Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 44: Defuse, let you enjoy

The Queen’s eyes are stunned. However, when anger is angry and there is a demand for others, she has no other way.

She hid anger and said good voice. "Hey, this way, you said that Changping is ill. As for what illness, don't say it. After all, it's not a good thing. It's not good."

"Queen, my mother is not an outsider, it will not be passed on." Han Yu is really a good wife, and immediately defended her mother.

The Queen nodded and nodded, and persuaded, "That is of course, just... After all, Changping will spread the disease, and it is still sick on the face. The girl’s family has not married yet. She has to keep her face, you said yes What?"

Han Yuyi understood the look and nodded. "The priest knows. It means that Changping has a heart fever, and he wants to clear the heat and detoxification."

"Well, let's just say, you... take a look at yourself?" the Queen asked tentatively.

She has given in to this one, and it is impossible to pull down her face to ask for too much, it is really wrong!

If Han Han goes, then it makes no sense for her to do this.

She won't go, seriously. "I have to guard the princess here, just in case the poison is infected. Queen Empress, you shouldn't be late, you are still looking for someone to take a trip for me."

When it comes to infection, the Queen is nervous again. In desperation, she can only push things to Gu Beiyue.

Gu Beiyue did not express any opinions, respectfully responded, and immediately went to Qin Wangfu to discuss medicine.

One afternoon, I didn’t know what happened to Qin’s palace. Gu Beiyue did not come back.

The Queen was fidgeting in the guesthouse and nervously waiting. However, Han Wei was hiding in the fire room. His name was devoted to the antidote and he did not bother. In fact, she had already lost the expensive drugs.

She picked out those expensive drugs that were not stocked in the detoxification system and hid them into the detoxification system. They also took out some common medicines that could not be ordinary, and mixed them together.

At this moment, she was warming up next to the fire while she was pondering the situation at Qin Wangfu.

Yi Taizhen always thought that she was arrested and imprisoned and lost her face. Then, she will give her a chance to face her face now. Yi Taihao should be happy.

It is not only that Princess Changping is ill, but also that medicine is needed.

Han Wei is very sure that Yi Tai will give this medicine. I think Murong is like watching the long-awaited dowry being taken away. It will be very lost. Thinking about this, Han Hao is happy!

However, what Han Han did not expect was that at sunset, Yi Taihao actually entered the palace together with Gu Beiyue!

Even the Queen was very surprised, forcing a smile.

The Queen did not ask much, and preemptively made it. "It’s just too embarrassing. It’s just a medicine. It’s bothering you to send it in person. Changping can’t afford it!”

Who knows, Yi Tai is a serious face, "Queen, not this palace says you, such a big thing, you even me? I thought that Changping was looking for a palace to play! Who knows is actually coming Treating the disease!"

The Queen still has a chance to explain in the future. She should be too embarrassed to sit on the side of Han Yu and seriously, "I knew that it was to cure the disease, I will not let her come. What medical treatment will she do? Is it a disease to prescribe medicine and cure Changping?"

Han Yu looked at the nose and nose and said nothing.

The Queen was anxious, and quickly explained, "Why, there is a doctor who is in charge of this."

"Gu Tai doctor checks? That makes Gu Tai heal, insurance!" Yi Taizhen said, looking at Han Han, "She is a swindler who does not learn without surgery, will cure the disease will not be scrapped. Some days ago, I almost put the cell in the room. What can I cure?


When the words came out, the Queen's face was dark, and she was clearly taking a deep breath!

Yi Taihao is here to find you!

However, the Queen is the Queen, and the cultivation is still excellent.

She sighed helplessly. "Hey, my goddess, don't be modest. Who dares to be a waste material? I don't care for the first one! The general is a misunderstanding, misunderstanding! Changping I have been sinned, and you will not be considered a villain."

Yi Taihao listened with joy and glanced at her. "Who doesn't know, Changping's bad temper is what you give to the pet!"

The Queen’s eyes flashed a smack of anger, but he still resisted, got up and owed himself, half-hearted and half-joking. “Yes, it’s the fault of the courtiers, and the courtiers have pleaded guilty to the Tailings.”

Yi Taihao pretend to be nervous, and quickly helped. "I can't afford it, this palace is a joke. Children, which elders don't hurt, don't like it, just like our family, I don't always get used to it." she was."

Listening to the two deep palace women, you come to me, false and false, Han Yu and Gu Beiyue have a goose bump, and look at each other.

However, Han Han knows that the days after her return will not be as sad as before.

It’s too tempting to be too happy!

Some of her mood and time are false, but the Queen did not, remembering the infection period of the virus in Princess Changping, she did not want to spend a moment.

"It’s too embarrassing, the doctor’s medical skills can not be ignored by the doctors, and I don’t know how the outside is transmitted. I actually said that she is a waste. According to me, the Queen Mother is right, Qin Wang’s swearing, it’s awkward. It’s cheap.” The back end of the emperor has a serious attitude.

If it was before, I would have felt ironic when I heard this, but now she is very comfortable.

Originally, I thought that Han Hao was a good general in the case of a general. I was shocked when I asked the doctor to find the situation in the afternoon.

I didn’t think that Han’s medical skills were really good.

Now it seems that the king of the Qin Dynasty, Han Yu, the Queen Mother should regret it!

The Queen is also apologizing, but also to say good things, it is too comfortable to go to the heart of the heart, and the Queen Mother has been fighting for so many years, for a long time, has not been so deflated.

So, she took out ten knots very happily, and did not hand it over to the Queen, but handed it to Han Yu, and she said with a good voice. "Hey, you can be cautious, and Princess Changping will hand it over to you." ”

Han Yu got up and took it. "The mother-in-law is relieved, and the courtiers understand, and the courtiers go to pick up the medicine."

"Wang Hao Niangniang, Wei Chen gave you a hand." Gu Beiyue said quickly that he knew that the prescription given by Han Wei was fake and wondering what the real antidote was.

The chief medical doctor wants to give Han Han a hand? Yi Taihao is more happy, laughing and laughing, "Gu Tai doctor, go, hurry."

However, in the middle of the road, Han Han sent a sentence to Gu Beiyue.

"Gu Tai, you go to Princess Changping."

Gu Beiyue knew that she didn't want him to follow. He hesitated for a moment and wanted to say something, but after all he chose silence and smiled. "The next official obeys."

However, he is about to leave, but Han Han looks back and looks like a smile. "Gu Beiyue, thank you!"

She said that she would turn away and Gu Beiyue groaned a little, and she almost shook her head with helplessness. The smiling scorpion was as gentle as the spring breeze in April.

Han Hao went to the fire room, disposed the medicines that had been prepared before, took out the antidote medicine pack from the medical kit, and made it into a medicine soup and personally came out.

Both the Queen and Yi Tai are waiting at the door of Princess Changping. Seeing Han Han’s personal medicine, the Queen is overjoyed. “Is this medicine?”

"Exactly." Han Wei


The Queen opened the door personally, but did not follow up. He also stopped the Yitai who had to go in. "Too niece, the inside is the smell of medicine, the long flat is afraid of the wind, and the room has not opened the window for a few days, let's Still waiting outside."

Yi Taihao, but there is a clean person, and at this time also smelled a bad breath, she paced, "Alright."

Gu Tai doctor followed up, leaving the Queen and Yi Tai Yu waiting outside the house.

It is said that it can cure, but if it is cured, it will eventually have to see the curative effect. The Queen is very nervous. It is certainly awkward to make a special trip to the palace.

Who knows, this waited for half an hour, and finally, the Queen could not sit still.

"Come on, come in, what's going on."

Yi Tai is slightly embarrassed, thinking, Han Han, Han Han, this palace is coming to the face today, if you let the palace throw your face into the palace, when you go back to the palace, it is definitely not hungry, you are so simple for a few days and nights. Now!

The palace lady was very afraid of being infected, but she had to enter the house. Who knows, she was about to push the door in, but the door opened from the inside.

Gu Beiyue opened the door, Han Han followed behind, and soon, I saw the windows on both sides were opened.

The Queen and Yi Taihao almost got up at the same time and said in unison, "How is it?"

"The medicine is gone to the disease, but the princess is tired these days, and the body is very weak. It has to be slowly nursed back to recover." Han Yu calmly answered.

"Really!" The Queen looked incredulous. "Really... all good?"

In fact, what she wants to ask is whether it will be contagious. This is just a mischievous mischief of Han Han. She nodded. "Queen Empress, Chang Ping must want to see you, you must hurry in."

With Han Yu’s words, the Queen’s high-hanging heart was finally collected, and he walked in without saying anything.

Yi Taizhen always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn’t say it, and she hurriedly followed.

Inside the house, Princess Changping’s hands and feet have been lifted, although her body has no strength, but the brain is very excited!

I was ordering the prostitute to take a picture of her, although it was a little rougher than the original skin, and there was a wound on each of the left and right cheeks, but it was better than the poisonous face of the face!

Although both Gu Tai and Han Yu said that the scar on her face could be eliminated in a few months, at this moment, she was so excited that she didn't care so much.

Her face is good, it won't be disfigured, it won't infect others!

Princess Changping did not want to admit it, but she had to say that Han Han saved her face for a lifetime.

The queen came back and saw the face of Princess Changping, and she was so shocked that she stopped her mouth.

God, it is true!

All the doctors, there are a few well-known poison doctors who are not good at medical treatment, and they have been cured by a bowl of medicine by Han Yu!

And the effect is still so fast!

The queen sat down and looked at her daughter's face, and she couldn't speak for a long time.

However, Yi Taihao was puzzled. "Changping, you have a heart fever, how can you hurt your face?"

"This is not a disease, I can't stand it, I will give it to myself." The Queen quickly searched for an excuse to answer.

Princess Changping was completely immersed in joy, staring intently at the mirror, who ignored her.

"How, why didn't you help her by the way?"

At this time, the side opened his mouth. "Oh, my mother, Qin Wang opened the medicine for external use, and it took a few months to heal."

Yi Taihao was very satisfied and smiled. "This is good, huh, huh, Chang Ping, there is such a emperor, it is your blessing."

(End of this chapter)