Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 452: So comfortable

At night, the lights of the Yuncai Pavilion are still bright.

Han Hao was in trouble. She had been thinking about hanging Su Xiaoyu for a few days and cracking down on her will. She should confess, but who knows, Su Xiaoyu was very embarrassed, and she was hungry twice, but she still had only words. No words.

In this way, Su Xiaoyu will be starved to death. So far, the Guardian hasn't found out why, and once the scorpion is starving to death, there are no clues.

At this time, Han Han wore a belly pocket on the upper body, revealing the fragrant back, squatting on the bed and letting Baili Musk change medicine, while chatting about Su Xiaoyu.

These days, the sultry heat is easy to sweat, and she can't hold her on the bed. The two ulcer wounds behind her are not completely scarred.

"In my opinion, the girl is threatening me in this way. She is sure that I will not kill her." Han Yu said unhappy.

"Wang Wang Niangniang is not a way to die than to die?" Baili musk faint.

Han Yu thought for a moment, said, "I will be hungry for another day. If I still don't want to take it down, Ben Wang will personally judge it!"

The thyme has been removed from the gauze, and the medical cotton swab provided by Han Han has been applied.

When the cold and cool ointment was applied to the hot wound, Han Han immediately spit out a long turbidity. "Oh... comfortable! Don't paint too much, don't be afraid of me."

At this time, the wound is the most uncomfortable.

Not yet completely scarred, pain and burning sensation coexist, the most terrible is the more and more obvious itching, so that Han Han will always want to scratch, so, when applying the medicine, she will feel very comfortable.

She is a person who practices medicine. She often tells the patient with a serious look. I want to ban this and ban it. However, if I hurt myself, I can’t stand all kinds of taboos.

Seeing her enjoyment, Baili Muxiang could not help but persuade, "Wang Hao Niangniang, such a hot day, tomorrow you are still squatting, don't mess up, endure a forbearance and other wounds, you love How can I do it?"

Injury in the back, bandaging a large bag, dressing is very difficult, the action is not convenient, the best way is to squat on the upper body, from time to time to untie the gauze, the wound suffocating for too long to avoid sweating. But this master is biased and can't help.

Han Wei did not answer, waved to indicate that Baili Musk continued to take medicine. She silently wondered how to interrogate Su Xiaoyu. The younger **** is so embarrassing, she must see how much she can reach!

At this point, the dragon has not come downstairs at night, and is telling him that Zhao Wei is not coming out.

Because of the concealment of Tang Li, Long Fei has not known that Han Han was scalded, and Zhao Wei thought he knew it.

See the royal king of Qin quietly go upstairs, Zhao Wei can not understand!

Wang Hao’s maiden burned for so many days, and her Highness came back late. She came back and went upstairs so slowly. What happened?

With the temper of this master, isn’t it too furious?

But...but why did she see a sense of joy in the face of this master?

Zhao Wei is quick to suspect that he is doing a sweet dream. You must know that after Wang Yan’s scald was burned, although Wang Laifu and Su Xiaoyu were punished, everyone’s heart was all stunned, because Qin Wang’s palace came back, everyone’s nightmare came. It is.

Although Zhao Wei has the heart to keep up with the stairs, he only dared to follow his eyes.

Long Feiye really deliberately puts a light footstep and walks silently on the stairs. This should be the first time he has finished his work. When he enters the government, he goes straight to Yunxue Pavilion.

Han Yu’s life experience has finally been clarified, even if the identity of the Western Qinhuang orphans is determined.

His heart is still happy.

He is not afraid of such a truth, he is afraid that he will never find the truth, and he is afraid that the seven nobles will come to the door. He still cannot grasp the exact truth.

Now, everything is clear, and he can let go of things in many things, and he can be determined.

In the middle of the night, he didn’t know that he came here to find her. In short, he came back when he came back.

"Oh... really comfortable! Come again!"

Suddenly, the voice of Han Yu’s ecstasy came, and the dragon stopped at night, and the cold face suddenly froze.

"It's too comfortable, use some force, hurry up!"

"Not enough, then use force... Yes, then a little more... Yes, that's it... Hey... Comfortable!"

Han Yu continued to express his feelings and his voice grew louder and louder.

The dragon is not only the face is stiff, but the body is also stiff.

What does the woman do in the house? She shouted like this... What do you mean?

The dragon was suddenly blinking at night, and the door was opened by a pedal. "Hey..."

Suddenly, the loud noise made Han Han and Bai Li Muxiang all startled. Looking back, I saw that the man who was dreaming of the two people was around the screen and appeared in front of him.

He was dressed in a black suit, and his face was cold and frosty, and his eyebrows were tight.

"His Royal Highness?" Han Han was very surprised.

The scent of thyme was more unexpected, and the hand trembled with fear. The whole cotton swab was heavily smashed into the wound of Han Han, and the thin layer was directly smashed.


Han Han immediately screamed, hurt! It’s just more painful than salting on the wound! It hurts her whole person is not good.

Baili Muxiang was shocked and quickly remedy, "Wang Hao Niangniang, can't help! Musk is not intentional."

The dragon was very unexpected at night. I didn't expect to see such a scene. What happened to Han Han's back?

He stepped forward and took a serious look. This was the horrible thing behind Han Han. He was first stunned and immediately angered. "What happened?"

The voice was so cold, the trepidation of the scent of the scent, the hand trembled, and Han Han had long been used to it.

She took a few breaths and let the pain ease the past. Then she replied, "Su Xiaoyu's business, His Highness still doesn't know?"

"Su Xiaoyu?" The dragon is not foggy at night.

He stared at Han Han’s wound, and the more he looked, the more glaring he was, and then he saw the scent of the scent of the sigh, and he was impatient, angry, "Get out!"

The head of Baili Muxiang was buried in the heart of the heart. Say it, let go of the heart and face it calmly. However, if she really faces this man, she still can’t always be calm and calm, bitter or controlless. Lived on my heart.

She got up in silence and retreated to the side.

"Su Xiaoyu is..."

Han Yu looked back and said that he was about to explain the incident. The dragon was not loud at night, but "you shut up the king, oh!"

Han Hao was scared, silently buried his head, and did not dare to move.

Long is not careful to check her wounds at night. It is known to be burned at first sight, and for some days, it has not been good.

Damn, such an important thing, Tang Li did not report to him, did the kid want to go back to Tangmen?

"Just this medicine?" Long non-night asked Baili Musk.

"Yes." Baili Musk did not dare to look up.

"I haven't seen it for a few days, which one is open?" The dragon was angry at night.

His whole person is out of a state of temper, and it burns at a point, not to mention the scent of scent, which Han Han has never seen before.

His Royal Highness is not calm.

Han squats, no sound, although it hurts, but the heart has a sweet taste.

Hey, she found herself more and more like this guy's anger.

Seeing that Wang Xi’s maiden is not making a sound, Baili Musk can only answer with a hard scalp. “Your Highness, this medicine is... it’s Wang Hao’s own wife.”

Han Han buried himself in the quilt and snickered.

"You have no other medicine?" Long is not welcoming.

She replied, "This medicine is the best, it is hot, the wound is too slow, no way."

Obviously she loves to sweat more, okay! Baili Musk knows the truth, but where can she dare to talk?

The dragon did not ask more questions in the night, and the face of the cold-shouldered face was stretched. The whole person was screaming with the anger of the acquaintances, but his hands were gentle as water.

Instead of using a cotton swab, he used a fingertip to stick the ointment and gently applied it to Han Han's wound. The movement was very light and light, gentle and delicate, like care, like caress.

This kind of comfort is not the same as the balsamic musk just took the cotton swab. This kind of comfort is infiltrated into the bone and penetrates into the heart.

Han Yu is in the cool silk soft quilt, the whole person relaxes both physically and mentally, she can give the whole back to the man, I really hope that he will never stop, so he has been gently stroked.

I don’t know when Baili’s incense has been quietly looked up. Seeing the eyes of the King of Qin’s tight-fitting brows, and looking at the hand of his sword, it’s as soft as water. She knows that this man will also feel bad. When I was a woman, it turned out that his distressed expression was like this.

See her... I feel so sad!

Long non-night martial arts training, dealing with countless assassins, as long as it is not poisoned, dealing with various wounds is also a common practice for him.

He treated Han Han's two ulcer wounds, leaving only the scars that had just been smashed by Bai Lixiang.

He looked at it seriously, and his brows became a "Chuan" word. I saw that the wounds had some water, which was undoubtedly not hurt.

In this case, the medicine will be stinging, but it must be taken.

The dragon was hesitating at night, and cold and cold looked at the fragrant scent of Baili. Although he did not speak, this look was enough to break the heart of Baili.

She bit her lip tightly and squatted silently. "Injured Wang Xiong Niang, slave **** it!"

The dragon didn't look at it at night, but Han Han looked sideways. "Musk, you are doing this? Get up!"

Who knows, the dragon is not reaching out at night, turning her head and letting her continue to bury her head. He is not happy, "Don't mess!"

He coldly ordered the scent of thyme, "Retreat!"

The scent of scented scented silently, Han Han’s head was pressed by the dragon’s big palm, and it couldn’t move at all. Even the speech was difficult. This guy continued this way, and her breathing would be uncomfortable.

However, soon the dragon will be released from the night, and faintly said, "It will hurt, don't bear it, the pain will be called out."

Han Yu took care of the fresh air, ignored him, and she still got the pain, as long as it didn't come as suddenly.

Baili Musk has arrived at the door, is bringing the door, listened to this, my heart is full of emotion.

When a man swears, he always says, "It hurts, it hurts." "It hurts, endures, don't cry."

However, what the Royal Highness of Qin said is, "It will hurt, don't bear it."

Baili Muxiang thinks, if there is such a thing, it will not hurt if it hurts again?

(End of this chapter)