Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 457: People must have goodwill

"I didn't lie!"

"No lie, no! No!"


The stubborn and desolate call rang through the backyard of the Qin Dynasty, and half of Su Xiaoyu’s scalp was burned, and his head was dizzy, supported by willpower.

She knew she was dying, but she still stubbornly defended her. Even if the master abandoned her, she could not sell the master!

The master has raised her for so many years. Without her master, she would not have her Su Xiaoyu. She would never be a traitor of ungratefulness!

The dragon looked cold and cold at night, and the rope in his hand was clenched. In fact, he did not need to let go again. As long as he was so suspending Su Xiaoyu for a while, Su Xiaoyu was basically saved.

Han Yu and Bai Li Muxiang were burned, all of which were secondary burns and wounded on the skin layer. If they were treated in time, they could be cured in a matter of days, and Su Xiaoyu’s situation was much worse than them. Basically, it was a third degree burn. Not good will be four degrees.

In the audience, only the dragon is not expressionless at night, cold and cruel is like the **** of Shura. The dark guards and the little ones can't bear to look straight. Han Hao feels a little bit of deflation. Her heart is blocked, see Su Xiaoyu. Reluctant, persistent yelling, she admits that she can't keep her heart.

After all, Su Xiaoyu is less than ten years old and still only a child!

Finally, she couldn't help but say, "Your Highness, I hope that she knows so much."

When the voice fell, Su Xiaoyu’s cry stopped, and she saw her limbs incapable of hanging down, her eyes closed, and she did not know whether she was in a coma or a shock.

The little body was hungryly hung on the hot air, and people couldn’t help but feel distressed.

So how can a small child not be afraid of death? It is estimated that it is true to know so much.

Long is not a hope in the heart of the night, and Han Yu’s persuasion has given up, and in this case, there is no result in continuing the trial.

He handed the rope to the dark guard, cold and cold, "handled out."

However, Han Han has won the rope. "His Royal Highness, she still has anger. After all, she is a child."

If Han Han is faced with an adult, such as Wang Laifu's generation, she will not be soft, and every adult should pay for his choice.

However, Su Xiaoyu is still a child, seven years old, how many people still do not care about the world, nest in the arms of the mother to spoil?

Han Yuben is an orphan. She knows the bitterness of premature wisdom and knows the pain of her own growth.

Seeing that the dragon did not speak in the night, Han Han said again, "His Highness, this girl is really hateful, but she is also appointed to people after all, and now it is treated like this, it is also a punishment for her. She is still angry, and her Save it again."

At this point, the dark guards are silently counted down in their hearts, but where Wang Hao's mother opened the golden mouth, three sentences can basically get the Royal Highness of Qin, this has been two sentences, almost.

It turns out that the dark guard is a confrontation, and the dragon faintly said three words, "You decide."

Han Hao was relieved. She quickly relieved Su Xiaoyu. In order to avoid Su Xiaoyu’s shock, she gave Su Xiaoyu a life-saving pill, and then she immediately cooled the water to do the cooling treatment.

She did not dare to apply Su Xiaoyu directly because Su Xiaoyu’s injury was heavier than her and Baili Musk.

After some inspections, Han Wei could not determine whether Su Xiaoyu was a third degree burn or a four degree burn.


There are many types of classification. According to Han Yu’s three-degree burn, it means hurting the whole layer of the skin. If it is burned four times, it will not only hurt the whole layer of the skin, but also hurt the fat, muscles and bones. On the head, if you don't do well, you will hurt your brain!

Han Han did not hesitate. When he made a decision, he went to Gu Beiyue. She and the dark guards sent Su Xiaoyu to the house.

Long night looked at Han Hao’s hurried back disappearing at the door. He shook his head helplessly. He first discovered that this woman who played the game was not inferior to his woman, but also had such a kind side. Although he always hates the woman's benevolence, he still appreciates Han Han's practice.

The dragon and the night did not follow the past. Since there is nothing in the mouth of Su Xiaoyu, he has to think of something else.

After Han Yuyi put down Su Xiaoyu in the house, she immediately started to deal with her hair, cut off all the cuts, and covered them to avoid the infection and avoid infection.

When Baili Muxiang and Zhao Wei heard the news, Su Xiaoyu basically became a bald head. Most of the scalp was reddish-brown, festering, red and swollen, and even black. Her face was purple, purple and blue, and her breath was very weak.

If Han Han did not feed her life-saving pills in time, it is estimated that she was screaming at this time.

"This... 贱丫 skull head is still so hard, a hundred deaths, Wang Hao Niangni, you save her?" Zhao screamed and screamed, but his eyes were still red.

Her anger is actually hating iron and not steel. She used to be a palace **** in the palace, but she never had a soft hand. However, in the face of this nearly a year, she loved the child for nearly a year, and her heart hurts complicated. I don't even want to figure it out.

The scent of scented scented scented, no sound, however, when she saw Wang Hao’s maiden preparing a disinfectant, she didn’t think much about it and went forward to help.

Although Han Wei does not dare to use ointment, disinfection is still necessary to at least reduce the chance of infection. She only hoped that Gu Beiyue was not in the palace and could come over quickly.

Zhao Wei was also silent, and his face was pale, but he took the silk and gently covered it on Su Xiaoyu, fearing that she was cold.

It is said that even if it is a bad child, there will be angels willing to care before growing up.

Perhaps this is the case. Su Xiaoyu is very fortunate. Today, Gu Beiyue did not have a bad time in the palace, but rested in the government. As soon as he received the news, he rushed over at the fastest speed.

Although I haven't seen it for a long time, the tacit understanding of the doctor has left Han Han and Gu Beiyue with no swear words. Han Yuyan said that the injury will be repeated. Gu Beiyue listened while checking the wound urgently. Just come to a conclusion.

"The injury is extremely heavy, I am afraid that it is necessary to change the skin!" Gu Beiyue said seriously.

As soon as I heard this, Baili Muxiang and Zhao Wei were dumbfounded. In the eyes of the layman, changing the skin was a terrible thing. However, Han Yu was still calm, and the ancient Yi Ming technique was heard by her, and modern, Skin grafting is not a major surgery.

However, skin grafting is generally performed using the scalp. Because the scalp has the best recovery ability, Su Xiaoyu is now injured in the scalp, fearing that it can only use the thigh, or the skin on the buttocks.

I don't know what Gu Beiyue will do under such medical conditions.

Of course, Han Wei still believes in Gu Beiyue’s, and she is most concerned about, “Can it hurt the bones and the brain?”

Gu Beiyue’s expression is dignified. “The bones are not hurt, just, so hurting the law, it’s not good for brain stimulation...”

Han Wei did not tell Gu Beiyue Su Xiaoyu that he was severely punished. She only said that Su Xiaoyu was not careful, and her head was poured into hot water.

Gu Da Shen doctor said "not good to say", Han Yu has counted in his heart, no more questions.

Gu Beiyue made some preparations, and opened a few stickers to let Zhao Wei catch it. Baili Xiangxiang took the initiative to ask, "I will go."

The fact that Baili Muxiang was a slave to the Qin Dynasty was not made public. It was only declared that she followed the Qin Wangfu to study poison.

Gu Beiyue noticed that Baili Muxiang was also present. He presented his prescriptions with his modest and polite hands. "There is work."

"Gu Tai doctor is polite." Bai Lixiang owes a debt, and does not delay to go.

After everything was ready, Gu Beiyue began to prepare for skin surgery. Zhao Wei and Bai Li Muxiang retreated to the door, only Han Yu left.

In most cases, Gu Beiyue gave Han Han a hand, which is quite the opposite. Not to mention that the beauty is on the side, and his concentration is not inferior to the beauty.

Anesthesia, completely expand the entire burn wound, trim the granulation, disinfection and cleaning, stop bleeding, select new skin, implant, partial suture, medicine, dressing, etc., Gu Beiyue said nothing, Han Yu looked fascinated.

This process is similar to modern skin grafting. It is just different from medicine and some techniques. She thought that Gu Beiyue would handle it for a long time, but who knows that his technique is like a flowing, fast and smooth, there is no pause.

Han Han couldn't help but say, "Can you slow down? I didn't see it clearly."

Gu Beiyue did not answer. When everything was finished, his slightly serious expression was relaxed. "Wang Xiiang Niangniang, save people, slow."

"Yeah." Han Wei nodded very seriously.

Gu Beiyue smiled. "If you are interested in Wang Hao's maiden, the lower official can teach at any time."

Han Hao thinks, but she is too busy, a lot of things, one after another. When she was in the disaster area, she still thought that after returning to the emperor, she would cultivate a group of her own dark guards and teach them poisonous techniques. But nowadays, they have no time to do it. They only brought a hundred miles of musk, but fortunately, Baili Musk High savvy, otherwise, I will not learn anything with her for two or three years.

She said helplessly, "If you have time to ask, what is the situation?"

"Observing the day, if the new skin survives, there will be no problem at all. As for the brain problems that Wang Hao’s mother is worried about... and wait for her to wake up and observe." Gu Beiyue answered truthfully.

Therefore, this skin grafting operation was successful, and the nursing work was handed over to Baili Musk, which was delayed by Su Xiaoyu. Han Hao also forgot to go to the ancient seven-brows for the time being. The dragon was not reminding her at night. .

According to the dose of Gu Beiyue's anesthesia, Su Xiaoyu had to wake up that night, but who knows that the next morning, she has not yet woken up.

Han Wei gave Su Xiaoyu an examination. Her breathing, her body temperature were normal, her wounds did not deteriorate, and she continued to stun!

Han Han is faint.

In the afternoon, Gu Beiyue came over and saw that Su Xiaoyu was still awake. He browed slightly and did not say anything. He carefully examined the wound of Su Xiaoyu and determined that the new skin implanted was alive.

"Wang Hao Niangniang, the wound is in good condition, proper care, if there is no infection, it can be recovered in about ten days, and it can be cured within one month." Gu Beiyue said seriously.

Han Hao nodded. "Then she will...when she will wake up."

(End of this chapter)