Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 464: Weight dispute

With the ancient seven-brake and Han Yu's ability, I got this antidote and knew that this thing is not a bad antidote. Therefore, there is no need for a drug.

The ancient seven-brows secretly admire the ability of Han Yu to separate the powder, and he is naturally inferior to him.

When he was in contact with medicine all the year round, he took advantage of the amount of glutinous rice. Everything was in his mind. As for the weight of this fake medicine in his hand, he probably estimated that the dragon used the 20% of the antidote.

"Han Han, casually put some invalid powder to bring people into the pit, isn't your Qin Wang's pie?" Gu seven brakes disdain and laugh.

The meaning of this statement is clearly that Han Han made a fake, deliberately loading some fake powder to hang him.

Han Yu had long known that the ancient seven brakes would not be so easy to recognize, since she came, she must be prepared.

She sat down slowly. "The ancient seven brakes, the amount of snake fruit given to you by your Highness, should be three or two and two dollars?"

"What is it?" This kind of thing, the ancient seven brakes can not afford.

"Are you sure?" Han Yu wants a positive answer.

"Yes!" Guqiu was very convinced.

"Very well, according to the formula of antidote to antidote, if a snake fruit of three or two is used, it must be dispensed with one bottle and a half of the antidote of this bottle. Excuse me, the snake fruit, you can All used up?" Han Yu asked seriously.

The ancient seven-brake eye passed through a glimpse of appreciation, but I did not expect Han Hao to think of this algorithm, of course, he is not afraid.

What he wants to hang is the dragon and the night, and he has made all kinds of efforts.

The ancient seven-brake smashed the dragon and looked at the night, but saw that the dragon and the night were indifferent, as if others were watching the drama, drinking tea leisurely.

Let him be idle, see if he can still stand up.

"No use of light!" Gu Qishu replied.

Han Hao nodded and asked, "How much have you used?"

At the bottom of the ancient seven-brake, he passed a touch of fine mans and reported a number, "two two seven money."

Han Yu wondered, "Are you sure?"

How can the ancient seven brakes report this number? If this guy uses the snake fruit of two or seven dollars, then the antidote he has prepared should be full of bottles.

However, he gave the dragon a night but was full of eight points.

This guy gives this number, isn't it a pit to jump for himself?

"OK!" Gu seven brakes said coldly.

"The antidote of the snake fruit of the two or seven money is the whole bottle. You only give eight points. What do you mean?" Han Yu immediately asked.

This time, the ancient seven brakes took the case, "Han Han, you want to pit the Laozi is also used to be an idiot! I give the whole bottle is clearly!"

Gu Qishu said, glaring at the dragon and the night, "Qin Wang, you say!"

Long Fei night glanced over, very disapproving, "only eight points."

"Dragon is not night, you!" The ancient seven brakes were furious.

The dragon is not ignoring him at night, there is no evidence, and argumentation is useless. "Trust" is useful.

Obviously, Han Yu only believes that the dragon is not night, and her focus is not on the ancient seven-brake to give the bottle to the dragon is not full or eight, because no matter how much, she can speculate with snake fruit. Real data comes.

"More competition, no doubt, you said that it is very embarrassing." Han Hao is very generous.

The ancient seven brakes have long known that in this matter that no one can tell, Han Yu will only believe that the dragon is not night, he looked at Han Wei, and she continued to analyze.

"Ancient seven brakes, you use the two or seven money of snake fruit to prepare a full bottle of antidote, right?" Han Wei seriously asked.

"Yes!" Gu seven brakes answered loudly.

"There are five money snake fruit powder left?" Han Yu asked.

The use of snake fruit is very special. A snake fruit can be used as a two-petal. Each of the two petals is mashed into a powder, and then mixed together to form a uniform powder to be effective.

There was originally a snake fruit in the hands of the ancient seven-brake, but it was a ruin that the dragon was destroyed by the night, and it could not be used at all.

Now, whether he has snake fruit powder in his hand, only he has his own heart.

Gu Qishu looked at Han Wei, and he did not answer it.

"What about it?" Han Yu asked again.

"Qin Wang, although you are not a person in the pharmaceutical world, but you should understand the rules of the pharmaceutical industry?"

What he said is nothing more than a rule to ask people to dispense medicine without taking any leftovers. The leftovers of the medicine are all owned by the drug dealer.

At this point, Han Han is naturally clear, but she replied, "You also know that Wang Hao is an outsider, so I don't understand!"

"If you don't understand me, I will tell you that the medicine is Laozi's match, and the leftovers are owned by Laozi. Anyone wants to take it away!" Gu Qishu said arrogantly.

"This Wang Hao said, this rule does not understand the king. Do you give it?"

Han Yu’s tone reveals the threat. The voice has fallen, and the dragon that has been quietly stood up late. The situation is clearly determined. How to see how it is like the killer brought by Han Han, one look Can command him.

The ancient seven brakes looked at the dragon and the night, and the light was resentful and there was no movement.

However, when the dragon was holding the sword at night, he immediately said, "But it, I have used the snake fruit, can you!"

"Used it? It takes a bottle and a half of the antidote. And when you take the full bottle of real antidote, then you still have half a bottle left?" Han Yu asked.

The ancient seven brakes were silent again.

"What about things?" Han Yu forced to ask, "Why, this Wang Hao can't talk to you, want to go down to the Royal Palace of Qin?"

Where does she mean to come out, is it good to shoot!

Gu Qishu was reluctant, and he threw out a pack of snake fruit powder. "There is so much left!"

Han Yu knows that this guy just said that there is not a few truths. Fortunately, she has a detoxification system that can perform close calculations, otherwise it will really be fooled by this guy.

She took the snake fruit powder and gently measured it. It was determined that there were still one and a half of the rest. It seems that the ancient seven brakes used only one or two of the snake fruit. The weight of Xiongchuan and Mitianhonglian is Not much, so the snake fruit is used so little.

In other words, there will not be more antidote.

If the snake fruit is used in accordance with a pair of two or two, if you use it, you can allocate a bottle of half of the antidote. Han Han immediately can estimate how many antibiotics can be formulated in one or two.

However, the dispensing is not based on this conventional ratio. The proportion of the drug is adjusted and the ratio changes. This is a professional and complicated calculation.

However, with the help of the detoxification system, Han Wei does not have to use his mind.

She blurted out. "The ancient seven brakes, you use one or two of the snake fruit, this amount can give more than 60% of the antidote!"

More than 60%!

Only 60% of the antidote, the ancient seven brakes said to the dragon non-night a whole bottle, then the remaining 40%, not all fake!

Gu Qishu himself played his own mouth this time!

When the words came out, the dragon’s mouth couldn’t help it.

Go up.

The ancient seven brakes have been lying, and this woman has been smashed by one lie. I have to say that he listened to Han Yu’s thinking and computing skills.

Why don’t you admire the ancient seven brakes!

He guessed that Han Han could see adulteration in the antidote, but he never thought that Han Han could do this complicated and accurate calculation. He originally intended to lead her to calculate the data. Now it is good, he did nothing. Han Han calculated all the situations.

The final conclusion of this self-proclaimed mouth is exactly what he wants.

The ancient seven brakes are very happy, but they pretend to be angry and angry. "Han Han, you are enough! Not just a few antidote, but it is for you!"

He said, he took a porcelain bottle from his arms and threw it. Han Han caught the horse, but the porcelain bottle only had 10% antidote!

She has just separated 40% of the lipolytics from the eight-pointed antidote of Long Feiye, plus the ancient Qishu to give this achievement, it is only 50%!

There is still a shortage of it!

Han Han put the things on the tea table, and he was angry. "The ancient seven brakes are all here. Do you want to hide them? There is still 10%, take them out!"

When the words came out, the ancient seven brakes were angry. "I will give you a full bottle, and half of them are real medicine!"

"You lie at the beginning. Do you think you have confidence in speaking now? There are only eight points! You still want to argue!" Han Hao angered.

The ancient seven brakes suddenly stood up. "Han Han, Laozi is full of lies, but what Laozi is saying now is the truth. You can ask the dragon for the night, and the old man is not full of bottles!"

Han Wei will not ask the dragon for the night, because she does not think it is necessary, she is cold and cold, "What do you believe in this king?"

In fact, the ancient seven brakes have already prepared everything, he thought for a long time, and did not say anything.

Han Yu’s lips were stunned and sat down, she waited!

The dragon is not waiting for the night, and the weight has been fully calculated. As for the distribution of the weight, how much he has gained, how much the ancient seven brakes are hidden, this kind of thing is not able to calculate the powerful computing power.

Without evidence, no one can say clearly.

And what kind of evidence can there be for such a thing? At the beginning, he took the medicine away, and there was no notary to testify, nor did he measure the exact amount.

Now, it is time for the competition to be more trustworthy.

Long is not drinking tea at night, and Han Yu looks at the ancient seven brakes, and has begun to calculate the claim.

Who knows, at this time, the ancient seven brakes suddenly looked over, "Qin Wang, I have evidence!"

Long Fei immediately looked up and Han Han did not agree, she could not imagine what evidence could be said about this kind of thing.

The ancient seven-brake picked up the white porcelain bottle with the antidote. He sniffed and pour out the antidote.

Han Yu looked suspiciously, "What do you want to do?"

The ancient seven brakes did not say, the cold bottle would smash the porcelain bottle on the ground, and saw that the porcelain bottle was broken into four or five pieces.

This time, Long Fei Ye and Han Yu are wondering, what does this guy want to do?

The ancient seven brakes happily picked up the porcelain bottles one by one, glazed face to face, one by one on the tea table.

"Ancient seven brakes, what kind of evidence is this?" Han Yu could not help but ask.

The ancient seven brakes laughed and did not speak, turned the pieces of porcelain bottles one by one, and the inside faces the sky.

At this time, Long Feiye and Han Yu discovered the abnormalities of these porcelain fragments...

(End of this chapter)