Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 501: His Royal Highness Qin Wang is the first

Mu Qingwu said this, and it is undoubtedly clear that the father and the son are aware of the tricks.

Although it is still unclear what the truth is, Long Tianmo is undoubtedly more angry. He slammed his fist on the table. "You! Good! Very good!"

He and Mu Qingwu did so much. At the beginning, they also won the trust of the father. However, after the father suddenly summoned Mu and his father to ask about the ban, the situation began to change.

If it is not the ban on the military, the father will doubt that things will not develop to this point.

If it was before, relying on the father's trust in Mu's family, it would not be because the gunpowder exploded in the armory wall, so the military power was cut off so quickly.

At least the father will weigh, and hesitate, and the father will weigh the time he hesitates, and they can fight for it.

Now it’s good, Manchu Wenwu is watching the East Palace joke!

Who does not know that the emperor is suppressing the Mu family, is he questioning the East Palace?

Seeing that General Mu did not speak, Long Tianmo’s face was stunned, and he was going to walk. General Mu Da suddenly opened his mouth. “His Royal Highness will be angered, and there will be difficulties in this matter.”

"You said it!" Long Tianmo strongly suppressed his temper.

However, after General Mu, he spoke a name, Long Tianmo smashed the most expensive Jinsi Nanmu tea table in the general.

This name is undoubtedly... Mu Haoyue!

Even in the face of Mu Xiyue's father and brother, Long Tianmo could not help but pull the sword on the spot. "This Prince has killed her!"

Mu Qingwu stopped quickly. In fact, he knew what was going on when he learned that the ban of the banned army, so he would not hesitate to shut down the people. As for the two captains in the Tianzhu, they just obeyed and knew nothing, so they couldn’t judge anything.

"Let's let go!" Long Tianmo sank.

General Mu Da came to him and said, "His Royal Highness! The counter-female is doing this ridiculous thing, and the end will face you."

Long Tian Mo is cold and cold, "Hey, now, do you have a face with your father and son?"

Mu Qingwu deeply sighed and fell down. "His Royal Highness, the sister-in-law sins to die, but the sister is a prince!"

As soon as I heard this, Long Tianmo calmed down.

Prince Si... How did he forget that Mu Haoyue had such a title.

Prince Edward... his woman, the female host of the East Palace!

Mu Haoyue is guilty of such an identity, and he is destined to squat down. Otherwise, not only the Mu family will suffer, but even the East Palace will suffer!

The suspicion of the father is so heavy, and then taking Mu Haoyue out is undoubtedly a chance to suppress his father.

"His Royal Highness, I don't know the general situation for the time being. If things are over, I will teach her well at the end."

"His Royal Highness, for the sake of the present, I will quickly find out the gang of archers, otherwise the emperor will certainly pursue it."

Both Mu and his sons are persuaded by the bitterness. Mu Qingwu is dedicated to protecting the overall situation. General Mu Da also did bring some selfishness and could not bear the daughter.

Long Tianmo fell to the side, and a heart was particularly uncomfortable. The last thing he regretted in his life was the most regrettable thing.

Of course, when he first sweared Mu Muyue, he was directed at the Mu family. Now, it is time for the Mu family to play a real role.

After a long silence, Long Tianyin lowered his voice. "Two, it’s better to be arrogant and arrogant."

He did not say anything, but did a sword-drawing action. This is undoubtedly a matter of rebellion.

Mu Qingwu was shocked, but General Mu was not surprised. He guessed very early.

There will be such a day, but I did not expect it to be so fast.

Father and son did not say anything.

Long Tianmo pressed the voice lower. "When don't you wait for it at this time? When the father and the emperor took away the military powers of both of you, then it would be too late to regret it."

Unfortunately, Mu and his son are still silent. General Mu Da seems to be rude, impulsive, and tempered. However, he is very cautious in such important matters.

The Mu family experienced two generations of monarchs in Tianning. Before the disputes in many factions, they were able to remain neutral. They were able to gain the trust of the Emperor of Heaven and the control of such a large military power, which is enough to show that General Mu Da is not simple.

As for Mu Qingwu, his heart is not so complicated. He does not want to be loyal to anyone. He only wants to be loyal to Tianning and loyal to the people. Once the civil strife, the most disadvantaged is the innocent people.

The attitude of Mu’s father and son, Long Tianmo’s heart is counted.

He is also silent, but he is not silent, and soon he left a sentence and strode away.

He said, "Okay! This time, the prince is planted, and this account is recorded on the moon!"

Long Tianmo has not yet left the yard, and General Mu Da has chased it out. "His Royal Highness Prince! Your Royal Highness will stay!"

Mu Qingwu followed, watching his father's burly tall back become wolf, old, and his heart was filled with a sadness.

In this case, he also felt that Mu Haoyue was damned, but unfortunately, he knew that his father would not sit idly by.

Haoyue looks too much like his dead mother, and how the parents condone their children, after all, they are also reasonable. After all, it is blood and flesh and blood. In many cases, Mu Qingwu Ning can be born in the ruthless and cold-blooded emperor's house. Because that place has no family ties.

When General Mu was chased out, Long Tianmo knew that there was a play, and he couldn’t be white.

Sure enough, General Mu Da whispered, "His Royal Highness, this matter will be remembered at the end, but now the banned army..."

After this has not been finished, Long Tianmo sneered. "There are many people in the ban who are promoted by Mu Jiajun. What's more, the artillery is not in the hands of the military?"

The most sensible thing that Emperor Tianhui did in his life was to take the opportunity to take the opportunity to take back the first artillery from General Mu, which was what he had wanted to do long ago.

However, the most stupid thing he did was to hand over the first artillery and gunpowder to the Ministry of Military Affairs.

You must know that the Shangshu Shangshu is a long-time person!

At the beginning, there was an archer in the Chu Qing dynasty as a dowry. It was the Ministry of Military Affairs who proposed to leave the archer at the border and hand over to the generals of the cavalry general of Ningda.

At that time, after the proposal of the military book, the Prince also wanted to follow the advice. It was the General Mu Da who had shunned the prince.

General Mu Da nodded helplessly, but he could not make up his mind after all. "It’s a big thing, and it’s coming suddenly. Please ask your Highness to give some time to consider it.”

Long Tianmo nodded. "Good! This Prince gives you time, just... you should be prepared."

The matter came too suddenly. He didn't expect the father to have such a big suspicion. However, since the father would rather believe the outsider of Chu Qingge and don't believe him, then he would blame him for not talking about his father and son!

When the emperor took his life to deal with Qin Wang and Qin Wang, he had no father in his heart!

In this way, the East Palace and General Muss General were preparing intensively.

The task of searching for the archers fell to the hands of the new banned army commander. This person was loyal to the Emperor of Heaven and the new official took up three fires. He set off a new round of search and arrest.

More heart-wrenching.

The Emperor of Heavenly Emblems once again spoiled the song of Chu Qing, and he was prepared. After being blown by the Chu Ching song, he was granted a special ban on the ban, allowing the ban to enter the royal residences of the royal family. You must know that the search for the banned army in the major houses was limited.

As soon as the news came out, the entire upper aristocratic circle boiled up.

The Qin Wangfu is the quietest, Wang Hao is not in the government, Qin Wang is retired, and Su Xiaoyu is back because of the stoppage of the drug ghost hall. Cheng and Zhao Wei stay together and look at each other.

As for the Korean family, Han Yu has been silent for several days. In the eyes of outsiders, she stayed in the house to sleep, but in fact, she shut herself into the big space of the detoxification system.

In the black market, she mixed the butterfly dream and the beauty tears into the poisonous water of the poison pool. She has been in the detoxification system for a long time.

Originally it was hiding in the quiet, who knows that these three poisons seem to have reacted, although she still does not know what is going on, but it feels that the corrosiveness of the butterfly dream is weakening.

Of course, in addition to this, there are still many things to do in the detoxification space, such as manually arranging the huge medicinal library.

When she was in a bad mood, she would make herself busy, very busy, and the more she was busy, the better her status would be, and she would not be in a mood.

However, damn, this time she is so old mistakes, actually messed up the orderly medicinal materials library, and finally only spent brain power to make the system intelligently organized.

After finishing it, she began to toss again... um, tossing away.

If one day, the dragon and the night know that she is hiding in the Korean family, what would it be like?

On this day, the dragon was out of the night, and the injury was 50% better.

As soon as he left the customs, Chu Tianyin sent a message, "His Royal Highness, as you expected, the Chu family acted."

"Is it all packed up?" Long asked the night.

"All packed up, just..." Chu Tianyin dared to say, no doubt, everything under His Royal Highness was dealt with, and there was a woman left.

I don’t know if Long Fei knew what he meant. In short, he was only cold and cold. "You are also prepared, the king will go out tonight tonight."

Ok, Chu Tianyin only said nothing about himself.

It was night, the generals had a major event, and the banned army had tied a group of people to personally search Mu’s general. In the abandoned cemetery of the backyard, dozens of archers were found. The archers escaped, but they were shot by Meng Zhan. Two people are in the middle.

When the matter came out, the whole city shook!

The Meng war sent people to follow, while surrounded by the generals of the Mu general, the Emperor of Heaven and Emblem was angry, and ordered the removal of the generals of the Muss and his sons at night, took back all the soldiers, and arrested Dali Temple for trial.

However, on the way to Muhammad's father and son being taken to the Tianzhu, three cannons were heard outside the city, and the artillery was reversed!

For a time, the entire emperor was chaotic, and Mu's father and son had no choice but to unite the old army and formally raise troops on the way to Tianqiang.

Emperor's mutiny, attacking the palace is the first priority!

Emperor Tianhui spurted a blood in the royal study room. Fortunately, more than half of the banned troops were in hand and could resist.

Chu Qingge did not expect that the situation would be so serious, and Chu Tianyin hiding in the dark was even more accidental. All the plans were well done. Now, Long Tianmo is a soldier, and all his efforts are gone!

On the night of the night, everyone fled, but the Han family did not know when it was empty.

What about people?

(End of this chapter)