Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 504: Pretend to be a lifetime

Never forgive!

In one sentence, Han Han’s death sentence was announced.

Her eyes were crying red, staring at him innocently and confusedly, as if she didn't understand what he meant.

"Drinking medicine." He urged.

For the sake of chaos, the most important thing in the world is the medicine in his hand.

Han Hao looked at him for a long time, his mouth was tight, and he did not say anything.

Dragon is not living at night, it is estimated that this time is the most patient, "Hey, don't make trouble."

The bowl was on the lips of Han Han, but unfortunately, she still did not move.


He squinted and his temper was as if he would never get angry.

Then she spoke. "I really didn't mean it."

He avoided talking, "drinking medicine."

"You didn't forgive me?" she asked seriously.

Without discussion, he shook his head directly.

She suddenly took the medicine and drank it in one go. "Drink it."


The dragon was not accidentally stunned at night. Seeing that she had a sigh of relief after drinking the medicine, the heart was more blocked.

"Everyone is drinking." Han Yu said.

"Yeah." The dragon is not faint in the night.

Who knows, Han Han actually said, "You can go."

In the end... Who is the death sentence?

The dragon is not in the night.

Han Han ignored him, lying on his back, covering his bedding, closing his eyes and sleeping!

The quiet room became more and more quiet, like a silent time.

For a long time, Long did not get up at night.

Really... are you going?

Yes, I really have to go.

He turned and walked away, step by step away from the bed, Han Han secretly glanced, was about to get up, who knows that the dragon suddenly stopped suddenly.

She hurriedly closed her eyes.

Long stood in the night and stood for a while and then folded back, still sitting on the edge of the bed, but, not talking, just looking at her.

Not long after, Han Han blinked, just about to speak, but he said, "When you are sick, let me go."

Under the silk quilt, her hands were tightened, but she replied with a sigh of relief. "Okay."

He stayed like this.

This, like a tacit agreement, he did not mention the seven things, she did not chase him and asked for forgiveness.

He stayed at the bedside all day, not only personally feeding the medicine, but even feeding three meals in person. Every half hour, he touched her forehead and looked at the high fever.

She was lying down, he was sitting, and there was nothing to say for the whole day, but he was not at all awkward.

At night, the fire still didn't fully retreat. He touched her forehead gently and seemed to be inaccurate.

He leaned close to him, gently picked up her bangs, used his face against his forehead to feel the temperature, and opened it inadvertently. "It seems to be quite hot."

His smooth chin was low on her nose, so close, she smelled the most familiar scent, she said, "About retreating, sleep and feel good tomorrow. Rest assured."

He retired, not forgetting to arrange her bangs, slender and good-looking fingers gently twirling her hair, gentler than his dragon is not night!

It’s just a bit of bangs, but he has been playing for a long time. She did not move, silently, and went by him.

After all, he still has to stop. When he let go, her heart will be empty.

"I look at the injury on your shoulder." He actually kept remembering.

"Healed, a little bit awkward." All for a month, the white man's medicine is very effective.

"This king looks."

He insisted.

She could only fade her clothes and expose her shoulders. As she said, the wounds all healed, leaving only a shallow scar.

He gently stroked, she did not go too far, for fear that she would fall into the gentleness of his hands.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it." He faintly said.

For a while, she said, "It doesn't matter, I forgive you."

His hand was stiff on her shoulder, she pushed away without a trace, dressed, and lazily nestled in the bed.

"Are you not going to heal?" she asked.

"When you sleep," he said.

So, she immediately turned to sleep, he sat on the side of a short collapse and healed all night, she carried his eyes to the dawn.

Say, if you are ill, just leave.

A big typhoid fever will always be good, isn't it?

As soon as she dawned, she turned over and saw that he was watching her. He leaned down like last night, and the cold cheeks were against the temperature of her forehead.

"Retired." He is pretty sure.

"Yeah." She coughed a few times, knowing that she had to take the medicine on time, at least three days.

"Let the doctor come back," he added.

"Yeah." She was faint.

When the doctor came, she said that she had a good body and said that the medicine for another day would be fine.

The original weak body has long been raised by his old hens and big lobsters. Besides the medicine prescribed by the doctor, it is a treasure that works quickly. I really can't do it if I have been sick.

She was not a person who could live, she could stay in bed, but she was lying for another day.

On this day, he still waited for himself, and a prostitute did not let in.

After feeding her the medicine, he sat down and healed. She looked at him quietly, and suddenly there was an illusion, as if she had returned to last winter.

One hundred steps, then, at this time and this time, how close is it?

The second morning, Han Yu was over.

She decisively stayed, dry and crunchy, "Dragon is not night, I am fine!"

"Oh." Dragon nodded noon at night.

After a while, he took out a token, nothing else. It was the broken and broken Mei Hailing who was glued by him. Although it was covered with cracks, it was intact.

He said, "Don't go back to Qin Wangfu, then back to Jiangnan Meihai, is it good?"

Han Hao’s heart was slightly tight, and he looked at the face of the dragon and the night for two days, and he felt distressed.

Jiangnan Meihai is her own, but after all, he gave it, is there a difference with Qin Wangfu?

"it is good!"

She agreed, and took back the token.

He lowered his head and turned and went out.

gone? Just gone!


I am leaving you!

Han Hao’s heart stunned a little, she thought she wouldn’t think about it, she hugged the dragon from behind, and hugged his waist tightly. “I will never forgive, can I pretend to forgive? For a while?"

He grabbed her hand, as if to pull it open, she was so scared that she was tighter. "Can you?"

Long did not open her at night, turned around and frowned at her.

Han Yu was flustered, his heart was blocked, and his breathing was uncomfortable.

He was a helpless look, faintly said, "This king, just want to get a medical kit...you, don't worry."


Han Hao was in the same place and suddenly did not know what to say.

That silly and silly expression, I can see that the dragon can't help but lick her bangs. "If you want to pretend... just pretend for a lifetime."

Han Han almost cried, not waiting for such bullying.

she was

Really scared!

Dragon is not night, how can you be so bad!

She was crying. He asked her seriously, "Look... what is it?"

She didn't talk, looked at him, and she almost cried, but she laughed again.

He also held her hand as before, clasping his fingers and strolling in Merlin.

She was panicked and sorted out the messy thoughts. She thought that she really liked this man very much. Otherwise, how could she be bullied into such a thing?

She looked up and saw his cold side face. At this time, what was he thinking about?

"Dragon is not night..."

She whispered, and after many years she forgot that it was from this time that she no longer called the man "His Highness", but called his name.

"Yeah." He looked over.

"What are you thinking about?" After the quarrel, the former was less careful.

"I was thinking... Do you believe in the drug and antidote?" Long said nothing in the night.

Han Yu thinks about this matter. Gu Qishao’s words are still in his ear. Long is not the night. Who should she believe?

The dragon stopped at night and asked, "Do you believe it or not?"

"What do you believe?"

Suddenly, the familiar voice came, Han Han looked back and saw that it was a long-lost Tangmen, Tang Yi.

This guy is still white and handsome, temperament is like a fairy, but it still ruins a good temperament.

"Han Han, are you finally tempered?" Tang asked with a smile.

Han Hao not only did not hear it, but also did not see him, turned his head and ignored it.

"Han Wei, Ru Yun, you are really right, red and beautiful, do you know how many people in Jiangnan and Central are waiting for my brother to call the emperor to build the country? He..."

Tang Lizheng wants to go on, the cold light of the dragon is not a night, let him shut up.

Han Hao is cold and cold. "You brother will not be an emperor, nor will he build a country. You think too much."

The three counties in the central part of the district, the fifteenth city in the south of the Yangtze River, the dragon non-nightingale will look in the eyes, if he wants to call the emperor to build the country, he must win the entire cloud.

Long Fei night looked at Han Han with interest and asked, "How do you know?"

"His Highness, the three central counties and the fifteenth city in the south of the Yangtze River are your powers. You are moving and not moving. What is the difference? You don't call the emperor to build a country, but you can think of Long Tianmo and Tianhui. Who does not remember the granary in Jiangnan?"

Han Yu said, smiled and said, "But anyone who remembers the things in the hands of others will be used for people!"

Long Fei Ye has drummed three shots for Han Han. Although he has not spoken, he has already expressed his position.

Except for this woman, no one can estimate his thoughts so thoroughly.

He could have used Long Tianmo and Mu Jia to take the whole Tianning, but he was not in a hurry.

There is no Heavenly Emperor and Long Tianmo, who will help him deal with the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Northern Calendar?

Tang Like didn't have such a big political mind. However, listening to Han Hao's analysis, he also understood, he said with emotion, "Han Han, in addition to jealous, you really are not stupid. You are so jealous, be careful will become silly !"

"You!" Han Hao was angry.

"Oh, yes, and when you are confused by the male color, it will become stupid." Tang seems to be unable to stop.

"You can't talk nonsense!" Han Han was so dangerous that he narrowed his eyes.

"Which nonsense? Just what does the letter believe is Gu Qi Shao? You are so smart and can't figure it out? Gu Qi Shao deliberately adulterated, mixed with the powder that can make the bottle black. You said he just wanted Private antidote is so simple? He clearly plans it, and wants to leave you both?" Tang said seriously.

(End of this chapter)