Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 575: Even the mother’s capital

"And slow!"

A fierce and angry voice stopped the Emperor Kang Cheng, who could appear in the East Palace, and dared to be so arrogant in front of Emperor Kang Cheng. Who else would be the Queen of Xi Zhou?

The Queen of Xue came to the Emperor Kangcheng to be a favorite. Secondly, her family had a strong power and led the harem so far. No one can compete with it. In the early years of the brutal struggle of the Prince to rule out dissidents, she has also made a contribution.

The Queen of Xue has not yet come out, and Emperor Kang Cheng will be angry. "The Queen, the Prince has today, you are used to it!"

"Oh, anyway, Yaoyao is also used to being expelled. I have more crimes, not bad!"

Queen Xue made the temper, and walked out from behind the curtain. Unlike other empresses, the Queen Xue was not graceful and glamorous. Although she was old, her figure was still very good. She wore a snowy gauze dress. The cloak of gray fox robes, the traces left on her face, did not take away the innate temperament she was born with. If you are not in the palace, people who are afraid of hitting her will mistakenly think that she is a fairy.

Duanmu Yao's temperament of not eating the fireworks is inherited from her, but Duanmu Yao is even more beautiful than her, and even more beautiful.

"Come, don't drag the Prince out!" Emperor Kang Cheng was really angry.

"If the emperor insists on blaming the prince, please ask the stalker!"

Queen Xue was guarded in front of the prince, and the prince also hid behind her, not coming out.

Emperor Kang Cheng grabbed the secret letter and threw it. "What did you write about yourself? The face of the Western Zhou Dynasty was lost by him. He still didn't think about remorse. He dared to contact the stinky girl. Did you really abolish him?"

"The emperor, this letter is written by the prince and the prince. Please ask the emperor to be eager to see the girl in the court, and also read the prince of the prince, and spare the prince."

Queen Xue said, tears fell. "Emperor, Yaoyao, the girl is not sensible, how can he stand up to the evil of the king and evil, but for a moment of confusion, but by the woman who is like a snake, the heart of the snake is in the air. Everyone knows the world, and there are still rumors that Yaoyao and Jun are evil... There is dyeing! Emperor, Prince resentment Han Han what is wrong? Emperor, don’t you feel bad about your daughter?”

Emperor Kang Cheng was the last to see the Queen crying, seeing her tears, and then the heart of the stone was also changed. "I have done it, don't mention it!"

He said, turning around is going. The prince was overjoyed, but Queen Xue glared at him and whispered. "You have recently given the palace some peace! Also, keep in touch with your sister and ask her about the situation of the old man."

The prince of the prince was in the head, and the Queen of Xue quickly chased out and kept up with Emperor Kang Cheng.

Emperor Kang Cheng was silent at first, and it took a long time to whisper. "Yao Yao, is it good?"

Emperor Kang Cheng’s favor for Princess Yao is more than that for Prince Edward, not only because Princess Yao and Queen Xue are very young, but also because Princess Yao is the most loved disciple of Tianshan Jianzong. It is an important bridge for the Western Zhou Dynasty to pay good swords.

Although the expulsion of Yao Princess, Emperor Kang Cheng was still concerned about privately, and did not really prevent the Queen, the Prince's correspondence with Princess Yao.

"I heard that I have been practicing a new sword method recently, and I have grown a lot." Xue Queen whispered, "The emperor, the courtier also knows that you hate the iron for the children. In fact, if there is no Qin Wang to intervene, the child said Uncertainty will really entice Han Han, let her make a joke."


Hugh to underestimate Qin Wangxi. That woman can almost control the decision of Qin Wang, is it easy to make jokes? "The Emperor Kang Cheng asked.

Queen Xue did not speak. Like her daughter, she would never recognize Han Han’s merits.

Soon, the **** came over and told me that Qin Wang and Qin Wang had arrived.

"The emperor, the courtiers will go with you to meet them for a while?" Xue Queen was only tempted, and he saw the Emperor Kang Cheng refused to follow the past.

Emperor Kang Cheng arranged the side hall next to the Chaoyang Hall to formally meet Qin Wang. The Queen did not show up, but hid in the bedroom behind the main hall, and the Chu general who sent Qin Wang to the palace was also repulsed by Emperor Kang Cheng.

Obviously, this is a private meeting.

Emperor Kang Cheng is very puzzled about what topic the dragon will provoke, is it about Xijing City, or about the Chu family or about Tianan City?

After all, there are so many topics that are directly related to each other. It is unlikely that Long Fei will come to talk about the cooperation between the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Central South Government.

Unexpectedly, Long Fei night talked about the plague of the horse race in the Northern calendar last year!

The Nandu Racecourse, one of the three major horse races in the Northern calendar, spread out to the herdsmen's racecourse. Now, although the plague has passed, it can be very devastating. It is said that the Southland Racecourse is almost abolished, and the military of the Northern calendar is greatly damaged.

"I heard that Hongcheng Racecourse and Tianze Racecourse have all fallen into the hands of the Prince?" Emperor Kang Cheng asked tentatively. He got the news that the two horse farms were originally Kang Wangjun and also had a cup of sorrow. The things of the city were cut off by the throne and lost power.

"No matter who is in the hands of the plague, no one can do anything about it." Long Fei said in a faint night, "The king had a news not long ago. Last year's Ma Rong actually endangered Tianze and Hongcheng. But the loss was not The capital of Nandu."

Upon hearing this, Emperor Kang Cheng was shocked. Although the dragon was not euphemistic, he could understand it!

It seems that the loss of the Northern calendar is actually bigger than he knows. In other words, the strength of the Northern calendar is not as strong as he estimated.

It’s no wonder, Tianning’s civil strife, the cavalry general Ningda and the infantry general Mu Dajun divided the two mains, the water army retired to the south, Tianning’s strength in the northern Xinjiang was divided into two, and the northern calendar lost a racecourse. There is no action in the south.

It turned out to be a huge loss!

Such a secret matter, Qin Wang revealed to him, what is the intention?

"If there is no civil strife in Tianning, this is a good opportunity." Emperor Kang Cheng said with emotion.

It has always been the Beili invasion of Tianning and the Western Zhou Dynasty. If Tianning's infantry and cavalry can work together and cooperate with the Western Zhou Dynasty, and in the absence of the North War horses, it can be a painful attack on the Northern calendar.

"If there is a heart in the Western Zhou Dynasty, the king can take a line and let the generals of Baili come over to talk in detail." Long Fei said in a faint night.

Emperor Kang Cheng finally understood why Long Fei was coming, and it really came to cooperate with Xizhou!

If the Baili Shuijun starts from the sea, the East commits the border of the Northern calendar. If it comes, it can be united with the Western Zhou Dynasty to form a pinch-splitting force.

I have to say that the first reaction of Emperor Kang Cheng is the heart! However, he was sensible after all, and soon he analyzed the pros and cons of cooperation, and no doubt more harm than good!

Once, when he and Qin Wang joined forces, it meant to tear the face with Xijing City, and a handful of Xijing was in a hurry, stationed at the border.

The Ningjia cavalry rushed into the Western Zhou Dynasty, and the consequences were unimaginable;

Secondly, even if there is a misunderstanding, there will be miscalculations. The Western Zhou Dynasty and the Northern calendar will be at risk of being invaded by the Northern calendar. The iron ride of the Northern calendar is the most vengeful. Once it is offended, even if it pays a big price. The central and southern parts of the dragon are not bound by the northern calendar, and the middle and the middle are separated by the emperor and the emperor. Therefore, Qin Wang has no risk at all, and it is not necessary to win the navy;

Thirdly, it is also the most taboo of Emperor Kang Cheng. That is to say, cooperation with Qin Wang is tantamount to making a skin with the tiger. It is even more like finding a skin with the fox. I don’t know how to be killed by the pit! God knows that Qin Wang is sincerely trying to cooperate with the pressure of the North Calendar, or do you want to count the Western Zhou Dynasty?

Emperor Kang Cheng almost refused this cooperation in his heart for the first time, but on the surface he was still very interested. After all, he still wanted to ask more news about the Bei Li from the mouth of Qin.

Unfortunately, at the end of the conversation, he did not seem to ask anything. At the beginning, Qin Wang said quite a bit. Later, almost all of them said that Qin Wang was listening.

Han Han, who was sitting next to Qin Wang, didn’t say anything at all. It was like being hanged aside, and from the boring people, the Qin Wang always poured tea on her from time to time, letting them hide in the dark. Queen Xue can't help but feel awkward.

I want to avoid it when she is in a state of love. I have to hide behind it and peek at it. Han Han is a Wang Hao. Why can I sit on the side of Qin Wang and listen to politics? Moreover, Qin Wang actually personally pour tea to her in the public, how can it be said that Han Han is respectful to him!

Although the atmosphere of the countries in the cloud is quite open, it is a world of men and women. Men, especially men who control power, even if they are on the bed and look for women, but no one will be in the formal public, so wait for women.

Qin Wang actually did this, and Han Han was still so calmly accepted, both of them seem to have been used to it.

Queen Xue saw this scene is mad, but what about her daughter? She thought, we must tell Yaoyao about this matter, let Yaoyao hold the defending on the Tianshan side, even if you lost the chance of being a pro, lost the identity of the princess, can not be so cheap Han Han!

Long Feiye and Kang Cheng emperor chatted for an hour, and promised that Emperor Kang Cheng would attend the banquet at night, and Long Fei would bring Han Han out of the palace.

As soon as he left the palace, Han Hao couldn't wait to say, "You are not sincerely willing to cooperate with the Western Zhou Dynasty! Right! You are deliberately to disclose the plague!"

With the dragon's long night, plus her own cleverness, Han Wei can now basically understand the dragon's non-night tactics.

"Say it." Long Fei night said with great interest,

"So, Emperor Kang Cheng will start to the Chu family on the occasion of the ban on the Prince!" Han Yu said seriously.

The so-called high powers cover the Lord, and the power is big. Emperor Kang Cheng has another measure, and then there is no possibility to tolerate the unrestricted tolerance of the Chu family. Especially after the Chu Qing song was married to the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor, it became a queen in less than two years, and the emperor Kang Cheng’s heart was even more taboo. .

The reason why Emperor Kang Cheng has not been with the Chu family has always been watching, and the second is to avoid the North Riding Iron Rider. After all, the bow and arrow team of the Chu State in the Western Zhou Dynasty is the most inconspicuous, and it is a big deal for the Bei Li Tie. troops!

Han Yu smiled and watched the dragon non-night, "Dragon is not night, you are too bad, you are coming to provoke the separation!"

(End of this chapter)