Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 532: Defend the trial of the drug

The test of Wang Shuchen and Xie Peng is about to begin. At this time, the two men stand on the left and right sides of the stage, and they are blindfolded and back to the drug test station.

The drug city's drug testing conference has always been known for its fairness. Every step of the test is to avoid the loopholes that can be cheated.

The contest requires the participants to use the medicines provided by the Presbyterians to prepare the medicine on the spot. Even the medicinal materials provided by the Presbyterians for the participants are temporarily selected, so it is unlikely that the entrants will cheat or the elders will release water.

Of course, the rules and fairness of the test are not to avoid one thing, it is luck.

Before the disciples come to the competition, the top pharmacists in the family will secretly teach them some of the top prescriptions that have not been made public. In case the medicines needed in this top-level prescription are all in the medicines provided by the Presbyterian, it is luck.

To know that a top-level prescription requires several pharmacists to spend a year or two to jointly study, it is absolutely impossible to use the experience and skills of these young entrants to make a top-level prescription in a short period of time.

At this time, the dispensing table has been cleaned up, and the drug boy has brought in a large basket of herbs.

"Please thank Wang and the two families for sending one person to supply medicine for each other." Siyi said loudly.

The medicine is supplied from the large medicine basket provided by the Presbyterian Church and provided to the other party. This step is very crucial. It directly determines what kind of medicine the other party can formulate, and can't formulate any medicine!

When the ceremonies of the ceremonies fell, they saw that the Wang family and the Xie family stood up at the same time.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense, and everyone looked at the neck.

I saw that Wang Xie and the two masters were extremely fast. After picking up a moment, they selected 30 kinds of medicinal materials and handed them to the ceremonies. After the ceremonies were recorded, Wang Laoxuan’s medicinal materials were sent to Xie Peng’s dispensing table. The medicine was sent to the Wang Shuchen dispensing platform.

Both herbs were written on the large whiteboard on the stage, so that everyone in the audience could see it. Wang Shuchen and Xie Peng alone could not see it.

As soon as the medicinal materials were released, the whole audience became quieter. The people who came to the meeting were all insiders. More or less, they saw the doorway. Everyone thought about how these herbs can be matched. Not to mention, it is really hard.

The 30 kinds that Wang Lao gave Xie Peng to choose, at least 20 kinds can not be shared by two, the medicinal properties will mutually exclude and affect the efficacy. Xie Peng either uses only the remaining ten, or he has to find a way to use other drugs to destroy the repelling of drugs.

The 30 drugs chosen by Xie Jiazhu to Wang Shuchen are the opposite. Twenty kinds must be shared. If the opponent tries one of them, he will know the remaining nineteen. Wang Shuchen basically can only use the remaining ten kinds of medicines.

Undoubtedly, the less the medicine is used, the easier it is for the opponent to try it out.

Han Yu was stunned and frowned. What seemed to be discovered, Long Fei and Ouyang Ninguo were basically ignorant.

With the ceremonies saying "starting from the test", Wang Shuchen and Xie Peng both turned around and saw the thirty herbs in front of them.

Wang Shuchen glanced at him, and he had a few words in his heart. He immediately put a pen on the paper and drafted the prescription, and Xie Peng did not do anything, just looking at those herbs.

The whole scene was silent, and the time passed by. The time for the test was only a fragrant time. If the drug was not prepared, even if the drug was not needed, it would be judged as a loss.

Although it is a test drug test, but first tested the effort of the drug, this test really sees the real effort.

Like the martial arts masters, the two sides have not made a big move, but the contest has already begun, and the test process that everyone can see is just one or two tricks.

Soon, Xiang has burned a half column, Wang Shuchen is still on the paper, Xie Peng is still staring at those medicines.

Looking at this situation, Xie Peng seems to be a little better, and the Presbyterian meeting is whispering.

"Who can win?"

Long Fei couldn't help but whispered. He last night and Wang Lao planned to let Wang Shuchen defeat, let Mu and Xie's people fight for you to die, who knows that Mu's people even have no qualifications for the competition.

Nowadays, Wang Shuchen must win! Otherwise, they will really make a wedding dress for Xie.

"It's a bit complicated... and watch it."

When Han Yu’s voice fell, Wang Shuchen suddenly stopped writing. At a time, the spectators were nervous, and even the Presbyterians stopped talking and looked at them.

Undoubtedly, Wang Shuchen has a prescription!

Wang Shuchen Bai Yi Sheng Xue, there is a negligible book between the gestures, I saw him calmly handed the prescription to the master, and then began to take medicine for preparation.

Although there was a small screen between the two dispensing stations, Xie Peng could not see Wang Shuchen's dispensing station, but he could hear Wang Shuchen's movement. I did not expect that this 10-year-old child was indifferent and still looked at a pair of medicinal materials.

I have to say that this kind of mentality has made many seniors present and admire.

Different from Mu Linger and the ancient seven-brake confrontation is so inscrutable, Wang Shuchen's process of dispensing medicine is still approximate. Of course, I also know about it. Soon, Wang Shuchen prepared a thumb-sized pill and presented it to the master.

At this time, Xie Peng has not yet moved, seeing that the musk will be burned out!

Is it difficult for Xie Peng to be ruined by Wang Lao’s medicinal materials?

The quiet president gradually got the argument, and the Presbyterians began to whisper again. Wang Laofu waited for the beard and waited. The Xie family’s mouth smirked and was not in a hurry.

Although there were a lot of arguments, at the beginning, everyone thought that Xie Peng and other finalists would not even be able to match the drugs, and they would not be able to take the shots, fearing that they would be a blockbuster.


Xie Peng has been thinking for a long time, and has not moved until the incense has burned to the end, and the eyes are almost extinguished. He has not moved.

You know, even if he is now dispensing medicine, it’s too late, and the rest of the time is not enough!

How could this be? Is this the person who brought the finale to Xie's family? Could it be that the Wang family won so smoothly?

The scene gradually moved, everyone was incredible, and the Presbyterian and VIP seats also discussed.

The Presbyterians have a lot of thoughts about the medicinal herbs given by Wang Lao, and the 30 kinds of collocations are very tricky, but they are not worthy of a single drug!

What happened to Xie Peng?

"There is a swindle?" The dragon whispered at night.

"Weird..." Han Yu muttered to himself.

At this moment, the two of them were staring at the musk on the stage, waiting for the incense to extinguish.

Unexpectedly, Xie Peng, who was silent, suddenly raised his hands and everyone was shocked. The sights all gathered together, but he saw that Xie Peng’s movements were very fast. Several movements passed by, and after the hand stopped, a complete pill Just lying in his hand.

This speed... is almost faster than Mu Linger, and it has a fight with the drug ghost adults!

So amazing!

The noisy venue was quiet at once, and everyone was confronted with each other. It’s incredible. It’s not easy to practice this hand. President Xie and Xie Jiazhu looked at each other and they were satisfied and laughed.

The person who is at the end of the Xie family must be a blockbuster!

Wang Jiazhu

The rest of the herbs on Xie Peng’s stage seemed to have found something, and suddenly they took a sigh of relief.

Xie Peng wrote the prescription, and together with the pill, presented it to the ceremonies. When the ceremonies saw the prescription, the hand shivered and lost the medicine.

Xie Peng, what kind of medicine is it?

The screen separated between Wang Xie was withdrawn, and the two met each other. Wang Shuchen stepped forward and sweared. Who knows that Xie Peng looked at him with an eyebrow and looked disdain.

"The rude child!"

"It will be a gun, what is crazy?"

"Four little don't have a general knowledge with a little baby..."

Under the stage, the Wang family was indignant, and Wang Shuchen did not say anything, and returned to his place, calmly and freely. Who knows, Xie Peng is sneer, "I never give up to the hand, he is not worthy!"

At a young age, it looks like a model. It seems that even Wang Wang is frowning and unhappy.

Wang Shuchen had a demeanor again. He couldn’t hang his face when he heard this. He was cold, "The outcome is undecided, and the words are not!"

"Don't dare to make a bet?" Xie Peng asked aloud.

Wang Shuchen has not answered yet, he said again, "If you lose, call me a grandfather!"

When the words came out, I suddenly laughed at the audience. Some people at the audience thanked the family and shouted, "Peng Xiaozi, the king of the house, can't you call you?"

"Hey!" Wang Lao took the case seriously, and he was too angry. He asked, "Xie Elder, is this still going to continue?"

Not far away, Ouyang Ning Noha laughed. "Ghost ghost, when you were a child, didn't you have this kid arrogant? You haven't decided to win or lose. If you really let him win, he won't even have you." Don't look at it?"

The dragon is not ignoring Ouyang Ningnuo at night, seeing Wang Laos sinking, he knows that things are not good.

"Of course, continue, don't you continue to win?"

Although there is no bet, thanks to the elders, the irony is full!

Siyi handed Wang Shuchen's pill to Xie Peng, and Xie Peng handed it to Wang Shuchen. He also handed over two prescriptions to the Presbyterian Church.

For a time, the stage and the stage were tense. The elders of the Presbyterian Church looked at the two prescriptions, one by one and the expression was weird and serious.

On the stage, the real test drug started. I saw that Wang Shuchen was seriously testing the medicine, weighing it, looking at the color, smelling it, smelling it, putting the pills or slices, or smashing it, or smashing it into various forms of water and trying again, while trying to make a record.

There are many kinds of information to be recorded, such as the types of drugs contained in the pills, their respective weights, the order of dispensing, the amount of water used, the strength of the gongs and drums, and the efficacy.

Wang Shuchen was serious and focused, and he ignored everything around him. However, the attention of everyone around him was not on him, but on Xie Peng.

I saw Xie Peng licked a small pill and put it in the mouth to chew it. While chewing and making a record, it was also a casual look, very relaxed.

The time of the test is also a musk. This time, Xie Peng quickly handed over the prescription, and Wang Shuchen was late to pay it. He recorded the smoothness at the beginning. Later, he continued to write and change, and it was too late to be sure.

Time does not wait for people, gradually, Wang Shuchen anxious, several times looked up at the incense, anxious nervous.

At this time, the Presbyterian Church has already read the prescription written by Xie Peng, exactly the same as that given by Wang Shuchen. "Xie Peng's prescription is correct!" Siyi announced loudly.

Wang Shuchen was more anxious and wrote a few more pens. He simply gave up, "I lost!"

When the words came out, the audience was stunned. Although there was not much time left, Wang Shuchen was not so easy to admit defeat! It’s two different things to admit defeat and lose!

what happened?

(End of this chapter)