Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 490: You try again, she tries

The door was suddenly opened, and Han Han and Gu Qi had not slowed down. The dragon came out of the screen after the night.

He only saw the atmosphere of a room, the clothes were messy, and the life was fragrant;

He only saw Han Han’s long skirts, and the calfs were full of legs, the tops were wrapped around the chest, the shoulders and arms were bare, the hair was scattered, and he was free to pull behind;

He only saw the legs of the seven slender slenders naked, wrapped in the upper body of the silk quilt, and the hand was on the shoulder of Han Han!

The dragon stayed up at night, and he did not move, his face was expressionless. He glanced up and down the two of them and looked at Han Han’s eyes coldly. He had not responded for a long time.

Han Hao and Gu Qishao were also very surprised. The original thought was that the officers and men who broke into the army would not have thought that it would be a dragon and a night!

Is this guy out of town with Duanmu Yao?

When did this guy come back, how did you find it accurately?

Han Hao had only an accident at the moment. After all, she had already thought that Long Fei was with Duanmu Yao, and they had to wait at least two or three days to come back.

One room is silent, three people are silent, time seems to stop at this moment, everything seems to be silent, however, the dragon is not silent than everything else, and the silence is terrible!

Suddenly, a footstep outside broke the tension of this atmosphere, someone came over!

Long Fei turned away with no expression on his face, but he went to the door but was cold and slammed into the door. He screamed loudly and the whole room trembled.

Han Yu and Gu Qi Shao were shocked. This was only a return to God. He only heard the sounds of Long Tianmo and Mu Qingwu from outside.

"Qin Huangshu, how is it inside?"

"His Royal Highness, is there anyone inside?"

"No." Long did not consider the night, cold and cold answer.

Long Tianmo and Mu Qingwu did not delay, and went to the other side. The dragon stood at the door of the night, and the whole person suddenly dimmed. The deep scorpion was black and disappeared, and it looked like a bottomless pit.

He is so mindful of that kind of thing, so she took off his shoes and socks, he was very angry; he loved her body so much, so it is not easy to touch her.

However, now she is almost in the same place as another man who is naked!

What did they do, how long did they stay like this?

The hands of the dragon and the night gradually clenched into fists, and the blue veins on the back floated together. The anger of Haotian intensified the tumbling of the internal organs, so the tall and proud body actually gave people a sense of crumbling!

However, he did not wait long. When the gallery was not in the crowd, he slammed his fist on the door. "Han Wei, you still can't come out!"

In the house, Han Han just dressed, and her hands were trembled. Even though she reminded her that the arrow on her shoulder had not been pulled out, she did not look at the wound.

Really damn!

In order to avoid the master of black clothes, she and Gu Qixiao did a play, which is understandable, but when she gave Gu Qi less medicine, how did she forget to put on her clothes? How did you forget?

Although she is from modern times, it is only normal for her to show her shoulders, but she knows better than anyone else where the bottom line of the dragon is not!

After wearing clothes and shoes, she even forgot the medical kit that she had been carrying with her, and hurriedly went out, but Gu Qixiao took her and pulled it. "Poisonous girl, you have a wound on your shoulder! Arrows are still Didn't pull it out!"

"Can't die!"

Han Hao opened his hand and was about to go out. Who knows that the dragon is coming in the night but comes in.

Seeing the two pull, he is simply pouring oil on the fire, and the long sword points to Gu Qihao, "Let her go!"

"Dragon is not the night, you try again! I will not let go!

"Gu Qi Shao is tough, he will not be used to seeing the dragon and the night is so fierce to the poisonous hoe, seeing that the dragon is not swindling her at night! Seeing that the dragon is not the night!

Perhaps, many people will think that he knows that Han Han is a woman and still insists.

But in fact, he clearly knows that Han Han likes this man, so he doesn't insist.

He really wants to force it is not like this!

As long as the woman said that she did not like the dragon and the night, he immediately took her away, wealth, status, and reputation. Long non-night can give her, he can afford it!

Even if he has no ambition, he only wants to avenge the medical school, but if Han Hao wants this world, he can fight for her!

The hardship of Gu Qishao is undoubtedly more irritating to the anger of the dragon.

Long non-night nonsense, with a sword stabbed, Gu Qi Shao immediately pushed Han Hao to the side, pulled the long sword to fight, but, he a big sword movement, the wound behind it cracked, the blood quickly penetrated White gauze.

Where did Han Yu know that Long Fei was injured in the night, she only knew that Gu Qishao’s injury could not be pulled any more.

"Dragon is not night, can you listen to our explanation!" she asked urgently.


The dragon is not crazy at night, where is the reason? In the face of this kind of thing, how many men in the world can be rational? The sensible must not really like it!

The dragon was not a long sword at night, and he swept across the lower body of Gu Qishao. Gu Qi was vacant and leaped to avoid, and the blood behind it suddenly stained a large piece of white gauze.

Han Hao was in a hurry, seeing the dragon's long sword and waving it. She went straight to the body and she was crazy. "Dragon is not night, you kill him and kill me first!"

When the words came out, the dragon froze at night.

The **** gas continually tumbling up, but he was still under pressure from his hard life. His eyebrows were tightly locked and stared at Han Yu.

Han Han’s eyes are dodging. What is she really saying? She just wants both men to calm down.

"Dragon is not night, we only..."

She is about to explain that the dragon's mouth is suddenly snarling, "Han Han, the king overestimated you."

Han Hao’s heart was tight and she wanted to explain it. However, when she saw the irony of his mouth, her nose was sour and suddenly she was silent.

Dragon is not night, what do you mean by this sentence?

Dragon is not night, what do you mean by being so disdainful?

Dragon is not night, do you know that when you whisper with Duanmu Yao, when you don’t explain it with Duanmu Yao, how uncomfortable I am, you know that Duanmu Yao likes you!

Dragon is not night, why do you always be when I need you?

Dragon is not night, do you know that Gu seven less fight to save me?

Why don't you ask us how we escaped the archers?

Dragon is not night, why is there so much in your world that you can’t tell, but in your world, you have to interfere?

Seeing Han Yu’s desperate look, Gu Qishao was so upset that he couldn’t speak. He broke out and hugged Han’s waist from behind. “Poisonous girl, I will take you away!”

"Idiot people say dreams!" The dragon is not cold at night, the blade bypasses Han Han, and the thorns of Gu seven little eyebrows, who knows, Han Hao suddenly raised his hand to stop, the dragon is not a night brake, the blade wipes her hand, splashes A blood, the skin is open!

The dragon was shocked at night, and immediately took the sword.

After pulling Han Han behind him, roaring, "Dragon is not night, do you know that there are still arrows on her shoulders!"

The dragon was not crazy at night. He just saw it but didn't realize that it was an arrow injury. He looked at Han Han's shoulder and couldn't see the wound. He saw the clothes stained with blood.

The glaring red made him calm down a lot. He went to see Han Han’s hand, but Han Hao went behind Gu Qixiao and didn’t open his eyes and didn’t look at him.

This woman’s gaze is always chasing him, even if the body hides from him, his eyes will not leave, why have he escaped?

The dragon is full of night blood and blood, and there is a kind of sorrow and grief that can't be said.

Silence for a moment, he faintly said, "Come here."

However, Han Han is really heartbroken. She can't accept the sarcasm of his mouth. She is silent and looks away.

Gu Qi was less contemptuous and was about to take Han Han. However, at this time, Chu Xifeng brought in a few dark guards and came in. After seeing this scene, Chu Xi was popular.

He glanced at the messy clothes on the ground and almost misunderstood, but when he looked seriously, he found that the women's clothes were not the goddess of the king, like the brothel, and the red robes should be Gu Shao.

He had long known that His Royal Highness had already seen through the ancient seven brakes, but he had always wanted to expose it, but he did not expect that Gu Qishao suddenly showed his face.

Well, he doesn't know what happened, but find Wang Hao's maiden, and Wang Hao's maiden is safe.

When I heard the movement, Long Tianmo and Mu Qingwu and others soon came over. When I saw Han Hao, I was safe and sound, but I was slightly hurt. Everyone was relieved.

"Wang Hao Niangniang, finally found you, nothing?" Mu Qingwu's concern is difficult to hide.

"The hands and shoulders are hurt, Qin Huangshu quickly passed the doctor." Long Tianmo also hurried.

These two people are the main force of this search for the archers. They should have been eager to ask about the whereabouts of the black masters and archers. They are helpless. Their attention is all on Han Han.

On the contrary, two young masters of Dali Temple were busy asking, "Wang Hao Niangni, how did you escape the assassin!"

"When did the gang of archers escape? Where did you escape?"

"Wang Hao Niangniang, do you recognize who the black master is?"

Han Wei completely ignores this group of people, looking out the window, not making a sound, Gu Qixiao is even more disdainful, only when these people are all meals, waste!

And the dragon is cold and cold, watching Han Han, his face is really not good.

Chu Xifeng only noticed the difference, thinking that the three people estimated what was going on, otherwise, the spirit of His Royal Highness, then eager to find someone, looking for it, not to protect him in the arms to bring back to the palace.

Everyone looked at it and waited, but the parties were silent. The clothes in this place were in a mess, and the upper body of Gu Qishao was really not good.

Chu Xifeng wants to break the silence, but the dragon is not cold at night, "Chu Xifeng, first bring Wang Hao back to the government."

The wind in the west has not yet moved, and Han Han has gone away from the outside. Gu Qi is less anxious. Is this stupid girl really going to return? He quickly kept up.

With so many people present, it’s not good to be noisy again. Once it’s noisy, Han Han’s woman is estimated to be rumored by various rumors.

Chu Xifeng knows that His Royal Highness King will never let anyone who participated in this assassination easily, but he remembers the internal injuries of His Royal Highness.

"His Royal Highness, it is important to heal."

After he whispered, he hurriedly chased Wang Niangniang, but after chasing the door, Wang Hao’s maiden did not return to Qin’s palace.

She said, "Go back to Korea!"

(End of this chapter)