Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 478: Qin Wang’s big hand

Then the gunpowder black powder like coal powder flowed out of the jar and scattered.

Gunpowder was found, and it was hidden in the wine jar of the underground cellar!

Han Hao was overjoyed, and immediately took out poison to reward small things. "It’s beautiful, you are better than both of them!"

The little things seem to understand, and they are very happy to be holding the poison.

When the dragon was not heard at night, he said coldly, "Chang Sun Zelin is smart, and masks the smell of gunpowder with alcohol! The altar is stored, so the porcelain jar can be fireproof!"

"His Highness, this is the safest place and the most dangerous place. All the wines are on the top. Once the fire breaks, the consequences are unimaginable!" Han Yu said seriously.

Once the gunpowder explodes, the wine jar on the top is broken. Under the action of alcohol, the power of the explosion will be several times.

Long Fei nodded with no interest in the night, he walked over and counted the number of jars, as if estimating what.

"His Royal Highness, what should we do now?" Han Yu asked seriously.

Gunpowder was found, but the real problem is coming!

How should they go to marry Sun Zelin?

Directly threatening Chang Sun Zelin to talk about it, asking him to hand over the evidence of the drug city confession, or else to take out the gunpowder thing?

If it is a general situation, this threat is still effective.

However, here is the black market. Chang Sun Zelin is half a black market. Can he be threatened so easily?

I must have threatened to be unsuccessful, but I was shocked by the grass. God knows how long the great Sun Zelin has in the black market. I really want to marry people. Maybe they will not be able to walk out of the black market.

Therefore, this matter has to be considered from a long-term perspective.

"His Highness, simply throw things directly to the sky emblem? Let's extend the olive branch to the long-term Sun Zelin?" Han Yu asked thoughtfully.

The reason why the black market has been in existence for a long time is not suppressed by the court. It is not that the court is really afraid of the black market forces, but the black market forces are extremely involved. Once the court is pressed, it is the last step to move its own feet.

Therefore, the imperial court has always been a blind eye, as long as the black market does not do anything too special, the Emperor of Heaven will not find trouble.

However, the matter of gunpowder is different. It directly threatens the imperial capital and threatens the imperial power. Once the Emperor of Heaven and Earth is known, the first thought is to destroy the entire blackfield of the Tianyu.

Therefore, as long as Long Fei night reported this matter to the Emperor of Heaven and Emblem, the Emperor of Heavenly Emblem will surely deal with the death of Chang Sun Zelin. At that time, Sun Zelin had no way to go, and the dragon was thrown out of the olive branch at night. As long as Chang Sun Zelin handed over the evidence of the drug city, Qin Wang could keep him from dying.

Han Yu thought, and added, "His Royal Highness, we can let Chang Sun Zelin take the Chu family out and save him! So, double-edged!"

Take gunpowder to threaten long-term Sun Zelin, it is better to threaten your life! I have to say that Han Yu’s wrist is getting more and more sophisticated.

However, Long Fei gave her four words to evaluate, "More than one move."

Han Han, "Is there a better way for Your Highness?"

In addition to making things bigger, the imperial forces intervened, and Han Yu really couldn’t think of a more comprehensive and safer approach.

Long did not answer the night, continued to go inside, took a lot of wine jars to open the view, found that all inside are gunpowder.

After walking around, the number of gunpowders here is not in the heart of the night.

He took Han Han’s hand, "Go."

Han Hao knows how to deal with this matter. Long is not a night, but she really can’t guess.

What he thought in his heart.

After the two returned to the Wujialiang store, Long Fei whispered a few words with Wu Shu, and Wu Shu’s face changed greatly and he quickly went out.

"His Royal Highness, are you?" Han couldn't help but ask.

The dragon didn't talk at night, and she took her to the highest roof.

Han Hao was confused and was about to speak. The dragon was suddenly but she was holding her from behind.

This is her favorite action, gently embracing her into her world, she gave him the weakest back.

"His Royal Highness, what's wrong with you?" Han Han's voice was gentle.

The dragon is still not talking at night, holding her, and the smooth chin rests on her shoulder.

He didn't talk, she didn't ask much, even if she didn't know anything, she still unconsciously enjoyed this moment of warmth.

At this moment, there seems to be no longer a distance between them. The one hundred steps seem to disappear all the time. They seem to never separate.

Not far away, at the same height, Gu seven brakes with his arms on the back of his head, and he sleeps in the tree shrub. He made a dream and dreamed that he would return to childhood. When he was very young, he still had no He was punished and not abandoned. When he was an ordinary child, his biological father, the dean of the medical school, held him and gently slapped him to sleep. "Seven children... seven children..."

After a while, there was a sudden incitement on the street. Soon, Han Yu saw many people fleeing in the direction of the restaurant. Gradually, more and more people had the feeling of falling into the nest, all of them rushing to the grain. Shop this direction.

In the crowd, Han Wei heard someone shouting again, "Chang Sun Zelin has a gunpowder! Explode!"

"The East is also going to blow up! Hurry!"

"Hurry and withdraw! If you don't withdraw, you will die!"

Han Han seems to be aware of what is about to turn around. The dragon is holding her ears softly at night, softly. "It should be beautiful, hey, look carefully."

This voice fell, only to hear a "squeaky" deafening loud noise, only a sudden burst of sparks in the darkness in front, like the red lotus blooms in the dark night!


The wine cellar gunpowder is fried!

Soon, the explosions continued, and the sparks that followed were constantly bursting out. Everyone fled in panic and escaped from this terrible disaster. Han Han was alone, and the man who dominated all of them embraced his ears and covered his ears. Enjoy this grand fireworks!

The dragon didn't make a mistake in the night, and opened the horror of the fire. It looked really high and beautiful from the high roof.

Han Hao is watching!

On the other side, the ancient seven brakes had already been awakened by the explosion. He bounced and almost fell. Fortunately, he grabbed the trunk in time. He had forgotten what he had dreamed of, and forgot the soft and sweet "seven children in his dreams." ", he broke a bite, "Rely, the dragon is not dry at night? Play so big?"

Yes, this explosion is the dragon's night.

He just estimated the amount of gunpowder in the underground cellar, estimated that all the gunpowder and the wine on the cellar were fried together, and the range of the burning effect. After returning to Wu Shuliang, he immediately confessed Wu Shu to spread the gunpowder. The news of the explosion will let the people in the scope of the meeting evacuate.

There are not many people in the black market. It is very easy to evacuate them all. After people flee, Wu Shu went to set fire.

Suddenly, Chang Sun Zelin estimated that he had not understood it yet!

The explosion is getting denser and denser, and the fire is getting bigger and bigger. It will not be long before you can't see the fireworks-like flames, only the burning fire!

The restaurant, along with everything around it, was instantly bombed

Destroyed, turned into a sea of ​​fire, became the center of the explosion, the fire is very large, very busy and spread the entire street.

At this time, not only the East District, but also the Western Region is dangerous, and not to mention whether it will be affected by the fire, that is, rolling smoke can kill many people!

Soon, the mysterious elders of the black market appeared, opening up several escape gates that the black market never opened, using the black market guards to maintain order and evacuate the crowd.

Long Fei Ye and Han Yu stood on the high roof and saw everything clearly.

Han Hao was shocked and shocked and laughed. "His Royal Highness, you...you are actually..."

"Beautiful?" Long asked the night.

Han Han still nodded. "It's really beautiful."

Is this the first fireworks that Long Fei spent with her? So thrilling, so grand!

Every time this guy gives a surprise, it is such a big deal, how can she forget it?

Of course, as far as shock is concerned, Han Han is still very calm. "His Highness, you ruined the evidence! What do we have to talk to Chang Sun Zelin?"

"This guy has a lot of money in the king's money house. What do you think we should talk to him?" Long asked the night.

When this was said, Han Han was shocked. "Your Highness, you... have you known Chang Sun Zelin?"

Han Yu thinks that when Ouyang Ninguo mentioned Chang Sun Zelin, the dragon did not ask much, but he asked who the other black market is.

"It was also discovered not long ago. The king had known him for a long time, but he did not know that he was the half-master of the black market before." Long said that the night was faint.

The approach that Han Wei just said is really very good, but it is better to blow up the black market directly.

First, the black market bombed, it is estimated that a hundred miles can detect the earthquake, the emperor will soon get news, the Emperor of Heaven and Earth will not be able to sit still, immediately sent someone to check, and once the traces of gunpowder are found, Things are getting bigger.

As for the suspicious son of the Emperor of Heaven, if the dragon does not report to the night, the Emperor of Heaven and the Emblem will hesitate, and may even suspect that Long Feiye wants to take the opportunity to destroy the Chu family. However, if it is the black market explosion, the Emperor of the Heavenly Emblem will pay attention. The effect is different.

Emperor Tianhui is not stupid, the number of gunpowder, and the power of the black market, can also doubt the Chu family head.

Secondly, the black market was blown up, and the most profitable industry of Chang Sun Zelin was ruined. Long nights only need to secretly release the news that Chang Sun Zelin is the half-hearted son of the black market. Chang Sun Zelin will definitely be stared at by the court, although not The evidence is captured, but at least the court will include him in the list of suspects. As a result, Sun Zelin’s legitimate industries in Tianning will be frozen. At that time, Long Feiye can justify the freezing of Chang Sun Zelin. The silver in the bank.

For a businessman who is so successful, what else is more tragic than being penniless? What the businessman is most interested in is not money, what is it?

Long did not want to take gunpowder to marry him, nor did he want to take his life to marry him, but to take money to marry him.

Third, the black market was blown up, the gunpowder was destroyed, neither the Chu family nor the Tianhui emperor could get it; the power of the black market in Tianning would also die out. For the dragon non-night, at least in the future, when controlling the imperial capital There is one hostile force missing.

After listening to the dragon's non-night analysis, Han Hao didn't know what to say. For this man, she didn't admire, but worship!

The fire began to spread, and the explosion continued, and the fire could not be saved.

Long Fei night with Han Han, also left.

The ancient seven brakes looked at their backs, could not help but feel, "Ouyang Ningnuo... there is a bird in black and white?"

(End of this chapter)