Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 47: People are so scared

At this time, suddenly, the poisonous mosquitoes that came in four directions suddenly stopped, and Han Yu knew that this was a sign of their attacking people.

The line of sight swept away in a hurry, and she made a quick decision, "Go!"

Sure enough, after a one-second pause, the poisonous mosquito swarmed from four directions!

In an instant, the dragon was pressed by the night and pressed Han Han into his arms. He raised his cloak and wrapped her tightly. Then, the figure flashed into a lightning-like figure and passed through two groups of shadows. The gap between them.

One second is too fast, one second is too slow. Just after the dragon passes through the narrow gap, the four groups of poisonous mosquitoes merge into a large group, and then they chase them.

The dragon didn't stop at night, and quickly rushed to the cliff. The poisonous mosquitoes kept on chasing each other. While chasing, the huge team could still change into the shape of a sharp arrow, speeding up their speed and offensive.

Han Han was tightly wrapped in the cloak, half a inch of skin was not exposed, but she heard the sound, deafening, indicating that the poisonous mosquitoes are very close to them, and they are angry It will only make such a big sound.

Han Hao wants to find his head and see what is happening now. Are they coming to the cliff?

However, I was thinking, suddenly, my feet were on the ground.

Come up?

Han Yu was overjoyed, violently broke the arm of the dragon's non-night, and pulled off the cloak to see it. I saw a large group of poisonous mosquitoes in the abyss, and they didn't dare to come up. It didn't take long before they drowned in the abyss. It is.

Han Han turned back to the dragon and looked at the night. He smiled sweetly in the sun. "Dragon is not night, you are amazing!"

Han Han’s back to the sun, the whole person is plated with a layer of golden awns, and the smile looks like a flower blooming in the sun.

The dragon looked at her at night, and time seemed to freeze at this moment.

However, soon he was cold and cold, "Coward."

Han Han immediately did not smile, pulled his mouth and turned his eyes, too lazy to care about him.

The information that was just scanned was also stored in the detoxification system. She was so scared that she couldn't get it. She turned and closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

The detoxification system is tied to her consciousness. If she is too messy, the detoxification system will follow the mess.

"Are you poisoning it?" The dragon urged the road.

He thought that Han Wei only saw it and smelled it.

Han Hao quickly sorted out his thoughts and turned around. He was a serious man. "His Highness, congratulations, the four groups of poisonous mosquitoes are the same type of poisonous mosquitoes, the name spiders, which means that they carry the same toxins, only one. Toxins, the same as the toxins of spider black widows, commonly known as widows."

I don't know if she is lucky, or if she is lucky for the night. Han Han has studied this strange spider mosquito in modern times. This is a very strange phenomenon. Mosquitoes and spiders have the same toxins.

There is no doubt that Han Yu’s detoxification system has medicines, not only antidote, but also special anti-mosquito potions.

Listening to Han Yu, the dragon nodded at night and asked, "How long do you need to dispense with antidote?"

"You guess." Han Yu smiled, and the mood for preparing medicine was naturally good.

Who knows, the dragon is slowly picking up the dangerous scorpions.

Well, no matter how good the mood is, don't make fun of this iceberg, it will be frozen to death.

"Now there!" Han Yu said coldly.

Seeing the dragon's eyebrows at night, a look of disbelief, she snorted and took two out of the medical bag.

Bottle spray-type potion comes with a box of antidote.

The dragon looked at this weird thing at night, and the handsome brow was locked tighter and he couldn’t understand it.

Han Hao smiled, and it was rare to see the expression of this big iceberg. Hey, I have to admit that his chain brow looks so charming.

"This is an antidote. This is a mosquito-killing potion. Take the antidote. In an effective time, even if you are bitten, there will be nothing but a wound. This potion can kill those mosquitoes. Of course, if you If you are not dirty, you can shoot them with a slap in the face."

Han Hao introduced, while doing the demonstration personally, squirting the potion with a single push, giving off a faint fragrance.

Long Fei night listened carefully, watching, although this spray-type potion was too strange for him, but he also learned quickly.

Han Yu discovered for the first time that this man is the most fascinating look!

However, soon the dragon and the night resumed the usual expressionless expression. "Where are these things coming from?"

"Women's poison is a very common toxin. Of course, I have a spare medicine." Han Yu answered very calmly, and he believed it or not.

"Is it so clever?" Long asked for it.

Han Yu offered the antidote. "Would you like it?"

Dragon is not the night to give up, take a look at the medicine, and hand the cloak to Han Yu.

"I am not cold, no need." Han Han still went back.

The dragon was not plugged in at night, "the king is not responsible for breaking the phase."


Therefore, when she just fled, at the critical juncture, he also took care of wrapping her tightly, fearing that she was bitten.

Ok, she broke the face, he lost face, she used to be an ugly girl, she has already lost his face for several years.

Han Hao ignored the warmth of the heart, took the antidote, wrapped the cloak, and put on the hood by the way, covering most of the face.

Just finished, the dragon's strong and powerful arm came over, and like the previous few times, I took it on her small waist. Although it was thick clothes, Han Han obviously felt the temperature of his palm. The heat is very hot.

Unthinkable, then a cold man has a pair of warm hands...

The poisonous mosquitoes are really smarter than the average mosquitoes. The dragons have just brought Han Han under the abyss, and they are divided into four groups of poisonous mosquitoes, which are surrounded by four directions. This time, the speed is faster than before, it seems to be special. They are coming down.

Who knows, the dragon is not hiding in the night, but the black-sucking poisonous mosquito swarming in front of it flies past!


Han Wei was not expected, I did not expect this guy to play like this.

Although there is immunity, there are also anti-mosquito medicines to defend themselves. However, drowning in tens of thousands of mosquitoes under black pressure, Han Han’s heartbeat can’t help but accelerate, it’s terrible, it’s disgusting!

Although she wrapped her cloak and wrapped her entire head, she still noticed that a large piece of mosquitoes flew up and crawled over her body. The sound of her voice was so good that she could not breathe. coming.

She couldn't take care of the mosquito-killing potion, but soon, all the repression was gone, and the dragon was holding her through the poisonous mosquitoes at night, far away.

Han Han reveals his head and takes a deep breath of fresh air. The four groups of poisonous mosquitoes have merged into a group, just in front of them.

It seems that they are immune, and the poisonous mosquitoes are not as arrogant as before, but they are squatting with them, and they have not come forward.

"Mosquitoes are also self-aware." Han Yu said with a joking.

However, the dragon stayed up all night without saying a word, and hugged her, and the cold and intoxicating mosquito swarmed over.

This time, he is not only simple to pass through, but just before the black fog, pick up the mosquito-killing water spray!

The spray, the black mist immediately broke a small piece, the poisonous mosquitoes behind were frightened and began to retreat.

When I saw it, Han Yule took it, and took out the mosquito-killing syrup to spray it against the black mist. It was just a spray, and the black fog lacked a rhythm. I don’t know if the poisonous mosquito was scared, and a large piece stopped in the air. , actually did not escape.

Han Yuyue was more excited and rushed into the medical kit. It was actually a detoxification system. He took out a bottle of spray syrup, a bottle in his left hand and a bottle in his right hand. He was very handsome! Soon, a large piece of black fog disappeared, and the poisonous mosquito fell to the ground.

Finally, the poisonous mosquitoes that have always been invincible have reacted, and each of them has fled, and the black fog suddenly dissipated.

Han Yule, laughing, "Korean lore!"

The dragon squats down at night, like looking at the prey, staring at her.

Han Wei only felt that the scalp was cold, and the subconscious looked up. He immediately greeted his deep eyes. She gave a slight glimpse and immediately smiled. It was a waste of laughter for a person who would not laugh.

Long was not looking back at the sight of the night.

This abyss is a closed inverted "V" shape, surrounded by cliffs that are not grassy, ​​can be seen at a glance, can not hide at all, so the fine work of the Northern calendar can only hide in the bottom of the abyss.

Long non-night with Han Han, no longer hindered all the way, swooping down, the bottom of the valley is a ridiculous pile of rocks, not long grass.

They landed on the highest rock, and the dragon kept the Han Han without letting go, and the rhinoceros black eyes glanced around.

Suddenly, a figure appeared out of thin air and landed on the stone opposite them. It was the northern traitor who was to be pursued by the dragon. However, out of Han Han’s expectation, I did not expect this spy to be a woman, but also a delicate woman.

Her head is not high, but her body is not bad, the curve is wonderful, the bumps are good, it can be said that the bird is the best of the people; her facial features are beautiful, compared to Murong Wan, she is still soft and beautiful, even if she does not speak, They all give people a feeling of pity and weakness.

When encountering such a woman, let alone a man, even a woman will have no desire to protect.

When she appeared, she burst into tears and pity, "Peace King, the slave family is wrong, the slaves are no longer dare, you spare the slaves this time!"

"Qin Wang, you spared the slave, you can do slavery!"

It is a pity that the dragon is not a person who pity the jade, but he does not even talk nonsense, let go of Han Han and pull up the sword.

Seeing that Rao is ineffective, the female traitor immediately turned her face, and her gaze passed over Han Han, and she immediately pulled the sword to defend.

Just as she was pulling the sword, Han Han whispered, "Be careful that her sword is poisonous."

Long is not in the heart of the night. If he has suffered a loss, he will not eat it for the second time. If he knows that this woman will be poisonous, he will not be hurting and hurting the last time.

"Dragon is not night, I am surprised to get you down, but I promise you can't go anymore!"

The woman said, not actually attacked, but turned and fled, the dragon is not chasing the sword at night, the speed is like lightning, and a moment has fallen in front of the female masterpiece.

He still cherishes such words as gold, there is no nonsense, and the sword is killing.

However, at this time, the female master slammed away and blew a sharp whistle, which rang through the valley.

(End of this chapter)