Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 46: The king is, not afraid

The dragon didn't even notice the appreciation in the eyes of the night, and he took out the purse and threw it to Han Han on the spot. However, Han Hao threw it back and said seriously, "I saw the poison, and it was not too late to get it."

It is a small woman who loves money but is not greedy.

Long did not say anything at night, turned and left, Han Han quickly went out.

Mom! The outside wind is so big that it is more than twice as cold as the interior! The dragon did not go very fast at night, Han Han chased after the trot, and he thought, can you take the carriage when you leave the door?

But who knows, only to the entrance of Furongyuan, the dragon stopped at night.

Han Hao hid behind him and avoided the wind, while he asked, "What happened?"

Who knows, the dragon turned around at night, opened his arm and raised his wide cloak, cold and overbearing, "come in."

The wind whistled his cloak and hunted. In the darkness, his facial features were cold and his eyes were like a knife. He was like a dark god, and she was high on her.

Han Hao looked at it, and he didn’t understand what it meant.

The dragon is not so good at night, and with a big hand, she takes her into her arms and puts it under her arm. When his hands were close together, the large cloak wrapped her tightly against the cold wind.

In an instant, Han Han’s heartbeat thumped and suddenly accelerated. She panicked...

God! His body is warm and fascinating with the fascinating ambergris. Is this the feeling of being placed under the wing of an angel? So warm!

Han Hao has not slowed down the gods, the dragon is holding her at night, the toes are light, and they fly to the northwest of the emperor...

Han Han wrapped in a cloak, snuggling in the warmth of the dragon's non-night, along with the dragon and the night volley, the speed is faster than riding!

In the dark night, except for the occasional passing lights, nothing could be seen clearly. She did not know where he was going to take her, but he was also relieved.

Although the body is warm, the wind that comes from the face is cold and fierce. Just like a knife cut, Han Han can't stand it anymore.

She was sideways and bowed, but she could not escape. Finally, she had no choice but to try her sideways carefully.

She moved, seeing that the dragon did not respond in the night, the courage was big, and the arm reached behind him, and she was on the side and buried her head on him.

This is finally completely warm.

It’s a lie to say that it’s not nervous. She’s stiff for a while. Seeing that the dragon has no opinion at night, this time slowly relaxes and enjoys the warmth.

The dragon looks at the front of the night and keeps at the speed of galloping. However, his cold-eyed lips don’t know when it’s a smeared arc, like disdain for her timidity, and it’s like playing with her boldness. Such as his deep black scorpion, mysterious and charming, it is elusive.

He took her, walked over the wall, and over the mountains, she only felt the wind beside me, and knew nothing about it, even, unconsciously sleepy, stupid and sleepy.

Until the dragon came to the ground with her on the night, she stood on the ground, and she woke up, and found his head from his arms and found himself deep in a high cliff. At this time, it was the morning.

The dragon looked down at night, "You can let go."

Uh... she glimpsed, only to find out that this guy had let go of her, and her hand did not know when to hug his waist from behind!

Han Hao’s face was red, and he took the arm as quickly as he could, and broke away from his large cloak.

As soon as he left his shelter, the cold came from all directions, but Han Han still felt that his face was hot and hot.

She didn't look at him, tried to ignore it, and said faintly, "What are you doing here?"

Long Fei

I glanced at the sky at night and said, "Wait for another quarter of an hour."

Strange, what does this guy bring her to do? Not to detoxify?

Will someone come in a quarter of an hour?

Han Hao didn't ask much. He looked at the surrounding environment and found that there were mountains and mountains around him. They couldn't tell exactly where this was, and there was an abyss under the cliff. The fog in the morning had not spread, and the following could not be seen. The rising sun has already taken off, and the white sky of the fish is dyed golden, very spectacular.

Han Han has not seen the sunrise for a long time, and he is seeing God. Who knows that there is a sudden "beep" sound in his mind.


Listening to the rhythm and volume of the sound, this poison is not normal, the amount is very large!

Han Wei was alert and turned to look at the dragon that was also watching the sunrise. "There is poison nearby. What is going on?"

The dragon is a bit strange at night, "How do you know?"

"This poison is very strange, tell me what is going on?" Han Yu was serious.

At this time, Long Fei was only looking at the abyss under his feet. "This abyss is filled with poisonous mist all the year round. At night, it sinks to the bottom of the valley, and it will float up at sunrise."

Han Wei was very surprised. I didn't expect that it was not poisoned by people or animal poisoning, but air poisoning.

"Do you want to go down?" Han Yu asked.

"The following is hiding from the undercover of the Northern calendar country. It is good at making poison." The dragon is faint.

It turned out that he came to arrest people, but was blocked by poisonous fog, and could not go down.

Han Wei looked at the slowly rising white mist, and the eyebrows slowly rose together. It seems that things are not what the dragons know at night!

"Can you get it?" Long asked at night.

At this time, a quarter of an hour arrived, I saw only a cloud of darkness in the fog, and the alarm sound in Han Hao’s head reached the highest value.

Only, very quickly, the black gas drifted into the valley and disappeared.

"See it, this group of black fog is the most poisonous." Long said that the night is faint.

Who knows, Han Han said, "This is not a poisonous fog."

The poisonous mist in the dragon's mouth is actually the suffocating gas. It is the turbidity of the mountain forest. It originated in the late spring and converges at the end of autumn. If there is not enough temperature, the suffocation cannot be formed.

It’s a cold winter, and the place where the sun shines on the top of the mountain is so cold, let alone in the shady valley?

"What is that?" The dragon was shocked at night.

He once sent a fine soldier to go down. He still killed half of the people who had not found anyone. The people who escaped said that there was a suffocation below, and it was not long before they all died.

The secret undercover in the valley holds the important military secrets of Tianning, and once escaped, the consequences are unimaginable.

He has been chasing for more than a month, and the last time he was poisoned, it was also given by the undercover.

This undercover was very treacherous, and it was only at the last moment that poisoning was done. Before that, no one knew that he would use poison.

The dragon is chasing here at night, and the undercover lurks in the closed valley and never comes out again.

"It should be a poisonous mosquito."

Han Wei was also very surprised. I didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

In many ancient books, there are records. After a group of black smoke flutters, people are poisoned and killed. This group of black smoke is regarded as a suffocating. However, in reality, the black-pressed gas is not a real gas, but a large number of mosquitoes gather to fly, making the ancients mistaken for gas.

The mosquitoes carry the falciparum malaria bacteria. After the humans and animals are bitten by them, they will be infected with falciparum malaria. They will soon die and die, just like poisoning.

Under such climatic conditions, it is impossible to produce drug lords.

It is very likely that there are poisonous mosquitoes in the valley.

"Poisonous mosquitoes?" Long Fei night heard the word for the first time.

"The white mist is not poisonous. The black gas is poisonous mosquitoes. In the case of insufficient light, it looks like black gas, so you all misunderstood." Han Yu seriously explained, then he said, "Take me down, I have to get close to the black gas to know what type of poisonous mosquitoes are."

In modern times, the types of poisonous mosquitoes are countless, not to mention that far from ancient times, many have not been extinct, and there are more than iron.

Han Yude determined that she did not know whether she could formulate effective anti-mosquito water.

Make sure that the white mist is not poisonous, then everything is simple for the dragon and the night, and he will not talk about it, and he will leap through the waist of Han Han.

Once in the valley, Han's detoxification system detected the presence of toxins. Soon, she determined the direction, "on the right side." Long Long tightened her at night, and flew past in the blink of an eye. However, not long after, the detoxification system prompted close to the toxin, and actually reminded the left side also has toxins.

It’s hard to be... not just a group?

Han Yu was shocked. Who knows, this time, the detoxification system is urgently reminded, both in the upper and lower directions.

God, up, down, left and right, is this the rhythm to surround them?

"We are surrounded." Han Yu whispered.

The voice did not fall, and the dragon saw the black pressure and a misty thing surrounded by the four sides.

Long didn't think there would be four groups in the night, but he was very calm and asked coldly, "How close can you measure toxins?"

"Hurry up, it's too dangerous! Their speed is very fast." Han Wei took the opportunity to escape.

But who knows, the dragon is cold in the night, "answer the king's question."

"Ten steps, ten steps away, I can determine what is poisonous!" Han Yu answered truthfully.

Ten steps, in terms of the speed at which the poisonous mosquitoes are currently approaching, it is a matter of moments to approach them after ten steps. Moreover, they are surrounded by the upper and lower sides.

In other words, when the four groups of poisonous mosquitoes are about ten steps away from them, they will be drowned in the dark mist in an instant.

Han Hao didn't even think about it. She still doesn't know what poison is carried in the poisonous mosquitoes. I don't know if I can crack it. What if she is poisoned? What should I do?

Just as she was nervous, the dragon gave only two words in the night, "waiting"

"No!" Han Yu shouted, watching the poisonous mosquitoes get closer and closer, and she seemed to hear the terrible and annoying buzz.

"Prepare for testing." The command of the dragon is not overbearing.

This is not an ordinary poisoning, but a poisonous mosquito group. The four large groups of poisonous mosquitoes have been swept by them. It is more terrifying than the feeling of being galloped by a large group of antelopes. They will be completely insane.

Han Wei admitted that he was timid and shouted, "No, I am afraid!"

However, the dragon did not slam her into her arms, but coldly, "This king is, you are not afraid!"

Good hegemony! So strong!

Han Hao hates the arrogant and arrogant man, but he is not arrogant at this moment. At this moment, she has no resentment at all. The heart flutters and jumps a bit, and she is calmed down without any reason.

The strength of this man can give people a feeling of security.

At this time, the poisonous mosquitoes in the four directions of up, down, left, and right are approaching at the same time.

"Are you ready?" The dragon said in a low voice.

Han Yu, who calmed down, came up with a professional standard and started the scanning system in an all-round way. She kept paying attention to the dynamics of black pressure in four directions. She also said, "Okay."

(End of this chapter)