Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 407: Blood, accidental discovery

Jun Yixie himself can't escape from Yuzhou Island. He can only hope for the Northern calendar. After all, the one he used to go out to sea was the ship of the Northern calendar, which was applied with the emperor of the Northern calendar.

He did not go back, the dragon was transported a large number of sea fish back in the night, and the Northern calendar emperor would have guessed that he had an accident.

Jun Yi is sitting on the edge of the ice lake and can only wait. Fortunately, he caught a lot of fish before, otherwise he should starve to death.

However, although he will not starve to death, he also has a fight with the victims of Tianning, and the next day can only eat fish.

He sat for a long time, really boring, got up and walked toward the ice cave.

Yuzhou Island has the rules of Yuzhou Island. Fishermen and fishermen are not afraid of him, and no one cares about him.

The monarch and the evil hand smashed the ice water, smelled it, and added a few more mouths. He wondered what the bottle of medicine that Han Yu had fallen down was, and he could break the legend of the big fisheye and attract all the fish. come.

However, he finally drank a big mouth, still did not find out why.

I have to admit that the woman's poison is far above him.

Jun also looked at the reflections in the water, and couldn’t help but see Han Han’s high-handed jade arm and the figure above the independent ice lake.

That smear of cinnabar seems to be in front of me.

He still can't believe that the woman is still innocent. In other words, the dragon has not yet fully obtained her.

Thinking about this, Jun Yixie is faint and somewhat grateful.

Damn, he should hate the woman who has always broken his good deeds, but there is still a hope in his heart.

Jun also slandered his head and made himself rational.

He is about to leave the ice cave, who knows the moment of turning and notices the breath of toxins.

He was immediately alert!


It’s hard to make him careless. Is Han Han really poisoned?

Jun also sneaked down and picked up the ice water for serious inspection.

Even if there is a little hope, he will never let go!

You know, if he finds evidence of Han Yu’s poisoning, then history should be rewritten, and he can immediately turn over!

Helpless, he took the trouble to check carefully over and over again, but after all, he did not detect signs of poison in the ice water.

Finally, he had to give up.

Just getting up, but inadvertently saw the blood on the ice that had solidified.

Jun also evil suspicion, and when I came closer, I suddenly realized that it was no wonder that he clearly smelled the toxins, but he could not find any signs of toxins in the ice water. It turned out that this blood is poisonous!

These bloods, it is the former Baili General and Baili Musk blocking the dragon non-night sword, both hands with the blade edge wounded.

Jun also evil spirits saw no one noticed around, he squatted down, took out the dagger and cut the blood of the ice, held it in the palm of his hand, melted the temperature of the palm of his hand, and then placed it in a porcelain bottle.

Everything was done silently, and no one found it.

Although the blood here has a hundred miles of generals, there is also a hundred miles of musk, but he can basically be sure that the poison is the thyme.

He noticed the beauty of Bai Lixiang from the beginning, and she could see that she had the possibility of poisoning, and she couldn’t figure out why Han Hao did not help her detoxify.

Judging from this blood, his guess is correct. This woman is indeed poisoned, and the poisoning is very deep.

It was just that the dragon was too invested in the night, so that when the scent of the scent was bleeding, he did not notice it.

Nowadays, blood samples have been collected, and he has more time to slowly ponder what poison the diseased beauty has.

The identity of Baili Musk is not simple, why is she poisoned, and the middle

What kind of poison, why Han Han did not help her detoxification. He is very curious!

At this time, the Baili Musk has moved away from Yuzhou Island. She sat in the cabin and looked at her injured hand in a daze.

I don't know, when I am today, I will see you again.

This time, she did not help.

She knows that she wants to be unhelpful, but after all, she can't resist her own heart. She can't help but wonder. What is the appointment of His Royal Highness and Princess Wang?

How big is the fire of His Royal Highness?

Thinking about this, she laughed herself.

Both her and her father's hands were bleeding, and they didn't look much more at the Highness, just let them roll. However, Wang Hao’s hands have not touched the blade, and the Highness immediately took the sword.

How can he still swear by Wang Hao’s maiden?

She is hurt herself, what are she worried about?

Ouyang Ninguo walked in and smiled. "Barry girl, is your hand okay?"

"I don't get in the way, thank you Ouyang Gongzi for your concern." Baili Muxiang said politely.

"The body of Baili girl doesn't seem to be very good? Is it ill?" Ouyang Ningnuo is a human fine, and he has long seen that there is something wrong with the body of Baili Musk.

He had heard of the girl of the hundred miles, but only a few months ago, the girl was very good at attending the birthday party of the Tianning Queen Mother.

"It's not bad for you to get cold," said Baili Muxiang.

"The wind is strong at sea, and the girl in the hundred miles is much more clothed." Ouyang Ninguo said, shifting the topic, "You Wang Xia Niangniang is really interesting."

Baili Musk is just a smile, no more talk, like Ouyang Ninguo, an unprincipled profiteer, it is not helpful to talk to him.

"Barry girl, I heard that Qin Wangxi's daughter of the Mother of Heaven?" Ouyang Ningnuo asked again.

"The musk is not very clear. The things of the goddess of the goddess, not the musk can be discussed, the fragrance is lacking, and there is not much to accompany."

Baili Musk was alert and got up and left.

Ouyang Ningnuo did not stay too much. He walked out of the cabin and looked at Yuzhou Island, which was gradually drifting away. There was a smile on his mouth. "Han Han...hehe, interesting!"

At this time, the followers came over, "The master, this time we are losing money!"

The followers said that this time, Ouyang Ningnuo spent a lot of manpower and material resources. After the sin of the dragon, it was also offensive to the monarchy. In the end, it was impossible to buy or sell the horses on the northern border, and even lost a large number. Rice and silver.

This can be said that Ouyang Ninguo has suffered the most since the business.

"Reassured, you can't lose so much." Ouyang Ningnuo doesn't seem to mind...

The ship is on the sea, and there is no big danger in the spring.

The dragon boat of the dragon is the first to return to the port.

On the first day of the first month of the first month, a large group of large and small officials squatted in front of the gate of the county government, seeking to see the dragon and the night, eager to ask for food, and to plan for disaster relief.

Long Fei Ye said that the fifteenth came back.

They returned to the Ningnan County Shoufu from the port. It was exactly fifteen. Those officials of the size and size must have not lived for fifteen days. However, at this time they were all blocked at the gate.

See Long Feiye and Han Yu under the carriage. The county magistrate of Ningbei County is the first to go forward. "His Royal Highness, Princess Wang, you can come back. The food in Ningbei County will soon shine. The victims are all looking forward to His Royal Highness and Wang Hao. The niece is coming back, and I’m finally looking forward to you!”

This is clearly a folk song.

However, this time they learned the lesson, using the people's hearts, not the public anger.

Imagine that all the people would hope to be pinned on Qin Wang, once Qin Wang

Let them down, isn’t that the loss of the hearts of the people?

"The sky emblem has grown up this time." The dragon whispered at night.

Han Hao almost laughed, Qin Wang said this to let the Emperor of Heaven and Earth hear, it is estimated that the emperor's old man must be angry.

"Let them rest assured, after five days, the king will let you eat!" Long said coldly.

Eat it?

For a time everyone was shocked, Qin Wang is joking?

Famine has been so long, people can't eat food, let alone six animals? Where is the leek to eat?

This sentence was passed to the ear of the Emperor of Heavenly Emblem, and the Emperor of Heavenly Emblem laughed on the spot in the Imperial Study Room.

"What are you eating? Oh, you have to look at how good your brother can be!"

Five days later, the Ouyang Ningnuo Chamber of Commerce sent 600,000 tons of grain and discounted silver. At the same time, the first three batches of sea fish were also delivered.

Long Feiye and Han Han did not come forward. They gave a few reliable bureaucrats to the division of food and fish. The husband and wife went back to Jiangnan Meihai Holiday.

The time to find food at this time has already shocked the whole country. Who would have thought that the royal king of Qin had actually caught such a large number of marine fish. It really is to open up the victims!

Not to mention, the people in these fish-stricken areas have not been able to eat, and even the people around the disaster area have received welfare, and the fish has been divided several times according to the population.

It should be known that Tianning's fishery is developed in the Yunkong continent, but the amount of fishing is limited. After all, can people easily eat such delicious sea fish?

When the spring ploughing did not arrive, the disaster relief work was completed. Because the disaster relief was timely, the number of people who died of the disease was extremely limited, and there was no large-scale disease.

This time, the most serious famine in Tianning’s history has gone so smoothly.

Long Fei night listened to Han Yu’s opinion and bought a large number of excellent seeds from the money sent by the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce to donate to the victims.

Long Fei night not only won the hearts of the people, but also was greatly recorded by the historical officials in the annals of history, honoring the victory over the Emperor of Heaven.

The Emperor of the Heavenly Emblem rushed to attack the heart, but he couldn’t afford to get sick. He took a few days off.

The weather is getting warmer and the snow is melting.

The plum blossoms in the Jiangnan Meiyuan Manyuan have fallen, and the petals have been flying all over the sky. It has become a veritable Meihai, and the beautiful Hanyu wants to live here forever.

Long Fei Ye has also been with her for several days. That incident, the dragon did not mention it again, she did not say much.

I don't know if it is her illusion. She always thinks that the dragon is not interested in her during this time, as if she is making up for it.

In the past, no matter where he lived, he often went out, staying at night, and going out for two or three days is the norm.

This time, since they lived in, he never left.

They really seem to be on vacation.

He spent most of his time in the study, looking through ancient books, occasionally handling some secret messages, and she spent most of the time in the sun, immersed in the detoxification system, and took the time to help the Baili musk to prepare the antidote.

Occasionally I read books with him at night, and I slept in the study without knowing it. I woke up and didn't sleep in my house like I used to, but I slept in his arms.

Occasionally, when he woke up in the middle of the night, he would meet him at the hot springs. She pretended not to see it and hurriedly passed by. In fact, he knew it.

Occasionally, seeing him drinking tea alone, she will go over and talk to him on his shoulders. He still has few words, but he will answer.

Han Hao was so obvious for the first time that he was close to this man. This kind of day was dull, but it was very comfortable.

However, such a day is bound to not be too long.

The spring plough has not yet arrived, and the Emperor of Heavenly Emblem has sent people to rush the dragon to return to the emperor...

(End of this chapter)