Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 480: The consequences of bribing Qin Wang

When Sun Zelin saw the Royal Highness of Qin, he had waited for a whole day. During this whole day, although he was full of anxiety, nervousness and fear, he still kept his reason and thought about various interests.

He did not know that the behind-the-scenes dominance of the gunpowder case was under the command of His Royal Highness, but he was able to detect that the Royal Highness of Qin had not seen him for a long time.

Anyone who is interested in the martyrdom must be conspiring, so he has been pondering the response.

After entering the door, he still calmly swears, "In the next long Sun Zelin, see the Royal Highness of Qin, Wang Hao Niangniang."

The dragon is not high in the night, and he is in the past. "The half-master of the Tianshi black market, such a big head, claiming to be a grass-roots in front of the king, the king can not afford it!"

Long Fei night mouth corner, the sarcasm looked long, Sun Zelin was frightened, although he was psychologically prepared, but he was still afraid of the cold king.

"His Royal Highness Qin, you are the life of the next one!" Chang Sun Zelin said urgently.

The dragon is cold and laughs at night, "What are you doing today?"

Chang Sun Zelin took out a stack of silver tickets from the sleeves. "His Highness, I am here to ask you to stamp. These silvers have existed in Guizhuang for a few years. It’s just that there are good projects in the near future. I want to turn around all the time."

The long Sun Zelin said that the gunpowder case did not happen, and the rumors outside were not the same. Han Han was impressed.

"Unfortunately, the emperor has ordered to block all your property. What do you say about this king?" Long asked at night.

When the words came out, Chang Sun Zelin was anxious. "His Royal Highness Qin, others don't believe in the next, and they recognize it in the next. You can't believe it! Now I want you to preside over justice!"

He said, actually took out a half stack of silver tickets and placed them on the table. Han Hao deliberately got up and walked over and picked up the silver ticket to count the numbers one by one.

Upon seeing it, Chang Sun Zelin was overjoyed and said quickly, "Wang Xiong Niang, Qian Zhuang is His Royal Highness. All the things here are counted by His Highness. Even if it is the emperor, I can’t ask, isn’t it?"

"Yes!" Han Yu smiled very nicely.

Chang Sun Zelin was even more happy, and handed a few more, "Wang Hao Niangni, smile!"

Han Han still took it and smiled. "There are fifteen and sixty million."

Chang Sun Zelin nodded again and again, but this is half of his deposit, a lot. He also inquired before he came, it is said that the King of Qin Wang will be able to basically get the Royal Highness of Qin.

Who knows, Han Han turned back to the dragon and looked at the night, "His Royal Highness, can you bribe you with 60 million?"

When the words came out, Chang Sun Zelin was so scared that his face was stunned. "Wang Hao Niangniang, this is not what it means, but just want to..."

"Not a bribe, that is to buy it? Your Highness, when did you buy it so well?" Han Yu asked with a shocked face.

Chang Sun Zelin’s legs were almost soft, "Wang Hao Niangniang misunderstood, misunderstood, there is no other meaning underneath, just come in a hurry, did not give His Royal Highness to prepare for a ceremony, so only... please please your Highness! Naughty!"

"Since nothing else, the king will accept it." Long Fei night really received.

Chang Sun Zelin breathed a sigh of relief, and he put the remaining silver ticket in his hand. "His Royal Highness, please give it a seal."

However, the dragon did not look at it at night, faintly said, "Is this king heard that you and the drug city have private sales?"

The long-term Sun Zelin’s eyes passed a strange and strange, and he immediately denied it. “His Royal Highness, the medicine is a life-saving thing, but it can’t be private!”

He fled Tianning and wanted to continue to do black market trading.

Timber is the most profitable, and he is the fastest way to turn over. He can't sell the young masters of Yaocheng anyway!

"Well, when the king heard about it, he felt that it was not possible." Long said at night.

Chang Sun Zelin did not know why Qin Wang inquired about this matter. He also thought about it and put the money on it. "His Royal Highness, give it a seal."

"This king said that the emperor has ordered to seize all your property. You want this king to violate the imperial life?"


Chang Sun Zelin glanced at the silver ticket that was taken away by Han Wei, and looked at his own silver ticket. He used to put the money in the Qianzhuang Qianzhuang, and he wanted to take the opportunity to climb the relationship with Qin Wang. Now, he really regrets it!

Regretted to regret, he was still very calm, hesitated for a moment, whispered, "His Royal Highness Qin, also knows that there are many rumors outside the rumor, the emperor also put the following as a suspect, but the gunpowder case is indeed not under the act, in the next true It’s not that big courage! It’s another boss in the black market...”

Chang Sun Zelin wants to stop and think, thinking that the dragon will be curious at night, helpless, the dragon is not sounding at night.

Chang Sun Zelin can only continue to say, "His Royal Highness, another boss of the Tianyu Black Market is the president of the famous Yunkong Chamber of Commerce, Ouyang Ningnuo!"

Long is not sneer at night, he guessed it, Ouyang Ninguo is another master of the Tianshi black market. However, he still does not say anything.

The long-term Sun Zelin really couldn’t see the prince in front of him. He looked at Qin Wang’s eyes and saw her old gods, and did not say anything.

In desperation, he can only say with a scalp, "His Royal Highness, this gunpowder must be sent from abroad, and Ouyang Ningnuo's relationship at the border is the hardest!"

Ouyang Ningnuo took out the long-term Sun Zelin and wanted to borrow long-term nights against Chang Sun Zelin and swallow half of the black market. Now, Chang Sun Zelin, in turn, has fallen into Ouyang Ningnuo and wants to pull Ouyang Ninguo into the water.

While listening to Han Wei, he secretly expressed that there is nothing in the world that is more deceitful than businessmen.

Qin Wang?

Thinking about this, she snickered.

"His Royal Highness, Ouyang Ningnuo occupies half of the Tianshi black market, and there are also many industries in the three-way black market. It is not a problem to transport a batch of gunpowder with the ability of Ouyang Ningnuo."

"His Royal Highness, the Emperor is confused, are you not confused? This can be a good time to clamp up the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce! If His Royal Highness is willing to investigate Ouyang Ningnuo, he will definitely help each other!"


Let the long-term Sun Zelin say that the dragon is watching coldly at night, that is, no sound.

Chang Sun Zelin was still full of enthusiasm. However, in the face of the dragon and the night, the light was cold and cold, and he gradually lost his temper and gradually became guilty.

Some people, nonsense can not be convinced, some people, one eye is enough to be awesome, dragon is the night is the latter.

When Chang Sunlin consciously shut up, the dragon was cold and cold, "Long Sun Zelin, you can rest assured that as long as the gunpowder is not yours, the emperor will definitely return you innocent! As for Ouyang Ningnuo, even if the emperor does not move him The real masters of this gunpowder can't spare him!"

The dragon did not say anything in the night, but the long-term Sun Zelin was simmering.

In the absence of evidence, the Emperor of Heaven and Embassy sealed his industry at the top and restricted him to the Tianning Emperor. However, Chu Tianyin would kill people!

Losing him is savvy, how to rush to escape, but forgot the most important thing.

Finally, Chang Sun Zelin realized that his life was worrying and anxious!

"His Royal Highness!" he was amazed.

"Come, send customers!" Long is not cold at night.

Chang Sun Zelin did not hesitate. "His Royal Highness, as long as His Highness can save his life, he will be safely sent to the North Calendar. He is willing to provide detailed evidence for the drug market in the past three years."

"But, this Wang Hao is very curious about the arrival of this batch of gunpowder! How much do you know?" Han Yu opened his mouth with interest.

"Since Qin Wang is curious, in addition to Ouyang Ninguo, how much do you know how much?" Long said at night.

Chang Sun Zelin realized that the most difficult thing is not Qin Wang, but Qin Wanghao!

This is definitely a woman who is insatiable!

This is the end of the matter, except that he does not recognize the gunpowder, he can also hide Chutian.

"Wang Wang Yu Niangniang, according to the next understanding, this batch of gunpowder comes from the Western Zhou Dynasty military, Chu family. It is the Chu family secret Chu Tianyin smuggled through the wine jar, there will be a batch next year, it seems that it is not sent in now "Long Sun Zelin replied.

"Chu Tianyin? How many people in the Chu family are lurking in the Imperial Capital?" Han Yu asked.

"According to the number of people under the understanding, but what are the specifics, it is not known at the next." Chang Sun Zelin answered truthfully.

Han Yu couldn't help but think of Su Xiaoyu's colorful signal bombs. It seems that the Chu family had already ambushed in Tianning.

"His Royal Highness, Princess Wang, I have seen Chu Tianyin once in the next month. It is estimated that he should be in Tianning, and he might lurk in the Imperial Capital!"

Chang Sun Zelin did not dare to speak. You must know that Chu Tianyin was estimated to find him everywhere.

This is just to get the evidence that the drug city colluded with the black market. I accidentally got the news of the Chu family. The dragons and the nights and the Han Han accidents were also vigilant.

"Give the evidence, the king will arrange you tonight." Long Fei night finally opened the mouth.

Chang Sun Zelin was overjoyed and quickly went back to take evidence. Such an important thing, he naturally would not be placed in the black market.

This evidence is a thick account book, detailing who the three major families in the drug city, when, what was sent to the black market, how much money Changs Zelin sold, and how much money for those people. One stroke, very detailed, and has a seal.

Han Hao looked at a few eyes and was really happy. With this evidence, I am afraid that people in Yaocheng will not compromise?

After the evidence arrived, Long Feiye finally stamped the silver ticket of Chang Sun Zelin and arranged for the guard to send Sun Zelin to leave.

As for the silver that Chang Sun Zelin’s filial piety came up, Long Fei said it, and when the black market donated it to Han Jiayi’s medical clinic.

"His Royal Highness, let's go to the drug city tomorrow, how?" Han said.

"What to do?" Long asked at night.

"Negotiation! Let them provide the source of goods, the low-end medicines in the fine medicines must be provided forever!" Han Yu said seriously.

Long Fei night licked her bangs and smiled. "To negotiate, they are also coming to the emperor to talk, the car is exhausted, what do you do?"

How do you like this clumsy head to run out of the day? There are chips in hand, as long as the drug city three people go to a letter, afraid that they are not in a hurry?

In this way, Long Fei went home with Han Han, and of course, before returning home, he sent a message to Long Tianmo, saying that Chu Tianyin might be in the Imperial Capital.

Let Long Tianmo and Chu Tianyin slowly fight, let the people of Yaocheng come from afar!

He had to take the time to dispose of the person living in the house, dragging it for so long, the mask was revealed...


Weakly announced a personal Sina Weibo, username: I am a mustard.

(End of this chapter)