Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 529: Anti-biting

The door of the hundred poison door!

Upon hearing this title, the trial of the drug conference was full of boiling, and the most wonderful face was Mu Yingdong.

Jun Yi and evil have two identities. The first is the North Li Kang King. In fact, it is the owner of the Baidu Gate.

The little drug boy chose "the door of the drug door", what does this mean? on purpose? Could it be that the president found out what?

Mu Yingdong looked suspiciously at President Xie, hesitated for a moment, and he was very decisive to make a look at the servant not far away, let the servant hurry to remind Jun and evil, this may be fraudulent.

He is not afraid to take the risk of gambling, but this time, the chips are too big and he can't afford to lose.

At this time, Jun Yixie, who was far away from the conference hall, did not know what happened in the venue. He only heard the voice inside him, and his mouth smirked with a sneer, thinking, waiting for him to announce his marriage. It must be a sensation in the audience.

"Baidumen also dared to come to my medicine city to go wild? And bring him in to see what he wants to do?" Xie Huisheng said loudly.

The little drug boy is about to leave, Mu Yingdong has stopped quickly. "And slow, the president will not be abolished. No matter what Kang Wang is doing, he will wait until the end of the trial."

Xie Huichang Yu Guang took a look at the servant, and he was very rude to ask, "Kang Wang? How is the owner of the house and the poisonous door master familiar?"

Mu Yingdong didn't want to pay attention to it, but in order to stop the drug boy from delaying the time for the servant, he smiled. "The supply of medicinal materials in the Beili National Hospital is Kang Kanglai and the Presbyterian Church a few years ago, and Xie Wangmu talked about it. Adults won't forget?"

President Xie did not answer him, ordered the drug boy, "I am not going to go!"

Mu Yingdong did not dare to say more. He did not know how to make more mistakes. He did not know which sentence would become a handle and was kept on hold.

The servant also went for a while, and Mu Yingdong could only hope to stop the sin and evil.

With the quietness of the two of them, the audience was still silent.

Those who can be invited to participate in the conference, who are going to the stage to participate in the contest, are not idlers, and the big guys in the first two laps are silent. Who dares to speak more?

In the crowd, Han Han arms around his chest, leaning on the backrest, looking at Mu Yingdong with great interest.

The dragon sitting next to her is closing her eyes and keeping her eyes open, and she is isolated from the atmosphere of tension around her. She is a world. However, today, this scene is under his control.

The servant sent by Mu Yingdong had not stopped at the exit of the venue and was stopped by the chairman of the board of directors. He dared to let the little drug boy shout out the words "the door of the door of the poison". adequate preparation.

The little drug boy went to the entrance of the venue, so respectfully said, "His Royal Highness, the Presbyterian will please."

Jun Yi also waved his hand, and a group of servants dressed behind him followed him and swayed like a long entrance passage to the circular venue.

The whole audience turned back and looked very quiet at first, but as they got closer and closer, everyone saw more and more clearly, and gradually the arguments were louder.

Jun Yixie wore a costume of the Western Kings, arrogant and arrogant, and he was domineering. Obviously, he came as a Prince of the Northern calendar.

He followed ten servants, lined up in a row, all brushed red clothes, all with a big red gift, and all the gifts on the daring were posted with the red double happiness.

This is completely the rhythm of the relatives... What is the situation?

When I was just notified by a small drug boy, why didn’t I say anything? The discussion on the scene is getting louder and louder.

Mu Yingdong complex complexion

No, I always feel that the time is not right, and I am suspicious. He keeps giving the eyes of the monarch and the evil spirits, hoping to save some. However, Jun also arrogantly arrogantly leans on the proud head and strode to the stage.

"Hundred poison doorkeeper, you are this..." Xie said.

Jun Yixie listened to this name, and did not think much. Only when President Xie wanted to do the play, he did something. He made a sigh, saying, "This king is here today, representing the Northern calendar royal family. Thank you, President, Ben. Wang Youli!"

President Xie looked at him disdainfully, and he was not very polite. "The North King Kang is right, huh, why are you coming?"

"Xie Huichang, this should not bother the trial of the drug, but the king was entrusted by my prince of the Northern calendar, and there is something to be desired!" Jun Yixie said loudly.

"Is it not relevant to my trial drug conference? Do you have to come to this time?" Xie Huichang still did not ask.

"It has nothing to do with the trial drug conference, but it is related to the entire drug city. Therefore, the king has gathered here by the drugstores of today, and he has come to seek it." Jun also replied.

This time, everyone in the room also wondered, curious, how can this pro-family situation be related to the entire drug city?

"What is it?"

With the voice of President Xie, everyone was quiet and nervously waiting for the answer.

"My long-time prince loves Mu Mujiu for a long time. I have already won the consent of the emperor. I want to hire a person from the Tianfeng Snow Mountain in the northern snowy plateau.

When Jun Yi’s words came out, Xie Hui’s head was shocked and exclaimed, “What are you talking about?”

Seeing the reaction of President Xie, Mu Yingdong, who had been watching from the side, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and sneered in his heart. "Xie Deyi, Xie Deyi, you really do this old thing!"

Mu Yingdong and Jun Yixie thought of going together. Only when Xie Huichang’s attitude was to play, to avoid being suspected of being infected with Baidu.

Of course, what is really shocking is that other people present are stunned, and the momentum of the tide has far overshadowed the momentum. No one is shocked, no one is not surprised.

"Miss Mu Jia is not a Mu Linger?"

“Tianfeng Snow Mountain is hired! Is it so big? Is it the whole snow mountain?”

"Mu's family has sent it!"

"Mu Linger is guilty and is not allowed to marry!"

It’s very surprising to ask for a singer, and it’s hard to believe that it’s hard to take Snow Mountain. But everyone in the drug city knows how significant snow mountain is to the cultivation of new herbs and precious herbs. No wonder the monarch will say that this matter has something to do with the entire drug city.

Even if the family with less power wins the snow mountain's access order, it will become a big family in just a few years, and even become a drug city leader.

All kinds of voices came one after another, and Jun Yi was very satisfied. At this time, he looked at Mu Yingdong. Mu Yingdong’s doubts and concerns were lifted. He looked back at him and continued to keep quiet.

Seeing that President Xie’s acting was so real, Jun and evil spirits were good, and deliberately said, “Xie Huichang, this king said that this king is for the Northern calendar prince to ask for Ms. Mu Jiajiu, to hire Xueshan, how to , scared you?"

President Xie sneered, "The Prince of the Northern Calendar is a big deal, but the Royal Highness King Kang should be looking for a Mu family to ask for a kiss. What do you want to find an old man?"

"I heard that Miss Mu Jiu made a mistake and was imprisoned by the Presbyterian Church. Therefore, this king is now in front of everyone, and asks the president of the Northern calendar to ask for a thank-you, please thank the president for his generosity and let Miss Nine. ”

It’s rare that the monarch and the evil will say the words of the people. Han Han and the dragon are all in the same night, and they laugh at the corner of their mouths.

"Let's put

she was? ”

President Xie took a look at his beard and meditated for a moment, and his attitude was firm. "Mu Linger made a mistake and fled for nearly a year, despising the Presbyterian Church, and his sins are unforgivable!"

When the words came out, everyone was quiet.

Jun Yixie is also silent, waiting for President Xie to continue to talk about it. Before the discussion was good, President Xie came up with the idea of ​​"successful sin."

However, after waiting for a long time, President Xie did not speak.

Why didn’t this old thing go on? What does he mean?

At this time, not far away, suddenly there was a Muzi’s nephew standing up and shouting, “Thank you, thank you, Mulinger will be guilty of sin!”

Jun Yixie arranged for this person to be Mu Yingdong, but Mu Yingdong was shocked and felt more and more wrong.

“How to get rid of the crime?” asked Xie.

"With her dowry, she will be guilty of crimes. Tianfeng Xueshan is a drugstore. The Presbyterian Church is in charge of the cultivation of medicinal materials. It is also my contribution to the pharmaceutical industry. How?"

The scorpion answered very quickly, and Mu Yingdong had no time to stop.

This sentence did not make everyone doubt, Mu people are so generous, so easy to contribute to the snow-capped mountains? It’s hard to be done, the Beili royal family has given the benefits of Mujia? Contribute to Tianfeng Snow Mountain, but to save Mu Linger?

Mu Yingdong’s face suddenly changed, and he couldn’t control who bought it. He whispered the word, “I don’t know what you are talking about here?”

When this was said, the monarch was also evil, and this made it clear that this scorpion was not instructed by Mu Yingdong. He was shocked to see the president.

President Xie is still very rude, "His Royal Highness, this will be a crime, how do you mean?"

How can you answer the priest? He was gloomy and silent.

President Xie also asked Mu Yingdong, "Mu, Lord, what about you?"

Mu Yingdong did not know how to answer, although nervous, but still trying to save the opportunity.

Unfortunately, everything is too late.

President Xie was furious and screamed. "Come, come and give the agreement to the old man!"

The audience was silent. Everyone didn't know what was going on? What agreement?

And Mu Yingdong and Jun are both evil and brushed their faces. If their eyes can kill, then their eyes are enough to kill the president for thousands of times!

The servant presented an agreement with both hands and ran up. Xie Huichang was cold, "Read it out loud!"

The servant's voice was loud, and the agreement was word-by-word. The agreement was signed by Jun Yixie and Mu Yingdong, and was handed over to Xie Elder by Jun.

The content of this agreement is roughly the meaning that Jun Yi will be the public in person, with Xueshan as the hiring, asking Mu Linger to sin and marry the Prince of the North. After the event, the Beili royal family will give a snow mountain as a private gift.

This is Jun Yixie and Mu Yingdong took the pit to thank the president, so that the chairman of the Xie will be assured, who knows, has now become the iron card of President Xie’s anti-bite!

After the agreement was finished, everyone in the room was stunned. I didn't expect that there was such an agreement behind the incident. I didn't expect Mujia to get such a big benefit!

"Come to people, pass on the agreement, let everyone sneak a glimpse of the seal of the head of the family!"

President Xie’s face was filled with indignation, and all the things that had been bought and sold by Jun Yixie were all said. Hearing that Han Han and Long Fei were both accidental, they thought that the old man would only take the agreement and bite the family. The whole thing came out. So come...

(End of this chapter)