Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 502: Got the biggest cheap

What about Han people? What about Han Han?

The military change coup, the smashing of the looting and looting is no more common. In the chaos, Long Tianmo has a heart to send people to protect. Qin Wang lived in the Korean family for some days, and the people who care about her know it. . Unfortunately, Long Tianmo’s confession was empty.

When the talents just left, Mu Qingwu sent a confidant in the ban, but there was no such thing as a figure.

In fact, the first person who came over was not the people of Long Tianmo and Mu Qingwu, but Gu Qishao. However, Gu Qi had already turned over the Han family inside and outside, and he did not see Han Yu’s trace.

What about people?

Of course, these people have gone to the Qin Wangfu, which only knows that the Qin Wangfu has already gone to the sky. Such a coincidence must be the result of the King of Qin.

When Long Tianmo and Mu Qingwu were about to capture the palace gate, they received the news.

Mu Qingwu did not say anything, Long Tianmo gently said with a sentence, "All this ... after all, escape the control of Qin Huangshu."

Qin Wang was able to leave the city in advance, and he was evacuated so cleanly that both houses were empty. It is undoubtedly early on that he would raise a rebellion and prepare for it.

Long Tianmo finally understood why the father’s movement was so big this time, and put Mu’s general to death. Here, there must be Qin’s credit. He knows that in this game, he also wants to play the chess piece of Qin Huangshu. However, he does not care about it. Without the help of Qin Huangshu, how could General Mu Dajun be forced to jump the wall?

Everyone thought that this murder was sudden, but he still felt slow, late, and resentment had long been fermented in his heart.

Here is attacking the palace gate, but there is a gunfire on the other side. Undoubtedly, the gate has been compromised!

When the artillery arrives, what is it that can be stopped?

The sound of the guns was rumbled. For a time, the morale of the Prince’s army was greatly enhanced. The huge wooden piles hit the heavy palace door and slammed loudly. It was about to be knocked open.

In the palace, although the Emperor of the Heavenly Emblem was sitting in the royal study room, the servants of the palaces had already cleaned up the softness and fled. Of course, many loyal people kept outside the royal study room and vowed to follow the Emperor of Heaven.

At this time, several ministers and the banned army commanded the Meng war in the royal study, without exception, they tried to persuade the Emperor of Heaven to retreat.

Emperor Tianhui’s face was white and his mouth was bleeding. For more than half a year, he was plagued by disease. He was hit by this night. He was an old man overnight. He was more than 40 or 60 years old.

Hearing the noise of the outsiders, his hands hidden in his sleeves trembled, perhaps angry, perhaps really scared.

"The emperor, the palace gate will be compromised! Let's go!"

"The emperor, it’s too late to withdraw!"

"The Prince and the Mu family are not in the right place, and they are unnamed. They will not be unpopular. The ministers are daring to suggest that the emperor move to the capital of Xijing, and adjust the soldiers in both China and the West to encircle the rebels! It is only a city that is lost tonight!"

When I heard the war in Meng, the Emperor of Heaven and the Emblem came back from the blow.

The Meng war is right. The only thing that has been lost tonight is the imperial capital. If he does not leave, he will lose the whole Tianning.

The prince had the upper hand in the emperor, but he relied on the first artillery. However, Tianning could have more than one artillery. In the Imperial Capital, the first, second and third artillery units were stationed in the northwest and central regions respectively.

Although the Mu family had been in charge of the infantry for many years, the infantry were not all Mujia’s confidants. After the mutiny, the generals of the garrisons in various places would choose the good woods and they would not be controlled by the Mu family.

After all, the Emperor of Heaven and Earth was still able to live in the scene, and immediately ordered the retreat. Who knows, the palace was conquered, and the palace gates on both sides of the east and west were blocked, leaving only the north and south directions to escape.

On the occasion of the panic retreat, Chu Qingge gave an idea to the Emperor of Heaven.

The Emperor of Heavenly Emblem took the initiative and was pretending to be an eunuch. He also allowed Meng Zhan and others to disguise himself and protect him. He was mixed into the servant who escaped from the palace and went out from the north gate. All the servants and slaves escaped from the south gate. military.

Just when Emperor Tianhui was about to leave, Chu Qingge stood up. "The emperor, the courtiers are daring, there is a ruthless invitation."

The disaster is coming, the Emperor of Heaven and Earth can not have a good temper, he is cold, "What?"

"Chen Chen wants to disguise himself for you, go to the south gate, and lead the Prince and others, and secondly... wait for the opportunity to shoot!" Chu Qingge said seriously.

When this is said, all the talents think of this noble woman is also martial arts, and the archery is first class.

Looking for an **** to pretend to be the emperor of the Tianhui to lead the rebels, may not be able to win much time. If it is Chu Qing song to do things, in the pursuit of time, there may be opportunities to turn over.

When the prince died, the dragons had no heads, and the situation was completely different.

Emperor Tianhui was overjoyed, "Okay! As long as you kill the counter, you are the queen of Tianning!"


There is a bitterness in the heart of Chu Qing. She can't wait for the Emperor of Heaven to die in the war, but she has to protect him, not for anything else, just because there is no species of heavenly emblem in her belly!

"As long as the emperor is safe, the courtier will be satisfied." Chu Qingge replied in disbelief.

Emperor Tianhui was moved, holding the hand of Chu Qingge tightly. "Qing Er, you are waiting for you at the Qili Bridge outside the city."

Chu Qing song nodded, no need to make a profit, turned and left...

The emperor burned the war for several days and nights.

Rumors, the night of the rebellion, the prince did not catch up with the Emperor of the Heavenly Emblem and encountered a master sneak attack, fortunately a group of mysterious black smugglers to help, to save their lives;

It is rumored that General Mu Da personally caught up with the Emperor of Heaven and Embassy and killed the Emperor of Heaven and Earth at the Nangong Gate;

It is also rumored that the Emperor of Heavenly Emblem did not die, and escaped from the North Gate in the early days. Instead, General Mu was killed by the Meng war in the war...

The war burned for five days and five nights. With the calm of the emperor, many ridiculous rumors were not broken. In fact, the Emperor of Heaven and Earth successfully fled the Imperial Capital, and the Chu Qing song met with General Mu, both of whom were confrontational. wounded.

On the way to the emperor, the Emperor of Heavenly Emblem was still in the emperor's emperor. On the one hand, he continued to chase the Emperor of Heaven and Embry, on the other hand, he actively recruited the mighty ministers and local forces.

The emperor was in chaos, and the forces of the Tianning and the other parties also continued to express their views. They pleaded with the prince to swear to support the Emperor of the Heavenly Emblem, and also supported the Prince and the God of Heaven.

However, it is indisputable that the forces in the central and southern parts of the country, whether they are the military or the big counties and counties, have unanimously launched the Royal Highness of the King of Qin to support the Emperor Qin Wang!

Upon hearing this news, Emperor Tianhui broke a teacup in the carriage.

"Qin Wang!"

He seemed to suddenly understand something, anger and heart attack, slowed down in one breath, and finally stunned the past with a sip of blood.

"Gu Tai doctor! Come, look for the doctor too!" Chu Qing song shouted.

But who knows, no one has found Gu Beiyue, the royal doctor, who did not know that Gu Beiyue was the first to leave the palace.

Although Long Tianmo had already expected it, but when he heard the news, he couldn’t help but hold his fist and his face was gloomy for several days. You must know that although there are only three counties in the middle of Tianning, they are all super-large counties. The most populous, and Tianning's Jiangnan is not only the most fertile land of Tianning, but also the most fertile land of the entire Yunkong continent, the land of fish and rice, rich in products!

In short, there are more people and more food.

Their father and son fight to kill you and live, but let Qin Wang get the most cheap without any effort!

The Emperor of Heavenly Emblems confessed that Long Tianmo and Mu Jiada were inconsistent, seeking for the pilgrimage, and the heavens and the earth could not be tolerated; Long Tian Mo Lima reversed the emperor of the Heavenly Emblem and listened to the rumors, right and wrong, planted and framed, and killed Zhongliang.

The father and son are dying, Qin Wang is silent, low-key, but the highest voice, the most popular.

A month later, the situation in Tianning was fixed. The Emperor of Heaven and the Emblem controlled the ten northwestern counties in Xijing City. Following the Tianning Nationality, Longtianmo occupied the Imperial Capital and the Seventh County of the Northeast, the national number Tianan, while the central and southern parts remained the same. No one dares to rely on Tianning and Tianan, and no one dares to open up and stand on their own.

Soon there will be rumors that Qin Wang will attack the emperor and swallow the ten counties in the northwest, making the Emperor of Heaven and Emperor Long Tianmo restless, and the military in the south and the middle of the country are just around the corner.

But... In fact, there are those who are ambitions, and no one knows where the Qin Wang Temple is.

After the Emperor’s night, His Royal Highness King was missing, and he never showed up in public.

As for Han Han, I am still in the carriage at this time.

When God rioted that night, she knew what was going on. It’s not that she is smart, but for a long time, she has already figured out the dragon’s wrist.

On the day of listening to the dialogue between the dragon and the night emperor in the royal study room, she knew which dragon to walk in the night.

She was about to let Qiu Niang to pack up and escape the right and wrong. Who knows that the soldiers of the Baili Army suddenly appeared and took them out of the city from the waterway.

After leaving the city, the seven sisters were arranged to walk from the other road, and she was alone in the carriage, and the soldiers said that the royal king of Qin wants to see her.

Who knows, this trip is a month, all the way south.

This road is like a play, the scenery along the way is very good, from time to time can also hear all kinds of news about the Emperor of Heaven and Emperor and Long Tianmo, but Han Hao has no concern at all.

She has been very silent. She didn't ask anything at first. Let the soldiers arrange it. She followed, and when she was bored, she hid in the detoxification system and slept for an afternoon.

Only, gradually, she couldn't help it.

Long Fei night said to see her, man? What about people? People...!

She asked the squadron several times, and the squadron did not know. He only said that the royal king of Qin confessed to go to Ningnan County.

Didn't that **** allow her to return to the Korean family? Still looking for her to do? Looking for her, she is looking for her. Why is it so inexplicable that she will go south, so she will not show up for a long time?

What does he want?

Han Yu was almost mad and stunned, but she didn't even have it. She became more silent and asked nothing.

Until this day, the carriage slowly stopped in front of a mansion.

"Wang Hao Niangniang, please get off." Qi Bing whispered.

Han Yugang came out of the detoxification system, and people were still faint. He heard the word "get off the bus" and came down. However, when she saw the familiar door, she was stunned...

(End of this chapter)