Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 576: Who is counting high?

Yes, the dragon is not the night to come to the protagonist!

He not only succeeded in provoking Emperor Kang Cheng and Chu, but also succeeded in provoking Chu and Gu Beiyue. Unfortunately, Han Han only saw the former and did not know the latter.

They have just returned to Hongjun Temple, and Tang Li and Chu Xifeng have returned to the Thousand Buddha Caves.

"Brother, if no one leads the way, they will not be able to go in, they will be too strict, and there will be defense outside the door.!"

Tang is very sure, Chu Xifeng nodded again and again, "The master, even if the Chu family wants to go in, it is not easy, there is a lot of organs besides being strict and strict. If it is not the young master of Tang, the trip will definitely be a surprise." of."

Tang is still very researching on the traps of the organs, and this trip is indeed thanks to Tang.

At this time, Long Feiye and Han Yu were silent, and they also remembered a person, a white son.

The dragon is not smashing at night, and the genius should look for the guys of the movie family to help; Han Yu thinks that in the case of numerous defenses, it is not difficult for the shadow family to be intrigued by anyone who wants to break into the shadows.

It is a pity that neither of them knows each other's ideas and they will not say them.

Long Fei night said, "And wait for the Chu family news."

At this time, Gu Beiyue had just arrived at the Chu family. After Chu Yunzhen asked him about this, he was curious.

He knows a lot about poisonous sects, and the things that dream of butterflies are naturally known. He heard Chu Tianyin say that the poisonous wood, it is obvious that the Chu family knew very early that the poisonous wood was in the thousand Buddha's caves. It was not stolen in the early days, but it was stolen when the dragon came in the night. This is why?

It’s hard to know that Chu Yunyu knows that Long Fei is coming from the wood of poison, so I want to start with strong; or is there a trade between them?

Gu Beiyue has a complicated complex in his eyes and asks, "Why do you want to find a poisonous wood on this section?"

"Below to start with a strong, Tianyin that stinky boy took things out!" Chu Yun翳 said with resentment.

Gu Beiyue looked at Chu Yunxi intently. He seemed to be able to see through his eyes and straight into his heart. He asked, "So, is the king of Qin coming for the poisonous wood?"

"Exactly!" Chu Yunzhen did not speak, he is asking for Gu Beiyue, but he is testing him.

He lowered his voice. "Northern Moon, I don't want you to say that yesterday, the old man and Qin Wang had seen it privately. He promised that as long as the Chu family helped him get the poisonous wood, he would help the Chu family to keep the secret of the secret."

Gu Beiyue immediately asked, "What about Chu Tianyin?"

"Oh, the stinky kid can even pick up the things of the poisonous wood. What is the use of the old man to save him? Hey, my genius does not leave a traitor!" Chu Yunyan asked coldly.

Gu Beiyue is silent, and the clear and clear eyes are no longer gentle. Instead, he is calm and calm, and gentle, like a person, is not easy to offend. Even Chu Yunqi, who had a heart to test him, did not dare to look directly into his eyes. He couldn’t see through it, and he couldn’t understand what he was thinking at the moment.

The longer Ku Beiyue is silent, the more guilty he is, the more he is guilty. Although he is an elder, he never looked down on this young man. He only secretly scorns in the bottom of his heart, how can such a child not be born in the Youzu Chu family?

It’s not that Chu Yun’s can’t stand it, but Gu Beiyue’s silence has been too long, and Chu Yun’s mouth opened again. “Northern Moon, the Thousand Buddha Caves are guarded by strictness, and not close to the Millennium Ginkgo, it is close to the grottoes. The door is not easy. The old man is also looking for you in a dilemma. The life and death of the sorcerer depends on you!"

Chu Yunqi is not exaggerated. If the Yuzu can't get the poisonous wood, the dragon will not let go of the ghosts; but if they hardly smash the thousand Buddha caves, then the Chu family will not need to mix in the Western Zhou Dynasty. dilemma.

"The patriarch is long, you are heavy." Gu Beiyue said faintly.

"Northern month, the old man in the past few days is also a moment of urgency, you have to care about." The patriarch said.

"No." Gu Beiyue's tone is still faint, without any emotion.

The patriarch of the genius knows that it is useless and silent.

For a long time, Gu Beiyue opened his mouth. "The patriarch is long, and the king of Qin holds the handle of the secluded family. Why don't he directly talk to Emperor Kang Cheng, but instead find the Chu family?"

Of course, Emperor Kang Cheng also heard about the dream of the butterfly, but he did not know that the poisonous wood is the thing needed to crack the dream of the butterfly, but he did not know that the poisonous wood was on the millennium ginkgo tree. If Qin Wang only came for the poisonous wood, it would be most direct to talk to Emperor Kang Cheng.

"I am afraid that there is still a plot for the Chu family. What do you think?" Chu Yunzhen tried.

Gu Beiyue nodded and said, "In the power of the next person, you can barely enter the Thousand Buddha Caves, and you must get a thousand years of ginkgo. I am afraid..."

Chu Yunzhen interrupted. "You only need to go to the road first. After three months, the door of the Buddha will open. When the generals of Chu go in, you can go in."

Chu Yunxi said, close together, lowering the voice and whispering with Gu Beiyue.

The general content of the whisper is that after three months, he will try to invite the dragon to enter the Thousand Buddha Caves at night, and he will take the opportunity to kill the dragon and the night! As for the poisonous wood, he has his own way.

Gu Beiyue’s eyes are complicated and connected, and Chu Yunqi said again. “And even if you can’t kill Qin Wang, you must kill Han Han! Han Hao knows the poison, and the old man will let her follow.”

As soon as this was said, Gu Beiyue’s clear eyes were filled with the coldness of the monks. Fortunately, he lowered his eyes, otherwise Chu Yunyu would be shocked.

Gu Beiyue was still hesitant, and immediately he nodded. "Well, this matter, the younger generation must help the end!"

Chu Yunxi was overjoyed. When he stayed in the north to stay in the Chu family, Gu Beiyue refused. He said that a few days later, he would give a map of the thousand Buddhas.

After Gu Beiyue left, General Chu came out from the inner house. "You told him so, don't he be afraid to tell him?"

"Afraid of anything, the dragon is not a night, it will be counted. If he has a picture of the Chu family, he will count it. This time, he forced me to the ancestors, and he will blame me for the genius. !"

Chu Yunqi is so determined, it must be hidden after the move.

He is not only setting a trap for the dragon and the night, but also trying Gu Beiyue. If Gu Beiyue does not collude with the dragon and the night, then he will let Gu Beiyue a horse. If Gu Beiyue really colludes with the dragon and the night, At that time, the shadow family will be destroyed in the thousand Buddhas!

General Chu still couldn’t understand, "Even if Qin Wang will count, what can we do? Is it because you want to expose the genie?"

Chu Yunxiao was cold and laughed, whispering with the generals of Chu, and only seeing the face of Chu General changed again and again, he said, "The risk is too great."

"Yes! But the Youzu has no way to go!" Chu Yunyu said coldly.

Long Feitai counts Chu family, Gu Beiyue, Emperor Kang Cheng; Chu family counts Long Fei Ye and Gu Beiyue; Emperor Kang Cheng is calculating the Chu family.

Silent night, Baicheng is full of sleep in the city, a storm is brewing in the early days, this long battle is in the dark, who will be big

Winner, who will lose the most?

After three months, it must be seen.

After the banquet this evening, Emperor Kang Cheng personally sent Long Fei Ye and Han Wei, and gave a clear reply to the morning talks. He said that the Western Zhou Dynasty likes peace and peace, and never actively violates others, explicitly rejects the cooperation with Long Fei, and proposes The second emperor was accompanying, and they asked the dragon to visit around Baicheng.

Everything was expected in the dragon's night, he refused, and on the spot, he said that he left the city tomorrow morning.

It’s not all that comes from the poisonous wood. How can you really leave?

On the early morning of the next day, General Chu was ordered to send him. After leaving Baicheng, Long Feiye and Han Yu walked a section of official road. After noon, they smashed the followers behind them, diverted westbound, and headed for Qianfo Cave.

To the west of the White City in the Western Zhou Dynasty, there is a Qianfo Mountain Range. The west of the mountain is the largest desert in the Western Zhou Dynasty. The east side of the mountain is the largest oasis in the Western Zhou Dynasty. The White City was built on this oasis.

The Thousand Buddha Cave is located in the foothills of Qianfo Mountain. It is a huge cave with thousands of Buddha statues.

The Western Zhou Dynasty royal family built a large temple palace around the Thousand Buddha Caves. Together with this cave, it is collectively known as the Thousand Buddha Caves. There is a thousand-year-old ginkgo tree in front of the cave. It is not all in the Western Zhou Dynasty. It is only surrounded by the temple and is regarded as a lucky thing by the sorghum. Therefore, this tree is also regarded as the guardian of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and the guards around it are the most strict.

Living in the Thousand Buddhas Caves, except for the monks, there are only the royals. If it is not a big ceremony, the temple gate will never open.

Long Fei night they walked for two days and arrived at a small town near the Qianfo Cave, which was named Dongdong Town.

Their forefoot has just settled in the inn, and there is a guy who has arrived at the back of the foot. This person is not someone else, it is Gu Qixiao who has been missing for a long time!

"Where are you going? Don't you tell me not to be interesting?" Han Hao was very embarrassed.

Long Fei night only when that guy was talking on the roof that night, he was quietly drinking his tea, and he didn’t look at Gu Shaoshao.

Gu Qixiao smiled brighter than the midday sun, and actually ignored the dragon and the night, and played Han Han. "How, I want to see my seven brothers?"

Han Yu’s mouth twitched, and he still didn’t know what to say. The cup in the hands of Long Fei’s night was over, “Roll!”

Gu Qixiao prevented him early and hurriedly avoided.

He took out a lot of poison from his sleeve and stuffed it with Han Yu. "Give, feed the little things at once."

Han Hao quickly figured out the poisons, they were all poisonous. Some of them couldn't match them, because the poisonous herbs needed were too rare. Who knows that this guy can get a lot!

"You go to find these things?" Han Yu asked suspiciously.

Gu Qixiao also took out a few medicinal herbs. "This is for you, and it is also taken once."

Han Hao couldn't understand it. She started the anti-virus system check and couldn't detect the drug. She was suspicious. "What?"

At this point, the dragon is not looking up at night.

"Brain the brain! Are you not coma every day?" Gu Qi Shao said seriously.

Han Hao was a little dumbfounded, looking at his servant's appearance, and suddenly his heart warmed.

At this time, Long Fei suddenly grabbed the medicine in her hand...

To the reader: The gift-giving activity has begun, pay attention to Momo's public WeChat, account jiemomo2015.

(End of this chapter)