Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 456: Clean up her

When Long Fei got the lifeline of Su Xiaoyu at night, there was no warning!

Su Xiaoyu instantly fell down and screamed miserably, "ah..."

The long rope slid rapidly in the hands of the dragon's non-night, and soon it was coming to an end. Once it reached the end, Su Xiaoyu would fall to the ground.


She looked at the bluestone floor and got closer and closer to herself. She was frightened. She closed her eyes and screamed. This is the most instinctive reaction. Without warning, it suddenly approaches death. Who is not afraid?

Suddenly, everything came to an abrupt end.

Su Xiaoyu immediately opened her eyes and quickly fell down. The huge impact made her whole head smash and her ears creaked. She soon found her head less than an inch away from the bluestone. To be exact, her head was almost a little stuck to the floor.

Su Xiaoyu, who was still frightened, couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. It’s so dangerous and dangerous, it’s a little bit worse. As long as the dragon is slower at night, her head will bloom.

It’s a good risk, she’s already thinking about how to deal with Han Han, I haven’t competed with Han Wei yet, how can I die like this, and it’s still a terrible way to die!

Really scared!

The hateful dragon is not night, how can this guy come back so fast?

Su Xiaoyu panicked and panicked, but it was quickly adjusted. The dragon came in the night, and she was not afraid. She had chips to talk to them.

She didn't say anything, waiting for the dragon to hang her up at night. She can only see the shoes of Long Feiye and Han Han at this height. How can I talk to them?

Who knows, the dragon did not hang Su Xiaoyu up some night, but gave the rope to the dark guard and tied it.

He and Han Yu came close.

Su Xiaoyu realized that something was wrong and angry. "If you want to talk to me, let me down!"

Su Xiaoyu was **** by Wuhuada. She could only see the dragon's non-night shoes and couldn't see his face, otherwise she would understand how angry she was in vain.

Because at this time, the face of the dragon and the night is cold and cold like a **** that cannot be offended. Han Han is afraid to let Su Xiaoyu down, let alone others?

The dragon was walking very close to the night, Su Xiaoyu was very small, and he still had no leg length. She tried to look up, but she could not see the face of the dragon and the night. It was really stressful.

However, she still reluctantly ignored the fear of her heart. She ignored the dragon and the night, and said coldly to Han. "You don't kill me, you just want to take something out of my mouth. I also figured out. You let me go, let's talk about it."

Han Yuzheng is going to answer, Long is not cold at night, "You don't have a chance to talk."

When this was said, Han Yu knew that he did not have to speak.

"I won't talk to you again." Su Xiaoyu immediately retorted.

Long Fei was not cold at night, pulling the rope, and immediately Su Suyu was lifted off the ground and stopped at a height of about one person. Su Xiaoyu thought that Long Feiye would start to question her, but who knows that Long Fei was cold and ordered, "Come. People, boil the water, the king wants her to taste the taste of being burned!"

Pot boiling water?

Han Hao has a glimpse of her heart. She wonders how to poison Su Xiaoyu in these days. She thinks of a lot of poisons that are devastating but not fatal, but they have no dragons and nights!

Ok, although it is cruel, Han Han still feels very relieved!

This stinky little girl is a little old, heart-scarred and poisonous, hurts Baili Musk and hurt her, it is time to taste the taste of being burned!

Su Xiaoyu stared at the dragon non-night incredulously, although it did not say anything,

But the cold sweat on his forehead has already sold her.

She had been stunned when she saw Wang Laifu’s end. She had been wondering what to do with her these days.

She is not afraid of death, but she is afraid of this horrible death.

Of course, even so, even if she is abandoned by the master, she is very lost, but she will never betray the master. What she calls a good talk is just to blame Han.

Soon, the little sisters set up a large iron pot at the foot of Su Xiaoyu. The iron pot was filled with water, and the iron pot was under fire.

Su Xiaoyu knows that it is useless to talk to Han Yu now. She simply rushes to the dragon and screams. "Without me, you don't want to find anything! I want to know who sent me, send me what to do, right away. Let me go!"

Long Fei night is not threatened by Su Xiaoyu. He did not look at Su Xiaoyu, but stared at the firewood that burned more and more. The deep eyes seemed to burn two angers.

Su Xiaoyu was in a hurry. "Qin Wang, if you hurt me, I will not give you half of Su Xiaoyu's words! Let's do it!"

The dragon is not sneer at night, if the stinky girl really wants to recruit, she has already recruited it. She has already given the master behind the scenes, and at least will also tell a little information that can attract him.

However, screaming for so long, all nonsense!

Put Su Xiaoyu down and say that there is nothing to talk about, but she will be embarrassed.

He has seen more of such tricks.

I don’t see the coffin without tears. He has to see how long she can hold.

The more the fire burned, the water in the cauldron began to spurt and bubbling. After a while, it boiled, and it was hot and hot.

Su Xiaoyu's head was soon surrounded by hot smoke. She only felt that the scalp was getting hotter and steamed. After a while, she sweated.

It’s still in the morning, and after a while the sun is getting bigger, it’s hard to imagine steaming under the scorching sun.

After all, it was a child, Su Xiaoyu was uncomfortable crying, but even so, she was not willing to disclose a little bit of effective information.

She shouted, "Qin Wang, you will not let me down, I really don't say anything!"

"Han Wei, don't you feel weird? You don't know what I am approaching for you?"

"You don't think I just want to burn you so simple?"

"You are not curious, why don't you just kill you? I have a chance! Hey!"

"Dragon is not night, I know a secret, you are a secret you can never guess! Let me down, otherwise I will die if I die here!"


Su Xiaoyu kept yelling, but unfortunately, Long Feiye and Han Wei were indifferent. After listening to so much nonsense, Han Yu also saw through it. This girl always said that he had to talk about it, but he had no sincerity.

At this point, a large pot of water boiled to the extreme, hot water splashed, white smoke skyrocketed, Su Xiaoyu was surrounded by hot smoke, hot her breathing began to feel uncomfortable.

And she licked her body, especially the scalp, and it was already hot to burn. If it goes on, it is estimated that the skin is hot.

This is more horrible than direct burns!

However, this is far from what Dragons and Nights really want to do.

As soon as he raised his hand, the dark guard handed Su Xiaoyu's life rope to his hand. When he saw it, Su Xiaoyu was frightened. "Don't!"

The dragon didn't ignore the night, he relaxed the rope, and Su Xiaoyu suddenly fell.


Su Xiaoyu was frightened and cried out loud.

The dragon stopped at night

Her crying stopped abruptly, and she found that she had not fallen, and she was very happy.

However, the dragon was suddenly and relaxed.

"Ah... don't! Help!"

Su Xiaoyu shouted, and the voice was bigger than before.

Long non-night caught the rope again, Su Xiaoyu cried, and looked like a child who had no mother.

She is a child, but she has never been like a child. It is like this at this moment.

Han Hao looked at it, the original feeling of hatefulness had long since disappeared, and there was something uncomfortable in my heart. Why are such a small child?

The dragon is not changing color at night, the cold is still, and once again, at this time, Su Xiaoyu is very close to the water, hot water splashed on her head, face!

She finally asked for mercy, "His Royal Highness, I surrender! You spare me! Give me a break! I beg you!"

"His Royal Highness, Princess Wang, I beg you, spare me!"


The dragon is not holding the rope at night, as long as he looses it again, Su Xiaoyu must be planted in the boiling hot water. The scalp is the first to enter the water, it will be burned to the ulcer!

"This king does not like people who beg for mercy, what do you want to talk about, say directly." Long is the end of the night.

Su Xiaoyu does not tell the matter clearly, he will never let her down.

Su Xiaoyu sobbed for a while, then barely let herself stop and not cry. "I don't know anything. The master only let me burn the Princess Wang, and then listen to the arrangements."

This is Su Xiaoyu's thoughts in the past few days. Finally, I can't do it. I just answered Han Han, but she didn't think that this sentence would be used to answer Long Fei.

"Who is your master?" The dragon asked coldly at night, and he could not see whether he believed or doubted.

"I don't know, I grew up as an old man. I started training after two years ago, studying martial arts, and then I was sent here. I have never seen a master. I have to go to the Tianyue Inn in the north of the city. Put the secret letter in the first seat on the second floor, I will write down the information here, and there will be someone to take it inside." Su Xiaoyu replied,

"What happened to Chu Qingge and Mu Linger at the inn that day?" Han Yu also opened his mouth.

"I don't know them. The master asked me to go begging with Chu Qing songs and make things big. It's best to go to the street. I haven't got to the street yet, you come in." Su Xiaoyu didn't think about it. To explain, these words have long been thought of several times.

She said, crying again. "I know so much, let me go down, it's hot and hot!"

Han Yuzheng is pondering, the dragon is not cold at night, "Are you so deceived as the king? If you don't tell the truth, this king will never give you a second chance!"

"His Royal Highness, oh... I am telling the truth, I am afraid to lie to you, I know so much, really really!" Su Xiaoyu cried repeatedly and stressed.

The dragon is not a night, but it is a loose hand!


Su Xiaoyu shouted in horror. Soon, her head was immersed in hot water. She was so scared that she was gone, and she was louder.

She only felt that the entire scalp had shrunk, burned, and burned her head.

However, this is the case, she stubbornly stressed, "I am telling the truth, to be honest, I have not deceived, no, no! No!"

Chu Tianyin will choose Su Xiaoyu to sneak into the Qin Wangfu, and there must be his truth.

Although this girl is afraid of pain and pain, it is not easy to be convinced...

(End of this chapter)