Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 564: Interrogate, play bad rhythm

The whereabouts of the seven nobles?

For the first time, Chu Tianyin discovered that the dragon and the night were also so interested in the Daqin and Seven nobles.

"Qin Wang knows that I am a ghost, I must have a trace of the seven nobles?" Chu Tian hidden test.

A wise man can catch a clue in the other side's words, temptation, and test the information.

Chu Tianyin's temptation, the dragon is not in the heart of the night.

The identity of his Dong Qin orphans will not be easily exposed.

"If the Western Zhou Kangcheng Emperor knows that you are coming to Chu..."

The words of the dragon and the night have not yet been finished, Chu Tianyin is anxious, and interrupted coldly. "Dragon is not night, if you are talking about conditions, just be a little bit, just turn around!"

It’s very uncomfortable to hear this. Han Fei is the most incompetent person in the world. He is not so patient.

It is obvious that Chu Tianyin has been avoiding it, and it is good to go around the bend!

She was about to interject, Tang Li was not happy than her, sneer, "Chu Tianyin, you figure out, Qin Wang is interrogating you, not chatting with you! With you a few words, you really are yourself A green onion?"

Chu Tianyin does not know whether it is really calm, or thick skin, not at all awkward, but also confidently said, "Dragon is not night, how can I let me go, even if the conditions open."

In a few words, I avoided the things of the seven nobles. Unfortunately, the dragon did not forget the night.

Long Fei night looked at Chu Tianyin and had to admit that Chu Tianyin was the most calm prisoner he had ever seen. However, the captives were prisoners after all.

"This king did not intend to let you go. You know how much to say about the seven nobles, otherwise..."

Chu Tianyin once again planned to ignore the warning of the dragon and the night. He said coldly, "Unless you let me go, you can't think about opening the mouth of the young master again!"

Witch's business, he has just been played a lot, how can he still continue to be played!

Besides, since the witchcraft has escaped, he will not provide any information to Long Feiye anyway.

Chu Tian concealed his mouth and looked dauntless.

I have to warn others, but this is instead being warned. The only patience of the dragon and the night has finally disappeared. He turned back and looked at Tang Yi and Han Yu, and asked coldly, "Who are you?"

Who is coming?

Since it was interrogated, whether it is the hidden weapon of Tang Yi or the poison of Han Han, it is more interesting than any piece of torture in his secret room.

He returned to Han Han and sat down next to him. He lifted his legs and his long arm stretched out on the back of Han Han's chair. His posture was domineering and he stood by.

"I come!"

Tang has long since wiped his fists, and has been stagnation for marriage. He has a person who can vent his anger. He will not miss it.

Although Chu Tianyin did not know the relationship between Tang and the dragon, but it was clear that Tang’s coming, and Tang’s secret weapon.

Although uneasy, but also fortunate, fortunately not Han Yulai, Han Hao in the hands of those poisons, he is the most taboo.

Who knows, Tang has not yet started, Han Hao will open up, "Tang Shao, I don't think you can judge it, this guy's bones are hard!"

"Bet?" Tang said without hesitation.

If Chu Xifeng is present, it will definitely stop, and bet with Han Hao has never been good to end!


Han Hao happily agreed, and Chu Tianyin's pale face instantly fell three points. Damn, what are these two people when he is?

"How is a gambling, what is the first bet?" Tang was very excited.

"The gambling is whether you open his mouth first, or the king will open it first." Han Yu also came to the interest.

"What about the conditions?" Tang asked again.

"Half hour is limited, you can keep your life, how can you judge it?"

Long Fei night inadvertently inserted a sentence, Chu Tianyin and then calm heart can not help but tremble, but he is still holding, not moving.

Han Hao answered very cheerfully, "Good!"

Tang Li said seriously, "Say good to open his mouth to win?"

"Yeah." Han Han nodded.

"What about bets?" Tang Li asked seriously.

"With you." Han Hao, this is simply refreshing, not losing the dragon and not night. ”

"I want to win, I owe the money of Qin Wang to write off?" Tang smiled.

At the beginning of the escape from marriage, his father broke all his financial paths, relying on his mother to support him secretly, but then his father found the mother, and the mother would not dare to give him money again. He can only reach out with the dragon for the night, and he still owes a debt.

Han Hao laughed and said, "I am still for you."

"You and Qin Wang also divide you and me? Qin Wang's are not all of you? People are yours..." Tang Li said.

The dragon didn't make a sound at night, but the tea came to stop half of the face, but the line of sight was clearly hidden in Han Yu. Han Hanming's face was red, and his mouth was still holding. He did not ask with enthusiasm. "You want to lose?" ”

"With you!" Tang is also generous, and he has nothing to lose anyway.

Who knows Han Han smiled, "If you lose, let me call for a year, on call!"

"Good!" Tang was full of confidence.

After talking about the conditions, the two of them brushed their eyes and looked at Chutian, and Chu Tianyin was angry. These two people are simply insulting his value!

Especially Tang away! How much money does Tang Yi can owe to the dragon? Is it difficult for him to be worthy of the money?

He will not answer anyway, and he will not answer any questions from his death!

Suddenly, he noticed that there was a hidden weapon, but he was helpless. He was unable to dodge when he was tied. He quickly felt a pain in his mouth, as if something had penetrated.

This must be the hidden weapon of Tang, and I don’t know what the hidden weapon is. The only thing that can be sure is that it has already entered his mouth.

Soon, there was a wave of pain in the pain. As the pain worsened, the thin lines on the hidden weapon gradually became clear.

Chu Tianyin can only understand that Tang has brought a line from the hidden weapon, and one shot into his mouth, one in the hands of Tang, as long as Tang pulls the rope, he will hurt.

The **** thing, where is not good to pick his mouth, the dark weapon stabbed so deep, so that he continued to drool.

Let Tang be forced to pull, Chu Tianyin bite his teeth and endure pain!

No matter what Tang asked him, he wouldn’t answer it.

However, Chu Tianyin waited for a while, Tang did not interrogate a sentence, but he was pulling the string more and more forcefully.

Chu Tian faintly noticed what was wrong, but could not say it.

He was wondering, suddenly his nose was blocked, like a cold nose, Chu Tianyin became more and more uncomfortable. He knew that the nasal congestion must be caused by Han Yu’s poison.

Han Han can't just let him get stuffy, there must be a back hand. The stuffy nose is undoubtedly asking him to open his mouth. Could it be that Han Yu wants to feed him what poison?

Chutian concealed the turtle's interest, but helplessly, under the influence of Han Yu poison, the turtle's work is useless. Breathing this thing, can not help, and soon, Chu Tianyin opened his mouth.

He thought, even if Han Han feeds him poison, what can he do? He is ironic and will not answer any questions from them.

Who knows, this one mouth, Tang Lili

Ma Song took a hand and looked at Han Yu incredibly.

Han Hao looked back and smiled, especially good-looking, "I won!"

"You...what did you win?" Tang asked unwillingly.

"I let him breathe, this is not to open his mouth, what is it?" Han Yu seriously asked.

When this was said, Chu Tianyin almost collapsed. What did they mean by gambling their mouths? He is still stupid waiting for them to interrogate!

"You..." Tang was crying and crying.

He and Han Hao gambled who opened the mouth of Chu Tianyin. This has two meanings. The first one is purely opening the mouth of Chu Tianyin, and the second is to let Chu Tianyin answer their interrogation.

He thought carefully, and wanted to hang a slap in the face. He used the hidden weapon to pull Chu Tianyin’s mouth apart and let it win. Let Han Hao slowly go to the trial. Who knows that Han Han does not jump this trap, and he does not want to let Chu Tian’s secret Open your mouth.

"Hey, I am willing to gamble and lose, the dragon is not a night testimony, you have to let me be enslaved for one year!"

Han Hao’s word "slavery", listening to Tang’s panic, he secretly vowed not to bet with Han Hao again, but this time, he must gamble in the end!

"One year a year, gamble again!" Tang said from the domineering.

"What are you gambling?" Han Yu did not refuse.

"Gambling who let him bow first!" Tang said.

Chu Tianyin anger, these two guys are not trying to judge him, just playing him! He glared at him, "You are enough!"

It is a pity that Tang Li and Han Han ignored him. Han Han readily agreed, "Bet?"

"If the young master wants to lose, he will add another year. You have to lose. Just that year." Tang went out.

"Okay, start!"

Han Yu’s voice fell, and immediately, he hit a poisonous needle on Chu’s neck. Tang was not willing to show weakness. He quickly rushed up.

I want Chu Tianyin to bow my head, what kind of hidden weapon is used, and it will not be done by hand!

Anyway, Chu Tianyin may not have any resistance at all. It is entirely a fish on the cutting board, let them slaughter.

Han Yu’s poison made Chu Tianyin’s neck suddenly weak, but he was strong and supported by them. If he looked down again, his dignity really had to feed the dog.

However, when Tang came out, he held his head from behind and slammed forward.

Chu Tianyin’s neck was weak, and after such a pressure, he couldn’t help but hang down.

"I won!" Tang was overjoyed.

"Not counting! I can only win if I take the medicine!" Han Wei did not recognize.

"Who knows that you have prescribed medicine?" Tang left the big hand and died according to Chu Tianyin's head, and asked with anger.

Han Hao slammed a slap in the back of Chu Tianyin’s head and pressed hard down. “You know it!”

So the two were so noisy.

Long Fei night looked with interest, Chu Tian hidden his head, and was ashamed and annoyed, his face was red, his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, he was furious, and his eyes were bursting out.

What is sensible, what is calm and secretly thrown behind him, he roars, "You are enough!"

"Han Han immediately detoxified this young master!"

"Tang away, let go! I warn you to let go, hear no!"

However, Han Yu and Tang Li were so hot that they did not hear his clamour.

"It’s not a big deal, it’s not a slap, and you can gamble again." Finally, Tang gave way.

“What are you gambling?” asked Han Han.

Tang has not yet answered, Chu Tianyin can't hold it, and he said, "This young master answers you! Anything is answered!"

(End of this chapter)