Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 449: About happiness

The dumb mother has lived for most of her life, and she has experienced ups and downs in Mujia. She can see that this young man is extraordinary in appearance and his origin is extraordinary.

She was stunned at Mu's home. She didn't know what happened that night. Why is the portrait of Mu Xin in the hands of this young man, and this young man has something to do with the girl of the heart, but she I feel that at least he is not malicious.

Hijacking and imprisoning her is nothing more than trying to dig out the secrets of her heart from her. She is sly and dumb. The word she knows is extremely limited. She has been imprisoned for so long. This young man is afraid that there is nothing to be done.

Today, what is this young man doing again? The dumb mother sat calmly in front of the dragon and the night.

As in the early days of Ningnan County, Long Fei night politely poured a cup of tea and pushed it to the mother-in-law. You must know that even if you are facing Ru Yun, the elders like Tang Zijin, the dragon is not so polite.

The dumb mother nodded, it was a thank-you, she took a teacup to sip gently, and did not find the same taste.

The dragon was silently watching the mother-in-law quietly drinking the whole cup of tea, and the deep eyes did not waver. Keeping this secret for so long, day and night are pondering the truth, and now, the truth is coming out, he is particularly calm.

Perhaps, many things, he has long been conclusive in his mind, and he has already made a decision to understand the truth, but to make more determined decisions made at the beginning.

The dumb mother put the cup down and her face suddenly changed. Her throat seemed to be suddenly burning and burning.

She grabbed her throat and stared at the dragon for the night. She thought that the dragon was poisoned by the night. She grew up and wanted to say, she wanted to shout, but she couldn’t even make a sound.

She hurriedly grabbed the tea and wanted to drink a few mouthfuls to ease the burning sensation. However, just after the entrance, she stopped short.

If this tea is also poisonous, she will not be more painful!

The poison in her, she tortured her throat and ears day and night. The inflammation that has always existed makes her suffer from pain every day. However, these pains are not worth comparing with the burning sensation at this time. One mention.

too painful!

The dumb mother-in-law angered the dragon and the night was not a night. If she could speak out, she would have to swear.

She kept opening her mouth and seemed to want to say something very much, but after all, she couldn't make it out.

In the face of angry and violent dumb mother-in-law, the dragon is not moving at night, and drinking tea, this scene makes the mother-in-law look even more angry.

She suddenly rushed over and roared. "What the **** are you, what are you doing to torture me?"

As soon as the voice came out, the dumb mother was immediately stunned. She slammed her mouth and looked shocked.

God, she just... she just seems to be shouting out? Her throat suddenly hurts!

Just when the mother-in-law was incredible, her ears suddenly burned like a throat. This time, the mother-in-law did not explode. She looked at the dragon non-night and wondered for an answer.

Long is still drinking tea at night, after three cups of tea, he is always out, very straightforward, "Mr. Mu Xin is your master?"

The dumb mother was even more shocked, she actually heard it!

In the dead world where I have been living for more than 20 years, I can’t hear a little bit of sound. Now, suddenly I hear the human voice. This feeling is both kind and unfamiliar. She can’t adapt to it for a while. What is the night talking about.

Undoubtedly, Long Fei night put the antidote to scorpion venom in the tea water for the dumb mother-in-law, poisoning, and solved!

The dumb mother realized this and quickly sat back.

she was

She has been silent for a long time, and she needs to adjust her emotions. For a long while, she was faint about the dragon and the night road. "Young people, you have a good job, you have solved my poison."

Long Fei night pushed another cup of tea in the past, still the words, "Mu Xin, is your master?"

This time, the dumb mother-in-law heard it clearly.

"First tell the old man, who are you." The dumb mother is very calm.

Long was taken out of the night by a portrait, which was painted when Han Yu was wanted. The artist's description according to his description is not in line with his intentions, even Chu Xifeng does not know, this portrait is actually his own hand painting.

When I saw this portrait, the dumb mother was excited again.

"Make sure you also know that the **** the portrait is the daughter of the heart, her name is Han Han." Long Fei said at night,

"Han Han... That girl is called Han Han? Hey... Hey..."

The dumb mother was surprised and happy. When she saw the girl in Mujiazhulou, and then saw the word "heart" on her outpatient bag, she knew that it was the daughter of Muxin.

When Ms. Mu Xin said that she would like a daughter in the future to teach her medicine, she would also embroider a medical kit to her as a dowry.

I didn't expect the lady to have a daughter, it was so big.

"Who are you?" The dumb mother asked an alert.

Long Fei didn't hesitate to give an answer, "This king is Han's husband, Tianning Qin Wang."

Husband, is the identity that every man will have, and the responsibility of every man. Although he has this identity for a long time, but for the first time, he said this, and the dragon’s heart was passing a touch of indescribable feeling. He smiled shallowly. .

The mother-in-law was imprisoned for many years in Mujia. She knew the power of Tianning Qinwang. She was very surprised. "So why are you holding me in captivity?"

Although she did not know the situation, she was completely certain that Han Han did not know that she was imprisoned.

"Some things, she never knows, will..."

The dragon was silent for a long time, and did not say anything.

"How?" The mother-in-law asked.

The dragon is still silent at night.

"What do you want to do?" The dumb mother wants to be more and more worried. This guy is the husband of the lady. If the guy has any coziness, what should the lady do?

"Some things, she never knows, will... be happy." Long Feiye finally finished speaking.


These two words are the first time in his life.

In fact, he does not understand these two words very much. I have never thought of the existence of these two words in my life dictionary.

He only knows that the word "happiness" should be the ultimate pursuit for a woman.

Compared with the word "happiness", in fact, the dragon does not understand women at night.

I don't know when I started, he always wants to be good to that woman, but she doesn't know how to be good to her.

From small to large, he has never been to anyone who has been better, never knows which woman, who she likes.

His purest idea is that if she likes her, she will make her happy.

Long Feiye said that it was a heavy topic, but his always cold mouth was stunned with a light smile.

It was a smile that dispelled the indifference that was inherent in him.

Upon seeing it, all the guards of the dumb mother-in-law were lax. She was not aware of the situation. However, she had seen too many eyes of love and hate, and she could see the smile of the young man’s mouth.

What is happiness?

There is such a person in the world that reminds you of it. When you mention it, you will always feel faint and smile.

This is happiness!

"Some things she doesn't know, can't you know?" The dumb mother asked seriously.

"If I didn't guess wrong, Mrs. Mu Xin's blood flowed from the Xiqin royal family." The dragon hit the blood at a pinch, telling the most crucial point.

The dumb mother-in-law was stunned, and she didn’t know what to say when she was watching the night.

She knows all the secrets of Mu Xin, and the secrets of these secrets, even Mu Yingdong does not know, is the life of Mu Xin!

"How did you know that?" The dumb mother understood that the matter has not been denied.

"It looks like this, the king did not guess wrong!" Long is also serious in the night.

From the first night when Han Han entered the Qin Wangfu, he began to investigate Han Han.

The night of the house, the poison of the woman and the calmness of the show made him very surprised. He definitely did not believe that the waste material prostitute of the Han family would have such ability.

At first, he suspected that Han Han would be a masterpiece, and the undercover of the Northern calendar was a group, but later, he gradually discovered that the woman was very simple, not to mention the same party, she did not even have a friend. She has nothing to do with the Bei Li masterpiece, but she has personally handed out the Bei Li masterpiece.

She carried a "Qin Wang 妃" identity, did not enjoy any glory, but was hated everywhere, causing trouble, but she can flatten herself very beautifully.

At first he just watched the movie silently, but gradually he couldn't help but make an exception and let her speak for her.

She said that her poisoning was learned from the books left by Mrs. Tianxin. He actually believed in the question. He began to secretly question Han Congjian and began to investigate Mrs. Tianxin.

It was only learned that Han Han was not the daughter of Han Cong'an, but the wife of Mrs. Tianxin and others.

He found the drug city Mujia all the way, and found the rumors that Mrs. Mu Xin and the poisonous pets were infected.

For a long time, he doubts that Han Han’s life is inseparable from the word “poison sect”. If it is not the shadow family’s white man, he will never think of a woman who has left the case with him and will have a royal family with the West Qin Dynasty. Implicated.

Not to mention other people, that is, the seven nobles orphans will not think that the Western Qin royal family will still have an orphan, the last blood of the Western Qinhuangs was shot by the Jiaozuo in public!

The shadow family is one of the seven nobles. It is the most dedicated and most sincere guard of the Western Qin Dynasty.

The guardian of the movie family is based on the life of the guardian. There has never been any responsibility, and no betrayal has ever occurred. When the Xiqin royal family was destroyed, the movie family was also buried in the whole family.

Nowadays, the emergence of the descendants of the film family has undoubtedly proved that the Western Qin Dynasty royal family must have an orphan.

It is difficult for the white man to protect Han Han from questioning.

Whether the guy of the movie family appeared because of the search for the Lord, or as he said that he appeared for the poisonous beast, no one can be sure.

The dragon is not a sure answer, so he asked the mother-in-law today.

The reaction of the mother-in-law did undoubtedly give him a definite answer.

Han Yu is the orphan of the Western Qin Dynasty!

Undoubtedly, the dumb mother is angry at the way the dragon is not tempted by the night, but she can't deny it. She is angry. "How did you guess it?"

"Because the movie family is looking for it." Long said nothing in the night.

Surprisingly, the dumb mother is very excited, "The movie family... what do they want to do?"

(End of this chapter)