Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 440: After the nobility

Jun and evil did not look at Bai Yuqiao, and pulled the golden needle tied to his shoulder.

"What about Master?"

Bai Yuqiao went around him and smiled and said, "You beg me, you will ask me if you ask me."

Jun Yixie was very unhappy at this moment. When he heard this, he immediately raised a slap. Bai Yuqiao knew the teacher too much. He had long been hiding. "Master is waiting for you at the port!"

Jun also warned her with wickedness, and then turned to look at the sea.

He was silent all the way. The boat was docked at the end of the day. When he came ashore, he did not go to his master for the first time, and he did not pack himself. Instead, he contacted the people who had done it.

The first thing is to release the news: Bei Li Kang Wang has successfully broken through the Baili Shuijun and left Yuzhou Island;

The second thing is to send people to spend a lot of money to the daughter city and Xiaoyao City, please kill a large number of killers, chasing Gu Qixiao;

The third thing is to order the blockade of all industries of Ouyang Ningnuo in the Northern calendar, and block all the transactions related to the Tianning Chamber of Commerce.

Since he was alive, he left the fishing island, and he would not let go of all the people who had humiliated him and betrayed him!

After finishing these three things, Jun Yi will clean up himself and let Bai Yuqiao lead the way to see Bai Qingyan.

On this road, Jun Yixie finally spoke to Bai Yuqiao.

"When did Master come back?" he whispered.

"A few days ago, suddenly I went to Baidumen, and I was scared." Bai Yuqiao laughed.

She has been guarding the door of the drug, while guarding against the harassment of the medical city, while trying to save the king and evil, busy enough.

"What can he say?" Jun also asked.

Bai Yuqiao shook his head. "He doesn't know his temper, but like you, he won't talk nonsense with me."

Jun also evilly glanced at her, and then asked Master how to save him from leaving Yuzhou Island. Bai Yuqiao talked about poisonous mist, and Jun Yixue knew that Master’s poisoning technique was even higher.

I haven't seen it for many years. When I got to the door, I was a bit sloppy. When he was three years old, his father died. In fact, in his heart, Master has always been his father.

However, he never understood why he was leaving when he was thirteen years old.

Jun Yixie is still hesitating, and there is a low voice inside the door. "Is it a small evil?"

Xiaoxie, a childish and ridiculous name, is that the Northern Calendar Emperor would not call him, but Master still called it.

Jun Yixie’s arrogant eyes flashed a trace of sadness, but he quickly disappeared. He pushed the door open and strode in.

I saw a man in his forties who was sitting next to the teahouse in the house. Although he was carrying a beard, he was not old. Instead, he showed the taste of a mature man. A pair of deep black scorpions seemed to be calm, but they could be insightful. Everything is rhinoceros.

He was so simple that he couldn't easily make a gray gown, sitting there leisurely, but it gave people an unspeakable pressure. At the same age, the Emperor of Heaven and the Emblem came to him, fearing that he would be inferior.

Jun also evil came to him, respectfully respected and bowed. "Master, I haven't seen you for a long time, and I miss him very much."

Bai Qingyan personally helped him up, faintly said, "After the teacher is one step behind, you have this little life?"

"Under the poison is a guy named Gu Qishao, the origin is unknown. Before the fight, I don't know his poison is so powerful!" Jun Yixie said seriously.

"That's really powerful, presumably this guy's poison is much higher than you."

Bai Yanqing said, while he gestured to the monarch, he was quiet, as quiet as those who were over a hundred years old.

Master of the world.

"The poison on the shoulders..."

When Jun Yixie has not finished, Bai Yanqing will take out a black gold needle. "This poison can not be solved for the teacher. It seems that you still have less offended the woman."

"Master also knows that it is Han Han?" Jun Yixie is very puzzled.

"It was also this time when I came out of the mountain and heard it." Bai Qingyan said faintly.

Jun Yiyin lowered his voice. "Master, the people of the movie family are desperate to protect her, and the poisonous beast of the poisonous sect is in her hand!"

Bai Qingyan’s eyes finally had a bit of a wave, “What do you mean?”

"This woman is very likely to be the Xiqin royal family. She has been investigating her life experience. Unfortunately, all the clues have been erased!" Jun Yi said, and said again, "But the Xiqin royal family was clearly out of the past. It may be that the children think more, the guy of the movie family is just going to the poisonous beast."

"West Qinhuang...the royal family..." Bai Qingyan muttered to himself. "I didn't expect the movie family to live to this day."

"Master, the disciple tried to win over him, but unfortunately..." Jun Yixie is very sorry.

"You can reveal your identity?" Bai Qingyan was anxious.

"Master is assured that you and my identity, except for the Northern calendar emperor, no one knows." Jun Yixue seriously answered.

It is because of his special status with Master that the Emperor of the Northern Zhou Dynasty has been so indulgent in these years and given him such a large authority.

He is born in Hei, one of the seven nobles! It was his grandfather, the youngest general of the Hei nationality, who shot and killed the last blood of the Xiqin royal family. It was the relationship between the Western Qin royal family and the Eastern Qin royal family, which provoked the war of Daqin.

The Heizu is the largest group of the seven aristocrats. He has provoked the peace of the two royal families and provoked the civil war. Unfortunately, he was unable to clean up the mess. In the end, he also suffered heavy losses and had to return.

And his master, born in the wind, is also one of the seven nobles!

The Feng and Hei people have always been allies. His father and Master are the closest as brothers' allies. His father entrusted him to Master. He hoped that he and Master could join hands to realize the unfinished business of the Hei.

Master entrusted him to the emperor of the Northern calendar, tempted the emperor of the Northern calendar as the seven nobles, and promised to fight for the world of the emperor of the Northern calendar. He really wanted to use the northern calendar as a stepping stone.

Jun and evil spirits thought that the Western Qin Dynasty and the Qin Dynasty were all extinct, and the seven nobles were mostly inconcealed. The world would eventually be his Hei! However, the appearance of the shadow family, the emergence of Han Yu, made him feel threatened. He has never made a fuss about the movie family to find Han Han troubles, that is, he has concerns in his heart, always looking for Master to discuss this matter, only Unfortunately, I could not find it.

Fortunately, Master is here!

Bai Qingyan was silent, and he gently tapped the table with one hand. He did not know what was pondering. Jun looked at him evilly and did not bother to disturb.

After a long time, Bai Qingyan looked up and looked down. He whispered, "You go back to the North Calendar, and investigate the things of the Nandu Racecourse. Han Han and the movie family... and let the teacher explore it again."

When I heard this, Jun Yi was shocked. "What happened to the South Horse Racecourse?"

At this time, Bai Yuqiao, who has been waiting for aside, opened his mouth and explained the plague of the Nandu Racecourse in detail. Now the plague has spread out of the Nandu Racecourse and affected several pastures. The Northern calendar emperors are mad.

Jun Yixie finally understood why the Northern calendar emperor did not send troops to save him. It turned out that such a big thing!

Racecourse, ranch, that is the lifeblood of the North calendar!

"Is this something afraid to be embarrassed?" Jun also asked with suspicion.

"No matter what you have to do, you must put your feet

Stone is good. Take Yuqiao away, and Yuqiao will follow you in the future. You don’t need to worry about the things of Baidumen. Bai Qingyan said seriously.

Bai Yuqiao was overjoyed and quickly came forward to salute, "Thank Master!"

"You know! Let's go back soon!"

Jun is also sincere and sincere, and there is no falsification. For Master, arrogance is not as good as he has always obeyed.

On the third day of Jun Yixie’s rush to the Northern Dynasties, the news of his escape from Yuzhou Island spread throughout the Tianning continent. Some people applauded, some people suffocated, and some people didn’t care about it, they only watched it. Of course, there are still many. People are waiting to see the aftermath.

How can Tianning Qin Wang be so easy to stop, how can the Northern calendar Kang Wang not revenge?

I don’t know what happened after Gu Qixiao heard the news. After Mu Linger heard the news, there was only one reaction. She yelled at the sea and said, “Why do you not die?”

In order to find the seven brothers, she has already gone to a hundred poisonous doors, did not find someone she decisively went to the fishing island, she wants no matter what the seven brothers play abacus, what conspiracy to play, after all, will come to find Jun and evil. Who knows that she has not yet arrived at Yuzhou Island, and Jun Yi will escape!

Jun also escaped, and his seven brothers will not come!

She is seasick! It’s hard to walk the sea a day, but I left it. She has to turn back now, chasing the traces of the king and evil.

At this time, Long Fei Ye and Han Yu have arrived at Yuzhou Island, and Han Han is checking the sailors and archers who are in a coma.

There were a lot of stunned sailors and archers, and the time of coma was different. Han Wei checked in batches and made detailed records.

Throughout the process, she was unscrupulous and the atmosphere was so serious that she could not speak.

He saw the royal king of Qin, countless times, and saw that the royal king of Qin sat down, admiring his kingly maiden as if he was admiring the artwork.

Bailiqi thought together, there is Wang Xiang Niangniang, the mood of His Royal Highness Princess Qin may be better, will he be fined for punishment?

However, it turns out that the hundred miles are right, Qin Wangxi is their savior!

"His Highness, I underestimated the other side. In the face of this poisonous fog, even if you are, you may not be able to resist it for a long time." Han Han said very straightforwardly.

The hundred miles of the stunned and almost fell, but fortunately the sailors and archers have retired, and he is there at the scene, otherwise this will let the face of His Royal Highness King!

I thought that the Royal Highness of Qin Wang would be unhappy. Who knows that he actually nodded and said nothing.

Han Han sat down and drank a cup of tea, and was about to speak. The dragon didn’t mean that the hundred miles had retreated.

Really no punishment!

Bailiqi thought together, in the future, I must hold this Wang Hao Niangniang, and I will have a safe life with Wang Xia Niang!

When everyone left, Han Yu opened his mouth. "His Highness, although this poisonous fog is solved by me, but the poison of the poisoned person is far above me and the evil spirits, and I wonder if this person will be Jun. Also evil... Master?"

The cloud and air poisoning community has always been a leader of the monarchy. She is an outsider. Many people are wondering where her poison is coming. Even Long Feiye has been questioning. However, she has been wondering where the poisonous techniques of Jun and evil are coming, and the ability of Jun Yi and the evil hand of the poisonous scorpion, and where to learn it!

The technique of drug lord is from the poisonous sect. It is a taboo for the medical city. If you teach the priest and the evil, will it have something to do with the poison sect?


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(End of this chapter)