Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 528: Replacement of the trial assembly

Han Yu carefully pondered, if Gu Qi was found in the cell, at least the Wang family would come to report a letter.

At this time, there is still no sound, and it is difficult to make other accidents? As far as Gu Qishao’s temper is concerned, he is invited again, and he will definitely play.

At this time, the dragon did not come back at night, Han Han had no other way, only to let Chu Xifeng to inquire.

Chu Xifeng can't find any news, because at this time, Gu Qi is lying in the black prison, watching the moon outside the small skylight, stagnation.

And Mu Linger squatted beside him, not looking at the moon, but enjoying the moon. The little face was filled with happiness. Anyone who saw it knew that this woman was immersed in love. Unfortunately, Gu Qi didn’t even look at it.

After hitting the poison of the locusts, the jailers and Lin’s portraits were frightened, except for the three meals a day, and the other time they were close to one step.

I knew that these people were so embarrassed. He went to Han Han at the beginning and didn't come in.

Tomorrow is the trial of the drug, but it still can't go out. It should have been told to Han Feifei's book that he can't go, but Gu Qixiao has not done it.

The Presbyterian Church did not invite the dragon to stay up late, and finally had a chance to be justified and the poisonous singer was alone. He really could not bear to miss it!

He does not believe in luck, he waits, and may have a chance tomorrow.

"Ghost ghost, tomorrow is the medicinal material conference. If I am not locked, I will be able to kill everyone in seconds."

Mu Linger looked back and saw a bright smile in the moonlight.

“Speaking so happy?” Gu Qixiao asked suspiciously.

Mu Linger only converges, excuses, "Of course I am happy, I will not participate in the test, there are opportunities for the waste of Mujia to lose face!"

"Oh, there are many wastes in Mujia, and Wang Xie has a lot of them. Without you, the trial of the drug has not looked at the head." Gu Qixiao is very disdainful.

Mu Linger was exaggerated to be happy, and she was going to be modest. Who knows that Gu Qi is not saying, "Of course, there is no Laozi, not even looking at the head!"

Mu Linger laughed and screamed, and asked, "Ghost ghost, I am going to learn medicine with you, okay?"

It is a pity that Gu Qixiao is very welcome. "Death this heart, I will not accept an apprentice in this life."

He said, adding another sentence, "There are exceptions for individuals."

Mu Linger was quite lost and muttered, "I know who it is..."

She is about to say the three words "Han Han". Who knows, Gu Qixiao said another three words, he said, "Dragon is not night"!

Mu Linger looked up to the past, speechless...

In this way, Gu Qi Shao and Mu Linger chatted and talked about the dawn, and when Han Shu woke up, he found that Long Fei was right next to him.

He didn't lie down, but lay half-lying, leaning on the high pillow, closing his eyes and squatting, dressed neatly, it seems that it was not long before he came back.

Han Han is thinking about Gu Qixiao’s affairs, and does not know if the guy is coming?

Helpless, her heart is ultimately biased by the dragon and the night, see the tiredness of the dragon's night eyebrows, she did not have the heart to wake him up, looking forward to him to rest for a while, even if it is a little longer.

The trial of the drug started in the afternoon, and it was still early.

Han Han carefully sideways and curled up beside the dragon night, but he quickly woke up, faintly, "I still want to sleep?"

"When are you coming back, don't sleep a lot?" Han Han asked.

Who knows, the dragon is not at night, "Gu Qi Shao will not look like it will come, the drug trial, the king will attend him."

"What happened to him?" Han Yu was shocked.

"I still can't come out in prison. Don't worry, he can't die. If something goes wrong, the drug city won't be so calm." Long said coldly at night.

Can't die, can't die... but it's a kind of succinct statement. Who will think about these three words for no reason?

Han Hao did not pay attention to these three words.

She also pondered last night that Gu Qi is very likely to be still in the cell. She listened to the dragon and said that she was relieved.

"The elders will not promise you to replace, cough, you still keep the guard's job," Han said jokingly.

Who knows, the dragon has taken a large black robe in the night, and under the hood, it is no different from the drug ghost, and the height is almost the same.

After he came back from the royal family, Chu Xifeng stunned the matter. He was also happy to see that Qi Shao didn't come. He even told the Xi Xifeng to find a **** robe.

As a guardian of Han Han, he can only stand far away from the watch platform. Instead of attending Gu Qishao, he can sit with Han Han.

This kind of good thing, he turned back to thank Gu Qishao.

Han Yu was a glimpse, and then he laughed. "The drug ghost is an adult, I haven't seen it for a long time."

"long time no see."

The dragon used the soundless technique at night, but unfortunately, the sound of yin and yang is not similar to Gu Qixiao. This doesn't matter much, because he just went to the theatre and didn't talk much. The things that he said, he had already confessed to Wang Lao last night.

In this way, until the afternoon, Gu Qishao still did not appear. The dragon was not covered with a wide black robe, and Han Han and the Han Han came to the entrance of the medicinal forest, and under the guidance of the drug boy, came to the trial meeting.

When they arrived, the drug-testing conference was already full of friends.

This is a concentric circle meeting place, the lowest point in the middle is a circular ratio test bench, and two dispensing stations have been placed on the top.

The first lap of the audience seated were all prominent people, the elders of the Presbyterian Church, deacons, Mu Wang Xie three homeowners and elders from the medical city.

Han Yu was surprised to find that the only elder who came to the medical city was the five elders and pity! I haven’t seen it for almost two years. The lady is still very capable and still looks good. The pity wife sat on behalf of the medical city, and the momentum of Mu’s family was even stronger.

A pitiful white man sitting next to Mrs. Pity, is not someone else, it is Ouyang Ningnuo. At this point, the two are talking and laughing.

Have to say, Ouyang Ninguo's network is very wide!

After the big men, they were sitting in the drugstores of the younger generations who participated in the test. The drug test conference was a junior game. They could not participate at the age of twenty-five.

In the next lap, there are other VIPs, people in the medical city, people from famous medical centers and pharmacies.

Although the drug ghost hall is newly opened, however, in terms of size, fame and quality of the drugs sold, it will not be lost to any of the people present, but there is no place.

In this kind of conference, every position in the first three rows is arranged, and the Presbyterians obviously gave them the horse.

Don't say that the big coffee like Long Feiye is estimated to be so sloppy for the first time, and Han Han has long been used to it. She looked back at Long Fei night and saw that the dragon didn't have any opinion at night, so she strode to the fourth lap. .

The dragon robes in the night are especially eye-catching. When they enter the stadium, the audience will see that the two people are born.

I am used to it, and I am very satisfied with the atmosphere.

Mrs. Mercy looked at Han Yu and gave Mu Yingdong a look. Mu Yingdong’s eyebrows had returned. What do they mean by the two, only they knew it.

After everyone arrived, President Xie soon announced the beginning of the drug-testing conference. The so-called drug-testing conference was a test of the comprehensive power of the pharmacists.

The two sides of the test each dispensed drugs on the spot, let the opponent try, ask the opponent to tell the ingredients of the finished drug, and sometimes even require the accuracy of the ingredients, the moisture, the strength of the preparation process, the heat and so on.

To know this trial, once every ten years, if it is not a child and a teenager, each pharmacist can only participate once in a lifetime.

Ten years ago, Mu Linger, who was still a child, took the lead and sensationalized the entire medical profession. Mujia also became strong from that time.

This year, Mu Linger is less than twenty, and he can participate. Everyone thought that this year's top spot is none other than her, but who would have thought that Mu Linger would be locked in a cell not far from here at this moment?

Without Mu Linger, the trial will definitely be a lot more exciting.

Wang Shuchen, the four sons of the Wang family, is a young pharmacist who is second only to Mu Linger. His voice is extremely high. However, in the past two days, Mu and Xie’s family have spoken, and Wang Shuchen can be easily defeated. Even the sons of Mu’s family have publicly placed a gamble and gambled Wang Shuchen.

This incident has caused a lot of suspicions. They all say that Mu Xie has hidden talents. Today, the pharmaceutical industry will be amazed. After all, ten years is not short enough to cultivate a lot of finale.

The trial was based on the elimination system. After a few trials, Han Han and Long Fei did not look at each other, and they were all immersed in their own world. After all, the main purpose of their coming today is not to look at the test.

Until Wang Sigong, Wang Shuchen, played, these two talents cheered.

Who knows, Wang Sigongzi just stepped on the stage, a drug boy quickly ran to the front along the aisle, while running, shouting, "Thank you, the big thing is not good! The big thing is not good!"

The shouting resounded in the quiet meeting place. The two front rows suddenly stood up all the time. Everyone in the room was also surprised. What happened?

"What's the big deal?" Xie Hui reprimanded.

"The president is an adult, the outside... There are no invitations to be hard-hearted, and a large number of people are brought."

"Let's go! What kind of courage is so big? Come, this old man is holding on to the end of the conference, it will not be light!"

President Xie is very imposing, but Han Yu and Long are watching at night, but they are all sneer, they have a lot of thoughts.

Ouyang Ninguo’s mouth is also smiling, and he deliberately turned to the Korean side. Unfortunately, Han Han ignored him.

Mu Yingdong should be the clearest thing about what happened. He deliberately told the people under his command, "Adding people, all of them are holding hands. The drug test conference is a great event in my drug city, and it is not allowed to let go!"

President Xie sneered, "Mu Jiazhu, this is the responsibility of the Presbyterian Church, you don't have to worry about it."

Mu Yingdong doesn’t care, he ignores it.

However, it didn’t take long for the little drug boy to go back and ran back. “Thank you, can’t stop them, the gang will make you poison!”

When the words came out, the whole audience was shocked. Mu Yingdong was upset. What did the little drug boy say?

"To make poison, who is coming?" Xie Hui asked sharply.

The little drug boy has long been confessed, and he replied loudly, "The door of the door of the drug, Jun is evil!"

(End of this chapter)