Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 500: Antidote, believe me or him

See the Wang Yan Niangniang single shadow only came out, and Bai Lixiang quickly ran to pick up, "Wang Hao Niangniang, get on the bus, His Royal Highness is waiting!"

"Where?" Han Yu asked faintly.

"Go back to the temple with your imperial family! Wang Hao, mother, you said that as long as you come down, you will return to the government. Get on the bus, and your Highness will wait."

Although Baili Muxiang was smiling and persuading, but her heart was uncomfortable, she never thought that Her Royal Highness would come out first and go to the carriage.

Did the two men happen again in the palace, why did Wang Hao’s maiden lose like this?

Han Hao did not speak, seriously looked at the Baili Musk, Baili Musk was still squatting at first, but quickly could not resist, avoiding her examination.

"Go tell... he doesn't have to wait for me."

When I said that I was about to leave, Baili Musk quickly pulled it. "Get on the bus, your temper in the temple, you don't know, you must let one step first, and your Highness will make you ten steps."

Han Yu insisted on going, how did Bai Lixiang not let go, bitterly persuaded, "Wang Hao Niangniang, His Royal Highness has no you, have you left early? He is still waiting in the car, you think about it!"

Han Wei looked at Baili Musk, and his eyes suddenly turned red. Only then was the grievance in the royal study room. "Muxiang, my legs hurt."

"Leg? What happened to the girl's leg?"

The scent of the scorpion was anxious, and it was going to be checked. Who knows that the car suddenly heard the impatient urge of His Royal Highness, "Han Wei, are you still not going?"

This tone is so fierce.

He has never been so fierce to know him so far!

From the time he accompanied her to the Empress Dowager, he often urged her.

He was anxious and impatient again, but every time he stopped at the place where she was three or five steps away, turned to look at her and asked coldly, "Han Wei, are you still not going?"

She never left her and never angered, but this time, he threw her on the road, he was so fierce.

Han Han strode to the window and asked coldly. "His Royal Highness waits, I have a question to ask my Highness, and I will leave when I ask."

In fact, all the way from the Han family to the palace gate, she was very depressed, especially want to ask Duan Muyao, want to explain Gu Qi Shao's things, want to have a big fight with the dragon non-night.

However, after the royal study was ruthlessly forgotten, she suddenly became powerless, and suddenly she did not want to say anything.

If you are liked by one person and need to work very hard and strive to get it, what is the significance of this being liked?

Today, she just wants to ask the question and then leave.

"Say." He said coldly.

"Is it really only eight points full of antidote given by Gu Qixiao?" Han Yu asked very seriously.

When the words came out, the car was silent.

"He said that the antidote he gave was indeed full of bottles." Han Yu added.

However, the car is still silent.

Han Wei waited patiently, not reminding.

I don't know how long it took, the dragon didn't open the night, "So you believe him?"

Han Hao avoided answering, "I just asked my highness."

"Do you believe him, doubt the king?" Long asked again.

Han Hao only heard his cold voice, but he did not know that he had lost his mind in the car for a long time.

She did not know, this man from the determination to leave the incident, to the dumb mother to hang himself, how much hatred has been forbeared, how much thoughts have been spent, how many plans have been messed up, how many sleepless nights have passed.

Since entering the palace, he deliberately ignored her, but he wanted to

She spoke and rushed her to the front to quarrel with him.

But who knows, this woman does not speak, but an opening has asked such a question!

It is Gu Qixiao! It is Gu Qixiao!

It turned out that the unconditional trust in the drug ghost valley, but because the other party is the ancient seven brakes she hates.

Nowadays, she changed to Gu Qixiao, and she immediately questioned it.

This time, Han Han was silent.

"Han Han, answer the question of the king!" Long non-night anger channel.

"Gu Qi Shao took me to find a dumb mother-in-law, so if he is an ancient seven-brake, he will never hide it." Han Yu answered it objectively.

She is not an idiot. At the beginning, she did have a prejudice against the ancient seven brakes. I believe that it is the ancient seven-brake pit, and facing Gu Qishao, she is not partial, just thinking about this problem.

Although she did not say anything, but everyone can understand the meaning of the words, who hid the antidote to drugs, the mother-in-law is in the hands! Hiding a dumb mother-in-law is undoubtedly hiding the mystery of her life.

"Do you think the mother-in-law is in the hands of the king?"

I don't know what the expression of the dragon in the carriage is, and he asked the door openly.

"Gu Qi Shao will not be private? Then what does he do with invalid powder? Why are those invalid powders so smart that the porcelain bottle can be blackened?" Long said at night.

Gu Qixiao is not only a drug ghost, but also the black man who is arrogant in the geek. Doing this is to make Han Yu suspicious, and he will never give up!

He has never had to lie to a woman who has never been tonight, but since he has said this to the woman, he will never recognize it!

Do not recognize death!

In the face of the question of the dragon and the night, and thinking of what Gu Qixiao said that night, Han Yu was speechless.

She is so messy!

In the end, she faintly said, "Your Highness when I didn't ask." After she finished, she couldn't turn and walked away.

The dragon came out of the night but got out of the car, angry, "Han Han, you stand!"

Han Han really stood still. "What else is your command?"

"You haven't answered the question of the king yet! Do you think the mother-in-law is in the hands of the king?" The dragon's black eyes are full of stubbornness.

However, Han Wei is silent.

Long Fei Nightingale grabbed her hand and "answer me!"

However, Han Han is finally bowed. The man’s scornful smile in the brothel hurt her heart. She is no longer the silly woman who would look at him before.

Before and after the right and wrong, she did not believe Gu Shao, nor believed him, no one believed it!

Finally, the dragon loosened his hand at night, and ordered it coldly. "Come, send her back to the Korean family!"

Han Hao’s heart was a little bit, but there was a self-deprecating smile on her lips. She guessed it right, Baili Muxiang had been cheating on her.

Go back and go back!

Dragon is not night, I will never come back when I go back!

The scent of thyme was frightened. I dare not persuade the royal king of Qin, but I can only chase the prince of the king, but unfortunately, when she chased it, the driver passed, and the dragon and the night had disappeared.

Looking at the empty space behind, Baili Muxiang suddenly did not know how to persuade, at this moment, any words are pale and powerless.

His Royal Highness Princess Qin, really gone.

Han Hao did not take the carriage, and endured the leg pain all the way back to the Han family. Baili Muxiang followed all the way and lived in the Han family.

When Long Fei night returned to Qin Wangfu, he immediately ordered Chu Xifeng to do something.

"All the projects in the drug ghost hall stopped!" He was cold.


Chu Xifeng clearly felt that Qin Wang’s anger was raging, but he still asked awkwardly, “Ningnan County’s side is also...”

"All stopped!" The dragon was not angry at night.

Chu Xifeng can only follow suit. Before His Royal Highness, he was allowed to secretly build a large pharmacy in Ningnan County, which is twice as large as that of the Imperial Capital, and the drawings are designed by His Royal Highness and King of Medicine.

It seems that this time is not so easy to be awkward...

Chu Xifeng can only do it silently. He just left, and Tang left.

Tang was in a secluded sorrow and became sick. As soon as he got the commandment, it was like a bird that was out of the cage. He was very happy. "Brother, when you get the wounded, our brothers join hands and kill the surname Gu! I will I don't believe that he is so big!"

"For me to go to Tianshan." Long non-night said lightly.

Tang’s face changed a lot, “What?”

He fled the marriage and let Tangmen offend the forces on the side of the bride. His father stabilized the woman while letting Ru Yun bring a group of people out to find someone. And he hid in the most dangerous and safe secluded pavilion, and released a fake track every month, which led the group of elderly people to turn around.

This month, Ru Yun estimated that they would go to Tianshan.

He went to Tianshan at this time, no doubt looking for death!

"Let me see my master."

The long, sorrowful tone of the dragon and the night made Tang Yi a little heavy. He sighed softly. "Okay, I will go!"

Later, the dragon met the general of Baili in the night, and the two talked in closed doors. As for what they had talked about, they were not known.

When General Baili returned to the Baili Military Office, he called several soldiers and sneaked into the lake of the Han family.

The dragon returned to the palace to continue healing, and the closed door was a full ten days and ten nights.

In these ten days, the emperor was in chaos, and finally the whole Tianning was chaotic!

Three days later, General Mu Da found in the armory that the gunpowder explosion point was inside the armory, not outside the wall.

After the Tianhui Emperor learned about the incident, the Thunder was furious. When the DPRK questioned whether the Mu family had possessed gunpowder, General Mu Da denied it. He said that the explosion could not constitute evidence. In fact, the truth is that the people under his possession possessed gunpowder. Some people still framed it and still have to investigate.

In the absence of evidence, the Emperor of Heavenly Emblem could not fix the sins of Mujia, but he reduced the military power of General Mu in the face of civil and military officials, and handed over the first artillery guarding the imperial capital to the Ministry of Military Affairs. The tube of gunpowder was also handed over to the Ministry of War.

At the same time, because the banned army has not yet found out the whereabouts of the archers, the Emperor of Heaven and Emblem has removed the post of General Mu Qingwu, and was replaced by the deputy general of the banned army.

I have to say that this time Mu family planted a great great turn!

The banned army, the first artillery can be all soldiers, are directly related to the emperor's heavy security, so no way, can not feel bad?

Mu’s father’s heart is bleeding, and the heart is like a knife.

At one time, the Prince couldn’t hold his breath and went straight to the Mu family to question Mu Qingwu. "What happened to the banned army commander? Say!"

Mu Qingwu looked angry and did not say anything. Long Tianmo glared at General Mu Dajun. "General, you said!"

General Mu Da’s expression was dignified and silent.

"You don't say, how can this Prince help you? The father is only the first step! Do you know that Chu Guifei has been favored? The pillow wind blows down, and you can only recognize the crime of possessing gunpowder!" Long Tianmo is furious.

Finally, Mu Qingwu could not help himself. "Father, His Royal Highness Prince has the right to know!"

(End of this chapter)