Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 513: Willing or not

When the person in the pool wakes up and stretches out the jade arm, all the attention of the dragon and the night will not be consciously gathered into the pool.

I saw that the woman was like a hibiscus, and she was lazy. When she was away from the water, she was no longer lazy, and she was wrapped in a bathrobe.

Her movements are very fast, but the eyes of the dragon are not too fast, such as the eagle is sharp, tightly lock the prey, overbearing, arrogant and seriously scrutinized, not easily let go.

Even the most intimate place, he couldn't keep his eyes on it, and he didn't look at his face and looked at it.

It turned out that sometimes, the Royal Highness of Qin Wang is really not a gentleman!

God knows how much bad it will be if he let go of all his concerns! How bad!

In short, for a few nights, the dragon and the night will almost examine Han Jing.

The shrewd Han Han is completely ignorant of all this. He only feels that the hot springs are so comfortable in the past few days, and he wants to get an open-air hot spring pool in Wangfuli in Ningnan City.

I don't know how many years later, Han Han knows what will happen after the truth of the matter. Of course, the premise is that Long Fei will not tell her?

Time is flying fast, it is the sixth day, and another day, Mu Linger’s day of challenging the ancient seven brakes will come.

It is a pity that no matter whether it is Jiangnan Meihai or the drug ghost hall, no one has the news of the ancient seven brakes. Is it true that the guy really does not intend to show up?

Long Fei Ye and Han Yu returned to Ningnan City the day before, and they will see that Mu Linger will come tomorrow. Unfortunately, this time the ancient seven brakes are still not even a shadow.

If he wants to come forward and fight, should he come to the drug ghost hall? After the war, everyone gathered around the tea table and rested while talking.

The first thing to open is Su Xiaoyu. "Gambling, I bet that the ghost will not come!"

"I am not rude, the drug ghost can not come!" Zhao Yi Li Ma reprimanded, "Our medicine ghost hall can rely on the name of the drug ghost adult, this time he will not come, not only his shame, drug ghost hall I have to lose face!"

Before Zhao Wei was very disdainful to the drug ghost adults, but from the drug ghost adults and Wang Hao Niangniang to open a shop, after a group of people came over to help, the attitude can be described as a 360-degree change.

It is simply proud of the ancient seven brakes.

"I don't think it will come. I am not afraid of losing. Maybe I can't really go to Mu Linger." Mrs. Helen said, adding another sentence, "I still want him to come, I have heard the name for a long time. Have seen his deity!"

"Mother, I also hope that the drug grandfather and grandfather come. I want to learn medicine with him. I still have a lot of questions to ask him about the elderly." Xiao Yier thought about it, and said, "Mother, the drug grandfather, if you don't come. Will it be laughed at?"

"Yi Shaoye, the drug ghosts will not mind how the world people look at him? I heard that he has always been my own way. That kind of ignorance, contempt for the secular temper, not everyone can have." Xiao Shenxiang face worship .

"If you don't come, you can't really say it. The kind of human nature is hard to ponder."

Baili Musk also opened its mouth and looked at Gu Beiyue. "Gu Dafu, what do you think?"

After Gu Beiyue was admitted to the Ghost Hall, the title of Taiji was officially unloaded. Everyone said that he was a doctor. He always took the trouble to correct it as "Gu Dafu". After a few days, everyone was used to it.

Gu Beiyue did not directly answer the Baili Musk, but looked at the dragon night, "His Royal Highness, what do you think?"

To know that Long Fei Ye and Han Yu are the most silent, the ancient seven brakes are the things of Gu Qi Shao, in addition to the two of them know, it is also two or three people under the dragon's night.

At this time, there was a heated discussion. Everyone who admired was unclear!

Long non-faceless expression, "you

Think? ”

"Under the thief, I think that the drug ghost will not come." Gu Beiyue gave this opinion.

"Why?" The dragon was cold and cold.

"Can't you go to Mu girl." Gu Beiyue gave a very modest answer, which is simply saying that it is not said.

Long is not too lazy to look at him again, but he smiles lightly and laughs quite meaningfully.

The reason why Long Feiye was sitting here with such a large group of people was nothing more than accompanying Han Han, but everyone’s talks, he did not like it after all.

Just about to go, who knows, Gu Beiyue is like a deliberate one, ask Han Shudao, "Wang Xiong Niang, what do you think?"

Han Hao stood up lazily and stretched out. "I will know you tomorrow, and I will be gone. I will go to bed early."

Go to bed early?

This night, God knows who is tossing and turning to the dawn,

Mu Linger's insomnia is certain.

At this moment, when the moon was empty, she sat on the swing in the courtyard next to the drug hall, and there was a ride that didn’t sway, and people had already lost their minds.

On the day of the challenge, she lived in this yard until now. Mu, even the pharmacists of the Medicine City Presbyterians knew that she was here, but they could not get close.

Undoubtedly, Han Yu sent a guard to guard.

Han Wei did not say that she did not know, but she accepted it by default.

With her temper, I will accept help casually, but after Han Han told her the secret, she is not so much.

When I was swaying, Mu Linger suddenly stopped, and I didn’t know what I thought. The corner of my mouth had a sweet smile, and the air was full of honey.

At the time of Scorpio, Zhao Wei came out from the side door and went to buy food. He saw a woman with a thin shirt standing at the door, not someone else, it was Mu Linger.

Zhao Wei was shocked. This is too early, right?

In fact, Mu Linger has been sitting at the door for an hour, just stood up.

She is excited!

Seeing that Zhao Wei came out, Mu Linger, who had always had a good look at Han Han’s people, actually smiled at her and smiled very friendly.

Zhao Wei couldn’t smile, and looked at her for a while, then immediately went to the door and ran to the backyard to look for Gu Beiyue.

"Gu Dafu! Gu Dafu, Mujia that girl will not be crazy?"

"What happened?" Gu Beiyue was quite nervous.

"Already standing at the door, I still laughed at myself." Zhao Wei said seriously.

Gu Beiyue was a glimpse, and even laughed. "Normal, such a big thing, she is nervous."

Zhao Wei was relieved and went out from the back door.

When Zhao Wei came back, the drug ghost hall had already opened, and the gate was already crowded with people, and the scene was much bigger than when it opened.

Mu Linger still stood in that position, the main entrance of the drug ghost hall.

She is dating the days, there is no specific time, so now, I don’t know that the ancient seven brakes are coming or not, and the noisy ones are all about this matter.

Not long after, Long Fei Ye and Han Yu also arrived.

However, they did not appear, sitting in the garden behind the pharmacy, waiting.

Who knows, this waited until noon, the ancient seven brakes still did not come.

"Is the ancient seven brakes in the end?"

"His Royal Highness, Princess Wang Xia is inside, give a message! Don't let everyone wait!"

"Is the ancient seven brakes coming? Don't you really come?


Various questions, even a lot of radicals

"The ancient seven brakes you come out! A little girl makes you afraid of this? You are too planted?"

"Golden ghosts, the little girls are standing for a long time, you look down on others, so you can enjoy a face."

Even there is an opportunity to make trouble.

"Playing people, is this? If you don't come out again, you won't come to the drug hall to buy medicine later!"

"Nothing great, take yourself seriously."

"Oh, I think this is hype! Good intentions!"


These sounds, Long Fei Ye and Han Yu will not care, but not long after, Bai Li Muxiang came over.

"His Royal Highness, Princess Wang, the president of the Medicine City Medicine Association, came."

The voice fell, Su Xiaoyu came to report, "His Royal Highness, Princess Wang, the Medical City Presbyterian sent several disciples to come and see."

Soon, Chu Xifeng also came over. "His Royal Highness, Ouyang Ninguo guy is coming! Sitting in the store."

The dragon was not sneer at the lips of the night, and he did not say anything. Han Hao seemed to wait a little impatient and waved his hand. "If you don't take medicine, just follow them. Why do you want to go."

It stands to reason that such a sensational challenge, Han Wei as the owner of the school, should be invited to the heavyweight figures in the medical circle to sit in the town, serve as judges, and then invite some relevant people to be guests and watch the war.

Regardless of the process, at least she can take the opportunity to meet a lot of big people and enrich their connections.

However, Han Hao, these days, accompanied the dragons for a night vacation, and did not think so much at all.

Nowadays, big men and big forces are coming to the door, she is still not entertained!

Ok, her mood at this time is really not very bright.

Gu Qi Shao, you can't come!

Wait, wait for an afternoon.

However, the drug ghost hall did not express any position, and the ancient seven brakes did not show up.

The crowds that were swaying gradually quieted down, just quiet, and many people rushed to the scene, and none of them arrived.

After all, the day is still dark;

After all, Mu Linger, who stood still for a whole day, did not say a word.

As the sun sets, Han Yu looks at Yu Hui Cai Xia, and his face is dignified.

Gu Qishao, do you dare to come?

In fact, she has never had a grasp in her heart.

How can you really care about the secular view of Gu Xixiao’s unrestrained temper? Can you be so easily motivated?

He is happy, even if the whole world despise and condemn him, he will do his own thing; if he is not happy, he can despise the whole world.

She teamed up with Mu Linger to set up a stupid head, but it was only a step for Gu Qixiao, an excuse for returning to the ghost hall.

Gu Qi Shao, did you not catch up before? This time, you dare not, would you like to come to a large amount of resentment and grievances, to take charge of the drug ghost hall?

Seeing Han Han’s somewhat lost expression, Long Fei is a sneer at night. “Even if the king has the heart to report his life-saving grace, he has to dare to come!”

The dragon was not the first words of the night, Han Han remembered. However, she decided that Long Fei will not care for seven little feelings, so this time is an opportunity to count the chances of resentment.

Unfortunately, he does not come!

Long non-night privately sent people have been looking for Gu seven less, but unfortunately even the clues can not be found.

Gu Qishao will report to Han Yu’s enemy, but he will also be clear of his grievances between the two!

Unfortunately, he did not dare to come!

As the sun sets, the sky is getting darker, time... not much.

Gu Qishao, where are you?

(End of this chapter)