Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 465: Looks quite glaring

The ancient seven-brake turned over the pieces of porcelain bottles, and saw that the insides of these pieces turned black all over!

How could this be?

What made this white porcelain black?

The stability of porcelain and glassware is very high. If it is not at high temperature, it will not be corroded by drugs. Even some strong acidic drugs will make it difficult to damage porcelain and glassware. Therefore, the charge of the drug Most of the bottles are porcelain and glass bottles.

The antidote to scorpion venom has a medium pH, and even if it is put in a bottle for a few years, it will not react with porcelain! Is it difficult to be those ineffective powder?

Han Yu Li Ma looked at the porcelain bottle containing the invalid powder, but the dragon was looking at the ancient seven-night brakes, and the eyes passed a touch of uneasiness.

The anger of the ancient seven-shoulders was actually all pretending. After knowing that Han Han and the dragon were coming from night, his mood had been very good.

He looked at the dragon and looked at it in a meaningful way, and he was not in a hurry to open his mouth.

All three were silent, and each had their own thoughts. Han Hao had quietly started the detoxification system and conducted a deep inspection and analysis of the bottle of invalid powder.

Before she checked that the powder was invalid, she didn't feel relieved. Her attention was all about the weight of the medicine.

According to Han Yu’s experience, the blackening of porcelain bottles should be the fault of these ineffective medicine powders.

Either the ineffective powder reacts with the porcelain bottle, or the ineffective powder is affected by some components of the poisoning, and it has changed itself to affect the color of the porcelain bottle.

Pharmacy, whether it is Western medicine, Chinese medicine and toxic pharmacy, is actually similar to the chemical principle, and it is the reaction of various drug components.

To understand the results of these drugs, you must be well aware of the various components of these drugs.

The ancient seven-brake uses invalid powder, and there are too many types of ineffective powder. Han Han does not understand this kind of eye. It only knows that this powder is mixed with anti-drug and does not affect the efficacy of antidote. Breath, look.

As for other information, she really didn't understand.

In this case, if she wants to crack the doubts about why the porcelain bottle will turn black, there is only one way to do it, and that is to do experiments on the spot.

However, the powerful presence of the detoxification system frees Han to eliminate the troublesome experimental steps.

The ancient seven-brake saw the serious expression of Han Yu, and the color of the ancient seven-brake eyes was getting more and more intense. These invalid powders were specially made for the purpose of pit dragons and nights. Even if Han Han’s ability is big, just thinking about it, I must not think of it.

He conservatively estimated that this gimmick must be a complicated experiment, and it takes at least two or three days to get an answer.

In fact, don't say two or three days, that is, two or three years, he is very happy to accompany.

Anyway, looking at this girl, his time will always go very fast, it seems that life is not so long.

Gu Qishu specially changed a bubble to wait for a good tea, without saying a word, smiled and gave Long Fei and Han Han two cups.

Han Yuzheng concentrated on working with the detoxification system and did not notice the speciality of this tea fragrance. However, the dragon was not smelled at night, it was Nanshan Red!

The suspicion of the eyes passed over the eyes of the ancient seven-brake, and the dragon was not drinking tea at night, and the silence was still there.

"Wang Hao Niangniang, you also taste it." Guqiu smiled.

Who knows, Han Hao suddenly asked coldly, "What do you mean by the ancient seven brakes?"

"What do you mean?" The ancient seven brakes were stupid. He thought that this girl was guessed that there was a problem with the invalid powder. He did not appreciate him so much, and he really was a master.

“There is one of these ineffective powders that you have incorporated into the “Pilocarpine” ingredient, right?” Han Han asked.

The ancient seven brakes were unexpected. "Can you see it?"

"So I am right?" Han Hao asked.

"Yes!" Gu seven brakes admitted that there is indeed an animal grass in the invalid powder, but the amount is very small, not the average person smells, or can find out.

He had thought that except for himself, anyone who wanted to find it in this powder had to do some experiments to detect it.

How did this girl discover it?

Look at her like this, it is estimated that there are not many test experiments done by these invalid powders before coming.

The ancient seven-brake is wondering, Han Yu actually asked, "In the anti-drug and antidote, the 'fruity aroma' in the snake fruit and the 'Zhu Shui' in the Mitian Honglian are mixed together, which will form a kind of 'Sanai' thing. Right? ”

The ancient seven brakes set off a pair of eyes, "Yes!"

“When Sang Ai and Opium Grass are put together and sealed together in porcelain, they will burn porcelain and make it black.” After Han Yu explained, this elegantly served the tea to drink.

The ancient seven brakes have already been stunned. He can't believe his ears. This is what the girl said, all right!

How can this be?

Although it is not very rare and little known, it is not known. This kind of combination reaction, including the reaction with porcelain, is basically unknown.

I have to know that he spent three days, after careful extraction, calculation, and preparation, to get this result.

How did Han Han look at it for a while, then I know all about it?

The ancient seven brakes stared at Han Yu’s eyes with clear eyes and bright eyes. They all doubted that the eyes of this girl were a pair of enchanting eyes!

Han Yu knows that the ancient seven brakes are watching her, and I know that the ancient seven brakes will surely be shocked. However, her old **** is there, she tastes tea. She only thinks that this tea is very familiar. What kind of tea can’t be said at the same time, it is estimated that it is not Often drink varieties.

In fact, her detoxification system does not store this ineffective powder, but the various ingredients in the ineffective powder are available in the detoxification system, so the detoxification system can still give the perfect answer.

However, she did not understand what the purpose of the ancient seven brakes was.

After a cup of tea, she opened her mouth. "In the ancient seven brakes, you turned the porcelain bottle black. How can you prove that it is not your possession?"

No matter how complicated the process is, what they have to pursue is the one that is depleted!

The ancient seven brakes slowed down. He smiled. "Hey, you know, how long it takes for Sanai and the grass to be sealed in the porcelain bottle, in order to make the porcelain bottle black, and how many parts are needed to make the whole porcelain bottle change. black?

As soon as this is said, the long-lasting face of the dragon that has been quietly changed suddenly!

He understands!

Presumably, when Gu Gu is in the pharmaceutical industry, how much is private, how much adulterated, and even how big the porcelain bottle is, all of them are well calculated. Undoubtedly, it must be a full bottle of antidote to make the entire porcelain bottle black!

A good old seven brakes, actually left such a hand, it is really unexpected.

I have to say that this is the evidence, it can be proved that he took away the full bottle of antidote!

Seeing the weight of things can not be passed, the dragon is still as steady as the mountain in the night, what is the purpose of the ancient seven brakes?

He wants to secretize the antidote, and adulteration can be done. Why do you still have to leave such a hand to prove that he is giving the full amount of the bottle?

At this time, Han Han is


"Shantou, do you know, or don't you know?" Gu Qilu asked happily.

Han Wei really didn't realize this. If she wanted the answer, estimate the size of the porcelain bottle and let the detoxification system give the answer.

However, she has not been moved, and her heart is uneasy.

Since the ancient seven brakes dare to ask this question, there must be full confidence.

"Shantou, it seems that you are not clear, huh, huh, let's come to the site to try it once!" The sound of the ancient seven brakes was cheerful.

He quickly took a small porcelain bottle that was half the size of the porcelain bottle, and then went to the medicinal antidote of 30%, and mixed 20% of the ineffective powder. Then, deliberately put the slow motion, while rushing to the Korean smirk, while taking the powder Pour a little bit into the porcelain bottle.

Although Chong Han Xiaoxiao, but his afterglow can not pay attention to the dragon non-night!

He has been waiting for a long time, and he is going to play! The big thing he is preparing for a long time is about to happen!

As the powder slowly pours into the porcelain bottle, the truth will soon be revealed.

Han Hao finally couldn't help but watch the dragon staying in the night, only to find that Long Fei is watching her.

I don't know what Han Han is thinking at this moment. Her face is not good-looking, heavy and complicated. The dragon is not night, it seems to be calm, but the eyes that have always been arrogant and cold are a bit more heavy.

The two are opposite each other, they are speechless, and they are worried about each other, only they know it.

Upon seeing it, the ancient seven brakes snorted. "Taro, this bottle is half of the original. These powders, 30% of the medicine, and 20% of the fake medicines are mixed according to the original ratio. The weight is half of the original. You can see clearly. ""

Han looked at me silently and did not answer.

Gu Qishu had already poured all the powder into it. He lifted it up high and shook it gently in the face of Han Yu and Long Fei, and then poured out the powder and handed the porcelain bottle to Han Yu.

"Taro, you are!"

Han Hao was late, and Gu Qishu smiled. "How, don't you dare? If you don't want Qin Wang Dian down."

As soon as the voice fell, Han Han decisively picked up the porcelain bottle and smashed it on the ground.

A piece of debris, with lining up and down, black and white.

Han Yu seems to be competing with the ancient seven brakes. Immediately, he bends over and squats. The dragon is not able to stop the night, and this will pick up the second piece, and the index finger will be cut.

Long non-night brows slightly close, pull up her hand, hold the index finger and gently suck.

He squinted and was very focused. His movements were very light and fine. Han Han could even feel his tongue tipping gently against his fingertips. This feeling is beautiful.

Han Hao forgot the situation of the two now, and forgot the answer to the cover of the land.

Your Highness, you must not know, your serious look is really good!

This scene, but the ancient seven brakes look quite glaring, he is so cold and sparkling, I do not believe this, the dragon is not so calm at night, so calm!

Long Fei night was really calm, and after Han Han’s fingers stopped bleeding, he personally picked up the pieces of porcelain. Each piece of the piece was turned upside down, and the insides of these pieces were all black.

Soon, the pieces are all on the table, all black!

Gu seven brakes have not come to the mood slowly, he took another porcelain bottle of the same size, poured into the 80% full antidote, gently sway, or pour out the antidote.

He personally shattered the porcelain bottle and then picked up pieces of debris. This time the pieces are...

(End of this chapter)