Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 486: Shantou, let’s talk about it.

The end of this alley is actually a very lively fireworks alley!

What is the fireworks alley, it is the place where the brothels gather.

The scorpion that had been gloomy for a long time in the ancient seven moments finally showed a smile, and the dawn was like the starlight in the sky.

He has a pair of eyes that laugh, but unfortunately, Han Han has not found it yet.

He said, "Shantou, we are saved!"

The voice fell, suddenly, a sharp arrow like a broken bamboo, the power is completely different before any arrow, straight into his back.


The ancient seven brakes snorted and spewed a large mouthful of blood. The blood quickly slid down his black hood and dripped on Han Han’s face.

"Ancient seven brakes..." Han Yu exclaimed, and the heartbeat almost stopped.

"Poisonous girl, not afraid."

His voice is gentle, no longer yin and yang, no horrible horror, a little smile in the gentle, a little bit of laughter in the smile.

So familiar!

Han Yu lived, and he forgot the danger around him. The whole person was in his arms.

The sharp arrow behind it broke through the wind again. The ancient seven brakes did not hesitate to bring Han Han to fly out of the alley, so suddenly appeared, and alerted many passers-by in the alley.

"Killing! Killing!"

The ancient seven brakes fled and shouted. Although it was already far from the center of the Imperial City, it was out of the city. However, as long as it caused **, it would definitely attract officers and men.

Sure enough, the archers who came out of the alley did not catch up, but the black master still chased them.

He stepped on the roof along the alley, chasing all the way, all the way to the arrow, only to the powerful arrow that he shot, his arrow is not aimed at Han Han, but aimed at the ancient seven brakes!

The ancient seven-brake did not escape, but unexpectedly broke into a big blue building, this body with blood black robe suddenly broke into, immediately attracted a burst of turmoil, the people in the green building were all chaotic, fleeing, crowded.

Although the black killer chased in time, he could not find the ancient seven brakes and Han Yu in the crowd.

What about people?

On the first floor, people crowded, everyone went out, and the prostitutes and hackers on the third floor of the second floor also rushed down the stairs. However, there were also many people who still had their rooms closed.

The master of black clothes volleyed and fell on the railing on the second floor. This move shocked a group of people, and the whole brothel was upset.

The black master glanced at the crowd with a cold eye, still did not see the figure of the ancient seven brakes and Han Yu.

He was not in a hurry, his eyes were steady and hot. He swept the stairs and railings one by one, and soon found blood on a railing!

There are so many sharp arrows in the ancient seven brakes, and the blood will not be less!

In the middle of the battle, he took a smack of coldness. He followed the blood to the third floor and soon came to the door of a room. However, when he slammed in, he found nothing in the house.

What about people?

He immediately opened the doors of several rooms around him, and his actions were so violent. He was wary of Han Yu’s poisoning. Unfortunately, more than ten rooms were opened, either empty or raining on the couch. Just happy. If you are not happy, how can you not know about such a big movement in the building?

Can't you escape the brothel?

The black man was about to leave, but he saw the door of the room at the end of the corridor closed.

He didn't give up, carefully walked over and prepared for the arrow.

Open the door.

"Who!" the man on the bed screamed.

The black master came out from the screen and saw a beautiful man on the bed was half-body and bullied on a woman. The woman was frightened and curled up in his arms and shivered without showing her face.

The black master seems to recognize the man. He was slightly shocked but quickly returned to his heart. The fierce eyes swept over the men and women who were entangled on the bed. Although both of them were naked, they were covered and could not see all.

I saw that the man's legs are refined and slender, full of strength, and the woman's legs are well-proportioned, and it is infinitely imaginative. Of course, most of the body is covered by silk. The man has a half-shoulder arm, one hand on the couch, the woman's head is scattered, and the **** collarbone is looming.

Such a lively and fragrant scene, in the black master's fierce examination, became a tense atmosphere.

However, soon the beautiful man dangerously picked up the narrow and sleazy scorpion, cold and cold, "Are you looking for death?"

The master of black clothes is complicated and looks at the inside of the house. It is cold and cold. "Sorry, offended!"

He slowly quit, but as soon as he heard the voice of the officers and men coming downstairs, he quickly quit and fled.

At this time, the two people on the couch were relieved, so dangerous!

At their feet, a pile of **** clothes and a medical kit were hidden inside the bed. The most conspicuous one was the black robe that was soaked with blood. Some medicine bottles were scattered next to the medical kit.

The man also held up his other hand and trapped the woman between the two arms. He squinted at the narrow, sinister eyes, squinting his tongue, staring at the woman under his arms with interest.

The expression, like a wolf trapped the sheep, is always ready to take it into the belly.

I have to say that although this wolf looks slim, but the body is definitely a good one, the exposed chest muscles are well-defined and tempting.

However, this woman has no interest at all. She is frowning and her eyes are red and red. She stares at the man's face and looks like she is crying.

"Poisonous girl, don't thank me, I am moved to see you?" The man smiled.

The woman almost slammed her fist, but fortunately, she received it in time, and she was angry. "Gu Qi Shao, you give me a quick trip!"

"Oh, my brother, I really don't want to!" Gu Qixiao sighed.

"You are looking for death! Hurry up, I will help you deal with the wound!" Han Hao screamed.

She never imagined that the ancient seven brakes were Gu Qishao. I heard Gu Qishao’s voice in the Hutong mouth. She still didn’t believe it, thinking she had got it wrong!

However, here, in order to avoid the pursuit of black masters, they hid in the room, dealing with the blood at the fastest speed, the ancient seven brakes, the black robe black mask and the skinny fake hands were all taken off, she was sure The ancient seven brakes are really Gu Shao.

The situation was urgent, she could not care about the shock, and he made a hemostasis treatment for his wounds. The two men took off their clothes and made a play before they passed the black master.

Now, she can't wait to hang this guy and torture it. Why do you lie to her with two identities? She treats him as a friend, he is so bullying! Where is your heart!

Of course, she couldn't take care of her for the time being, and she couldn't take care of her question. She had to deal with the wounds for her.

The arrow injury behind him was terrible. She just used emergency hemostatic drugs to stop bleeding, and the effect will soon be lost.

"You are coming down!" Han Han is simply the tone of the order.

However, Gu Qixiao did not move, watching her laugh.

If Han Yu takes it seriously, he will surely find that Gu Shao’s smile at this moment is particularly happy, but her attention is all on his arrow.

"You can't get down!" Han Yu threatened coldly, and she was so anxious that she didn't mind his teasing, and she forgot her untidy clothes.

"Poisonous girl, let me hold for a while, okay?" Gu Qishao asked seriously.

Han Hao was angry and was about to push away. Who knows that Gu Qishou actually hugged her, holding it tightly, burying her head in her warm and warm shoulders, leaning softly on her ear, "Poisonous girl, seven brothers I really like you……"

When I got here, Han Hao was stunned and was about to speak. Who knows that Gu Qixiao said with emotion, "I want to die in your arms!"

Originally Han Han did not know how to face his seriousness that he had never had before. However, after hearing his words, she really couldn’t help but roll her eyes. "Gu Qi Shao, no joke, you will die? I thought you were afraid of taking you seriously if you were seriously injured!"

She said, decisively pushed open and pushed Gu Shaoshao. However, Gu Qi Shao did not have much strength. When he retired, he fell to the side and fell on the couch.

He was naked and his pants were still wearing, but his pants were very high, and Han Han was also the same. The silk was pulled apart, and the two were not really naked.

Gu Qishao turned over and squatted on the couch. Han Hao looked at his back and his heart suddenly burst into pain, and his breath was uncomfortable.

When he just stopped bleeding for him, he didn’t take it seriously. He rushed to take the medicine. Now he carefully looked at it. He saw that his entire back was full of arrows. Every wound had a big thumb and deep. Shallow, already have begun to bleed, there is no end to describe, no excuses!

In the face of such a situation, her most instinctive reaction as a doctor is to quickly treat the wound and stop bleeding. However, at this moment, she clenched her lips and tried to keep herself from crying.

Seeing that Han Hao was late, the ancient seven brakes looked back and saw her eyes flushed and wanted to cry silently. His laughing eyes suddenly softened. "Poisonous girl, rest assured, I can't die." ”

Han Hao returned to God and gave him a sinful look. "Kneeling, don't talk!"

She hurriedly took out five large protective medicinal herbs for Gu Qishao. When she was in first aid, she only gave a small one. God knows that she is calm under the appearance, hiding a panic heart!

Gu Qixiao smiled, "Poisonous girl, will this be too much?"

"Less can!"

Han Hao personally fed Gu Shaoshao to eat, ordered him to squat and refuse to speak, in her opinion, this guy can still laugh and haha ​​is purely capable, loaded!

Suffering from such a heavy injury, so much blood, how can you still have a joke?

Gu Qi squatted down and sneaked at her side. Although she did not speak, she smiled slightly and was very happy.

Han Wei prepared a bunch of drugs, as well as gauze cotton swabs, everything was done and professional, but when she sat cross-legged beside him, ready to handle the hands, but still can not help.

She pouted, don't look over and look aside... she, so sad and sore...

To the reader's words, Sina's meager account number is "I am a mustard" and can't be found as "wasabi".

(End of this chapter)