into his arms.

Snowflakes began to fly, silently falling on the shoulders of both of them.

Xuelin Meihai, two people silenced the world.

I hope to have one heart, and the white head is not separated.

Dragon is not night, if you face the choice one day, what is the most important thing in your heart?

In the center of this Merlin, there is a low-symmetric Japanese-style house with a tea house in the middle, a wing on the left and right sides, and a natural hot soup pool on the back.

Long Fei Ye and Han Yu lived here. Until the evening, Han Yu discovered the true meaning of the phrase "We are here for the New Year".

It’s true that only two of them have a New Year together, and none of the people in Tangmen have seen it.

This way, it seems... better!

On New Year's Eve, prepare food and wine, Long Feiye and Han Yu sit opposite each other, and the two drink.

On one side, two or three servants were guarding, the snow flakes outside the door flew, and the hot soup pool was hot and hot. All the silence was like the same painting. It was quiet and not deserted.

Dragons and non-nights are not alcoholic people. Wine tasting is like tea, and it is elegant and noble.

Han Hao is not not good at wine, but today he is serious, and it is also a pleasure to find drinking for the first time.

The bell in the distance rings and the child arrives.

Han Han got up and gave a big gift. "His Royal Highness, the courtiers have given you a New Year's greeting. I hope that everything will go well this year, and your Highness will be well-off."

He is the head of the family, her husband, such a ritual is necessary.

"this year……"

The dragon whispered to himself in the night, seemingly thoughtful, and seemed to have some expectations.

He rewarded Han Hao with a big red envelope.

"I am free."

The dragon was away from the wine table at night, sitting at the door and staring at the snow.

"His Royal Highness, do you have a heart?"

The dragon didn't talk at night, and he waved to signal her past.

Han Wei sat side by side with him. He thought that Long Fei would say something, but who knows, he is still silent.

After sitting for a long time, Han Hao is lacking.

In recent days, I have been too addicted to the detoxification system. Although I can’t talk about my heart and soul, I am tired and can’t sleep.

Han Hao sat while sitting, waiting to sleep, and unconsciously leaned back on the shoulder of the dragon.

Long did not glance at the night, let her lean on.

Soon, Han Han really slept, and the whole person leaned on him.

"Take the scorpion of Wang Hao." The dragon whispered in the night.

The dragon is not careful to take the sleeping person into his arms, and then wrap the foxes to make her sleep more secure.

"His Royal Highness, cold, go back to the house to sleep?" The prostitute whispered.

The dragon waved his hand at night, indicating that they all retired, and the prostitute did not dare to persuade, but they all dispersed.

The snow is getting bigger and bigger, but the more silent it is.

The dragon looked down at the snow at night and fell into meditation.

How many New Year's Eve nights, when the night passed, Yi Tai will sleep, the mother will wait for him under the plum tree in the backyard of Ganning Palace, waiting for him to celebrate a New Year.

Every year, the mother-in-law asks him, "Night, another year, are you ready?"

Since the death of his mother, he has never been old.

"Another year is over... I want to have one heart, and the white head is not separated..."

"Han Han, one day, if you are faced with choice, what is the most important thing in your heart?"

He muttered to himself, took the butterfly dream from Han Han's sleeve and played it in his hand.

This night, Han Yu sleeps incredibly in the arms of Long Fei, she does not know the thoughts of Long Fei's heart.

She had a sweet dream, dreaming of winter and spring, the plum blossoms in the garden, the dragon is in the flowers in the night, and turned back to her.

On the early morning of the next day, Han Hao woke up and found herself sleeping in her room.

As soon as she went out, she bumped into the darkness of the dragon in the night.

It was only a few days after the stability of the day, this is the first day of the New Year, the Emperor of Heaven and the Emblems will find another.

"His Highness, this morning, the three counties of the three counties are all at the gate of the county government, saying that you will not go back if you can't see you."

"Let them squat!" Han Yu said with dissatisfaction.

Needless to ask, these small county magistrates dare to be so bold, it must be that the Emperor of Heaven and Earth is instructed to let them do this, nothing more than wanting food.

Although there is no food, at least this Spring Festival will not make the victims hungry. What do the Emperor Tianhui want?

Although the dragon is not vying for the hearts of the people, it is also maintaining the Tianning disaster area!

This time, if the dragon is not the night to remove the food from the disaster, the Emperor of Heaven and Earth may not be able to survive this year!

The dark guards are in trouble. There are more than a dozen county magistrates under the three major counties. It is not appropriate to watch the New Year’s Day.

Who knows, Long Fei nights are actually along Han Han, "Let them squat, the king will return after fifteen."


Han Yu almost laughed, and the county magistrates had to hear these two words. It was estimated that they couldn’t help for a long time, and they rushed back.

"His Royal Highness, are you going to find food?" Han Yu asked curiously.

She always knew that Long was not sure at night, but she couldn’t really find out where to find food.

"Go ready to go out and go out in the afternoon." Long said nothing in the night.

Since the year has passed, it is time for the Emperor of Heaven to ask them to go back...

(End of this chapter)