Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 466: Han Yu’s seriousness

What color is the fragment of the ancient seven brakes picked up? Is it black and white?

No, these pieces are still white, that is, the original look of the porcelain bottle, a little change!

Two piles of debris are placed next to each other on the tea table. The contrast between black and white is so obvious that it is iron-like evidence that no one can ignore.

Iron proof is like a mountain, which proves that only the full amount of the bottle can make the porcelain bottle change, and the full amount of eight points can't be done.

The porcelain bottle that Han Han brought, the inside is all black, so the antidote taken by the dragon and the night from the ancient seven brakes is full of bottles!

Han Yu and Long Fei are all shocked at night. The two look at each other and their expressions are different. Han Han is a bit serious, and the dragon is not the night... It is still in the mood and not in the color, not moving!

The ancient seven brakes have been somewhat appreciated, but appreciation and appreciation, this time he has exhausted his mind, came up with such a clever trick, and will definitely not let the dragon out of the night.

"Shantou, now only 50% of the antidote, so I used half of the weight to do the experiment, simulating the full bottle and eight full. The full amount of the bottle is enough to make the porcelain bottle black, eight points full Not enough, are you still satisfied with this evidence?" Guqiu was patient with the temperament and asked slowly.

Han Hao always stared at the fragments and did not say anything.

The ancient seven brakes are very clever. He is not in a hurry to point the finger at the dragon and the night, but to scream Han Han. He sneers. "Qin Wang, you are also mixed in the circle, for the sake of the district, the drug is so long. Come to the pit adults, you are also very hard!"

Han Han immediately looked up at him, clearly angered.

"How, if the ironclad is like a mountain, do you still have to argue? How do you argue? Fortunately, I have to keep an eye on the adults, or do you still know what it will be like you! Oh, this world is really dangerous!" Seven brakes are emotional.

Looking at the small face of Han Yu, the dragon's face that has always been in front of the mountain and not changing color is the expression of worry.

He is very clear that he is so provocative in the face of Guqiu, he should justify it, but how can he justify it?

The trap of the ancient seven brakes was too professional, even if he had learned a lot about the antidote to the drug, he could not prevent the ancient genius of the ancient seven brakes.

He did not underestimate the professional ability of the ancient seven brakes, but underestimated the purpose of the ancient seven brakes. He faintly felt that this guy had mixed adulthood and left such a hand, and seemed to deliberately want to bring Han Han.

"Oh, Wang Hao Niangniang, you are talking! In the end, you are an adult, or an adult, I am pitted? What debt do you want to discuss?" The ancient seven-brake tone is exaggerated, and people listen to him. Impulsive.

So provocative Han Han, the dragon can not help the night, is about to speak, who knows that Han Hao is angry, "Is there enough for the ancient seven brakes? Some people have a face, you are the kind of face that is born!"

The ancient seven brakes smashed, and this girl actually slandered him, and the evidence was in front of him. Didn’t this gimmick question the dragon night?

The dragon is not an accident at night. It should have been nervous, but I don’t know why. There is a smile in his mouth.

The ancient seven-brake is about to argue with reason. It is expected that Han Yu will be filled with indignation and pick up the remaining fake powder. The ancient seven-brake will be rushed to the surface. "The ancient seven-brake, this is called the iron-clad mountain! What do I hang up the adults?" It’s as if you’re never pitted! You’ll be full of bottles and you’ll be able to say it again. You’ll explain it to me first!”

The powder was covered with a black mask, and even the long eyelashes of the ancient seven brakes were glued. He should have been angry. However, looking at the wrath of the skull, he was too angry.

Carefully laid out this game, and after waiting for half a year, he does not mind giving another step.

He reached out and gently bounced his eyelashes. The skin of this thin skin was dark and terrifying. However, this move revealed a sense of elegance that could not be ignored.

He bounced the powder on the eyelashes and slowly licked the powder on the black mask. This opened up. "I dare to do locals, yes, adults, I am adulterated! How?"

The tone was really embarrassing and embarrassing. Han Yu was very uncomfortable. She sneered. "It’s so generous. I don’t know if you are willing to admit it."

Not long ago, they also had a very high-calculation debate, but she took a lot of effort to prove that the fake powder was mixed with him, not that she and the dragon were deliberately placed.

The ancient seven brakes were almost caught by their own saliva. Can this girl be poisoned again?

"What do you want?" asked Guqiu.

"Fake a lose ten!" Han Hao has long thought about it.

The ancient seven-brake is very generous. "Oh, I can afford to lose a hundred people. I just have to pay for it. I have to figure out what I have done! I haven’t done anything, I don’t recognize adults!"

In this case, the topic is brought to the "quantity".

According to the weight of the snake fruit, only 60% of the antidote was prepared. The dragon was only 40% of the night, and the rest were fake powder. The ancient seven brakes took out 10%, and 10% of the whereabouts were unknown.

If this is the ancient seven brakes, then the ancient seven brakes will have to pay 20% of the Han dynasty, 20% of the fake one is 20%, which is equivalent to the two bottles of the antidote.

If this is a long-term private possession of the dragon, then the ancient seven-brakes only need to compensate for Han Yucheng, 10% of the fake one is ten percent, which is equivalent to a bottle full of antidote.

Antidote to narcotics is not an ordinary thing. It is basically impossible to find the three-flavored herbs now. This compensation is by no means a trivial matter.

The ancient seven brakes looked at the dragon non-night and smiled. "You said what you said under the Royal King?"

At this time, Han Yu looked at the dragon for the night, and her plain face was serious and decontaminated to save people, even more serious.

It is not the first time that Long Feiye found that he could not see the woman's eyes. However, this was the first time that he could not see through.

What does Han Han mean when he looks at him?

At this moment, what is she thinking about?

The dragon is not calm at night, but the action of the finger on the table sold him early.

For the first time in my life, I felt uncomfortable under the watchful eyes of a woman!

In fact, the most important thing that Long Feiye needs to do now is to refute the ancient seven brakes. However, how should he refute?

The ancient seven brakes are right, it is indeed ironclad.

He can now admit that he took the full bottle of antidote, but how can he explain where the lost 20% went?

This woman is not an idiot in front of her, and on the way to the road is so troubled by Mu Linger, anyone will think of the thing of the dumb mother-in-law!

After all, the antidote to scorpion venom has only one poison, which is to solve scorpion venom!

The dragon was silent in the night, Han Han looked at him, silent and serious, and the two seemed to gradually become filled with tension.

"His Royal Highness, you talk." The "Your" character of Guqiu seems to be polite, but it is pressed harder and harder. "His Royal Highness, you have been eager to find antidote to the drug, originally given the adult me ​​a one-year period." Later, it was shortened to half a year. Presumably, it is also anxious to detoxify and save people. Don’t save people and bite adults, I will help you.

Looking for medicine and helping you with the pharmaceutical, there is no credit and hard work, you say yes? ”

As soon as this was said, Han Han slowly raised his brow.

In the face of Han Yu's complicated eyes, the dragon's eyebrows are locked tighter, and under the cold outside, God knows how his heart is turbulent!

"Oh, your Royal Highness, you give me the sentence! I really give you a full bottle of adults. You have to say a word, don't let Wang Hao's mother misunderstand, I can't afford to pay for it!" The ridicule is full of flavor.

Long Feiye and Han Yu looked at each other and remained silent.

Guqiu was very fond of the atmosphere at this time. He sneered. "You couples don't play here. How many real medicines do you have in your hands? You know best! Anyway, I only have one copy of the adult. I have lost the top ten people! Others, I don’t recognize them!"

Who knows that the voice fell, Han Hao suddenly stretched his brow, and Chonglong exposed a sly smile.

She thought of it!

She has been watching the dragon and the night until now, and she has been thinking about it. She is trying hard to think about the flaws behind the iron mountain like the ancient seven brakes!

At the root, she did not doubt that the dragon was not night. In this matter, how could Dragon Cheat lie to her?

She firmly believes that the ancient seven brakes only give eight points, so she has been persistently thinking about how to refute the ancient seven brakes, how to prove that the evidence of the ancient seven brakes is flawed.

Finally thought of her!

"The ancient seven brakes, the king and his highness can not admit that these broken things are evidence! What are you worried about?" Han Yu said coldly.

The dragon is very unexpected at night, what does this woman mean?

The ancient seven brakes took a sigh of relief, and people did not see the coffin and did not cry. This gimmick did not know the life and death of the coffin!

"These are not the evidences? Han Han, do you not like this?" The tone of the ancient seven brakes is also cold.

"Does God know if the bottle you gave to your Highness is originally black? You can do it by adulterating. You are not a credit person. What else can you do?" Han Han raised his eyebrows and asked.

When the words came out, the dragon was almost silent and laughed, but the ancient seven brakes were a little bit of blood. "Han Wei, you! You, you!"

"I? How am I? How can you prove that the porcelain bottle you gave is white at first, how can you prove that these black marks are not originally there?" Han Yu asked.

Guqiu is really angry, this woman... What is the woman’s head doing, why is it so smart? Even this flaw is wanted! He thought for a long time and didn't think about it at all.

Why don't this stinky head go to the status teacher!

However, the ancient seven brakes quickly calmed down, and he confidently said, "Time! Han Han, time can prove!"

"The degree of damage to the drug is related to the time. Do not believe that we can take the porcelain bottle again and test it. The porcelain bottle that was originally blackened, and the color of the porcelain bottle that is blackened after the drug must be different!" .

Han Yu smiled very disdain, "Ancient seven brakes, you forget it! Porcelain bottles are all provided by you, who knows if you have hands on the porcelain bottle?"

The ancient seven brakes really have to vomit blood, he is awkward!

Everything has come to this, can Han Han not doubt the dragon and the night? Do you really doubt him?

"Smelly girl, since you said so, Laozi has nothing to say, in short, I don't recognize it! I just don't recognize it!" said the ancient seven brakes.

"You can't admit it!" Han Yu's tone was tough.

(End of this chapter)