Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 563: Interrogation, Wanzhizhimu

A night's dream, cracked the secret of the storage space, this is the biggest gain of Han Yu's poisonous grass bank.

She did not seriously ponder whether there would be poisonous sects in the world, and some people would carry such a powerful space with her.

The first time she thought of a person, Jun is evil!

When she is finished to the second stage, she will be able to beat Jun Yi and the evil, and hit him dumbly!

Why does Han Yu think of Jun and evil first? Because, personal grievances, but also because Jun is evil, is the most arrogant person in the poison world.

Seeing that the sky is still not bright, Han Yu hastened to take time to meditate. At this time, Long Fei was lying on the roof and looking at the sky.

His gaze was always deep and dignified. He thought about it for a night. Perhaps the sorcerer mentioned the glory of the nobles, perhaps the words of Gu Qixiao, perhaps the scene was inexplicably destroyed.

Or not, he is only wondering how to deal with the Chu family, how to disturb the calm of the Western Zhou Dynasty.

Jun Lang's locked dignity and coldness, so that the dragon that is not angry and self-defeating seems to be more and more cold, not offended, can not guess.

In the silence, suddenly a figure jumped onto the roof, it was Tang.

He brought two pots of wine over and dropped a pot to give the dragon a night. "Brother, have a drink with me!"

The amount of dragons and nights is unknown, but he is not good at wine. He puts the jug on the side and does not say anything.

Tang was a little drunk, sitting down beside him and muttering, "Brother, do you think that woman is using this? I don't like her, why should she marry me?"

Since the escape of marriage, Tang has always been very wrong, except for the big tree of the dragon and the night, he has almost no way to go.

The dragon did not look at him at night, immersed in his own thoughts.

Tang is very close, whispering, "Brother, I just want to find a woman, regenerate two dolls, drag the family back with the mouth, see how I can still take me! In fact, they do not force so tight, I may not Going back, the more they find the world, the more I don't want to go."

Finally, the dragon came up at night and looked over. Tang left a cellar and smiled. "You have to say that I am childish, right."


Long did not speak in the night, grabbed the hand of Tang, and flew up to the distance, and casually let go, Tang Li fell from a height, and the wine also woke up a bit.

The dragon was not open at night, and it was cold and cold. "Try again in the past!"

Tang left, and realized that Han Han was sleeping in the house, so this guy is watching her for the night?

The dragon is far away from the night, and Tang is still chasing him and pulling him, whispering, "Brother, you... you still, no, you still..."

Tang said a long time, did not say a complete meaning, the dragon has changed his face, "Let's let go."

"Brother, just one sentence, you two havetened to give birth to the baby, I promise that I will not dare to have any thoughts on Han Han!" Tang said seriously.

The dragon was not sullen in the night, and he immediately took a trip to the pool not far from the Tang to hang up.

As for whether Tang’s suggestion caused the blasphemy in the dragon’s heart, he only knew it. In short, his brow’s brow was released.

Packed up the Chu family, until the next year, the ice and snow melted, it is necessary to go to the Tianshan!

On the following day, Han Yu first discovered that Gu Qi was missing.

"Is it difficult to go last night?" Han Yu asked suspiciously.

Gu Qi, who has been rushing to keep on going, suddenly refused to say goodbye and made her somewhat uneasy.

I haven’t tried Chu Tianyin yet, what is the guy eager to do? Is there any urgent matter? Where did he go?

I thought it would be easy to get the poisonous soil from the poisonous grass bank, so she and Mu Linger said that Gu Shao will soon go back. Now, Mu Linger will still look forward to it.

Waiting for disappointment is a cruel thing, let alone Mu Linger’s desperate waiting?

Han Hao doesn't know how much she knows about Gu Shao, but at least she knows that she must go out and take care of her.

"What happened last night..." she asked earnestly.

Tang left with a sneeze and shook his head. "I don't know, I drank too much and fell into the lake..."

Tang really did drink too much last night. I completely forgot what I said to the dragon and the night, and I don’t even remember being embarrassed.

For Tang’s statement, the dragon is not expressionless at night, and the dragon is not talking to Han Wei at night. “Do you have something important to find him?”

How can Han Yu and Mu Linger tell the dragon non-night when they are small? She shook her head.

The dragon is not in the night, but he did not ask more questions and took Han Han to see Chu Tianyin. Chu Tianyin was locked in the secret room and was extremely hurt. He has not yet woken up.

However, when the dragon was pouring cold water at night, he immediately opened his eyes.

Chu Tianyin is indeed a man, falling to this point, his eyes are not afraid, he raised his eyebrows and looked at the dragon night, spit out a septic, did not speak.

The dragon’s non-night lips have a cold evil, saying, “Tang is leaving, sending the witches to the military camp.”

"Dragon is not a night, there is a kind of young master who comes to insult, insult a woman, what?" Chu Tianyin anger, he did not know that the witch has been put back to the Chu family.

"I know so much about the soil of the poisonous, dream of the butterfly in the hands of the Chu family?" Long Fei asked with interest.

It is not easy to find the underground secret room of the poisonous poisonous grass bank, not to mention the place where the poisonous soil is located. It is known that the poisonous soil is afraid of fire. This must be a pondering of the butterfly dream.

I thought that he and Ru Yun were also tracing for a long time before they learned that there was a clue to cracking the dream of the butterfly in the poisonous grass bank.

The dragon is suspected of Chu Tianyin at night, and Chu Tianyin also suspects that the dragon is not night. Before meeting the dragon and the night and Han Han in the underground palace, he suspects that the two men are going to dream of the butterfly, and even the butterfly dream is in They are on hand.

It’s just that now listening to the dragon’s non-night question, Chu Tianyin’s doubts are dispelled. I want to come to the butterfly dream, which is the poisonous sect to the treasure. It has been missing for so many years, and it is impossible to fall into the hands of the dragon and the night.

Chu Tian is full of abdomen city, clever and calm, but unfortunately, no matter how much better than the old fox of the dragon and the night.

Long Bu Ye’s question is to dispel Chu’s doubts.

"No, I think the King of Qin is also going to dream of the butterfly! The dreamer of the butterfly is the best in the world. Qin Wang is both in the world. Why should he refuse the invitation of the Central Government? Is Qin Qin not aware of himself?" Chu Tianyin sneered.

The various forces in the south and south of Tianning united to form the Central Government of the South China, and they insisted that Qin Wang saw the founding of the emperor. Unfortunately, the Qin Wang has not ignored it. This is the cause of the various forces in the mainland, and they are also pondering.

It is a pity that no one is pondering the dragon's non-night mind and pondering his mind, which means that the real situation of Tianning cannot be seen.

The Chu family wants to take the position of the son of Chu Qing’s song and occupy a place in the land of Tianning. Then, based on this position, the whole Tianning is vyed for. Therefore, Chujia is more concerned about Longfei than anyone else. The movement of the night.

With this kind of radical method, I want to put out the attitude of the dragon and the night, and Chu Tianyin is still tender.

Long did not answer the night, Han Yu first laughed, "Chu Tianyin, you are too embarrassed

With the help of the central and southern parts, Qin Wang did not refuse, but ignored it. ”

Chu Tianyin hit a fist on the cotton, depressed.

"The butterfly dreamer has the world, so you are also interested in the world in the Western Zhou Dynasty. It seems that this king should have a good talk with the Western Zhou Emperor."

Long Fei night said carelessly, Chu Tianyin was shocked, "Dragon is not night, you..."

The dragon looked at the eyebrows at night and said, "What else have you found in addition to the soil of poison?"

Chu Tianyin is silent.

The dragon is not allowed to silence in the night. "The king's patience is limited, don't regret it."

The warning of Fang Cai is still in the ear. The witch is the sister of Chu Tianyin’s mother, and the relatives of Chu Tianyin. He absolutely does not allow the witch to have an accident.

What's more, everything in the dream of the butterfly is all sorcerer's efforts to find out, and it is worthwhile to save the witch.

"Nothing found." Chu Tianyin faintly said, "But, I know the three kinds of whereabouts, you put the witches, I will tell you."

"Say." Long non-night promised very simply.

"I want to see the witches first." Chu Tianyin is very serious.

The dragon is not even more simple at night, he said, "If you want to say it, don't say anything!"

Chu Tianyin clearly has a bargaining condition, but he was killed by the dragon's bully pressure. From small to large, he was so depressed for the first time, but he had to recognize it!

"I believe that Qin Wang is not a person who does not believe in it!" He first slammed this sentence, and said, "There are still thousands of poisonous water, toxic wood, poisonous animal blood, and the poisonous water is the medicine city." The poisonous pool in the medicinal forest is now unknown. The poisonous wood is on the millennium ginkgo tree in the Western Zhou Dynasty. As for the piece, I don’t know. The poisonous animal blood is the blood of the poisonous poisonous beast. The gossip said that the poisonous beast was lost, and it was difficult to distinguish between true and false."

Han Hao sat aside and gently stroked the little things sleeping in the sleeves.

It’s the same, it’s actually the same for them, but it’s just enough.

"On the ginkgo tree? What is the answer?" Long asked at night.

"It is not clear that the ginkgo tree in the Western Zhou Dynasty is not easy to see." Chu Tianyin said the truth.

Thousand Buddha Caves are the holy places of the Western Zhou Dynasty. If the grand ceremonies are open, even the grand ceremonies are only open to the royal family and individual people. The Millennium Ginkgo is a place where monks practice, and it is not allowed to approach easily.

"Qin Wang, I know everything, you can now go back to the witches? Grand Master, you can say nothing!" Chu Tianyin is very anxious.

At this time, Tang Li, who had been standing on the side, couldn’t help but laugh. "The young master of Chu, Qin Wang put people on the night, enough credit!"

Chu Tianyin knew that he was being played, and he was ashamed and annoyed. However, he did not become angry and lost his senses. His first thought was that the dragon was not the night to put the witches?

"Dragon is not night, what do you want to do?" he asked.

The dragon did not answer the night, and asked thoughtfully, "If the family is in the world, what should the king talk to?"

When this was said, Chu Tianyin was completely shocked and could hardly speak. He also does not want to say, because in this case he said that it is useless and will only expose more.

Long Fei night light stunned Han Han, see Han Han looked curious.

This woman is always so curious about the things of the seven nobles.

Fortunately... she doesn't know the truth.

Long Fei night has no time to hide with Chu Tian, ​​he coldly interrogated, "In addition to your Youzu, what are the seven nobles?"

(End of this chapter)