Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 549: Urgent, he wants to jump off the cliff

Poisonous ban, the poisonous grass library.

Gu Qishao had already got the soil of poison, but when he was about to leave, the huge flame suddenly rushed toward him from the secret road, forcing him to return to the cliff.

This is obviously someone who deliberately set fire to break his life! Because the fire in this secret passage has long been activated by the Chu brothers and sisters and Duanmu Bailu, it is impossible to burn it again, and if it is a fierce fire, the fire will never burn to the cliff, only to the secret. Burning outside the road.

Because, the poisonous soil on the cliff, afraid of fire!

Not to mention that it is directly burned, when the temperature around it is too high, the toxicity of this poisonous soil will begin to weaken, and if it is serious, it may be poisonous. As a result, this thing can't be mixed with the butterfly dream into a poisonous tear.

It was artificial arson, and it was precisely after he came in. The purpose was very clear. Someone had been here to wait for him to come. And it is not necessary to directly block him, but to use the fire to sneak attack, the purpose is no longer clear, the gang who wants his life, but also wants to ruin the soil of poison.

Gu Qishao took the initiative and called the Cang Ying to send a letter to Long Fei Ye and Han Yu for support.

While paying attention to the toxicity of the poisonous soil, he was alert to the fire. He had already prepared for it. If the dragon couldn't help in time, he would take the poisonous soil and jump off the cliff.

Although he does not know where the cliff is, it is better to look at the soil of waste and turn it into waste.

Sure enough, on the day he asked for support, the fire in the secret road was obviously weakened. As the fire weakened, the temperature of the soil on the cliffs of the cliffs dropped a lot.

Long Fei Ye and Han Yu could not have arrived so quickly, but Long Fei called the ambush in the medical city and sneaked into the poisonous grass bank in the fastest way.

Two groups of people were killed outside the secret road. In the sound of fierce blasting, Gu Qixiao faintly heard the movement of the fight. He thought it would be done soon, but who knows that this killing actually lasted for ten days.

The dragons are not sent by the night, and they are not weak. Who is the fire in the end, is it the Chu family? Is Chu family so strong?

In the scorching smell of fire, Gu Qishao smelled a thick **** smell, and God knew how terrible the other side of the fire was!

The fire that weakened in the past few days has gradually increased in the past few days. The stone walls are hot and hot. The entire cliff, whether it is stone or earth, is hot.


Gu Qishao’s beautiful face was frowned. He clenched the collected soil of poison and looked at the burning fire. His face was cold and fierce.

Such a fierce and serious he is a bit more fortitude than the plain, the enchanting charm, the laughter and the **** are all irrelevant to him, the fire burns in his shackles, he is seriously scared!

The soil of toxic is the thing that the poisonous **** needs, and it is the thing that the poison **** is entrusting him to take. In any case, he has to guard it!

On this day, he did not hesitate to put the poisonous soil in his mouth and stood on the edge of the cliff.

If he can, he has already rushed out through the sea of ​​fire, but the temperature in the fire will hurt the soil of poison.

He waited another day, if the fire did not weaken, the temperature around him would not fall back, he could only jump off the cliff.

Gu Qixiao did not know, Long Fei Ye and Han Yu have arrived!

They kept receiving urgent information on the way, and they had already understood the situation here. It was supposed to be the way to finish the fifteenth day. The two men had just arrived in ten days and came to Tang. And Chu Xi is so windy that he can't even see the shadow.

When they arrived, they saw only a group of fine soldiers.

In a smog with a group of black masked people, Han Han recognized the black-faced masked man as a poisonous person at a glance. It is no wonder that the soldiers who are stationed in the medical city by the night are not able to deal with them.

The dragon martial arts of the night and the poison of Han Han, the two quickly solved the poison.

It is quite an accident that the dragon checks the body of the poisonous person at night, "Is it a gentleman?"

Han Yu does not care so much, and hastily made people speed up the fire to get fire.

The poisonous people are all dead, no one will throw the burning things into the fire, the stone chambers in the secret room, the fire will slowly weaken and finally extinguish. However, the smoke caused by the fire is very deadly. Who died in the fire, how many were not burned, but were killed?

She is very worried about Gu Qi.

I don’t have to worry about Gu Qi Shaolong’s non-nighttime. After taking a new mask and soaking it to Han Han, I will continue to check the body.

He didn't understand why the poisonous people used the way of setting fire, and they prepared so many burning things, which were clearly prepared to burn for several days.

Gu Qishao did not say anything in the letter. What does this have to do with the destruction of the soil of poison? He faintly felt that there was something wrong with it.

"Han Han..."

The dragon was about to open at night, and suddenly, several fierce rockets flew from the dark.

There are ambushes!

Long Fei was the first time to hold Han Han into his arms. It was precisely because he wanted to protect Han Han. When the rocket hit his arm, the fire burned on his arm.

Han Hao has not slowed down. The dragon has already protected her, and a few rockets leaned against the wall, and the arm pressed against the wall, and the fire was extinguished.

"Chu family!"

"Chu family!"

Long Fei Ye and Han Yu almost come out with these two words at the same time. It is hard to be surprised that the Chu family has raised their own poisonous people or colluded with Jun Yi.

At this time, they also have no time to worry, because the archers in the dark did not show up, and the rockets are constantly flying from all directions, more and more, more and more dense, it is impossible to prevent.

The enemy is dark, I am clear, they are completely out of disadvantage.

Surrounded by Wan Jian, under the cover of the elite soldiers, Long Fei night barely protects Han Han. If he is himself, he can let go of his hand, that is, he is burned, and he will kill the archers who are in the dark.

However, Han Han is in his arms, he will never take risks.

God knows how many archers are hidden in the dark. Does Heaven know that Chu Tianyin is in the dark? Chu Tianyin's archery, he had to guard against it.

"The dragon is not night, the defense is attacking, and the archers are killed." Han Yu is very decisive.

Although she does not understand martial arts, she can understand that the underground palace is so small, once the archers are completely suppressed, they can only defend all the time and finally run out of energy.

Therefore, even if it hurts, they can only choose this road.

She just finished, Dragon is very arrogant to put her head in her arms, cold command, "Hide!"

Han Yu is about to break free. Who knows that the dragon pulled out a long whip in the night and smashed a path of life and escaped into the second secret road.

Han Hao was a glimpse, and then she was overjoyed. How did she forget that there were four secret passages around her!

If she remembers correctly, there are poisonous spiders in the second secret road, Chu brothers and sisters and Duanmu Bailu have been taught, and she has small things to help, and she is safe and sound.

Although the rocket is still flying in, but unlike the narrow space outside, it is good to hide in the secret passage, as long as you can escape.

The secret road is very deep, unless the archers in the dark chase in, otherwise the rocket's hit rate is low.

Han Hao raised his head again and smiled. "His Royal Highness, if they are Chu family, they will never dare to chase in!"

At this time, there are still a lot of rockets whizzing past them. The dragon is once again pressing Han Han’s head into his arms, not please, "Be careful!"

Until they escaped to a deep place, the rocket disappeared behind the scenes, and the dragon did not let go of Han Fei at night, "waiting for it."

He said he was leaving, and the archers were afraid that he wanted to escape. When did he escape from the enemy? He just wants to put Han Han here and go out and fight.

In a hurry, Han Yu quickly pulled the hand of the dragon's non-night, and was about to make a sound, but he said, "When the king comes to pick you up!" He hurriedly left after he finished, and Han Han was a little dumbfounded and silent.

Soon, the dragon was folded back at night, followed by a group of dense black poisonous spiders.

Long Fei night looked at Han Han, no doubt she wanted her to shoot.

Seeing his face that has remained unchanged for a long time, he finally had a different expression. Han Han couldn’t help but smile. "I want to remind you, who will make you anxious?"

The dragon didn't talk at night, and Han Han took out the sleeping thing from the medical bag and threw it into the spiders.

The little things have not yet landed, and the black-squeezed poisonous spiders will be afraid to go around, and the blink of an eye is gone.

Although the little things are still not awake, they are definitely the pass for the entire poisonous grass bank!

The poisonous spider was scattered, and the dragon was about to leave at night, but he turned back and called her, "Han Han."

In fact, Han Han is also anxious. Long Fei night quickly solved the outer archers, they are good at fighting and saving seven. She said seriously, "I will wait for you to pick it up! You be careful!"

Who knows that the dragon is not the night, "This king wants to kill a good time, you have to wait a little longer."

He turned his head and left, and soon disappeared. When the singer and the archer were besieging Han Han, he was not there. He was stunned today, he didn’t kill a good time, how could the evil in his heart come out?

Many times, he did not say, she could not think of it.

Han Yu was suspicious, and did not think much. She walked over and took the little things back, and sat in the same place.

However, she soon became alert and noticed that there were countless poisons close!

what happened?

She just stood up, a black dress and a masked old woman appeared in front of her, and the numerous poisons detected by the detoxification system were on this old woman.

She carries a lot of poison!

The detoxification system will not be boring to the simple poison carried by everyone, but when the amount of poison exceeds a certain amount, there may be a threat, the detoxification system will still remind the owner.

Who is this old woman? Is it also a Chu family? It seems that she is not afraid of the poison spider here.

Han Han hid the little things in his sleeve and stepped back in a vigilant manner. "Who are you?"

"Being taken care of by others, take your life." The old woman said sullenly.

Han Hao did not hesitate to start the pear blossom tears, and pulled out several poisonous needles. Who knows that this old woman has easily escaped, and it has also easily solved the poisonous powder with the poisonous needles.

Hey, it’s a poisonous trainer!

Han Han took the initiative and turned and ran...

Is she running deep into the secret road, or is she running outside the secret road?

(End of this chapter)