Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 479: Who lives in Qin Wangfu

"There is a bird in black and white!"

Ouyang Ninguo, who had just escaped from the black market, tore the paper contract in his hand, which was the most unsuccessful in his business career, and the most thorough loss in his business negotiations!

The agreement stipulates that the interests of all the cooperation between Yaojitang and Yaocheng are not taken by him. However, the sale of the industry under the name of Chang Sun Zelin, Long Feiye does not intervene.

When the dragon agreed to this condition, the Ouyang Ninguo felt puzzled, but he could not find any loopholes.

However, if he wants to break his head, he will not think that the dragon and the night will actually detonate the gunpowder and blow up the entire black market.

You know, he is another boss in the Tianshi black market!

I thought that when he got the cooperation between Chang Sun Zelin and the Western Zhou Chu family and smuggled the possession of gunpowder, he had been looking for an opportunity to use this handle to defeat Chang Sun Zelin to swallow the other half of the Tianshi black market.

When Gu Beiyue asked him to talk about the drug ghost hall, he knew that the opportunity came.

The black market of gunpowder, once the dragon knows the night, Chang Sun Zelin is basically finished, he waited for the dragon to shoot at night, waiting for Chang Sun Zelin to go nowhere, sell those industries, and then he can low-key acquisition, one step One step became the only big boss in the Tianshi black market.


This perfect plan was burned by the dragon and the night. He not only did not get the industry of Chang Sun Zelin, but he also lost his other half!

Moreover, Long Fei did not break the contract at all, and the agreement said that he could not intervene in the business of Sun Zelin’s industry, but he said that he could not be destroyed.

Retreat 10,000 steps and say that even if it burns, it can be regarded as a kind of "intervention". Will the dragons recognize it at night? Will Long Fei Nights admit that he is putting the fire?


Ouyang Ning, who has always had a good temper, is unstoppable. He has slammed the pieces of the agreement and slammed a few feet, and he still can't calm down.

Although the legitimate industry makes money, but how can there be money in the black market? This time the loss, how long does it take to earn back? Moreover, behind the Tianshi black market, many officials of the Tianning Temple were involved. The Tianshi black market was gone, and the interest chain was gone. He wanted to continue to encour these people to give him other business conveniences, and he had to find another way.

"Dragon is not night, you better not fall into my hands for a day!"

Ouyang Ningnuo left this sentence in disgust, and then turned and left, and Sun Zelin, the other boss of the black market, just arrived. He took a carriage and saw several emergency exits of the black market all open. People all escaped. The thick smoke is constantly coming out.

He squatted and immediately rushed in, and the next man quickly pulled. "Master, all of them have been blown up and can't get in!"

Long Sun Zelin slammed the past with a slap in the face, angry, "nonsense, nothing to go!"

Pushing the next person down, he rushed to the door regardless of everything. However, the smoke that had just been poured out at the door gave him a retreat, so that a good cough would slow down the breath.

The people behind him did not dare to go forward. Chang Sun Zelin looked at the exit with scorn and had to accept the fact that the gunpowder exploded. He seems to have been hit by the sky, and he has not slowed down for a long time.

When Chu Tianyin looked for him to cooperate, he painted a wonderful blueprint for him. The first thing he promised was to use the power of the court to help him win the other half of the Tianyu black market from Ouyang Ninguo. Power, but now...

Chang Sun Zelin slowed down and angered. "How is the wine cellar fried?"

Gunpowder explosion, is it an accident, or is it artificial? If it is an accident, or if he can escape, if it is artificial, he is afraid that he will be robbed.

"Master, the news of the liquor in the cellar was suddenly spread. Half of the people in the black market knew that people had escaped and the wine cellar exploded. It was someone who deliberately smashed them!" .

The long-haired Sun Zelin's face became more and more ugly. At this time, there was a rush of horseshoes around the city. It was the arrival of the government.

The first few explosions in the black market, the movements were so big that they had a fight with the earthquake. All the villages around them felt it. It was only an hour later. The nearest official residence sent people to come over. After a while, it was estimated that Jing Zhaoyin’s People, the multi-party forces that guard the imperial capital will arrive.

When Sun Zelin was desperate, he calmed down. He immediately took the carriage. "Return to the emperor, fast!"

This matter was deliberately made by someone. I must have checked him after the court. He must hurry back and prepare himself for the future! At least the industries that can be transferred, all the sales are transferred.

Hoarding gunpowder, endangering the things of the emperor, the court wants to check him, that is, there is no need to pay attention to the evidence! He must first seal all his ways, trap him in the emperor and tell him the evidence slowly!

The two big heads of the black market have gone, and the Presbyterians that they have negotiated have naturally disbanded themselves. When people are gone, they leave a mess that is still burning.

When Mu Qingwu personally brought a large banned army, Long Feiye and Han Yu left. The banned army has come, and the Emperor of Heaven and Earth must have known the situation.

However, when they first arrived at the gate of the city, they bumped into Long Tianyin with a group of people rushing out of the city.

Han Xiao laughed. "His Royal Highness, this Prince is afraid of being more anxious than the emperor?"

"Yeah." The dragon was faint in the night, and the clouds were light and windy.

Before the Qing dynasty songs repeatedly invited Han to enter the palace, it is not clear what her purpose is, but she can't escape the words "intrigue and tricks", and the Queen Mother has been staring at her, trying to provoke her and Chu Qingge, to take advantage of the fishermen. .

Now, the "gunpowder case" is out. It is estimated that Chu Qingge and the Queen Mother are not free to find her troubles for a long time, because they are busy dealing with each other!

Thinking about this, Han Yu couldn't help but sneaked into the night instead of the dragon. I saw that the culprit behind the scenes was looking down at the head, as if the coming city was full of wind and rain, and had nothing to do with him.

Never interfere in the political affairs, but every time you shoot, you can pick up the winds and waves of the temple and even the harem. This is the wrist of His Royal Highness, and the awesome place of His Royal Highness.

After Han Yu and Long Fei returned to Qin Wangfu, the ancient seven brakes were waiting at the gate.

When they saw the two of them getting off the carriage, the ancient seven brakes got up and questioned, "Dragon is not night, do you find gunpowder and don't say anything to Laozi?"

Will Long Fei answer him? Obviously not! Except for the woman who is holding on to this, who is it nonsense?

He didn't look at the ancient seven brakes, and took Han Han's path to go inside. The ancient seven brakes immediately followed, but they just got in and were guarded.

"Han Han, good is also a partner, this is your way of hospitality?" asked the ancient seven brakes loudly.

"Is there something?" Han Han said.

"I want to stay in the emperor, and personally follow the matter of the drug ghost valley." Gu Qilu replied.

"And then?" Han Yu asked with patience.

The ancient seven brakes haha ​​laughed, "I.

Thinking about going, it is more convenient to live in the palace. ”

Han Yuzheng is going to speak, whoever has to agree with the night, he chills and orders, "Chu Xifeng, arrange rooms!"

Don't say Han Han, that is, the ancient seven brakes are very unexpected, but since the dragon is not afraid to let him in, he dares to live in a big way!

In this way, the ancient seven brakes lived in an independent small courtyard in the Qin Wangfu. If Gu Beiyue was not injured in the first time, he would be the first guest to stay in the Qin Dynasty.

Going back to the Furong Court, Han Yu opened his mouth. "His Royal Highness, really want to stay with him?"

"Let you run out of the day." Long said nothing in the night.

If the ancient seven brakes live in other places, I will go to the Hanyu to discuss the matter in the drug ghost valley for three days. She really has to run out of the day.

"His Royal Highness has it." Han Hao did not think much.

Sure enough, on the afternoon of the same day, the ancient seven-brothers were looking for Han Hao in the design of the drug ghost hall warehouse. Han Han asked him to talk in the garden, and the dragon was not accompanied by the night.

Not to mention, the ancient seven brakes are still very hard, picking out a few details on the design of the warehouse. After all, he is the most understandable medicine, Han Han listened to him unconditionally.

In a few days, the news of various versions of the gunpowder explosion was spread in the Imperial Capital. Some news was released from the night.

The Emperor of Heavenly Emblem violently ordered the source of the gunpowder to be strictly inspected, and the long-term Sun Zelin and Ouyang Ningnuo, as well as several large businessmen involved in the black market, were all identified as suspects and blocked all their industries in Tianning. To be investigated.

Although Chang Sun Zelin and Ou Yan Ning Nuo are the bosses of the black market, Chang Sun Zelin can't be compared with Ou Ying Ning, the president of the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce.

Ouyang Ningnuo was sealed in Tianning's industry. He still has many industries in Beili, Xizhou and even Yaocheng Medical City, and he will not go bankrupt. Moreover, as for his identity, Emperor Tianhui does not dare to be too Very arrogant.

However, Chang Sun Zelin was miserable. The industry of Chang Sun Zelin was basically in Tianning, and the Emperor of Heaven and Earth was eating him.

Less than five days after the gunpowder case, he finally decided to give up everything he had in Tianning. He went to Tianning’s largest bank in Tianning alone, Baofeng Qianzhuang. He said directly to the treasurer, “Please inform Qin Wang’s temple and say, The long-term grandson asked."

There are not many people who know the identity of Baofeng Qianzhuang, and the treasurer has to go quickly.

A Tianshi black market, how many taxes that should be turned over to the state treasury, and improper means to suppress the number of legitimate transactions in Tianning, how many people are in urgent need?

Can Long Feiye give a good look to Chang Sun Zelin?

At this point, he was making tea with Han Han in the backyard. He told the shopkeeper coldly, "Let him wait."

Wait a moment?

Therefore, Chang Sun Zelin waited in the Qianzhuang for a whole day, if not subject to people, he would really slam the door.

The silver tickets in his hands are all high-value. The ten silver tickets are the real money that he has saved from the black and white business over the years. It is also the only capital he has escaped from abroad.

Because the face value is too high, in order to prevent theft, if you want to take these silver tickets to trade, or to receive cash in a foreign bank, you must stamp the seal of himself and Baofeng Qianzhuang.

So, in any case, he must see His Royal Highness!

Wait, wait, finally, after the dinner time, the treasurer brought the long-term Sun Zelin to the tea room...

(End of this chapter)