Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 512: Just let me manage it.

Leave forever...

The dragon was not holding the Han Han in the night, and the smooth chin was on her forehead.

After a long silence, he faintly said, "No, unless... I am dead."

Han Han immediately slammed his mouth. "Okay, don't say this."

The dragon did not ask the night, "Han Han, what about you?"

"No, never!" Han Hao hurriedly answered, very determined.

Anyway, she will never! After a false alarm, Han Yu’s heart was firm.

After Han Hao rushed to express his position, he realized that the dragon was watching her eyes at night, and it was different.

He has been staring at her for a long time, and he hasn’t heard for a long time. Han Han was still immersed in the faint sorrow at first, but he could be stared by this guy for a long time. She gradually became uncomfortable, and always felt that the eyes of the dragon and the night were a bit strange. .

Compared with blinking eyes, it is estimated that no one is better than the royal king of Qin. Anyway, every time two or two silent, when the four eyes are opposite, Han Han is always defeated.

She opened her mouth slyly. "Dragon is not night... What happened?"

"Just say something, say it again." Long asked at night.

She just said that she will never leave him.

"I say……"

Han Hao almost blurted out, but when he spoke to his mouth, he suddenly couldn’t say it, but he blushed.

Your Royal Highness, King, are you sure that this is not a drama?

Long non-night "hehe" laughed, leaned over to her ear, breathe overbearing, "that, the king likes it!"

Han Han is ashamed and happy.

Ok, she admits that she is still too shy.

Since I like it so much, I will fight it out. In many cases, she will give it up and it will not be bad.

She suddenly reached into the neck of the dragon's night, and pushed him down, which was also against his ear. "Your words, the king remembered!"

The dragon is not at night, and the accident is that this woman’s courage is so fat.

However, it’s only a matter of moments, and it’s so easy to be beaten up by the Emperor Qin. He slammed down and Han Han could only slowly recline and lie down.

Long Fei night thought that Han Han would let go, but she actually kept his neck and did not let go.

After returning to my mother's house from the last time, after the medicine bowl, the woman's courage is really fat!

Han Hao almost let go, but see him so overbearing, so bad, the bar is on, just do not let go!


She slowly leaned back on the couch, and the dragon followed her slowly and leaned over, finally burying her head on her collarbone, her neck shackled by her hand.

Han Hao raised his head and couldn't help but laugh "haha". His Royal Highness Qin Wang also had a day subject to people!

Let Han Xiao laugh, the dragon is not immersed in the night.

Only, soon, Han Han’s laughter stopped abruptly, and suddenly a fierce spirit was suddenly tightened.

What's going on here?

Long Fei night actually squirmed gently between her clavicle!

There is a saying that it is self-immolation, and it is Han Han. In short, she is all stiff, and she only has her hands. She feels that she is slowly releasing the dragon and the night.

Unfortunately, it is late.

Long Fei night continued, and the feeling of numbness quickly spread to Han Han, and he gradually fell down and untied her neckline.

Just let go, but Han Hao unconsciously circled him at this time, she could not help but whispered, "Dragon is not night..."

Just this whisper, let it

The chaotic dragon stopped suddenly, and he looked at her, and his eyes passed a touch of helplessness.

Only, it quickly disappeared. He bit her, and then he got up and looked at her. "Is still laughing?"

Han Yu’s courage is still limited. She dares to laugh, and she shakes her head.

This is almost a fire, the courage is big, the consequences ... well, no daring to imagine.

The dragon was very satisfied with the night, and faintly said, "These days are well raised. Don't run around before Gu Qixiao comes."

Han Yu’s heart stunned, and she knew that he would mention this to her sooner or later.

The last time he said, how much arrogance, how much is true, she is not clear.

"Do you think he will come?" Han Yu asked.

"Do you think he dare not come?" Long asked the night, a pun, and there was something outside.

"Gambling." Han Han smiled faintly. "I bet he dare!"

Han Yu’s "dare" word is also a pun.

"This king also gambles that he dares to come." Long said coldly at night.

Some things, tacitly ignorant, point to the end.

Han Hao stayed in bed, chatting and talking, and carelessly, "Gu Tai doctor came over, if you can leave Mu Linger in the drug ghost hall, then the drug ghost hall basically does not have to worry about it."

Han Yu wants to enlarge the drug ghost hall and cultivate it into a powerful force in the medical profession. However, she did not want to trap herself in the drug ghost hall. After all, the medicine is not what she is best at, and is not the most interested.

She is good at poison, and the most interesting thing is that Long Fei is a night chaos, and what I want to do next. If his goal is a drug city, perhaps this time she can take the opportunity to learn something about Mrs. Mu Xin from Mu Yingdong.

The dumb mother-in-law has become a thing of the past, and she will not have any results when she is entangled. Instead, she is imprisoned by Mu Yingdong, who is a mother-in-law. He must know a lot!

It’s quite an accident that Long Fei is a night. He always thought that Han Yu wanted to run the drug ghost hall himself.

"What do you want to worry about?" Long asked at night.

"Following the concern of His Highness, sharing the worry for His Royal Highness." Han Han is serious.

The dragon, whose face has not been so good, has laughed. "I don't need you to worry about it. It is safe."

But how can you not worry about what you put in your heart? How can you let it go?

Han Yu also laughed. "What do you mean... do I have nothing to do?"

She did not notice that he used the word "I" several times; he did not find that when he claimed to be the king, she would call herself a courtier, and more and more, he called his name more and more;

However, one thing he found out, he has answered more than once in front of this woman.

In the end, he coughed a few times and said a little, "Let's take care of you."

If this is heard by the following people, it is estimated that he will not sleep for three days. Who can really manage the royal king of Qin!

Gu Qixiao’s business seems to have been taken in a few words.

However, when Long Fei was leaving, Han Han couldn’t help but say, "His Royal Highness, in any case, the death of the courtier is saved by him. If he dares to come, he will complain and look forward to thinking twice." ""

The dragon stopped for a while and left for a while.

Han Han’s eyes flashed in complexity, and he went out, but he saw that the dragon and the night did not leave the Jiangnan Meihai, but went to the pavilion in the garden.

On the 7th, the length is not long, and the short is not too short.

Han Wei thought that Long Fei will put her "forbidden" in Jiangnan Meihai and go out by herself. However, Jiangnan Meihai

It seems to be her blessed land. When I came here, I have never left her in the night, and this time is no exception.

Long Fei Ye and her small building in the hot springs, although every day from the secret letter from various places to send, but the dragon is still not left half a step.

Everything in the world is talking about the drug ghost hall. The two of them are just like vacations, and they are comfortable and comfortable, and they have not mentioned it.

In the late autumn, the weather is getting cold, and it is a good season to start hot springs.

In addition to tea, hot springs are also the favorite of the dragon and the night.

It’s not in the morning, it’s afternoon, he’s always in the hot spring pool, and meditating with the mist.

Last time, Han Yu secretly paid attention to his habit, so this time she chose to go to noon at midday or late at night.

Yes, she also likes the hot springs!

Before she secretly went to his palace to take a bath, she always wanted to pick him when he was absent. Every time he was afraid, he didn’t want to use the open pool.

However, now, her courage is fat.

When she was in the hot springs, she used to take a nap.

This night, she soaked in the water, leaning against the pool and unknowingly slept.

Suddenly, a figure flashed through the woods around him, and fell outside the forest. The movement was not big, Han Han was completely unaware.

Outside the forest, Chu Xi was so eager to stand up and look awkward.

He had just returned, eager to find the information of his Highness, and he was kicked to the ground before he went to the hot springs.

Of course he recognizes that this force is His Royal Highness, so he is awkward!

He hasn't made any mistakes recently!

Soon, the dragon fell behind his hands behind the night and slowly fell from the roof.

"The master..." Chu Xifeng was very wronged.

"Whoever allowed you to come in at will? If there is a next time, the consequences will be conceited!" Long is not cold at night.

Chu Xifeng looked at his own direction and suddenly understood what was going on. He had just come from behind the hot springs, and the hot spring pool was over there.

Thinking about this, Chu Xifeng's back is very cool, and I am afraid of it. Fortunately, my own martial arts slag, I will fly out of the woods at once, otherwise...

But...but the two masters are more difficult to get along with each other? Noisy like this tonight?

One is in the hot springs, the other is next to...

Chu Xifeng was still very clever at some point. He quickly said, "His Royal Highness, there is no urgency in the medical city. I don't bother with it."

Long non-night sent Chu Xifeng to go to the medical city, to check the past of Qi Shao, and reasonably, this time he should be anxious to know the situation.

However, Chu Xifeng said so, he actually waved his hand and told Chu Xifeng to retreat.

Chu Xifeng is a bit dumbfounded, in fact, he is just... just want to make a flattering, but did not expect...

Chu Xi was so popular that the dragon was cold and cold and asked, "Don't you leave?"

Chu Xi risked thinking that he was dreaming of returning to Meihai, so he slammed back.

After confirming that Chu Xifeng left, the dragon jumped up the night and went up to the highest roof of the hot spring building.

The night is silent, the moon is like a wash, the pool is full, the beautiful woman sleeps lightly.

Although he is concerned about the people in the pool, he is still more concerned about the movements around him.

His face is cold, hard, silent, abstinence, paranoia, cold, and like this mysterious night, it is unpredictable.

Guardian, or peep.

Seriously, the guardian is more and more peeping, but when...

(End of this chapter)